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Appendix H: Sustainability Register

Actions Deliverables Responsibility Priority Timeline status Comments


Switch off This can All Staff and High 3 Months In Progress Improvement
Computers, or increase employees Needed
electrical equipment life
appliance after expectancy
working hours

Briefing on Paper usage All Staff and Medium 6 Months Completed Carried out
benefits of reduced employees successfully
reducing paper slightly

Briefing on Most of the All Staff and High 1 Month Completed Improvement
waste staff comply employees can be done
management with the new
system and regulations and
implement waste were
rules to make disposed of
proper waste accordingly

Water Wastage Recycling of Environmental High 4 Months In Progress Guidance

water Officers needed

Damaged or Replacement Office High 2 Months Completed Replacement

old products with new ones Management Successful

Version: 1.0 – Jan 2022 Gen Institute Pty Ltd © Page 1 of 1

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