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Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.

Hero Build Guide

Below you will find a guide for ideal/optimal builds for

heroes, based on PVP mode in the game (Union War, Dominator
and Transcendence, All Arenas), as well as PVE modes like X-
War,Galaxy/Faction wanted, Expedition, Space Discovery,
Valiant Trials and Lost Land.
These aren’t a hard fast must. You do what you can with what
you have. Triple double is also always an option. (3x 2-sets).
Also important to note that Annihilation at Present is only
useful on Pierre, Epeius and Orochi.
Gem talents may very depending on the opponent you’re facing.
Never follow a guide blindly. Read your situation and adapt.

Special note: Speed matters for all heroes. It determines turn

order. Speed matters more for some than others, based on
individual hero skills. If you’re facing CC, third talent 3 is
advised. Higher prioritised Gems have been highlighted for
each hero.


Special thanks to the below for contributing in some way to

this guide.
风之圣痕 of GodgiftedTalent
mdkx of Super Nova
Speed Run of PlayerKillers
Misfit Actual formerly of Pearl Emperor
Ustas of Immortal Regis
Vidian of DragonKings
djmontie of AvengedSevenfold
judeau of AvengedSevenfold
Forbitten of Katoteros
Micksilver of Legacy
Triggzzyyy formerly of Legacy
Dagei of Soul Society
knxx of Legacy
A$$Y of Legacy
PisaSchitt of ~BROTHERHOOD~
DairyQueen of ~BROTHERHOOD~
GOKHAN of TopSaints

The PVE portion of this guide was largely adapted from the
Hero build guide by nice_working of NeverWin.
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

V4.3 notes:

🎉 Added recommendations for Time Cycle

🎉 Added sneak peek recommendations for Miracle Dawn (beta
🎉 Kloris (no orochi) talent recommendation adjustment
🎉 Added Skin images


Christine – Discipline

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or 4.

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Speed | Effect Hit | HP | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG

RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Samurai + anything that gives

double Effect Hit

Artifact: Wings of Angel | Bell of Chaos

Eternal Oath | Time Cycle

General Talent (PVP): 3342 | 3443

General Talent (PVE): 3242 | 3443

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gems: Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White

Onyx | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 121

Einstein – Universe Sage

Hero Type: Support (revives allies)

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Redemption | Phantom + Evolution

Artifact: Radiance Tribute | Brave Heart

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3442

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 112

Eve – Lady Ivy

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 1

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Speed | Effect Hit | HP

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Stigmata: Succubus | Samurai + anything that gives

double Effect Hit

Artifact: Original Time | Bell of Chaos

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 3342 | 3443 (if using SuicIvy)

General Talent (PVE): 3242 | 3443 (if using Suicivy)

Gems: Balas | Kallaite | Labradorite | White

Onyx | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 221

Gilles – Fearless Aegis

Hero Type: Tank, CC

Placement recommendation: Position 1 or 2

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Effect Hit | Damage Immune | ATK | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Samurai | Phantom

| Succubus | Mirage + Judgement | Evolution

Artifact: Wings of Angel | Devil’s Pupil | Divine

Prayer | Immortal Shield | Original Time

| Bell of Chaos | Armor of Destruction

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3442 | 3443

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Topaz

Gem Talent: 112

Houston – Dimension Runner

Hero Type: Buffer (increases ally speed & attack)

Placement recommendation: Position 4 or 5

Stat priority: Speed | Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata Priority: Samurai | Mirage + Judgement |


Artifact: Templar Glory | Wings of Angel

| Radiance Tribute

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3422 | 3442

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Alexandrite

Gem Talents: 122

Jane – The Fairy of Music

Hero Type: Support, buffer (heals and shields allies.

Increases attack)
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
Placement recommendation: Back. Same row as DPS.

Stat priority: Speed | Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Samurai + Judgement | Evolution

Artifact: Templar Glory | Wings of Angel

| Radiance Tribute | Original Time

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3422 | 3442

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 221

Julianne - Moonlight Paladin

Hero Type: Tank

Placement recommendation: Position 1, or back row if startech


Counters: DPS. (Increases damage received to enemy with

highest ATK)

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Broken Armor | Armor |


Stigmata: Vital | Mirage | Banshee + Evolution

| Sin

Artifact: Devil’s Pupil | Divine Prayer |

Devouring Wand | Fictional Reality | Primal Power |

Templar Glory || Armor of Destruction

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3415

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Malachite

Gem Talent: 112

Karen – Frontline Striker

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Front Row.

Stat Priority: ATK | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Judgement and whatever gives ATK, CRIT, Broken


Artifact: Fatal Judgement | Blessing of Prophet |

Meteorite Dust

Special Note: Usually doesn’t need to live past her basic. No

need to Armor.

General Talent (PVP): 1324

General Talent (PVE): 1224

Gems: Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White


Gem Talent: 313

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Kloris – Queen of Desert (for Orochi pair)

Hero Type: Tank

Placement recommendation: After Orochi’s position.

Stat Priority: HP | Damage Immune | Armor | ATK | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vitals | Apocalypse | Phantom +


Artifact: Fatal Judgement | Primal Power |

Immortal Shield | Blessing of Prophet

| Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3545 | 3444

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 131

Kloris – Queen of Desert (no Orochi)

Hero Type: Tank, DPS

Placement recommendation: 1 or back row

Stat Priority: HP | Damage Immune | Attack | Armor | CRIT RES

| CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vitals | Phantom | Apocalypse

Enflame (PVE only) + Evolution

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Artifact: Fatal Judgement | Primal Power |

Immortal Shield | Blessing of Prophet

General Talent (PVP): 1221 | 1144 | 1222

General Talent (PVE): 1221 | 1244 | 1222

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 131

Park Kyulee - Nine-tail Idol

Hero Type: Support

Placement recommendation: Position 4

Counters: DPS, Van Helsing. Makes them attack eachother.

Stat Priority: Speed | Effect Hit | HP | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG

RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Samurai + anything that gives

double Effect Hit

Artifact: Original Time | Bell of Chaos

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 3342 | 3443

General Talent (PVE): 3242 | 3443

Gems: Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White

Onyx | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 221

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Pierre – Fury Wave

Hero Type: DPS, CC

Placement recommendation: Back row.

Counters: GS, heroes that ulti a lot. Silence prevents ulti.

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | Skill DMG | ATK | CRIT | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Striker | Vital | Apocalypse

| Enflame (PVE only) + Annihilation | Sin

Artifact: Ring of Oracle | Eternal Soul

| Primal Power | Tyrant’s Hammer | Misanthropy

| Baleful Axe | Divine Prayer | Miracle Dawn

Special Note: Thorn stigmata does not work with his

passive (waiting game), however, is a popular choice if you’re
using him as a solo DPS, as it does work on his AOE ulti.

General Talent (PVP): 1322 | 1122 | 1321

General Talent (PVE): 1222 | 1122 | 1221

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

| Emerald | Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst

| Bloodstone | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 313

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Tchaikovsky – General of Rescue

Hero Type: Tank, early game DPS

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | Broken Armor | HP | Armor |


Stigmata: Apocalypse | Banshee + Evolution |

Zealot | Sin

Artifact: Brave Heart | Primal Power

| Ring of Oracle

General Talent (PVP): 1322 | 3442

General Talent (PVE): 1222 | 3442

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 121

Toko – Samurai Girl

Hero Type: DPS, damage sustain

Placement recommendation: Back row.

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | ATK | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Samurai | Berserk | Enflame (PVE only)

+ Sin
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
Special Note: While Berserk and Enflame are options, Samurai
is so far in front of the in terms of being beneficial that I
wouldn’t even bother with them.

Artifact: Eden Space | Scythe of Hunt

Miracle Dawn | Pit Spear | Tyrant’s Hammer

Meteorite Dust | Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

| Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313


Alfa – Machina

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Speed | Effect Hit | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |
Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Samurai + anything that gives

double Effect Hit

Artifact: Original Time | Bell of Chaos

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3442 | 3443

Gems: Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 221

Bonnie – Crimson Queen

Hero Type:Burst Damage

Placement Recommendation: Position 2,3 or 5

Stat Priority: Speed | Broken Armor | Crit | Crit DMG | Attack

| Effect Res | Crit Damage Res | Crit Res

Stigmata: Thorn | Vital | Striker | Samurai

+ Sin | Zealot | Judgement

Artifact: Boots of Abyss | Scythe of Hunt |

Miracle Dawn | Pit Spear | Eternal Soul

Tyrant’s Hammer | Meteorite Dust| Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Sapphire |

Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 233

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Camp - Space Kong

Hero Type: Buffer (increases ally attack & speed), Debuffer

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or 4

Counters: Tanks (reduces Armor with basic)

Stat priority: Speed | Damage Immune | HP | Armor | ATK | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Domination | Banshee |

Samurai | Mirage + Evolution

Artifact: Wings of Angel | Radiance Tribute

| Bow of Doom | Templar Glory

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3442 | 3422

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Alexandrite

Gem Talents: 122

Cui Pan – Combat Type

Hero Type: Debuffer, Buffer (increases ally Armor)

Placement recommendation: Position 1-4

Counters: CC. Removes all CC except shackle.

Stat priority: HP | Damage Immune | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT
DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Redemption | Banshee | Mirage +

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Artifact: Radiance Tribute | Wings of Angel

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3422

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 233

Kinley – Mecha Valkyrie

Hero Type: Tank, DPS

Placement recommendation: Back row, aligned with enemy DPS.

Counters: Front row enemy (increases damage received)

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |
Effect Res

Stigmata: Thorn | Samurai | Berserk

| Enflame (PVE only)+ Zealot | Sin

Artifact: Ring of Oracle | Miracle Dawn

| Eden Space | Pit Spear | Meteorite Dust

Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Sapphire |

Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 233

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Laura – Storm Falcon

Hero Type: DPS, pseudo AOE

Placement recommendation: Position 1 or back row.

Stat Priority: Speed | Broken Armor | CRIT | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Striker | Thorn |

Apocalypse + Sin

| Zealot | Judgement

Artifact: Boots of Abyss (Optimal) | Scythe of Hunt |

Miracle Dawn | Pit Spear | Eternal Soul

Meteorite Dust | Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Sapphire |

Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone | Alexandrite

Gem Talents: 313 (offensive)| 121 (Tanky)

Musashi – Cyber Ronin

Hero Type: Buffer (increases ally Damage Immune)

Placement recommendation: Position 3/4/5

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |

Effect Res
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Stigmata: Samurai + Evolution

Artifact: Wings of Angel | Radiance Tribute

| Original Time | Templar Glory

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3442 | 3422

Gems: Balas | Kallaite | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 323

Ralph – Pixel Boss

Hero Type: Debuffer, damage sustain

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Counters: Life, Tanks. (reduces heal)

Stat Priority: ATK | Effect Hit | Broken Armor | Damage Immune

| CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Samurai | Thorn | Succubus + Sin |


Artifact: Radiance Tribute | Original Time | Bell

of Chaos | Ring of Oracle

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 4343 | 3442

General Talent (PVE): 4243 | 3442

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gems: Kallaite | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White

Onyx | Sapphire | Malachite | Topaz

Gem Talent: 112

Rex - Mecha Rex

Hero Type: Tank, DPS

Placement recommendation: Position 1.

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | Broken Armor | HP | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Thorn | Banshee | Mirage +


Artifact: Devil’s Pupil | Divine Prayer |

Devouring Wand |

Immortal Shield | Tyrant’s Hammer | Baleful Axe

| Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP): 1322 | 3352 | 3322

General Talent (PVE): 1222 | 3252 | 3222

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Malachite | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 112 (Tanky) | 233 (Offensive)

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Rockefeller – Blaze Centaur

Hero Type: Tank, CC

Placement recommendation: Position 1.

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | Effect Hit | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Banshee | Mirage +


Artifact: Divine Prayer | Fictional Reality

| Brave Heart | Bell of Chaos | Devouring Wand

Time Cycle

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3443

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Topaz

Gem Talent: 112

St. Matthew – Saint

Hero Type: Support, CC

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or 4

Counters: DPS who ulti a lot. Stops ulti.

Stat priority: Effect Hit | Damage Immune | HP | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Redemption | Banshee | Succubus

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

| Mirage + Evolution

Artifact: Radiance Tribute | Devouring Wand

| Bell of Chaos | Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3443 | 3442

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Topaz

Gem Talent: 233


Alcazar – Spectral Witch

Hero Type: DPS, damage sustain

Placement recommendation: Back row

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | ATK | CRIT | Effect Hit | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Thorn | Vital | Striker |

Apocalypse | Enflame (PVE only) + Zealot |


Artifact: Scythe of Hunt| Miracle Dawn| Primal Power

Pit Spear | Tyrant’s Hammer | Meteorite Dust

| Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322 | 1321

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
General Talent (PVE): 1222 | 1221

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313

Anna – Succuba

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or 4

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Effect Hit | Damage Immune | ATK | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Thorn | Vital ||

Apocalypse + whatever has most Effect Hit

Artifact: Misanthropy | Bell of Chaos |

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 3323 | 3443

General Talent (PVE): 3223 | 3443

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Topaz

Gem Talent: 221

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Baron – Hell’s Emissary

Hero Type: DPS, Debuffer

Placement Recommendation: Back row

Counters: Heroes with invincibility shields (eg Laura) and

heroes with heal effect (eg Life)

Stat Priority: Crit | Crit DMG | Attack | Broken Armor |

Crit DMG Res | Crit Res | Effect Res

Stigmata: Berserk | Thorn | Striker |

Samurai | Vital + Zealot

Artifact: Scythe of Hunt | Pit Spear | Miracle Dawn

| Tyrant’s Hammer | Meteorite Dust | Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talents: 313

Behemoth – Catastrophe

Hero Type: Tank, CC

Placement recommendation: Position 2 or 3

Counters: DPS. Stops basic.

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
Stat Priority: Damage Immune | Effect Hit | HP | Armor | CRIT
RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Succubus | Samurai +

Evolution or whatever gives most Effect Hit

Artifact: Divine Prayer | Devil's Pupil |

Fictional Reality | Bell of Chaos | Original Time

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3443 | 3422

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Topaz

Gem Talent: 112

Camilla – Bloodnight Baroness

Hero Type: Tank, damage sustain

Placement recommendation: Fromt Row

Stat Priority: HP | Damage Immune | Armor Pen | Crit | Crit

DMG | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Vital | Mirage | Phantom +


Artifact: Devil’s Pupil | Divine Prayer |

Fictional Reality | Misanthropy | Immortal Shield |

Nether Gloves | Baleful Axe | Devouring Wand |

Armor of Destruction
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3415 | 3412

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Malachite

Gem Talent: 131

Cara – Requiem Blade

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Back row

Counters: Laura, Kloris (at +30)

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | ATK | Crit DMG | Crit | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Striker | Thorn | Vital

| Samurai | Enflame (PVE only)+ Sin | Zealot

Artifact: Scythe of Hunt | Pit Spear

Tyrant’s Hammer | Baleful Axe | Eternal Soul

| Miracle Dawn

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Chuck – God of Maya

Hero Type: Tank

Placement recommendation: Front Row

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee + Evolution

Artifact: Divine Prayer | Devil's Pupil

| Fictional Reality

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3422

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 122

Eddie - Nightmare Flame

Hero Type: DPS (kinda), Damage sustain

Placement recommendation: Postiion 3/4/5

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | ATK | CRIT | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG
RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Samurai | Apocalypse + Sin | Zealot

| Judgement

Artifact: Fatal Judgement | Templar Glory

General Talent (PVP): 1322

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Malachite | Bloodstone

Gem Talents: 313 (offensive)| 121 (Tanky)

Focalor – The God Slayer

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4/5/6

Stat Priority: CRIT | Crit DMG | ATK | Broken Armor | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Striker | Thorn | Berserk | Samurai

Enflame (PVE only) + Zealot

Special Note: While Berserk works with GS, Striker is still so

much more beneficial that it should always be the choice.

Artifact: Orb of Turbidness | Scythe of Hunt |

Pit Spear | Tyrant’s Hammer | Miracle Dawn

| Meteorite Dust| Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322 | 1352

General Talent (PVE): 1222 | 1252 | 1212

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 233

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gonibal – Unlucky Aborigine

Hero Type: Tank, CC

Placement recommendation: Position 1

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | ATK | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG

RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Mirage + Evolution

Artifact: Divine Prayer | Devil's Pupil |

Fictional Reality | Devouring Wand | Armor of


General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3442

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 112

Jetson – Mr. Friday

Hero Type: Tank, Debuffer

Placement recommendation: Front Row

Counters: Tanks. (Reduces max HP with basic)

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Samurai + Evolution

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Artifact: Divine Prayer | Devil's Pupil

| Fictional Reality | Devouring Wand | Armor of


General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3422

Gems: Moonstone | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 122

Lucas – Demon of Souls

Hero Type: Support, buffer (increases ally Armor at 3/9


Placement recommendation: Position 1/2/3/4

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Redemption |

Guardian + Evolution

Artifact: Orb of Turbidness | Wings of Angel |

Divine Prayer | Immortal Shield | Nether Gloves

| Devouring Wand | Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 221

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Medusa – Medusa

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Effect Hit | Broken Armor | ATK | CRIT | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Thorn | Samurai |

Domination + Judgement or whatever has most Effect Hit

Artifact: Misanthropy | Bell of Chaos

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 3323 | 3443

General Talent (PVE): 3223 | 3443

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Bloodstone | Topaz
Gem Talent: 221

Satan – King of Hell

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Back row

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |
Effect Res

Stigmata: Thorn | Vital | Berserk |

Apocalypse | Enflame (PVE only)+ Zealot |

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3


Artifact: Scythe of Hunt | Primal Power |

Pit Spear | Tyrant’s Hammer | Miracle Dawn

Meteorite Dust | Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322 | 1321

General Talent (PVE): 1222 | 1221

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313

Van Helsing – Devil Hunter

Hero Type: Burst Damage

Placement recommendation: 4 or 5

Stat Priority: ATK | CRIT | Broken Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG
RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Sin + Zealot + Judgement

Artifact: Eden Space | Fatal Judgement| Templar


General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | White Onyx | Malachite |

Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3


Aphra – Battlefield Angel

Hero Type: Support, buffer (increases ally Armor)

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or back row

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |

Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Redemption + Evolution

Artifact: Fictional Reality | Divine Prayer |

Immortal Shield | Brave Heart | Devouring Wand

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 | 3442

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 332

Feng – Panda Chef

Hero Type: Tank

Placement recommendation: Position 1

Stat Priority: HP | Damage Immune | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |

Effect Res

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Redemption |

Guardian +
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3


Artifact: Wings of Angel

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3442 | 3412 (if 9/9 relics)

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 121

Forest Avatar – Epeius

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Back row

Stat Priority: Skill DMG | ATK | Broken Armor | CRIT | CRIT

RES | CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Striker | Vital | Apocalypse +

Annihilation | Sin

Artifact: Ring of Oracle | Eternal Soul

| Primal Power | Tyrant’s Hammer | Meteorite

Dust | Scythe of Hunt | Miracle Dawn

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Emerald | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talents: 313 (offensive)| 121 (Tanky)

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Indira – Electric Arc

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Back row

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | Speed | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Striker | Vital | Apocalypse |

Enflame (PVE only) + Zealot | Sin

Artifact: Ring of Oracle | Eternal Soul

| Scythe of Hunt | Miracle Dawn | Meteorite Dust |

Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Sapphire |

Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313

Julia - Forest Dancer

Hero Type: DPS

Placement recommendation: Back row

Counters: Laura, Kloris (more effective the higher the

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
Stat Priority: CRIT | Crit DMG | Speed | Broken Armor | ATK |

Stigmata: Berserk | Samurai | Apocalypse |

Enflame (PVE only) + Sin | Zealot

| Judgement

Artifact: Baleful Axe | Tyrant’s Hammer | Scythe

of Hunt | Ring of Oracle | Meteorite Dust |

Miracle Dawn | Eden Space | Primal Power

Templar Glory

Special Note: Thorn stigmata and Pit Spear Artifact

do not work with her passive (leaf strike). However, are
popular choices if you care more for her active skills and

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 313

Logan – Wings of Wrath

Hero Type: Tank, debuffer

Placement recommendation: Position 1 or 2

Counters: Tanks (reduces Armor)

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Broken Armor | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Stigmata: Banshee | Guardian | Vital | Mirage

+ Evolution

Artifact: Devil’s Pupil | Divine Prayer

| Devouring Wand | Fictional Reality

| Wings of Angel | Immortal Shield | Armor of


General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445 |3442

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Malachite

Gem Talent: 122

Loufontiel - Immortal Spirit Deer

Hero Type: Support, buffer (increases ally shield, Damage

resist, Crit resist, damage dealt and Armor pen)

Placement recommendation: Back row

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Redemption |

Guardian | Mirage + Evolution

Artifact: Radiance Tribute | Divine Prayer |

Wings of Angel | Immortal Shield | Devouring Wand |

Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3545

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 221

Lucy – Storm Walker

Hero Type: Support, Buffer (increase attack of ally back row &
crit of highest attack ally)

Placement recommendation: Position 2 or 3

Stat priority: Speed | Damage Immune | HP | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Samurai | Mirage

+ Judgement | Zealot

Artifact: Radiance Tribute | Wings of Angel

| Devouring Wand

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3442 | 3422

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 131

Michelangelo – Thinker

Hero Type: Tank, buffer (increases ally Armor)

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Redemption |

Guardian + Evolution

Artifact: Divine Prayer | Nether Gloves |

Fictional Reality | Immortal Shield | Devouring Wand |

Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3415 | 3412 (if exclusive is below


Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 122

Sally - Mother of Swarms

Hero Type: DPS, debuffer

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or 4

Counters: Tanks. (Reduces Armor)

Stat Priority: Atk | CRIT | Broken Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG
RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Apocalypse + Zealot | Sin

Artifact: Primal Power | Fatal Judgement

General Talent (PVP): 1321 | 3312

General Talent (PVE): 1221 | 3212

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gems: Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx |

Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talents: 313 (offensive)| 121 (Tanky)

Silas – Evolver

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 3 or 4

Counters: DPS. Stops ulti.

Stat priority: ATK | Damage Immune | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |
Effect Res

Stigmata: Domination | Mirage + Evolution |


Artifact: Original Time

General Talent (PVP): 3322

General Talent (PVE): 3222

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx

Gem Talent: 323

Surbi – Firewoman

Hero Type: Support, sustain damage, buffer (give shield to

backline ally), debuffer
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3
Placement recommendation: position 3

Counters: teams with buffers.

Stat Priority: Speed | Effect Hit | HP | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG

RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Samurai + anything that gives

double Effect Hit

Artifact: Original Time| Bell of Chaos

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 3342 | 3443

General Talent (PVE): 3242 | 3443

Gems: Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye | White

Onyx | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 233


Anubis – God of Egypt

Hero Type: Tank, debuffer, CC

Placement recommendation: Front row

Counters: Orochi, Einstein, heroes with redemption stigmata.

Stops revive.

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Stigmata: Vital | Phantom | Mirage + Evolution

Artifact: Bow of Doom | Wings of Angel |

Devouring Wand

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3425 | 3415

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 122

Life – Goddess of Life

Hero Type: Support, debuffer

Placement recommendation: Position 4 or 5

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Redemption |

Guardian + Evolution

Artifact: Fictional Reality | Divine Prayer |

Immortal Shield | Nether Gloves| Devil's Pupil |

Wings of Angel

| Devouring Wand | Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVS): 3415

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 322

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Lucadia - Goddess of War

Hero Type: Buffer (increases ally speed & attack)

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4

Stat priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | ATK | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Samurai | Domination |

Banshee + Evolution

Artifact: Wings of Angel | Radiance Tribute

| Templar Glory | Scythe of Hunt | Devil's Pupil

General Talent (PVP): 3442 | 3322

General Talent (PVE): 3442 | 3222

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

Gem Talent: 122


Hero Type: DPS, sustain damage

Placement recommendation: back row

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | Skill DMG | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Thorn | Striker + Sin |

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Artifact: Ring of Oracle | Scythe of Hunt |

Eternal Soul | Pit Spear | Miracle Dawn |

Meteorite Dust | Baleful Axe

General Talent (PVP): 1322

General Talent (PVE): 1222

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Emerald | Sapphire

| Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talents: 313 (offensive)| 121 (Tanky)

Poseidon – Goddess of Ocean

Hero Type: DPS, debuffer

Placement recommendation: Position 3/4/5/6

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |
Effect Res

Stigmata: Vital | Enflame + Zealot | Sin

Artifact: Scythe of Hunt | Misanthropy | Tyrant’s

Hammer | Baleful Axe | Miracle Dawn

General Talent (PVP): 1312 | 3322

General Talent (PVE): 1212 | 3222

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Sapphire |

Malachite | Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 221

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Sun Wukong – Great Sage

Hero Type: Tank, DPS

Placement recommendation: Position 2-6

Stat Priority: CRIT | Broken Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES |
Effect Res

Stigmata: Striker | Thorn | Berserk |

Is Enflame (PVE only) + Zealot

Artifact: Scythe of Hunt | Eden Space | Pit Spear

| Tyrant’s Hammer | Meteorite Dust

| Baleful Axe | Miracle Dawn

General Talent (PVP): 1321 | 1322 | 1352

General Talent (PVE): 1221 | 1222 | 1252

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Malachite |

Amethyst | Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 233

Yi – Dimension Emperor

Hero Type: Tank, debuffer, buffer (increases ally Damage

resist, grants ally shield)

Placement recommendation: Front row

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res
Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Stigmata: Phantom | Banshee | Redemption |

Guardian + Evolution

Artifact: Divine Prayer | Immortal Shield |

Nether Gloves | Fictional Reality | Devouring Wand |

Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3415

Gems: Moonstone | Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite

| Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Sapphire

Gem Talent: 112

Zeus – God of Sky

Hero Type: CC

Placement recommendation: Position 2/3/4/5

Counters: DPS. Can stop basic and ulti.

Stat Priority: Effect Hit | Broken Armor | CRIT | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Succubus | Vital + Zealot | Sin

Artifact: Orb of Turbidness | Tyrant’s Hammer

Bell of Chaos | Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 3333 | 1323 | 1313

General Talent (PVE): 3233 | 1223 | 1213

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Gems: Cat’s Eye | White Onyx | Amethyst |

Bloodstone | Topaz

Gem Talent: 321



Hero Type: CC, DPS

Placement recommendation: In the same spot as enemy DPS.

Counters: Laura, Kloris

Special Note: Darkness at +40 ignores Lucas’ contract and is

immune to CC (other than shackle from another Darkness)

Stat Priority: CRIT | Speed | Broken Armor | CRIT RES | CRIT

DMG RES | Effect Res (unless exclusive 40)

Stigmata: Succubus | Striker | Thorn + Zealot

| Sin

Artifact: Boots of Abyss | Original Time

| Bell of Chaos | Scythe of Hunt

Time Cycle | Eternal Oath

General Talent (PVP): 1323 | 1322 | 1313

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

General Talent (PVE): 1223 | 1222 | 1213

Gems: Cat’s Eye | Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst

| Bloodstone | Topaz | Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 311


Hero Type: Tank

Placement recommendation: Back row

Stat Priority: Broken Armor | CRIT | Skill DMG | CRIT RES |


Stigmata: Vital + Sin | Zealot

Artifact: Eternal Soul | Nether Gloves

| Immortal Shield | Tyrant’s Hammer | Baleful Axe

Miracle Dawn

General Talent (PVP): 1324

General Talent (PVE): 1224

Gems: Cat’s Eye | Sapphire | Malachite | Amethyst

| Bloodstone

Gem Talent: 311

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3


Hero Type: Tank

Placement recommendation: Position 1

Stat Priority: Damage Immune | HP | Broken Armor | CRIT RES |

CRIT DMG RES | Effect Res

Stigmata: Banshee | Vital | Mirage | Berserk +

Evolution | Sin

Artifact: Devil’s Pupil | Divine Prayer |

Fictional Reality | Fatal Judgement | Misanthropy |

Immortal Shield | Nether Gloves | Baleful Axe |

Devouring Wand | Armor of Destruction

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3415 | 3414

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Labradorite | Cat’s Eye

| White Onyx | Malachite

Gem Talent: 112


Hero Type: Support (makes ally with highest attack ulti)

Placement recommendation: Position 3/4/5/6

Stat Priority: Speed | Damage Immune | CRIT RES | CRIT DMG RES
| Effect Res

Stigmata: Redemption | Phantom + Evolution

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Artifact: Bow of Doom | Original Time | Wings of

Angel | Devouring Wand

General Talent (PVP/PVE): 3445

Gems: Kallaite | Balas | Cat’s Eye | White Onyx

| Alexandrite

Gem Talent: 123

Hero Build Guide by Serenity v4.3

Acronym List & Definitions

DPS: Damage per second. Your large damage dealers.

CC: Crowd control. Heroes with abilities that prevent enemies

from doing things.

Tank: The main damage receiver. There to shield your DPS.

Support: Heals or otherwise affects team in a way that isn’t a

constant buff.

Debuffer: Removes buffs or lowers stats of enemy.

Buffer: Increases ally stats in some way.

PVP: Game modes that involve fighting other players.

PVE: Game modes that don’t involve fighting other players.

Basic: Basic attack

Ulti: Ultimate attack. Used when energy bar is full. (At 100)

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