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Notes of Go kiss the world

I.Answer the following with reference to context.

1.Finally when…….I was stunned…..

Qa.Who was she and why had she come to the speaker's father?
A.She was the nurse who was on duty in the hospital where the speaker’s father was admitted.
She had come to attend to the speaker’s father when the speaker had reported about the blood
bottle being empty .She had initially refused to change the bottle and asked him to do it himself
but later relented and had come to change the bottle.

Qb.Why was the speaker's father concerned about her?

A.When the narrator called the nurse, she refused rudely. But later, she came to change the
bottle . Her duty was over so the father asked her why she had not yet left. The father was kind-
hearted and concerned about others

Qc. Why was the speaker stunned?

A.The nurse, at first had refused to attend to the speaker’s father and asked him to change the
bottle himself. But later when she came, the father, instead of being angry with her, showed his
concern and asked her why she had not yet left for her home as it was quite late. The speaker
was stunned at the ability of his father to tolerate and endure pain and hardship without

Q2… father was given a jeep by the government. While he could use the jeep to commute
to his office, my father refused…
Qa. Why was the speaker's father given a jeep?
A.The speaker's father was given a jeep by the government as he was working as a District
Employment Officer at Koraput,Orissa.

Qb.Why did the speaker's father not use it to commute to the office?
A.The speaker's father didn't use the jeep to commute to the office because he said that it was
not his personal property and since it was a government jeep ,it should be used only for
government work.

Qc.How was the speaker's family expected to treat the driver?

A.The speaker's family was expected to treat the driver with due respect, in the same way as
any other member of the office staff.

Q3. How does a speaker define success towards the end of his speech?
A.According to the author, success is about vision. It is the ability to rise above pain. It is about
imagination. It is about sensitivity to small people. It is about connectedness to a larger world. It
is about giving back more to life than you take out of it. It is about creating extraordinary
success with ordinary lives.

Q4. What, in your opinion, did the speaker's mother mean by asking him to 'go kiss the world'?
A.The speaker’s mother taught him to show love, sympathy and concern for others. She said
whatever be the circumstances, however people treat you,you should not be selfish or angry.
The world is a beautiful place to live in and life is short. So enjoy your life and kiss the world.

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