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1. List the differences between Object oriented language and Procedure oriented language.
2. Define Object Oriented Programming. Explain the three major pillars of OOPs (data
abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance) (7)
3. List and explain the features or characteristics of java as JAVA Buzzwords (7)
4. With a neat diagram, tell how a JAVA code get machine code. (3)
5. Define Array. Tell how to create single dimensional and multidimensional array with
syntax. (3M)
6. Define variable in JAVA. Explain different types of variables and their scope using an
example program. (7m)
7. Tell how the Scanner class works along with its methods using an example program.
8. List and explain the different types of arithmetic operators with a suitable program. (7m)
9. Explain increment and decrement operators with a suitable program and trace the value
of variable after performing each operation. (7M)
10. Define ‘for each’ loop in JAVA with an suitable example program. (3M)
11. Explain different types of looping statements with and appropriate example program for
each. (7M)
12. Relate the function of break and continue statements in JAVA with an example for each

1. Explain Class and Object with an appropriate syntax and build an example program.
2. Recall what is Object reference variable and spell how it works with an example (3M)
3. Define method. Develop a program for :
I. Without parameters and without return values.
II. With Parameters and return value. (7M)
4. Tell what does “this” keyword does in the java using a suitable example program (3M)
5. Define Scope. Develop a method program for :
I. Without parameters and with return values
II. With parameters and without return values.
6. Define method with a suitable syntax along with its elements. (3M)
7. Define Constructor. List the rules for creating Constructors in JAVA. (3M)
8. Explain different types of constructors in JAVA along with a suitable program for each.
9. Tell how the Scanner class works along with its methods using an example program.
10. Explain how parameterless constructor and copy constructor works using a suitable
JAVA Program for each. (7M)
11. Recall what is Object reference variable and spell how it works with an example.(3m)
12. Explain the working of the following with a JAVA program.
1. Parameterized constructor
2. This keyword (7M)

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