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usually seen in places where rock is soft (Dolomite/Limestone)

Changes in the configuration of Earth

Land build/elevate Endogenic forces

Geomorphic process Erosion Exogenic forces

by Groundwater
if Endogenic > Exogenic Himalayas continuously increasing

if Exogenic > Endogenic Aravalis continuously decreasing

pressure within the earth, also known as

internal forces
pools, sink holes, dolines, lapies, uvalas, limestones Erosional
Radioactive decay
Stalactite, Stalagmite, Pillars Depositional Energy from
Primordial heat

kind of process that move/elevate/build up

Endogenic forces the process of Earth

Orogenic process through which mountains are built

Diastrophism Epeirogenic other changes except mountain build up

Erosional: cliff, caves,
stack , arch Earthquake shaking of Earth
Depositional: beaches, by Sea Waves Landforms Changes
Plate tectonics
dunes, bars, barrier, spits
Volcano openings/vents where lava or magma erupts

due to Exogenic forces, causes wearing and

Exogenic Processes

Gradation wearing down of relief features of Earth

Collectively Exogenic forces are called

Exogenic forces Denudation

Exogenic Agents running water, wind, waves, ground water

Ultimately sources of energy for all exogenic

forces - Sun

by Wind Action of elements of weather and climate

Erosional: Pediplain, Playas, Mushroom

Geomorphology over Earth Materials

rock, Pedestal rocks In-situ process

Depositional: Sand Dunes (Barchan/Seif) erosion or disintegration of rocks, building

materials, etc.

Weathering Types Physical/Mechanical disintegration without chemical change

Biological caused by movement of plants and animals

by River process when large, curved plates or slabs of

Effect Exfoliation rocks are stripped away from the outer
surface of a rock mass
Youth stage - V-shaped valley, Gorges, Canyon, Waterfalls, Rapids, entrenched meander
Mature stage - Meanders weathering is not a pre-requisite for Mass
Old - Ox-bow lakes, delta, levees, flood plain Movement, it aids the Mass Movement

V-shaped valley, Gorges, Canyon, Waterfalls, Pothole, Main force involved - Gravity
Erosional features
Plunge pools, River terraces
Creep slow downslope movement of particles
flood plains, Delta, ox bow lakes, meanders, Alluvial fans Depositional features Landforms
slow progressive movement of mass down a
Mass Movement Solifluction


by Glacier
Cirque, Ridges/Arête, Horn, Hanging Valley, Glacial Valley Erosional Mud flow

Moraine, Eskers, Drumlins, Outwash plains Depositional

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