Real time Modern C++

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FEABHAS Real-Time Modern C++ (C++11/14/17) Course category C++ Training Courses Training area Programming Languages Course code c+411-502 Duration Says Price exe VAT £2650.00 Additional information Our public course schedule is suspended until 2023, We can still offer this course on-site either remotely delivered or face-to-face. C+ is a remarkably powerful systems-programming language, combining multiple programming paradigms ~ Procedural, Object Oriented anc Generic - with a small highly-efficient run-time environment. This rmakes it 2 slrong candidate for building complex high-performance embedded systems. ‘The C+11 standard marked a fundamental change to the C+ language, introducing new idioms and more effective ways to build systems. This new style of programming is referred to as ‘Modern C+’ This practical, hands-on course introduces the C+ language for use on hosted (Linux), multithreaded embedded systems. ‘The focus is on developing effective, maintainable and efficient C++ programs, The course covers C+#11, (C+#14 and C+#17 and where relevant refers to C+#20. Overview: ‘A five-day course that provides a practical overview of Madern C++, focusing an developing object-oriented programs in a hosted, real-time environment, The course covers the current release of the C++ standard, known as CH14, Course Objectives: '¢ To provide a solid understanding of the essentials of the C+ programming language. ‘¢ To give you practical experience of writing Modern C++ for Linux-based embedded applications, ‘¢ To give you the confidence to apply these new concepts to your next project. Delegates will learn: ¢ Modern C++ syntax and serantics and idioms ‘¢ The Application Binary Interface (ABI) and memory model of C++ ‘¢ Idioms and patterns for building effective C+ programs ‘¢ Real-time and concurrency design issues Pre-requisites: ‘¢ Astrong working knowledge of C ‘¢ Embedded development skills are useful, but not essential Who should attend: This course is aimed at C programmers working in a Linux environment who are moving to C++ for their cermbedded development, Duration: Five days. Course Materials: '¢ Delegate manual * Delegate workbook * Delegate datakey Course Workshop: Attendees perform hands-on programming during course practicals. Approximately 50% of the course is given over to practical work. Students will be working in a Linux environment. Program structure ¢ Hello Worle! ¢ The C++ build process Stream /0 © Stream objects '* Stream modifiers The C++ object model ¢ Scalar types ¢ automatic type-deduction '* Brace initialisation syntax ‘* Scope and lifetime ‘¢ The C++ memory model Constants ‘@ constexpr objects ‘¢ constexpr functions static assert ® enum classes Structures and tuples ‘Structure alignment, padding and packing ¢ std:pair ¢ std:tuple ‘¢ Using tuples for multiple return values Arrays ¢ Problems with C arrays ©. std:array ‘* STLalgorithms © Iterators Range-for Functions ‘¢ Function call ABIs References In, Out and In-Out parameters Named Return Value optimisation Structuring code + Header files ‘Include guards Linking to C code Namespaces ‘¢ Problems with organising large code bases Namespaces ‘¢ Namespace resolution issues Introduction to Object Oriented Design ‘¢ Modularisation ‘* Coupling, Cohesion, Encapsulation and Abstraction ‘+ Object-based design concepts ¢ Theclient-server model User-defined types * Classes ‘¢ Attributes and operations ‘¢ Member functions and the ‘this’ pointer Initialising objects ‘* Non-static data member initialisers ‘* Constructors and destructors ‘* Delegating constructors * Artays of user-defined types, Objects and functions ‘© Converting constructors + The explicit keyword ‘* const member functions + Copy elision Static Static member variables ‘¢ Static member functions Building complex objects ‘Composition ‘¢ Nested object construction Connecting objects '* One-to-one association ¢ Biirectional association ‘friend functions © Forward references Creating Substitutable Objects ‘* Specialisation and inheritance ‘¢ Substitution ‘© Derived classes Virtual functions Abstract Base Classes ‘¢ The Single Responsibility Principle ‘¢ Pure virtual functions ‘¢ Extending class interfaces ‘¢ dynamic_cast and its cost Realising Interfaces + The Dependency Inversion Principle Interfaces as design constructs © Pure virtual classes Multiple inheritance of interfaces Cross-casting Dynamic objects new and delete © std:unique_ptr std:shared_ptr std:weak ptr ‘Sequence containers ¢ stc:vector ¢ stdslist Associative containers © std:set ‘ std:unordered map Callable objects © Functors: ¢ Lambda expressions * Callable objects ¢ std:funetion Principles of concurrency ‘* Concurrency vs Parallelisrn * Simulating parallelism ‘* Scheduling methodologies Threading © Creating threads '¢ Joining and detaching threads '¢ Accessing the underlying OS Mutual exclusion ‘® Race conditions + Mutexes ‘+ The Scope-locked Idiom Thread synchronisation ‘+ Condition variables + The Guarded Suspension pattern Asynchronous tasks ‘Deferred synchronous calls + Promises and futures ‘* Packaged tasks * std:async) Feabhas Ltd - PO Box 4259, Marlborough, SN8 9FJ,UK — info@feabhascom —

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