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Our heroine is an 24-year-old student, Ayelen .

Height is 172 cm, slender, 55 kg, very

beautiful in face, with regular features, brown-haired. She usually dressed modestly, but
today she decided to dress more provocatively and even put on a little makeup. A hurricane
was raging inside her, she was very worried. She had an exciting meeting ahead of her. Her
classmates would have twirled their fingers at her temple. However, Ayelen thought

“He will be mine,” Ayelen thought dreamily. “Today I will do it.” “Will you do what?” - there
was a heap of thoughts in my head. The object of her affection is the teacher, Kim Yung. An
impressive, bright teacher with an interesting appearance. Many students liked him, but did
not reciprocate their signs of attention and did not notice the hints.

However, as Ayelen noticed, he paid attention to her. As a result, a long friendly

correspondence began between them. She liked communicating with him, but wanted
something more. Although she didn’t know what exactly.

This is his office. The pit of my stomach was filled with excitement. There is no one in the
college except security. He stayed late today to do some paperwork. She knew about this
from correspondence with him. “What a surprise I’ll give him now!” Ayelen giggled to
herself. She sharply opened the door and slightly shouted “ooh!” The teacher sitting at the
table shuddered.

- Wow. “You scared me,” Kim Yung smiled widely, “what are you doing here, my dear?”

“I came to see you,” Ayelen stood with her eyes cast down to the floor and squeezed, “and
she also brought you a gift.”

- Which? — the teacher leaned back in his chair.

“Myself,” Ayelen said, embarrassed and trembling.

“Ohh,” the teacher beamed, “thank you very much, Ayelen, you are the best gift!”

- Is it true?

- Certainly! — Kim Yung got up from his chair and approached her, holding out his hands.

They hugged. It was a familiar, daily ritual. But today they did it for the second time. Maybe
this, or maybe the unusualness of the situation - that there are no prying eyes nearby, it’s dark
on the street and everything is happening in an empty office - made Ayelen shudder with a
surge of excitement. She hugged her beloved teacher tightly, barely resting her hands on his
broad back. This time things didn't go as usual. Ayelen did not let go of him from her
tenacious arms and buried her head in his neck. To do this, she even had to stand on her toes a
little due to the fact that she was inferior in height. She buried her nose and inhaled the scent
of the skin on her neck. Kim Yung twitched and laughed.

“Ayelen, what you’re doing is ticklish,” he tried to tear himself away from her a little and
look into her eyes.

“I smell it,” Ayelen said and cried quietly from the surge of emotions. Her hands moved to his
waist, turning the friendly hug into something clearly more.

- For what? — the teacher smiled and beamed like a happy cat who had reached the sour

Instead of answering, Ayelen suddenly took part of the skin on her neck with her mouth and
gave a delicious hickey.

- Aw! Come on, you’ve gone crazy,” Kim Yung tried to pull away, but the smile continued to
wander on his face, and his eyes expressed admiration rather than alarm.

- Kim Yung, I love you! - Ayelen blurted out, looking at him defiantly.
you give me what you called me, you’re probably kidding me...

Ayelen again interrupted her favorite teacher and pressed her lips to him. At first he tensed
and pursed his lips, but after seconds he relaxed and kissed back. Ayelen became even more
impudent and burst her tongue into someone else's mouth without permission. A battle of
tongues began. Ayelen put all her passion into this kiss. The teacher had no chance of
winning. He lose. The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity. There was silence after
they broke away from each other. They stood without releasing their embrace.

- Oh, wow, it’s just space, you’re so lovely! I love you so much, for a long time now. It’s a
pity that we can’t...

- I know you love me, shut your mouth, Kim Yung.

Ayelen began to quietly move her pelvis and rub against the teacher's groin.

- Oh, are you sure that...

- Shut up already! Well, you're like a grandfather. They're steamed.

- Then let's close the door.

The teacher broke away from his student, quickly walked up to the door and locked it,
leaving the key in the lock. Returning, he grabbed the student who was standing and had
already lost her former courage into his arms and began to paw her in the dirtiest way.
Kissing her on the lips, he kneaded her breasts and ass. “Okay, let's do it,” the teacher said,
looking into her eyes. Now the situation has changed. Ayelen cowered in excitement and fear,
turning into a harmless trapped rabbit. She lost the initiative.

While she was in her thoughts, she felt her blouse, which she had put on for the occasion,
begin to unbutton, button by button, until she felt free. Kim Yung's hands immediately moved
to her white bra. He clearly lacked experience and Ayelen had to put her hands back and help
unfasten her bra. The teacher’s hands immediately tore it off, and he pressed his lips into the
nipples of a young, elastic, girlish breast. Ayelen gasped with excitement and emotion. I
wanted to moan and scream. But it’s impossible, somewhere there is a cleaning lady walking
around, washing the floors in the offices and can hear.

Kim Yung continued to lick Ayelen’s breasts and knead her ass. He grabbed one nipple and
then the other into his mouth and made rotational movements around the nipples with his
tongue, while sucking on them. Ayelen was one of those girls who liked such caresses. Kim
Yung's excitement was beyond belief. He led Ayelen to the table, turned her back to him, bent
her over and began to unbutton her jeans. Taking off her Skechers sneakers and jeans, he
admired her white panties and small, firm ass. But we had to move on.

Quietly grasping the edges of the panties, he carefully pulled them off. “What a beauty,” Kim
Yung admired out loud. Ayelen was embarrassed. He had a stone riser ready to break through
the concrete wall. He took off his pants and underpants. After checking her pussy, he made
sure that Ayelen was sufficiently aroused. “Wait,” Ayelen said, but he didn’t listen or hear her,
and impatiently slammed his dick into her pussy with all its might. Ayelen screamed, •••
forgetting about everything in the world.

- Hush, hush, baby, I’m sorry! - My God, I’m in a lot of pain too, it’s like I’m broken.

- I `m A virgin!

- What?! But... I didn't know. Well, that's better. Which is fast. That's how it should be. Come
on, I'll be careful.

“I said, wait, you never listen and never hear.” straight concrete wall.

- Shhshch, baby, quiet, come on, mmm.

At first Ayelen was in pain. It was as if she had been stabbed with a knife. After some time,
the pain subsided and she began to experience mild pleasure.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were a virgin, you didn’t tell me, I would have given you
painkillers and sprinkled something on you for pain.”
- Was. Okay, what can we do now, let’s talk less, Kim Yung, let’s stop talking.

Kim Yung drove his penis into her pussy, causing it to squelch, causing incredible excitement,
even white lubricant was released. It gave him special pleasure that he had his beloved, who
was also a student, such a young girl, like this, without protection. The situation itself turned
me on. The workplace, the environment, Ayelen's initiative, surprise. He liked to penetrate
Ayelen as deeply as possible, colliding his pubis with her ass. I liked kneading her shaking
breasts, feeling the power over this beautiful, slender, young girl.

- We forgot about the condom, Ayelen.

- Do you have it?

- No.

- So I don’t have it either. To hell with him! Don't break the buzz.

- Okay, Ayelen.

Ayelen's pleasure grew, displacing the pain. This went on for about 30 minutes, both of them
were sweating. Suddenly the pussy began to shrink, squeezing the penis especially tightly,
Ayelen groaned, shook and began to cum. Her eyes darkened, sparks began to appear, there
was a strong pounding and pressure in her head and ears, her legs gave way, but Kim Yung
kept her on her feet.

- Wow, you're cumming! Are you okay?

- Yeah... Move it a little more.

- Oh, where should I go, into you or not?

- Oh... Um, I don’t know...

- Can I fuck you?

- Well, come on...

- Wow, cool, here you go, bitch!

Kim Yung stopped holding back and exploded in her pussy. Ayelen felt every descent, she
counted 8 or 9, at the last one she could not stand it, she came again, squeezing the penis with
all her strength, squeezing out every drop.

“Ohhhh, you really do,” Kim Yung admired, “so passionate!”

“M-yes, he released everything into me, right into the uterus,” Ayelen stood up, freed herself
from the hug and began wiping herself with napkins from her teacher’s table, without asking

- It was not necessary?

- Of course not.

- But you yourself said that...

- I lost my head, there is no need to listen to an excited woman.

- And now what i can do? — Kim Yung drooped and looked upset.

- Yes, everything is fine, it seems like it can carry it through, 50 to 50. Ovulation is in two
days according to the calendar.

“But sperm can live up to 9 days

.” “You’re a bore,” Ayelen looked at him reproachfully and Kim Yung fell silent, “well, let’s
do it again.”

- Seriously???

- Of course, I came in vain. Let's multiply or something.

The second time lasted longer. About an hour. Ayelen threw the teacher onto a chair and sat
on top, herself •••
inserting the penis into yourself, shaking your chest against Kim Yung, kissing him and
passionately rocking back and forth, then jumping up and down, then rocking again, and so
constantly changing movement and pace. Both were sweating profusely. Ayelen felt that she
was going to cum again and that her teacher was tense.

- Come on, Kim, be patient a little longer.

- Fine.

- Here it is, yeah, let's, mmm, more, God...

- Am I into you?

- Come on, what's the difference now?

- Oooh, here you go, bitch, creature! — the teacher filled her with a full tank of sperm.

“Hey, what are you doing,” Ayelen, smiling, turned her head in his direction, “have you
confused me or something?” You yourself are a bitch,” Ayelen was constantly confused and
called her teacher first “you” and sometimes “you.”

- Okay, sorry, just emotions.

- That's it, let's go. Just know one thing.

- Which one? That you love me? I love you too!

- That goes without saying. But if I get pregnant, you will raise the child with me,

- Of course, no questions asked, I’ll be glad.

Having cleaned themselves up, they got dressed and quietly left the office. It seems that there
is one more unit of society in this world. And Ayelen didn’t get pregnant then, but she will get
pregnant later, at 30.

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