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● Meaning
● Causes
● Impact
Originally, the word reformation from the Latin word reformare, “to
renew” suggested the removal of impurities and corruption from
church institutions and people, rather than separation from the
unified Roman Catholic Church.
● Evils of the Catholic Church
● Economic Burden on the People
● Rulers Resentment Against the Church
● Anti-Church Movement
● The Rise of Powerful National States
Evils of the Catholic Church
The Reformation was mainly a revolt against the abuses and
authoritarianism of the church. The Pope and the clergy
became corrupt and they started leading a life of luxury and
Economic Burden on the People
The people were also exploited by the church and were required to pay the
“tithe”which was one tenth of the income of each family support churches
and priests .The church also collected a tax called “Peter’s Pences’”from
the people the burden of taxation fell mainly on the peasants and Middle
Class families.
Rulers Resentment Against the Church

The rulers of the European countries resented the growing prosperity of the church
although the church owned huge estates and had become extremely wealthy , it
did not pay taxes.The rulers of Europe quarrelled with the Pope over this
exemption the rivalry ended in the defeat of Papancy
Anti-Church Movement
Anti church moments began to be organised in Europe Erasmus
criticised the church for its corruption in his book In Praise of
Folly.The invention of the printing press and printing of the Bible
in vernacular language brought a complete change in people’s
The Rise of Powerful National States

Politically one of the most important events was the Rise of the nation
States a powerful Nation state first came into existence in England
later France ,Spain ,Portugal and other European countries were
infused with nationalistic passions These States opposed the
Supremacy of the church .
● Religious Impact
● Political Impact
● Economic Impact
Religious Impact
The most important consequence of the reformation in Europe was
that it lead to the birth of protestantism many protestant Churches
were established. The Hatred that developed between catholics and
protestants lead to religious intolerance and violence in Germany .The
North-South German States fought a devastating 30 years War from
1618 to 1648.
Political Impact
Politically one of the most important events was the rise of
nation States those princes who wanted to be free from the
Papal control sided with Martin Luther or Calvin .The strong
Kings now challenged the authority of the church in secular
affairs. Henry Viii declared himself the head of the church.
Economic Impact
The Reformation resulted in the crushing of the economic
power of the church .Much of the church property had passed
to the king this gave impetus to policy of mercantilism,trade
and industry.
Roll no :- 10

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