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Booklet(Paper 2)
Grade 9
Kinds Of Clauses Answers
Activity 1
1. She said that I will have to go . (Noun clause)
2. The constable asked me what I was searching for . (Noun clause)
3. Although they searched everywhere they could not find him.
(Adverb clause)
4. If the driver had been more careful , the accident would not have
occurred. (Adverb clause)
5. I met a man who was selling use and throw pens on the bus .
(Adjective clause)
6. Last week I visited some old friends whom I had not seen in years .
(Adjective clause)
7. The girl whose performance enthralled everyone is a trained
classical dancer. (Adjective clause)
8. . I talked to the boy who complained of bullying . (Adjective
9. As it was a hot afternoon, I was sweating profusely. (Adverb
10.I waited so that I would be able to meet them. (Adverb clause)
11. Things will not improve unless you do something. (Adverb clause)
12. Do you know any store where they sell used books ? (Adjective
Activity 2
Activity 3
1. Phrase

2. Phrase

3. Clause

4. Phrase

5. Phrase

6. Phrase

7. Phrase

8. Clause

9. Phrase

Activity 4
1.It is the only thing (main clause) / that can save him (subordinate
2. He is going to be nice to them (main clause) / because somebody
was nice to him (subordinate clause).
3.I know (main clause) / that the system isn’t full proof (subordinate
4. She said (main clause) / that she would be working late
(subordinate clause).
5. He asked (main clause) / whether I had bought the ticket
(subordinate clause).
6.That shows (main clause) / how cynical you have become
(subordinate clause).
7.I heaved a sigh of relief (main clause) / when I heard that they were
safe (subordinate clause).
8.That they are doing a good job (subordinate clause) / is evident
(main clause).
9.The phone fell out of my pocket (main clause) / while I was
boarding the train (subordinate clause).
10. When I was young (subordinate clause) / I was optimistic (main
11. Plant it in that shady corner (main clause),/ where it won’t get too
much sunlight (subordinate clause)
Subject - Verb -Agreement(Answers)

Exercise 2:

Exercise 3:
Exercise 4:

Answer Key:
1. Riot
2. Retirement
3. Ruling
4. Retrain
5. Revolution
6. Roach
7. Resistance
8. Reasonable
9. Recruit
10. Ruler
11. Yarn
12. Yolk
13. Zestful
14. Zucchinic
15. Xyster
16. Xeri
17. Xebec
18. Wage
19. Whereas
20. Wrap
21. Weaken
22. Witness
23. Withdrawal
24. Wisp
25. Wise
26. b
27. a
28. a
29. a
30. b
31. a
32. a
33. b
34. a
35. a
36. a
37. a

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