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Baumit Salesforce Implementation:

the right tools at your fingertips

As an Australian technology consultancy, it’s pretty rare for us to
work with clients in other countries. So when we had an opportunity
to work with Baumit in France on their Salesforce implementation,
naturally we said “oui”!

The brief in the project to ensure the final

solution was tailored to their own What
As a fairly new entrant to the needs and experiences. They
French market (since 2014), leading Salesforce implementation
particularly wanted to increase
European building materials brand their effectiveness over a long
Baumit wanted to be known for
Key requirements
sales cycle involving a myriad
being timely, proactive, collaborative of interactions with prospects, • Pipeline management with
and switched on when dealing customers and project participants an integration to Contact
with customers. As a new player, up and down the supply chain. Business
it needed to be lean in its go-to- An average Baumit pursuit lasts • Meeting planning and
market but still have the best tools more than 12 months. It can also recording
to set their sales and delivery teams involve relationships with dozens of
• Integration with Outlook
up for success. individuals. Missing the moment or
and Microsoft Dynamics
not understanding where different
When Baumit approached Carnac AX using Rapidi
suppliers fit into a project means
Group, they were looking for a Baumit would most likely miss out
Salesforce consultant to help them
Time frame
on a job… They also needed an
achieve their vision for customer integration between Salesforce Dec 2015 – Mar 2016
engagement. Critical to success and Microsoft Dynamics to avoid
was involving their own people duplication of effort and data.
Our approach Why Carnac?

Baumit had a clear vision, but they “Carnac Group were spot on for us. They delivered
weren’t sure about what exactly
a technical solution which matches our commercial
they needed from Salesforce to
requirements exactly. For technical experts, they were
achieve it. Our consultant had
very business-oriented. We couldn’t be happier with
a dynamic, flexible approach to
help Baumit explore Salesforce the result.”
as their own requirements took
Nicolas Motte, CEO Baumit
shape. This included spending two
weeks on site to conduct daily user
The result Contract management. Gives a
testing and configuration based richer, more accurate picture of the
on feedback. Baumit gave input More than six months since market players: who is involved in
each morning, with our consultant implementing Salesforce, Baumit has what project, the stage of the project
making changes in the afternoon. vastly improved how they engage and when Baumit needs to act.
Our consultant then demonstrated with prospects and clients.
Of course, this is only possible
these changes the following
“For me it’s quite simple. We spend because Baumit’s people are
morning, allowing Baumit to see
less time overall on each pursuit, committed to capturing and sharing
the impact of their changes within
but we are more thorough and our relevant information on Salesforce.
24 hours. This collaborative process conversion rate is getting better But for them it’s a no-brainer. Using
was repeated every day, ensuring and better.” Salesforce makes their jobs easier and
Baumit had their Salesforce fully
increases their chance of success.
configured to their business by the Nicolas Motte, CEO Baumit

end of the two weeks. Integrations Uniqueness of the project

Most valuable for Baumit
were then completed off-site.
The steps in Baumit’s sales cycle
This helped to ensure face-to- Pipeline management. Shows work
are no different from any other
face time with Baumit focused on secured and work in pursuit. This
business. But the duration of the
understanding needs and refining helps the Baumit team be more
cycle and the number of interactions
requirements to deliver their thorough in running to ground
with prospects, customers and
tailored Salesforce platform. every opportunity.
project participants up and down
the supply chain mean their pursuits
are highly targeted, complicated
About Carnac Group and expensive. Getting a tool like
Salesforce to reflect this complexity
We advise businesses on any aspect of their technology journey
and make it quite simple, user-
from discovery and strategy development to project implementation
friendly and valuable for Baumit’s
and ongoing support. As an official Salesforce Partner, we love
people was challenging and
helping businesses discover how Salesforce can help them reach
extremely rewarding to realise. Also,
new heights.
it’s not often we get to spend two
weeks with our clients in France!
Salesforce Technology Strategy Project Delivery

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