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Farthest planet

known as - Ice Giant Mercury

Atmosphere has Hydrogen, Helium
Closest planet to Sun
Bluish in colour due to Methane Neptune
Smallest planet in solar system
Discovered by Johann Galle and Urbain
Le Verrier in 1846 Diameter: 4900 km
(only planet found by Mathematical
Predictions) Fastest planet
takes 88 days to complete revolution
Has 14 satellites
famous moon - Triton Planet with no satellite

Green Planet (Methane)

Discovered by William Herschel in 1781 Hottest planet in solar system

Jupiter > Saturn > Uranus > Neptune > Earth >
Known as - Ice Giant Venus > Mars > Mercury Brightest planet in Solar System
known as - Evening Star & Morning Star
Atmosphere has Hydrogen, Helium,
Water, Ammonia, Methane Uranus Venus No satellite

Coldest planet known as - Earth’s Twin (similar mass &

tilted 98 degree at its axis Saturn
known as - Rolling/Lopsided Planet Earth Rotates clockwise

Rotates clockwise like Venus Second largest planet

only planet to give support to life
Has bright & concentric rings made of
known as - Blue Planet (70% water)
tiny rocks, gas, dust, ice
one satellite - Moon
least dense planet

Mars Densest in the entire solar system

Largest satellite - Titan
1655 - Huygenes (discover Saturn’s rings)
Known as - Red Planet (Iron Oxide (FeO))
1675 - Cassini (discovered Cassini Largest planet
divisions) shortest rotation (10 hours) 2nd smallest planet

Atmosphere has Hydrogen, Helium, other Two satellite - Phobos & Deimos
Largest Volcano & tallest mountain -
Third brightest after Moon & Venus Olympus Mons

Largest satellites - Lo, Europa, Callisto

& Ganymede (largest among all)
(all discovered by Galileo)

Has unclear ring around it

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