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Final Interview Candidate Package

Candidate Personal Information (please print clearly)

Date: Program:
Surname: Name: Middle Initial:
Home Phone #: Phone #:

Mailing Address: Apt #:

City: Province: Postal Code:

Email Address:
Employee Confidentiality Agreement

Employee Confidentiality Agreement

I, ____________________________________________, (the “Employee or potential

Employee”) being an employee or potential employee of Teleperformance, hereby
acknowledge the following:

• that Teleperformance and its affiliates are and will be involved in highly competitive
businesses including the business of providing back office services to Teleperformance and
its affiliates in Canada and the United Sates (collectively the “Business”);

• in the course of carrying out, performing and fulfilling the Employee's or potential
employee duties the Employee or potential employee will have access to, and will be
entrusted with information and data (including computer source codes, programs and other
electronic information) and trade secrets, which may be in any tangible, intangible or verbal
form (collectively the “Confidential Information”) concerning any aspect of Teleperformance
or its affiliates' activities including research, development, marketing plans and strategies,
profits, costs, pricing, and sourcing in relation to:

• The present and contemplated businesses, services, techniques and modes of marketing
and distribution which Teleperformance or its affiliates are or will be involved in; and

• the suppliers, associates, affiliates, agents and customers of Teleperformance or its

affiliates including, without limitation, their names, addresses and preferences;

• the disclosure of any Confidential Information to competitors of Teleperformance, to any

third party, or to the general public or, in certain instances, to associates, affiliates, agents,
suppliers or customers of Teleperformance would be highly detrimental to Teleperformance
interests: and

• The right to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information constitutes a

proprietary right, which Teleperformance is entitled to protect.

In consideration of Teleperformance providing the Confidential Information to the Employee

or potential employee, the parties covenant and agree as follows: the Employee or potential
employee will not either during the continuance of the Employee's or potential employee
employment or potential employment by Teleperformance or at anytime thereafter: (a)
disclose any of the Confidential Information to any person, firm or corporation nor shall the
Employee or potential employee use the same for any purpose other than for the benefit of
Teleperformance; or (b) remove any Confidential Information from Teleperformance
business premises without the prior written approval of an officer of Teleperformance.
The Employee or potential employee acknowledges and agrees that in the event of a
violation by the Employee or potential employee of any of the provisions of this Agreement,
Teleperformance will be irreparably injured which cannot be adequately compensated for by
monetary damages and Teleperformance shall be entitled to obtain from any court of
competent jurisdiction interim and permanent injunctive relief and an accounting of all
profits and benefits arising. The Employee or potential employee shall be liable to
Teleperformance for any and all losses, costs, damages and expenses whatsoever (including
legal, accounting and other professional costs, expenses, fees and disbursements, with legal
fees determined on a solicitor and client basis) which Teleperformance may suffer, sustain,
pay or incur resulting or arising, directly or indirectly, from such violation, which rights and
remedies shall be in addition to any other rights or remedies to which Teleperformance may
be entitled. At any time at the request of Teleperformance, the Employee or potential
employee shall immediately return or caused to be returned to Teleperformance the
Confidential Information and shall not retain any copies or other reproductions, reports,
extracts, notes or memoranda thereof (whether written, electronic, magnetic or otherwise).

This Agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned and its successors and assigns and
shall ensure to the benefit of Teleperformance and its successors and assigns.

This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the Province of Ontario and the
parties hereby agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario.

IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement at the City of
_____________as of the _____ day of _________________, 20____.

Employee or (potential employee) please print

Witness as to the signature of potential employee:

Employee or (potential employee) signature:

Condition of Employment Acknowledgement

RE: Clear Police Clearance Certificate


It is the guideline of TELEPERFORMANCE to request a Police Clearance Certificate for some

or all of its prospective employees. Applicants are required to provide the satisfactory Police
Clearance certificate as a condition of employment, and must be returned to Human Resources
and/or Recruiter before commencement of training.

Any misdemeanor conviction for theft, fraud, sexual offenses, or drugs within the past 7 years,
for which you have not received a pardon, will disqualify the applicant.


I am being offered employment with Teleperformance prior to providing a Clear Police

Clearance Certificate.

I acknowledge that I have indicated on my employment application that I have a satisfactory

police clearance record.

By signing my offer letter, I understand and acknowledge, should I not be able to provide a clear
Police Clearance Certificate as outlined above, I will be released from employment with
Teleperformance for failure to meet a condition of employment.

Name (please print)

Signature Date

Witness Signature Date

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