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Research methodology in a way is a written game plan for conducting

research. Research methodology has many dimensions. It includes not
only the research methods but also considers the logic behind the
methods used in the context of the study and complains why only a
particular method or technique has been used. It also helps to
understand the assumptions underlying various techniques and the
criteria by which they can decide that certain techniques will apply to
certain problems and others will not. Therefore, to solve a research
problem, it is necessary to design a research methodology for the
problem as some may differ from problem to problem. This chapter
focuses on the various techniques, methods, and assumptions used in
this study. It sheds light on the research problem, the objectives of the
study, and its limitations. The latter part of the chapter explains the
manner, in which the data is collected, classified, tabulated, analyzed,
and interpreted to reach conclusive results.

Survey Design:
The study is a cross-sectional study because the data were collected at
a single point of time. For the present study, a related sample of the
population was selected based on convenience.

Sample size and design:

A sample of 63 people was taken on the convenience sampling
method. The actual consumers were contacted based on random
Research Period:
Research work is only carried out for two or three weeks.
Research Instrument:
This work is carried out through self-administered questionnaires.
Data collection:
The data, which is collected for the study is divided into two bases:
1. Primary source: The primary data comprises an information
survey of consumer behavior towards Nestle products. The data has
been collected directly from respondents with the help of structured
2. Secondary source: To study the need of this project work
secondary data have been collected. For secondary data journal
articles, magazines, news articles, textbooks and websites have been
referred to.

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