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New Generation Network – Beyond Internet –

Tomonori Aoyama 1,2

1. Keio University: 2:15:45, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo108-8345, Japan
2. NICT: 4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

Abstract: This presentation discusses several research activities of new generation networks
(NWGN) coming after Next Generation Network (NGN) currently driven by ITU-T. The
research profiles of AKARI project by NICT are introduced to show one example of NWGN
research projects. This presentation also shows some of the advanced applications with very
large volume of digital contents which should be provided over NWGN.
Keywords: Next Generation Network, New Generation Network, Long Tail Applications
Next Generation Network (NGN) was started commercially this May in Japan, and the
commercial networks are now being merged into IP-based networks. However, it is time to
start R&D on New Generation Network Technologies beyond IP networks, the Internet and
NGN, and in US and EU, R&D on future networking technologies has started. In Japan,
R&D on New Generation Network (NWGN) has also started led by NICT (National Institute
of Information and Communication Technology). R&D on NWGN is done based on the
clean-slate designed architecture, and it is not an evolutional research approach. The
NWGN Promotion Forum was established as an all-Japan type organization among
academia, industry and national institutes to promote R&D on NWGN. NICT formed the
NWGN Strategic Headquarters, AKARI project for doing R&D by itself and is providing
fund for R&D in universities and companies. NICT is also managing a network testbed,
named JGN2plus for experiments of new idea and technological breakthrough.
New Generation Network
NWGN is expected to be introduced around 2020, and in the far future, it is envisaged for
NWGN to merge the Internet and NGN with IP-based networking as shown in Fig.1.
Fig.2 shows the difference between NXGN (NGN) and NWGN. The R&D activities for the
future networking technologies in the world
is shown in Fig.3. Fig. 4 presents the elements Fig.1 An image of a network evolution
Legacy Telephone NW
of NWGN to be studied, and Fig.5 introduces Cellular Phone NW

some of research items studied in the AKARI The Internet

Started ⇒ NXGN( NGN)

projects. Fig. 6. shows the progress of the
Future ⇒ NWGN
network testbed established and managed
2008 2020

by NICT. Fig.7 explains the concept of the long NXGN: Next Generation Network (NGN)
NWGN: New Generation Network

tail application.

Fig.3 Research on New Generation Networks has just started in the

Fig.2 NXGN and NWGN world !

The United States E.C. Japan

• NXGN (NeXt Generation Network): NGN FIND FP7

NWGN development projects
• NWGN AKARI architecture development
• NSF’s ambitious program to develop ・EC’s Funding structure towards the project

Replacement of legacy telephone the future Internet architecture

through a clean slate approach.
total fields of science and technology
・Begin by selected 133’s new
(Official announcement of concept’s
specification in April 2007)
• R&D on evaluation and establishment in
・make a small scale, but a large projects in Call 1
networks using IP-based networks to provide number of projects converge into a
fewer number of full scale
・Call 2 is investigating
the structure of NWGN) (NICT commitment,
up to 20 million Yen times 2 years、plural
architectures, and to verify using
triple-play/quadruple-play services
<main individual programs> • R&D for dynamic network technology (NICT
GENI -Network of the Future commitment, 4 years、plural cases)
・A total of 1,200 million dollars to 26 (Call 1, D bureau ) 2 billion
projects by 2006 Euros) NWGN research development
Industry is investing their resources to NXGN deployment. GENI
-FIRE promoting structure
(Call2, F bureau ) 4,000 million Euros
• Aimed at developing a testbed • “The head quarter of NWGN research

・ NWGN(NeW Generation Network) organization to succeed Planet Lab’s

development. programmable GÉANT2
development strategy” in October, 2007, NICT.
• “NWGN promoting forum,” established in
November, 2007 Working in 4 WGs
• Aimed at a large scale facility
Clean-slate designed network architectures ・EC’s research network Ministry of International Affairs and
development’s budget in NSF.
・The E.C. Budget for GÉANT was Communications and NICT are a co-secretariat.
International cooperation is also
included as a target. 9,300 million Euros over 4 years

and main protocols different from IP-based • Project Bureau (GPO) is BBN. Planning
to offer prototype, 1,500 million dollars
since 2004.
・It is in the middle of preparations
Testbed NW「JGN2」

in December 2007 over a two year for upgrading and for greater • NICT’s Testbed network for research

networks , which can be post-Internet/NGN period.

• A scale of construction budget is 367
capacity by transforming it into
GEANT3 from 2008.
• To provide “JGN2plus” from 2008 –
million dollars, 2010.
NICT contributes to promote R&D on NWGN. 10
To realize NWGN, close collaboration among the E.C., U.S., and Japan is important.
Building up a framework to endorse collaboration of research organizations with each other .

Application Fig.5 NWGN Architecture Study in AKARI

All the elements should be redesigned.

Connectionless Datagram Packet
Cross-layer Control Mechanism

Overlay Network Combination of Packet and Circuit Switched Networking

Identification & Location Separate Structure
Naming & Discovery New Scheme should be needed
( IP+ α) NW / Post IP NW
Layered Architecture Cross-layered Architecture
Mobile Networking PDMA (Packet Division Multiple
Underlay Network Access)
Photonic NW Sensor NW
Mobile NW Overlay network Overlay testbed over JGN2
Autonomous/Self-organization mechanism
Fig.4 Study Items for NWGN Architecture 30 Network Science 32

Fig.6 JGN Project Mile Stone

199 … 2003 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201 201
No of Users
Fig.7 Long Tail Application
9 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
Consumer Users


1st Mid-term Plan 2nd Mid-term Plan 3rd Mid-term Plan Innovations have been derived from
(2001.4-2006.3) (2006.4-2011.3) 2011.4-
Long Tail Applications.
e.g. Internet , WWW, ・・・・
Long Tail Application
JGN2plus To New Testbed
(1999.4-2004.3) (2004.4-2008.3) 2008.4-2011.3 2011.4-
Enterprise Users Researchers & Scientists
100 Mb/s 100 Gb/s Transfer Rate

The NWGN R&D will require very long period and large R&D budget as the Internet did,
It is, therefore, needed the government support and the involvement of researchers in the

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