2023 Reb Part 2

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Preamble: In recognizing the__________of his report,a professional

appraiser__________ must arrive at and report his opinion of_____________within generally
accepted standards of ethics prac@ce to elicit credibility and objec@vity of the report.
A. Ethical standards; authen@city
B. Responsibili@es to his client and other users; value
C Standards of appraising and user; evalua@on
D. Responsibili@es to his colleagues and other users; cost
42. In valua@on: the act of process of intrusion of an inferior class property usage other than
the highest and best use of the land.
A. Infiltra@on
B. Highest and best use
C. Process of valua@on
D. Process of intrusion
43. Under what classifica@on does a vacant lot with maximum assessed value level of 20% of
its fair market value?
A. Residen@al C. Commercial
B. Agricultural D. Industrial
44. Period over which improvements to real estate contribute to property value.
A. Effec@ve age
B. Economic life
C. Remaining economic life
D. Actual age
45. Buffer strips in an industrial subdivision may be u@lized in different forms. Which one is
not allowed?
A. Perimeter road
B. Parking lot
C. Plan@ng strip
D. Parks and playground
46. A Writ of AXachment is a judicial order emana@ng from a legal ac@on authorizing the
sheriff or public office to take the property or rights of any party so as to preserve the property
to sa@sfy future judgment in favour of the:
A. Plain@ff
B. Defendant
C. Respondent
D All of the above
47. Which of the following components would not be found in the metes-and-bounds legal
descrip@on methods?
A. Degrees, minutes and seconds C. Longitudes and la@tudes
B. Point of beginning D. Benchmark
48. A parameter used to describe a popula@on which is the sum of all the variates refers to
A. Mode C. Average Devia@on
B. Standard Devia@on D. Aggregate
49. Which of the following would NOT be considered specific data?
A. The loca@on of a property C. The size of a lot
B. Evidence of popula@on shics in a D. The terms and condi@ons of sale
50. An iron stake at a comer of a property would be a(n):
A. Benchmark
B. Ar@ficial monument
C. Natural monument
D. Standard parallel
51. If market interest rates are 8%, and a comparable property is sold with seller financing at
6%, the price paid for the comparable property is likely to be:
A. Higher than market value
B. The same as market value
C. Lower than market value
D. None of the above
52. The use of reversion factors to calculate discounted present values is a common
procedure in the appraisal of land by:
A. Alloca@on C. Sales comparison
B. Extrac@on D. Subdivision development analysis
53. The Chairman of the PRC shall include in the Commission’s Programs the
implementa@on of the Act, the funding of which shall be included in the:
A. General Appropria@ons Act
B. General Informa@on Sheet
C. General Program of the Commission
D. General Revenue Act
54. _____________is synonymous with public use, public interest and public benefit. It is
the general concept of mee@ng public need or public exigency.
A. Common and Public Welfare and Services
B. Public Domain and Welfare
C. Public Resource Alloca@on
D. Public Benefit Domain
55. It is a situa@on which supply exceeds demand, giving purchasers an advantage over
sellers in price nego@a@ons.
A. Bargain market C. Seller's market
B. Supplier's market D. Buyer's market
56. A rent mul@plier is an economic unit of comparison because:
A. It measures the square meter of the rental property
B. It compares the present income of the property against the past income of the property
as a percentage
C. It relates to the income of the property
D. All of the above
57. Economic principle which holds that as capital units are added, a certain point is reached
where the added units do not contribute value commensurate with their costs.
A. Principle of increasing and B. Principle of externali@es
decreasing returns C. Principle of supply and demand
D. Principle of surplus produc@vity
58. Refers to the ra@onal and judicious approach of alloca@ng available land resources to
different land using ac@vi@es:
A. Land Survey C. Land Banking
B. Land Planning D. Land Alloca@on
59. Refers to the linking of the consump@on and produc@on areas through appropriate
infrastructure system.
A. Spa@al Integra@on C. Produc@on integra@on
B. Infrastructure integra@on D. System integra@on
60. Refers to a fourth step of planning process where assessment involves technical and
par@cipatory methods:
A. Processing the situa@on C. Selec@ng the situa@on
B. Analyzing the Situa@on D. Planning the situa@on
61. The overall structural mass and open space rela@onship in a developed property:
A. Land Use Intensity
B. Land Value Index
C. Best Use Index
D. None of the above
62. It is the term used to determine the value of the unit or the interest in absolute of a
condominium unit owner when the building is demolished.
A. Percentage Holding Value
B. Break Out Value
C. Market Value
D. Absolute Unit Value
63. A comparable is usually considered more reliable when it requires the least:
A. Net adjustment
B. Gross adjustment
C. Percentage adjustment
D. Peso adjustment
64. Es@mates of deprecia@on are generally more reliable in the case of:
A. Older homes
B. Larger homes
C. Newer homes
D. All of the above
65. It is an official public document adopted by a local government unit as guide to decision
regarding the physical and socio-economic development of their community.
A. Land Use Plan
B. Development Plan
C. Town Plan
D. Master Plan
66. A parameter used to describe a popula@on which is the sum of all the variates refers to
A. Mode C. Average Devia@on
B. Standard Devia@on D. Aggregate
67. _______is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 member states, of which
28 are in Europe and the other 2 in North America. Established in the acermath of World War II,
signed 4 April 1949.
A. Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty C. North Atlan@c Treaty Organiza@on
B. Treaty on Conven@onal Armed D. Treaty of Dunkirk
Forces in Europe
68. In a sale that involves sellers who are staying abroad, a representa@ve will be given an:
A. Memorandum of Undertaking C. Apos@lle
B. Affidavit of Self-adjudica@on as Sole D. Contract to Sell
69. Professional Real Estate Service Prac@@oners shall provide services to clients with
, promptly, thoughlully, in a manner with considerate of the interests of clients and fully in
compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
A. Diligence and Due Care
B. Respect and Courtesy
C. Cheerfulness and Op@mism
D. Fairness and Integrity
70. The Real Estate Service Act is a consolida@on of Senate Bill No. 2963 and House Bill No.
3514 and was finally passed by the Senate and the House of the representa@ves on.
A. July 28,2008
B. May 12, 2009
C. June 29, 2009
D. July 21, 2010
71. A system of taxa@on that applies variable rates which generally behave propor@onately
with the changes in the tax base.
A. Global System C. Unified System
B. Schedular System D. Straight Line System
72. The Administra@ve kind of registra@on is embodied whereby the act is at the instance of
the State under the provisions of the Act 2259 - Cadastral Act with per@nent provisions of Act
496 or P.D. 1529, whereby the act is at the instance of the:
A. Landlord C. Tenant
B. Courts D. State
73 . In the cost approach to value, physical deteriora@on is es@mated by the formula:
A. Economic life divided by chronological age
B. Chronological life divided by economic life
C. Economic life divided by effec@ve age
D. Effec@ve age divided by economic life
74. A “loss in value from any cause” is a common defini@on of:
A. Effec@ve Age
B. Func@onal Obsolescence
C. Deprecia@on
D. Economic Obsolescence
75. A subdivision where 9% of the gross area is open spaces with 66 to 100 family lots per
hectare is called:
A. Economic subdivision C. Socialized subdivision
B. Medium scale subdivision D. Low cost subdivision
76. Philippine first REIT firm:
A. DoubleDragon REIT C. GoldenLand REIT
B. Filinvest REIT D. Ayala Land REIT (AREIT), Inc.
77. According to World’s Best Awards Survey for 2021, what are the Top 3 Islands in the
A. Milos, Greece; Folegandras, Greece; and St. Vincent and Grenadines
B. Madeira, Portugal; Andaman Islands, India; and Sicily, Italy
C. Koh Samui, Thailand; Bali, Indonesia; Island of Hawaii
D. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Kauai, Hawaii; and Santorini, Greece
78. According to World’s Best Island Award survey, the Top 3 best islands in Asia are the
following, EXCEPT:
A. Andaman Islands, India C. Bali, Indonesia
B. Koh Samui, Thailand D. Palawan, Philippines
79.________is to process, as _______is to process and opinion
A. Accoun@ng; Appraisal
B. Appraisal; Valua@on
C. Valua@on; Appraisal
D. Accoun@ng; Valua@on
80. The process of changing from real property to personal property is called:
A. Severance
B. Adapta@on of Real Estate Ar@cle
C. AXachment
D. Emblements
81. The process of changing from personal property to real property is called:
A. Severance C. AXachment
B. Adapta@on of Real Estate Ar@cle D. Emblements
82. Value in use is____________________,while value in exchange
A. Objec@ve, subjec@ve C. Subjec@ve, objec@ve
B. Both objec@ve D. Both either subjec@ve or objec@ve
83. The criterion of value is:
A. U@lity C. Demand
B. Scarcity D. Transferability
84. An example of a direct viola@on of the principle of conformity is:
A. Misplaced improvement C. High crime rates in the
B. Social and economic homogeneity neighborhood
D. Poor purchasing power
85. There is_______contribu@on if cost is less or equal than the gain in value, while there is
contribu@on if cost is greater than the gain in value of a property.
A. Nega@ve, posi@ve C. Nega@ve, nega@ve
B. Posi@ve, posi@ve D. Posi@ve, nega@ve
86.Synergis@c value is also called:
A. Caprice value C. Investment value
B. Marriage value D. Fair Market value
87. Progression and Regression follows the law of:
A. Increasing and Diminishing Returns
B. Supply and Demand
C. AXrac@on
D. Common law
88. The Chairperson and the members of the Board may be suspended or removed from
office acer due no@ce and hearing in a proper administra@ve inves@ga@on based on the
following grounds, except:
A. Neglect of duty and abuse of power
B. Oppression and incompetence
C. Par@cipa@ng in real estate ac@vi@es of the AIPO
D. Unprofessional, immoral, dishonorable and unethical conduct
89. The process of analyzing sets of property and market data to determine the specific
parameters of a model.
A. Interpreta@on
B. Calibra@on
C. Valua@on
D. Expropria@on
90. Under the Philippine Valua@on Standards, the minimum record keeping is:
A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 8 years
D. 6 years
91.________is to rela@ve loca@on,__________is to absolute loca@on
A. Toponym, Site C. Situa@on, Mathema@cal Situa@on
B. Mathema@cal Situa@on, Situa@on D. Site, Toponym
92. Labor produc@vity is computed by:
A. Dividing value of capital to number of manpower
B. Diving value of goods to number of labor hours
C. Dividing number of manpower to number of labor hours
D. Dividing number of labor hours to value of good
93. That value concept that states that human labor is the sole creator of value
A. Social theory of Mill C. Labor theory of Marx
B. Cost theory of Adam Smith D. Scarcity theory of Malthus
94. That value concept that states that land value increases indefinitely:
A. Social theory of Mill C. Labor theory of Marx
B. Cost theory of Adam Smith D. Scarcity theory of Malthus
95. Private property, private enterprise, compe@@ve markets and an profit mo@ve are
elements of:
A. Communism C. Socialism
B. Capitalism D. Command economy
96. A market controlled by single producer would be a:
A. Oligopsony
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopsony
D. Monopoly
97. Which of the following would be the best infla@on indicator?
A. Balance of trade
B. Na@onal government deficit
C. Consumer price index
D. High interest rates
98. In carrying out the provisions of the Real Estate Service Law as well as implemen@ng
rules and regula@ons and the AIPO shall assist the:
D. PhilRES
99. Refers to the actual residence of the decedent and his family at the @me of death:
A. Conjugal Home
D. Family Home
C. Family House
D. Family Residence
100. Value would be measured by:
A. Price
B. Profit
C. Benefits
D. The highest and best-use

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