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Basic Terms:

Muscular endurance: Ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated

contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.

Muscle strength: Maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert against some
form of resistance in a single effort

Muscle Power: Ability to exert a maximal force in as short a time as possible. Power is
proportional to the speed at which you can apply strength.

Flexibility: Flexibility or limberness refers to the range of movement in a joint or

series of joints, and length in muscles that cross the joints to induce a bending
movement or motion.

Types of muscles: Type 1 (Slow twitch) and Type 2 (Fast twitch)

Increasing endurance:
- Muscular – Type 1 (slow twitch) and Type 2 (fast twitch)
- Cardiovascular

Increasing Strength:
- Lifting heavy weights
- Or lifting weights faster

Types of weight load increase:

- Step Loading – stay at same weight for several weeks and then make bigger jump.
Make adaptations to weight more stable by not frequently changing the weight.

- Cycling - classic American powerlifting template – predominant strength training

system in 70s and 80s. 12 weeks, start with light weights, build up and go really
heavy. Russians discovered your body can 2 weeks out of 4 of heavy loading. Classic
cycle by Marty gallagher – 4 weeks sets of 8. 4 weeks sets of 5. 4 weeks sets of 3.
Within a week: Week 1 – comfortable weight, week 2 – moderately challenging,
week 3 – repeat your previous PR, week 4 – set new PR.

- Variable Loading – Jump in volume from one unit of training (day, week, month etc.)
is atleast 20%.

Exercise Volume

Exercise Intensity

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