Assignment 2 - Communication Planning and Management in Project Execution

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Communication Planning and Management in Project Execution


This assignment aims to help you understand and apply key concepts in communication
planning, resource needs assessment, and information management for project success. You will
also explore how to effectively summarize and update project documents for stakeholders.


You will create a communication and information management plan for a hypothetical project,
compare its elements with a successful project, and summarize project document updates for
stakeholders. Follow the steps below to complete the assignment:

Part 1: Communication Planning with Resources' Needs

1. Project Description:
o Choose a hypothetical project (e.g., developing a mobile app, organizing a
corporate event, launching a new product).
o Provide a brief description of the project, including its objectives, scope, and key
2. Identify Communication Needs:
o List all stakeholders involved in the project (e.g., project team, clients, sponsors,
o Determine the communication needs of each stakeholder group.
3. Communication Methods:
o Identify appropriate communication methods for each stakeholder group (e.g.,
meetings, emails, reports, video conferences).
o Specify the frequency and format of each communication method.
4. Resource Needs:
o Assess the resources required to support the communication plan (e.g., tools,
technology, personnel).
o Outline a plan to ensure these resources are available when needed.

Deliverable for Part 1:

 A comprehensive communication plan document that includes:

o Project description
o Stakeholder communication needs
o Communication methods and frequency
o Resource needs assessment

Part 2: Compare a Communication & Information Management Plan for Project

Success (
1. Choose a Successful Project:
o Research a well-documented successful project (e.g., a high-profile construction
project, a successful product launch, a notable IT implementation).
2. Analyze the Communication and Information Management Plan:
o Describe the communication and information management strategies used in the
successful project.
o Highlight key elements that contributed to the project's success.
3. Comparison:
o Compare the communication and information management plan of the successful
project with the plan you created in Part 1.
o Identify similarities and differences.
o Discuss what aspects of the successful project's plan could be integrated into your
plan to enhance its effectiveness.

Deliverable for Part 2:

 A comparative analysis report that includes:

o Description of the successful project and its communication/information
management strategies
o Comparison with your communication plan
o Recommendations for improvements

Part 3: Summarize Project Document Updates for Stakeholders (3.8)

1. Identify Key Project Documents:

o List the essential project documents that require regular updates (e.g., project
plan, status reports, risk register, change log).
2. Update Summary:
o For each key document, create a summary of updates that would be
communicated to stakeholders.
o Ensure the summaries are clear, concise, and tailored to the needs of different
stakeholder groups.

Deliverable for Part 3:

 A set of summarized updates for each key project document, formatted for distribution to

Submission Guidelines:

 Compile all parts of the assignment into a single document.

 Ensure clarity, professionalism, and adherence to proper formatting.
 Submit the document by the specified deadline.

Evaluation Criteria:
 Completeness and accuracy of the communication plan
 Depth and relevance of the comparative analysis
 Clarity and conciseness of the document updates
 Overall organization and presentation of the assignment

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