Gift of Magi Notes

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Class 8____ The Gift of Magi

I Word Meanings

1. What were the full names of Jim and Della? What were their prized processions? (HW)
Ans. The full names of Jim and Della were Mr. James Dillingham Young and Mrs.
James Dillingham Young, respectively. The prized possessions of the couple were ___ Jim's
gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's and the other was Della's
beautiful hair.

2. Give three examples from the story which suggest that Jim and Della were poor?
Ans. 'the income was shrunk to $20'
'He needed a new over coat and he was without gloves.'
'One dollar and eighty seven cents. That was all.'
The above examples show that Jim and Della were poor.

3. Explain the metaphor in the phrase 'cascade of brown waters'.

Ans. Metaphor is a Figure of Speech that is used for comparison, without using 'like',
'so' or 'as'. In the above phrase, Della's hair has been compared to a waterfall. As the water
cascades down in a waterfall, so too Della's hair was falling over her shoulder. The colour of
her hair was brown, so 'brown waters'.

4. Where did Della go to sell her hair? How much did she sell it for? Why did she hesitate
before going ahead with her idea to sell her hair?
Ans. Della went to the shop 'Mme Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds'. At first, she
hesitated to enter the shop as she feared that Jim would not find her pretty and attractive
with short hair. Finally, she made up her mind and sold her hair for twenty dollars.

5. Describe the fob chain. Why did Della feel that the fob chain was the perfect gift for
Ans. The fob chain was made of platinum and was simple and pure in design. It was a
perfect gift for Jim as he had a gold watch and the chain matched it. Jim was a man of
quietness and value and the gift matched him perfectly, with similar qualities.

6. Why was Della worried that Jim might not find her pretty anymore? (HW)
Ans. Jim always liked and praised Della's long hair. He said she looked pretty, with
long hair. When Della sold her 'long hair' and had short, curly hair, she feared that Jim might
not find her pretty and might get angry at her.

7. What gift had Jim bought for Della? What was her reaction to it?
Ans. Jim bought a set of combs for Della, the set she always wanted to have but could
not buy. Della was excited as well as sad to see the combs. She was happy as it was a gift
that she had always desired for but she was sad that she would not be able to use them as
now her hair was short. She still comforted herself and Jim by saying that her hair would
soon grow long and she would use those combs.

8. Who were the Magi? What custom did they establish? (HW)
Ans. According to The Bible, the Magi were the three wise men who came to worship
the infant Jesus Christ and brought gifts of gold, frankincense (an incense—perfume) and
myrrh (an embalming oil). They invented the art of giving Christmas gifts.

III Reference to Context

1. One dollar………………..was all. (pg 119)
(a) What did the amount signify?
Ans. Della counted the money she had with her. It was only one dollar and eighty seven
cents. This shows that she was poor and may be she wanted to buy a gift for Jim, but did
not have enough money.

(b) How had Della saved money to buy Jim a Christmas gift?
Ans. Della had collected her money by saving pennies__by bargaining with the grocer
and the butcher and the vegetable man; sometimes even feeling embarrassed on having
bargained in such a manner.

(c ) What had she thought while trying to save money?

Ans. Della thought of buying a gift for her husband for Christmas__ something fine and
rare, something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honour of being loved by
2. My hair………..……fast. (pg 122) (HW)
(a) Who said these words to whom?
Ans. These words were spoken by Della to her husband Jim when he stared at her
fixedly, when she got her hair cut.
(b) Why did the speaker say these words? What was the listener's reaction to her
altered appearance?
Ans. When Della's husband stared at her with a peculiar expression that she could not
read, after she had her hair cut, Della said these words, to console him. When she said
that he should be good to her, he said that her hair, long or short, could not change his
love for her.
(c) Why did she repeat these words again to the listener?
Ans. Later when Jim gave Della her Christmas gift, a set of combs__ which she always
wanted to have, she repeated those words again that her hair would grow fast and she
would use his gift.
3. 'Let's put………………present.
(a) Who said these words to whom?
Ans. These words were spoken by Jim to his wife Della when she asked him for his
watch to see how the fob chain, that she had bought looked on it.
(b) What Christmas present had he received?
Ans. Jim received a fob chain, for his gold watch, as a Christmas present from Della.
(c) Why did he say that their presents were 'too nice to use just at present'?
Ans. Della had bought a fob chain for her husband Jim's gold watch by selling her 'long
hair'. On the other hand, Jim bought a set of combs for Della's hair, by selling his watch.
So when both of them gave the gift to each other, they realized that the gifts were of no
use to them at present.
IV… Long ans ques:
Do you think Jim and Della's actions were foolish? Give reasons. (HW)

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