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1. It is land iden-fied, as part of this zone shall qualify for exemp-on from the coverage of R.A.

(UDHA) and R.A. 6657 (CARP).
A. Philippine Economic Zone (PEZ) C. Tourism Economic Zone (TEZ)
B. Forest Reserved Zone D. Na-onal Park Zone
2. It is one whereby the owner leases his property to the lessee-buyer with the privilege to exercise
the right to buy thereof at a specific date at an agreed price and the agreed rental may be considered as
part of the purchase price when the lessee-buyer exercise the op-on.
A. Purchase Agency C. Real estate Mortgage
B. Lease With Op-on To Buy D. Contract of Lease
3. “Cuiusest solum, eiusest ad caelum et ad inferos” means:
A. "To whoever owns the land, shall belong the earth to its center and up to the skies
B. "To whoever owns the real estate, shall belong the land from the middle up to the skies
C. "To whoever owns the land, shall belong the earth to its center and up to the heavens
D. "To whoever owns the real estate, shall belong the earth to its center and up to the heavens
4. The country where industrial district at Kalundborg, oaen labeled as an “industrial ecosystem” or
“industrial symbiosis” is situated:
5. A Stride refers to:
A. One big pace or one big step C. One big normal step
B. Two paces or a double step D. Two big normal steps
6. Alluvium is the soil deposited through natural process of water current in the river increasing the
area of the :
A. Adjoining property C. Accre-on
B. Riverbank D. Embankment
7. Listed below excluding one are the good rela-ons of the prac--oner to his clients and customer,
which the prac--oners should always observe:
A. Should undertake to make an appraisal or render an opinion that is outside the field of his
experience and competence.
B. Pledge him with utmost fidelity and good faith to protect and promote the interest of his client
without in any manner sacrificing the legi-mate interest of the other party in the transac-on.
C. Accept any commission, fee or any valuable considera-on from any party in any transac-on except
from his client unless with the full knowledge and consent of all the par-es in the transac-on.
D. Act as witness in a court proceeding and give his tes-monies in the most unbiased, honest, truthful
and professional manner.
8 The Administra-ve kind of registra-on is embodied whereby the act is at the instance of the State under
the provisions of the Act 2259 - Cadastral Act with per-nent provisions of Act 496 or P.D. 1529, whereby
the act is at the instance of the:
A. Landlord C. Tenant
B. Courts D. State
9. a house cos-ng Pl,000,000.00 is surrounded by houses priced substan-ally higher. Which principle
in appraisal is most applicable to the Pl,000,000.00 house in current appraisal?
A. Subs-tu-on C. Progression
B. Regression D. Contribu-on
10. An idle agricultural land consis-ng of 2 hectares valued at P200/sq.m. was taxed by the municipal
assessor. If the idle land tax imposed is 5% by the ordinance, how much should the owner pay as idle land
A. P40,000.00 D. P200,000.00
B. P80,000.00
C. P100,000.00
11. A kind of registra-on is whereby the act of acquisi-on of land patents to public agricultural lands
and registra-on is done thereof under sec-on 107 of CA No. 141:
A. Voluntary
B. Compulsory
C. Judicial
D. Administra-ve
12. The Na-onal Home Mortgage Finance Corpora-on (NHMFC) more popularly known as the Pag-IBIG
Fund, was an answer to the need for a na-onal savings program and an affordable shelter financing for the
Filipino worker. The Fund was established on 11 June 1978 by virtue of Presiden-al Decree No. 1530
primarily to address these two basic yet equally important needs. The two (2) agencies that administered
the Fund are:
13. Alterna-ve modes for compliance of the balanced housing requirement are the following, except -
A. Development of new seolements for socialized housing thru JV with other accredited developers
B. Contribu-on to new socialized housing projects of NGOs
C. Development of educa-onal facili-es, health facili-es, etc. for socialized housing projects
D. Construc-on of roads and streets in the province where the project is located
14. Which of the following is not a governmental force?
A. Development of a new subdivision by a C. A hotel occupancy tax
local builder D. Development of a new city sports center
B. Sales tax increase for a certain area
15. Measures the length of -me to recover, the original investments from the expected cash flows:
A. Recapture period C. Return on investment
B. Payback period D. Return of investment
16. Elon Musk’s_________is in talks with two Philippine telcos to launch its ultrafast satellite internet:
A. Tesla
B. AT & T
C. Starlink
D. Verizon
17. What is the country’s fastest growing business district?
A. Bay Area
B. Mandaluyong Central Business District
D. Cebu IT Park
18. Green Building is focused on good design concept in any project development, where the ecological
thinking must be adopted through promo-on and educa-on of people involved in the real estate industry.
What considera-ons are taking part in every aspect of design in building concept?
A. Social
B. Economic
C. Cultural
D. Environmental
19. Interest is the compensa-on paid for the use of:
A. Savings
B. Income
C. Rent
D. Capital
20. What form of diffusion is represented by the spread of Shoe Mart (SM)? *
A. Cascade
B. Reverse hierarchical
C. Reloca-on
D. S-mulus.
21. Mr. Dela Fuente bought a parcel of land from Mr. Magcalas and executed a deed of absolute sale on
January 30, 2013. When is the deadline for his documentary stamp tax?
A. February 5, 2013
B. March 5, 2013
C. February 28, 2013
D. March 30, 2013
22. The present and future demand for a property and its absorp-on rate is considered in a *
A. Leoer in appraisal
B. Market feasibility study
C. Market segmenta-on
D. Highest and best used analysis
23. The Chairman of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals in a city is the:
A. City Auditor
B. City Mayor
C. City Register of Deeds
D. City Assessor
24. The process of making an es-mate of value of any asset/property in accordance with the generally
accepted standards on a given date:
A. Appraisal
B. Valua-on
C. Value in Use
D. Value in Exchange
25. It is land iden-fied, as part of this zone shall qualify for exemp-on from the coverage of
A. Philippine Economic Zone (PEZ)
B. Forest Reserved Zone
C. Tourism Economic Zone (TEZ)
D. Na-onal Park Zone
26. The es-mated popula-on of indigenous people which is composed of 110 tribes in the Philippines is
A. 9-13M C. 18-22M
B. 14-17M D. 5-8M
27. The Enchanted Kingdom theme park in Sta. Rosa has had a significant impact on uses of land in its
vicinity for many years and an influence on the value of that land. Which of the four forces does this
represent? *
A. Social C. Economic
B. Governmental D. Environmental
28. It is the term used to determine the value of the unit or the interest in absolute of a condominium
unit owner when the building is demolished. *
A. Percentage Holding Value
B. Break Out Value
C. Market Value
D. Absolute Unit Value
29. Based on TRAIN Law the standard deduc-on for a donors is:
A. Php.200,000.00 C. Php. 350,000.00
B. Php. 250,000.00 D. Php. 300,000.00
30. A “loss in value from any cause” is a common defini-on of:
A. Effec-ve Age
B. Func-onal Obsolescence
C. Deprecia-on
D. Economic Obsolescence
31. Seizure of a property by a court order, usually done to have it available in the event of adverse
judgment of a pending suit is:
A. Escheat C. Foreclosure
B. Forfeiture D. Aoachment
32. In case of foreclosure sale where right of redemp-on is not exercised by the mortgagor-owner, who
pays the capital gains tax?
A. Owner-mortgagor C. Buyer of the property
B. Creditor-bank D. None of the above
33. An es-mate of the accrued deprecia-on is an important part of the cost approach to value which of
the following economic principles is the founda-on on which es-ma-ng accrue deprecia-on is based?
A. An-cipa-on C. Contribu-on
B. Balance D. Subs-tu-on
34. The only region in the Philippine that has no indigenous people inhabitants:
A. Region 4 C. Region 7
B. Region 5 D. Region 8
35. One reason to es-mate the highest and best “as though vacant" and “as improved” is:
A. It necessitates a land value es-mate for analy-cal purpose
B. To recognize when the improvements should be rated
C. To increase the size of the report, which increases the fee
D. To allow es-ma-ng physical deprecia-on
36. The test of legal permissibility includes all of the following requirements except:
A. Compliance with supply and demand C. Zoning requirements, building codes, and
criteria historic district controls
B. Deed and plot restric-on D. Compliance with lease provisions
37. The total loan payment made on a parcel of real estate during any one year is generally referred as:
A. Equity C. Mortgage constant
B. Cash flow D. Debt service
38. The concept of consistent use requires an improvement to be valued base on a use that is
consistent with the site’s highest and best use. This means:
A. The highest and best use of the site as though vacant must always consider the improvements
B. The vacant land value can never exceed the improved value
C. The improvement value must be adjusted down if the land’s highest and best use is different that
the improved highest and best use
D. The highest and best use as improved would always be consistent with the “as vacant” analysis
39. A residence has been listed for sale for the last six months at a price of Pl,249,000 and it has not
sold. In this market, the average marke-ng period is 45 days for this type of property.
A. The subject property’s market value could be higher than the list price
B. The subject property’s market value could be higher or lower than the list price
C. The subject property’s market value is less than the list price
D. The subject property’s market value could be lower than the list price
40. A financing scheme to assist and enable informal seolers, slum dwellers or residents of blighted
areas, in purchasing through their duly registered community associa-on, the land they occupy or the land
where they will be relocated is referred to as:
A. Joint Venture Agreement
B. Community Development Program
C. Community Mortgage Program
D. Urban Development Program

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