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Registration No :

-- 1
Total Number of Pages : 03
02 3 Course: M.Tech
Sub_Code: P2HTCC01
8/ 2
8 0 Back Examination: 2022-23
2 Semester /Regular/


Advanced Thermodynamics
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
- 1
Q.Code : M363
2 0 23
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two
from Part-III.
08 /
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

1 8 /
0 9
- the following questions:
(2 x 10)
a) 1Define Thermodynamic Probability concerning entropy. -- 1
b) What do you mean by compressibility factor and what 2
0 3
is the value of it for ideal
8 / 2
c) Under what conditions SFEE reduce to Euler’s
8 /0equation.
d) What are the viral coefficients? When do
9 - 1they become zero?
e) What is the compressibility factor?0
f) Define adiabatic flame temperature.
g) Explain thermochemical exergy and chemical
- - 1energy.
h) Why does the Gibb’s function remains 3
0 2 constant during phase transition?
2 for an ideal gas is Zero.
8 /
i) Show that Joule Thomson coefficient
0dead state?
j) What do you understand by
1 8 /
0 9 -
1 Part-II
- - 1out of
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight
Twelve) -1 0 2 3 (6 × 8)

2 3 - / 2of 500 K is thrown

a) A steel
block weighing 50 kg heated to a uniform temperature
0a large lake at 285 K. The block eventually attains8the
/ 8
0 thermal equilibrium with
0 /into
8 the lake water. Determine the i) entropy change9-of1the block ii) entropy change of
1 /
8 the lake water iii) the entropy generated during 0 the process.
- 1
9 b) If U = f(T,V) and h = f(T,P), K = thermal expansivity, 𝛽 = volume expansivity. By
10 using Maxwell’s relation Prove that
𝑑𝑈 𝐶 𝑑𝑇 𝑝 𝑑𝑉
c) The Carnot cycle is an ideal cycle that begets the maximum cycle efficiency. In

power plants?
3 - -1
spite of that, why is the Carnot cycle is not a realistic model to operate steam

d) 02 expansivity, 𝛽 = volume expansivity. By

If U = f(T,V) and h = f(T,P), K = thermal
8 /
using Maxwell’s relation Prove that
𝑑𝐻 𝐶 𝑑𝑇 𝑉 1 𝛽𝑇 𝑑𝑃8/
9 - 1 expansivity and isothermal compressibility.
f) 10 is a property? Justify your answer.
State and explain volume
Is Entropy generation
g) 80 kg of water at 100°C are mixed with 50 kg of water at 60°C, while the
temperature of the surroundings is 15°C. Determine the decrease in available
energy due to mixing. - - 1
h) 0 23
Differentiate between Exergy Vs. Energy.
i) /
8 in heat capacities as follows
Obtain the Difference
18TV/ 2
C 9C- 
10p v
k T
-- 1
Where  and k are the volume expansivity and 2
0 3
isothermal compressibility

8 / 2
j) 8 /0
Write short note on Joule- Thomson Coefficient.
k) What do you mean by Maxwell-Boltzmann9- 1 statistics, Fermi Dirac and Bose-
10them. Highlight the “Pauli Exclusion Principle”.
Einstein statistics? And distinguish
l) What are the conditions for mechanical stability, Thermal stability and chemical
stability? -- 1
02 3
0 8/2 Part-III
Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
0 9 -
1 -- 1
Enclosed in a perfectly insulated and smooth piston-cylinder assembly is a 20 kg
mass of air. And it is then allowed to expand adiabatically from 500 kPa, 353K till

2 3
3 --1
temperature of the surroundings. Determine the
2 / 0
its volume is doubled and the temperature becomes equal to 278 K- the
20a) maximum work availability /0 8
0 8 / - 1 8
b) change in availability due to this expansion process irreversibility

- 8/
1Q4 Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. 109 (16)

10 9
Using the formulation of irreversible thermodynamics, write the equations for two
coupled transport processes. Describe onsager’scriterian on how to choose
appropriate forces and fluxes.
Q5 One kilo mole of carbon at 250C and 0.1 MPa Pressure reacts with 1 kmol of (16)

-- 1
oxygen at 250C and 0.1 MPa Pressure to form an equllibrium mixture of CO2, CO
and O2 at 3000 K, 0.1 MPa Pressure, in a steady state process. Determine the
02 3
equilibrium composition and the heat transfer for this process.

8/ 2T
M ℎ /0 ℎ ℎ 𝑆
- 1 8 , , ,

10 9kJ/Kmol K kJ/Kmol kJ/(Kmol K)

CO2 44.01 -393522

- - 1 3000 152853 334.170

0 2 3
28.018/ -110527 3000 93504 273.607
8 / 0
2 31.999 3000 98013
-- 1

02 3
8/ 2
1 8 /0
Q6 109
Derive the Classius-Clapeyron equation 𝑇 (16)

- - 1
Estimate the saturation pressure of refrigerant-134a at –45°C

02 3
°C kPa 8
vf 0 vg
Temp Pressure volume (m^3/kg) 2 enthalpy (kJ/kg)
hf hfg hg
entropy (kJ/kg.K)
sf sfg sg
1 8 /
51.2 0.0007054 0.3611 0.00 225.86 225.86 0.0000 0.9687 0.9687
20 0.0008161 0.0360 79.32 182.28 261.6 0.3006 0.6218 0.9224
- - 1
- 1 02 3
2 3 - / 2
2 0 /0 8
0 8 / - 1 8
1 8 / 0 9
9 - 1
Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 03 M.Tech

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 P2HTCC01109

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination: 2021-22

Time : 3 Hour
109 109 109 109 Max Marks109
: 100 109 109 109
Q.Code : J414
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 x 10)
109 109
a) What do you109 mean by PMM1. 109Explain. 109 109 109 109

b) Differentiate between fugacity and activity,

c) Explain molecular collisions and mean free path,
d) What do you mean by second law efficiency? Write down the second law efficiency
for a power plant. .
e) Why is the slope of sublimation curve at the triple point on the p-T diagram greater
than that of vaporization curve at the same point?
f) Write down the Maxwell’s equations.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
g) What do mean by Entropy generation.
h) Differentiate between Availability and Irreversibility.
i) What is the effect of reheating on the (i) the cycle efficiency (ii) Specific out put in
the case of Bryton cycle.
j) Write down the effect of reheating and regeneration on Rankine cycle.

109 Q2 109 Only Focused-Short
109 Answer
109 Type Questions-
109 (Answer109Any Eight out109 of (6 × 8) 109
a) Figure shown below shows a reversible heat engine ER having heat interactions
with three constant temperature systems. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the
heat engine.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

T1=900K T1=500K T3=300K
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q1=100 kJ Q2=50 kJ Q3

109 109 109 109 E109

R 109 109 109

b) Explain Joule Thompson effect.
c) Define chemical potential of a component in terms of U, H and G.
d) Gaseous butane at 25 C is mixed with air at 400K and burned with 400%
109 109 109
theoretical air. Determine the109
adiabatic flame109
temperature. 109 109 109

e) Write down the First and Second Tds equations. Based of the Tds equations
obtain the Difference in heat capacities as follows
Cp  C v 
Where  and T are the volume expansivity and isothermal compressibility
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
f) Demonstrate that the rate of decline in availability or lost work is proportional to the
pressure drop and the mass flow rate when an ideal gas is flowing steadily and
adiabatically through a conduit.
g) Exhaust gases leave an internal combustion engine at l bar and 800 C after having
done 1050 kJ of work per kg of gas in the engine (Cp of gas = 1.1 kJ / kg K). The
temperature of the surroundings is 30 C
i) How much available energy per kg of gas is lost by throwing away
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
the exhaust gases?
ii) What is the ratio of the lost available energy to the engine work
h) Briefly discuss Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
i) Write a short note on Chemical kinetics and the chemistry of combustion
j) A certain mass of air is contained in a vessel of capacity at pressure and
temperature of 23.1 bar and respectively. A valve is opened momentarily and the
pressure falls immediately to 6.9 bar. Sometime later the temperature is again and
109 109 the pressure109is observed to be
109 9.1 bar. Estimate
109 the value of specific
109 heat ratio.
109 109
k) Demonstrate how the Gibbs function falls and the entropy rises in a diffusion
process with constant temperature.
l) Explain OnSagar reciprocityrelation.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 n1 moles of an ideal gas at pressure P1 and temperature T are in one (16)
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
compartment of an insulated container. In an adjoining compartment, separated by
a partition, are n2 moles of an ideal gas at pressure P2 and temperature T. When

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

the partition is removed, Calculate,

i) The final pressure of the mixture.

ii) The entropy change when the gases are identical.
109 109
iii) The 109
entropy change 109
when the gases109 109
are different. Prove 109
that the entropy 109

change when the gases are different is the same as that produced by
two independent free expansions

Q4 Find the maximum work deliverable in a fuel cell by 1 kmole of H2 with O2 if it is (16)
isothermally reacted at 25°C and 1 bar to produce liquid water. Both reactants
enter the cell separately. Determine the maximum voltage developed by the fuel
cell. Consider also the scenario for the reaction of a stoichiometric amount of H2
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
with O2. What is the maximum fuel cell efficiency? Assume that Δhc = 285830

Q5 Show that the overall efficiency of two cycles coupled in series equals the sum of (16)
the individual cycle efficiencies minus their product.
In a reheat cycle steam at 550°C expands in h.p turbine till it is saturated vapour. It
is reheated at constant pressure to 400°C and then expands in l.p. turbine to 40°C.
109 109
if the moisture
content at turbine
exhaust is109given to be 0.15,
find i) the reheat
109 109
pressure ii) the pressure of the steam at inlet to the h.p. turbine iii) the net work
output per kg iv) cycle efficiency. Assume all processes are ideal.

Q6 Explain how Statistical Thermodynamics is different from classical (16)

Describe Thermodynamics probability, Maxwell statistics, Fermi Dirac and Bose –
Einstein statistics.
109 109 . 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech
2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2018-19
Time : 3 Hours
109 109 109 109Max Marks : 109
100 109 109 109

Q.CODE : F795
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two from
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
a) What are virial coefficients? When do they becomes zero?
b) A pot of water is boiling on a stove supplying 325 W to the water. What is the rate of mass
(kg/sec) vaporizing, assuming a constant pressure process?
c) A windmill produces power on a shaft taking kinetic energy out of the wind. Is it a heat
engine or perpetual machine? Explain
d) Define volume expansivity ( β ) and isothermal compressibility ( k ) and show that
  1 for an ideal gas.
109 109
T 109 109 109 109 109 109
e) Discuss irreversibility and entropy generation.
f) A reversible process adds heat to a substance. If the temperature is varying, does that
influence the change in entropy?
g) Is the exergy equation independent of the energy and entropy equations?
h) Define: fugacity and activity, and chemical affinity.
i) Give exergy balance for an open system.
j) Energy is always conserved, but its quality is degraded. Explain.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) Oxygen at 300 kPa and 100oC is in a piston/cylinder arrangement with a volume of 0.1 m3.
It is now compressed in a polytropic process with exponent n=1.2 to a final temperature of
200oC. Calculate the heat transfer for the process.

b) A mass of air is initially at 260oC and 700 kPa, and occupies 0.028 m3. The air is expanded
at constant pressure to 0.084 m3. A polytropic process with n=1.5 is then carried out,
109 109 109
followed by a constant 109 process which109
temperature completes a cycle.109 All the processes
109 are 109
(i) Sketch the p-v diagram.
(ii) Determine the heat received and heat rejected in the cycle.
(iii) Determine the efficiency of cycle.
c) A 750-L rigid tank initially contains water at 250oC, which is 50% liquid and 50% vapor, by
volume. A valve at the top of the tank is opened and saturated vapor is slowly withdrawn.
Heat transfer takes place such that the temperature remains constant. Find the amount of
109 heat transfer required
109 109 to reach the state where half109
109 the initial mass 109
is withdrawan. 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

d) State and prove the Clausius Inequality.

e) What are the causes of entropy increase? Give the expression for entropy generation rate
for control volume of a steady flow system.
109 f) 109
Two identical bodies
109 of mass m and109 specific heat109 temperatures T1 and
C are initially at 109 109 T2 . 109

They are used as source sink, respectively, for a heat engine. Determine the maximum
work that can be obtained by the engine.
g) State and explain Gouy-Stadola theorem.
h) Define the second law efficiency. Give exergy balance of a steady flow system.
i) A de-superheater works by injecting liquid water into a flow of superheated steam. With
2kg/s at 300 kPa, 200oC, steam flowing in, what mass flow rate of liquid water at 20oC
should be added to generate saturated vapor at 300 kPa? What will be the rate of entropy
109 109
generation in the109
process? 109 109 109 109 109
j) Steam enters a turbine steadily at 3MPa and 450oC at a rate of 8 kg/s and exits at 0.2 MPa
and 150oC. The steam is losing heat to the surrounding air at 100 kPa and 25oC at a rate of
300kW, and the kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. Determine (a) the
actual power output, (b) the maximum possible power output, (c) the second law efficiency,
(d) the energy destroyed, and (e) the exergy of the steam at the inlet conditions.
k) Show that in a diffusion process at constant pressure, the entropy increases and Gibb’s
function decreases.
109 l) 109
What do you understand
109 by enthalpy
109 of formation?
109 Derive an 109 expression to calculate
109 109
enthalpy of formation in steady flow combustion process.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 One method of passive solar heating is to stack gallons of liquid water inside the buildings (16)
and expose them to the sun. The solar energy stored in the water during the day is
released at night to the room air, providing some heating. Consider a house that is
109 maintained at 22109
109 C and whose heating
109 is assisted109
by a 350 L water
109storage system.
109If the 109
water is heated to 45oC during the day, determine the amount of heating this will provide to
the house at night. Assuming an outside temperature of 5 oC, determine the exergy
destruction associated with this process.

Q4 Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. Using the formulation of irreversible (16)

thermodynamics, write the equations for two coupled transport processes. Describe
Onsager’s criterion on how to choose appropriate forces and fluxes.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Q5 One kmol of carbon at 25oC and 0.1 MPa pressure reacts with 1 kmol of oxygen at 25oC (16)
and 0.1 MPa pressure to form an equilibrium mixture of CO2, CO and O2 at 3000K, 0.1
MPa pressure in a steady state process. Determine the equilibrium composition and the
heat transfer for this process.

Q6 What do you mean by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Fermi Dirac and Bose-Einstein (16)
statistics? Make a clear distinction between them. Highlight the “Pauli Exclusion principle”.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech.

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2017-18
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
Q.CODE : C635
Answer Part-A which is compulsory and any four from Part-B.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.

Part – A (Answer all the questions)

Q1 Answer the following questions:multiple type or dash fill up type: (2 x 10)
a) Helium gas is compressed from 27ºC and 3.5m3/kg to 0.775m3/kgin a
reversible adiabatic manner. The temperature after compression is
(i) 74ºC (ii) 122ºC (iii) 709ºC (iv) 547ºC
b) A 3m3 rigid vessel contains steam at 4MPa and 500ºC. The mass of steam is
c) Heat engine receives heat from a source at 1000ºC and rejects the waste
heat to a sink at 50ºC. If the heat supplied to this engine at a rate of 100kJ/s,
then maximum power that can be produced this heat engine is ------------------
d) At triple point of pure substance no. of degrees of freedom is ………….
e) Exergy of an isolated system in a process
(i) can never increase (ii) can never decrease
(iii) always remain constant (iv) always negative
f) The second TdS equation is
 V   V 
(i) TdS  C p dT  T  dP (ii) TdS  C p dT  T  dP
 T   T 
 T   T 
(iii) TdS  C p dT  T  dP (iv) TdS  C p dT  T  dP
 V   V 
g) The vapor pressure of liquid water at 20º C is 0.0234 bar. Specific volume of
water is 0.0180 m3 /kmol. Gas constant R = 8314.3 Pa⋅m3 /kmol⋅ º K. 1 bar =
105 Pa. The fugacity of water at 20º C and 200 bar is ………………………….
h) Considering air at300K and 1.2 m3/kg the change in pressure corresponding
to an increase of 1% in both temperature and specific volume is __________
i) For charging a tank,
a) enthalpy is converted to work done
b) work done is converted to enthalpy
c) enthalpy is converted to internal energy
d) internal energy is converted to work done
j) Maximum temperature drop occurs if the initial state lies ____ the inversion
a) above b) on c) below d) all of the mentioned

Part – B (Answer any four questions)

Q2 a) An ideal gas is heated at constant volume until its temperature is 3 times the (10)
original temperature, then it is expanded isothermally till it reaches its original
pressure. The gas is cooled at constant pressure till it is restored to the
original state. Determine the net work done per kg of gas if the initial
temperature is 350K.
b) Aspherical balloon contains 3kg of air at 200kPa and 350K. The (10)
balloonmaterial is such that the pressure inside is always proportional to the
square of diameter determine the work done when volume of balloon doubles
as a result of heat transfer.

Q3 a) Two streams of air, one at 1 bar, 27ºC and velocity of 30m/s and the other at (10)
5 bar, 227ºC and 50m/s velocity, mix in equal proportion in a chamber from
which heat at the rate of 100 kJ/kg is removed. The mixture is then passed
through an adiabatic nozzle. Find the velocity of the stream issuing out of the
nozzle. The temperature of air leaving the nozzle is 27ºC, and its
Cp=1.005kj/kg k.
b) A 75-kg copper block initially at 110ºC is dropped into an insulated tank that (10)
contains 160 Litre of water at 15ºC. Determine the final equilibrium
temperature and the total entropy change for this process. Take the value of
specific heat of copper is 0.4kJ/kg.k.

Q4 a) A piston cylinder device contains 0.05 kg of steam at 1MPa and 300ºC, (10)
steam now expands to a final state of 200kPa and 150ºC doing work. Heat
losses to the surroundings is 2kJ during the process. Assume the
surrounding temperature and pressure are 25ºC and 100kPa respectively.
Calculate (i) the exergy of the steam at the initial and the final states (ii) the
exergy change of the steam during the process(iii) the exergy destroyed.
b) What is irreversibility? Explain about Gouy -Stodola theorem. (10)

Q5 a) Derive relation for the internal energy change as a gas that obeys the Van (10)
der Waals equation of state. Assume that in the range of interest cv varies
according to the relation c v = x +yT, where x and y are constants. The Van
RT a
der Walls equation of state is given by p   2
vb v
b) Derive Maxwell’s equations. (10)

Q6 a) The vapour pressure, in mm of mercury, of solid ammonia is given by (10)

ln p  23.03  and that of liquid ammonia by
ln p  19.49 
(i) What is the temperature of the triple point? What is the corresponding
(ii) what are the latent heats of sublimation, vaporization and fusion at the
triple point?
b) What is Joule –Thomson coefficient and show that its value for an ideal gas (10)
is zero?

Q7 a) Using the formulation of irreversible thermodynamics, write the equations for (10)
two coupled transport processes. Describe onsager’scriterian on how to
choose appropriate forces and fluxes.
b) Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. (10)
Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 2 M.TECH


2nd Semester Back Examination –2017-18

Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
Time: 3 Hours
Max marks: 70
Q Code:C628
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) When the Cp of a substance is equal with Cv
b) State Gouy- Stodola theorem of irreversibility
c) What is adiabatic flame temperature and why we study it?
d) What is the internal energy of the diatomic N2 gas?
e) Explain how degree of freedom is defined by using phase rule for non-
reacting system.
f) What is the basic difference between Energy states and Energy levels ?
g) Explain how degree of freedom is defined by using phase rule for non-
reacting system.
h) What do you mean by compressibility factor and what is the value of it for
ideal gas?
i) Define Thermodynamic Probability in relation to entropy.
j) What do you mean by equipartition of energy?

Q2 a) What do you mean by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Fermi Dirac and (7)

Bose – Einstein statistics? And distinguish them. Highlight the “Pauli
Exclusion Principle”
b) Absolute temperature of any system increases with its energy. Justify. (3)

Q3 One kilo mole of carbon at 250C and 0.1 MPa Pressure reacts with 1 (10)
kmol of oxygen at 250C and 0.1 MPa Pressure to form an equllibrium
mixture of CO2, CO and O2 at 3000 K, 0.1 MPa Pressure, in a steady
state process. Determine the equilibrium composition and the heat
transfer for this process.
M ℎ T ℎ−ℎ
, , ,
KJ/Kmol K KJ/Kmol KJ/(Kmol K)

CO2 44.01 -393522 3000 152853 334.170

CO 28.01 -110527 3000 93504 273.607

O2 31.999 3000 98013 284.466

Q4 a) A computer chip dissipates 2 kJ of electric work over time and rejects that (4)
as heattransfer from its 50oC surface to 25oC air. How much entropy is
generated in thechip? How much if any is generated outside the chip?

b) 80 kg of water at 100°C are mixed with 50 kg of water at 60°C, whilethe (6)

temperature of the surroundings is 15°C. Determine the decrease
inavailable energy due to mixing.

Q5 a) State and explain the Duhem’s theorem. What is its significance in (5)
establishing the state of the System?
b) Show that for equllibrium between phases of a pure substance the (5)
fugacities in both phases should be equal

Q6 a) (5)
Derive the Classius-Clapeyron equation =
b) Please show, By the help of Partition functions and their properties (5)
= ln + ln
Where is the partition function for the total system

& are the partition function of weakly non interacting parts

Q7 a) Using the formulation of irreversible thermodynamics, write the equations (6)

for two coupled transport processes. Describe onsager’scriterian on how
to choose appropriate forces and fluxes.
b) Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. (4)

Q8 Write Short Notes (Any Two) (5 x 2)

a) Entropy maximum Vs. Energy minimum principle
c) Fermi Dirac and Bose – Einstein statistics
d) The Seebeck effect Vs The Thomson effect
Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 01 M.Tech

109 109 109 109 109 109 109
2nd Semester Regular Examination 2016-17
Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
109 109 109 109 Time: 3 Hours
109 109 109 109

Max Marks: 100

Q.CODE : Z343
Answer any Five questions including Q. No. 1which is compulsory
Use of standard tables and charts are permitted

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

109 a)
A 1-m3 109
tank is filled with
temperature (20o109
a gas at room 109 C) and pressure109(100 109

kPa). How much mass is there if the gas is a. air, b. oxygen

b) A closed vessel contains 0.1 m3 of saturated liquid and 0.9 m3of saturated water
vapor in equilibrium at 200 kPa. Determine the percent vapor on a mass basis.
c) A refrigerator removes 1.5 kJ from the cold space using 1 kJ work input. How
much energy goes into the kitchen, and what is its coefficient of performance?
d) Explain the concept of principle of increase of entropy.
109 e)
109 An inventor
109 claims to develop
109 an adiabatic,
109 steady flow109turbine such that
109 the 109

entropy at the exit is less than entropy at inlet. Is the claim true? Justify.
f) Does the temperature in the clausius inequality relations have to be absolute
temperature? Why?
g) What is the second law efficiency? How does it differ from the first-law
h) A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1200 K at a rate of 500kJ/s and
109 109
rejects the
waste heat to109a medium at 300 109
K. The power 109
output of the109heat 109
engine is 180 kW. Determine the reversible power and the irreversibility rate
for this process.
i) Define the term air-fuel ratio. How is it related to the fuel-air ratio?
j) What do you mean by enthalpy of formation?

Q2 a) Air at 300 kPa and 200oC is in a piston/cylinder arrangement with a volume of (10)
0.1 m3. It is now compressed in a polytropic process with exponent n=1.2 to a
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
final temperature of 300oC. Calculate the heat transfer for the process.
b) A vessel having a volume of 5 m3 contains 0.05 m3 of saturated liquid water (10)
and 4.95 m3 of saturated water vapor at 0.1 Mpa. Heat is transferred until the
vessel is filled with saturated vapor. Determine the heat transfer for this

Q3 a) A nozzle receives 0.1 kg/s of steam at 1 MPa and 400oC with negligible kinetic (10)
109 109
energy. 109
The exit is at 500
kPa and 350 o109
C, and the flow 109
is adiabatic. Find
the 109

nozzle exit velocity.

b) A rigid, insulated tank that is initially evacuated is connected through a valve to (10)
a supply line that carries steam at 1 MPa and 300 oC. Now the valve is opened,

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

and steam is allowed to flow slowly into the tank until the pressure reaches
1MPa, at which point the valve is closed. Determine the final temperature of the
steam in the tank.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q4 (a) A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat coming out of the heat (10)
engine and the heat pump are used to heat the water for the radiator of a
building. The efficiency of the heat engine is 30% and the COP of the heat
pump is 4. How much heat is transferred to the radiator water for every kJ heat
transferred to heat engine?
o o
109 (b)
109 A reversible
109 heat engine109operates between
109 two reservoirs
109at 827 C and 27
109 C. (10) 109

Engine drives a Carnot refrigerator maintaining -13oC and rejecting heat to

reservoir at 27oC. Heat input to the engine is 2000kJ and the net work available
is 300 kJ. How much heat is transferred to refrigerant and total heat rejected to
reservoir at 27oC?

Q5 a) Determine the change in entropy of 0.5 kg of air compressed polytropically (10)

109 109
from 1bar
to 0.8 MPa and109800 K following
index 1.2. Take109Cv=0.718kJ/kg-K
109 109
b) Two tanks are connected through a pipe with valve in between. Initially valve is (10)
closed and tanks A and B contain 0.6 kg of air at 90oC, 1 bar and 1 kg of air at
45oC, 2 bar respectively. Subsequently valve is opened and air is allowed to
mix until equilibrium. Considering the complete system to be insulated
determine the final temperature, final pressure and entropy change.

Q6 a) 500 kJ of heat is removed from a constant temperature heat reservoir (10)

109 109 109 109
maintained at 835K. Heat is received109at constant temperature
109 109
of 720K. 109

Temperature of the surroundings, the lowest available temperature is 280K.

Determine the net loss of available energy as a result of this irreversible heat
b) A steam turbine has steam flowing at steady rate of 5kg/s entering at 5 MPa and (10)
500oC and leaving at 0.2 MPa and 140 oC. During flow through turbine a heat
loss of 600kJ/s occurs to the environment at 1 atm and 25oC. Determine
109 109 (i) the availability
109 of steam
109 at inlet to turbine,
109 109 109 109

(ii) the turbine output

(iii) the maximum possible turbine output, and
(iv) the irreversibility.

Q7 a) A mixture of 1kmol of gaseous ethane and 3kmol of oxygen at 25oC reacts in a (10)
constant-volume bomb. Heat is transferred until the products are cooled to
109 109 600K. Determine
109 the amount
109 of heat transfer
109 from the system.
109 109 109
b) Discuss (10)
(i) Enthalpy of combustion
(ii) Adiabatic flame temperature

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration no:

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Total Number of Pages: 02 M.TECH
2nd Semester Back Examination 2016-17
Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
Time: 3 Hours
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Max Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

109 109
a) Write109
down the degree 109of freedom for 109
mono atomic, diatomic
109 and triatomic
109 gas. 109

b) Explain through a suitable example the difference between the first and second
law efficiencies.
c) Learning out of frustration is low entropy learning. Justify?
d) What do you mean by compressibility factor and what is the value of it for ideal
e) An increase in pressure raises the boiling point of a liquid. Substantiate it.
f) If you heat some cold liquid water to T0 (Ambient Temperature). Does it imply that
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
you increase its availability?
g) Explain how degree of freedom is defined by using phase rule for non-reacting
h) What do you mean by fugacity?
i) Define Thermodynamic Probability in relation to entropy.
j) What do you mean by equipartition of energy?

109 Q2
109 a) What109do you mean by 109 Maxwell-Boltzmann
109 statistics,109Fermi Dirac and
109 Bose – (7)

Einstein statistics? And distinguish them. Highlight the “Pauli Exclusion Principle”
b) What are the conditions for mechanical stability, Thermal stability and chemical (3)

Q3 a) Please show, By the help of Partition functions and their properties (6)
Where is the partition function for the total system
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
& are the partition function of weakly non interacting parts
b) Using Maxwell relation, Prove > (4)

Q2 a) Is it possible to perform an irreversible process with a closed system yet having (3)
entropy change nil?
b) Enclosed in a perfectly insulated and smooth piston-cylinder assembly is a 20 kg (7)
mass of air. And it is then allowed to expand adiabatically from 500 kPa, 353K till
109 109 its volume
109 is doubled 109
and temperature109becomes equal109to 278 K- the temperature
109 109
of the surroundings. Determine the
a) maximum work availability
b) change in availability due to this expansion process
c) irreversibility

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q5 a) What is the molar specific heat at constant volume in terms of “R” (3)
Methane is reversibly compressed at 230 K in a steady state steady flow (sssf) (7)
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
device from 150 bar to 1000 bar. Using the fugacity charts, determine work done
in kJ/Kmol. Critical pressure is 46.4 bar and critical temperature is 190.7K.
Q6 a) Verify Maxwell’s 4th relation using steam at 250°C /300 kPa (5)
b) Show that there is no change in temperature when an ideal gas is made to (5)
undergo a Joule Thomson expansion.

Q7 Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. Using the formulation of irreversible (10)

109 109 thermodynamics,
109 write
109 the equations
109 for two coupled
109 transport 109
processes. 109
Describe onsager’scriterian on how to choose appropriate forces and fluxes.

Q8 Write Short Notes (Any Two) (5 x 2)

a) Entropy maximum Vs. Energy minimum principle
c) Maxwell Velocity distribution
d) The Vander Waals gas
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 2 M.TECH

2nd Semester Regular/Back Examination – 2015-16

Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics

109 Time: 3 Hours

Max marks: 70
Q code:W803
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) Energy has quality as well as quantity –justify the statement

b) Explain through a suitable example the difference between the first and
second law efficiencies.
c) Learning out of frustration is low entropy learning. Justify?
d) What do you mean by compressibility factor and what is the value of it for
109 ideal gas?
e) An increase in pressure raises the boiling point of a liquid. Substantiate it.
f) If we say a particular energy level is 10 fold degenerate, then what do
you understand from that?
g) Explain how degree of freedom is defined by using phase rule for non-
reacting system.
h) What do you mean by fugacity?
109 i) Define Thermodynamic Probability in relation to entropy.
j) What do you mean by equipartition of energy?

Q2 a) What do you mean by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Fermi Dirac and (7)

Bose –Einstein statistics? And distinguish them. Highlight the “Pauli
Exclusion Principle”
b) What are the conditions for mechanical stability, Thermal stability and (3)
chemical stability?

Q3 a) Please show, By the help of Partition functions and their properties (6)
𝑍 = 𝑙 𝑍𝑍 𝑙𝑙

Where 𝑍 is the partition function for the total system

𝑍 𝑙 & 𝑍 𝑙𝑙 are the partition function of weakly non interacting parts

b) Using Maxwell relation, Prove 𝐶𝑝 > 𝑉𝐶 (4)

Q4 a) Is it possible to perform an irreversible process with a closed system yet (4)

having entropy change nil?
b) Enclosed in a perfectly insulated and smooth piston-cylinder assembly is (6)
a 20 kg mass of air. And it is then allowed to expand adiabatically from
500 kPa, 353K till its volume is doubled and temperature becomes equal
to 278 K- the temperature of the surroundings. Determine the
a) maximum work availability
b) change in availability due to this expansion process
c) irreversibility

Q5 a) Write down about Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of different kind of (3)

molecular speeds.
b) Determine the Fugacity of pure water for the following case. Assume (7)
Fugacity coefficient 0.74
a) Saturated Vapour at 100OC
b) Saturated liquid at 100OC
c) Compressed liquid at 100OC and 200bar
d) Superheated vapour at 100OC and 0.5 bar
e) Saturated Vapour at 350OC.
f) Super cooled Vapour at 90OC, 1bar. Assume ideal gas as vapour

Q6 a) 𝑑𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑓𝑔 (5)

Derive the Classius-Clapeyron equation 𝑇 𝑑𝑇
b) Determine the sublimation pressure of water vapour at -600C using data (5)
from steam table.

Q7 a) Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. Using the formulation of(10)

irreversible thermodynamics, write the equations for two coupled
transport processes. Describe Onsager’scriterion on how to choose
appropriate forces and fluxes.

Q8 Write Short Notes (Any Two) (5 x 2)

a) Entropy maximum Vs. Energy minimum principle
c) Gibbs Free Energy Vs. Helmholtz Free Energy principle
d) Joule- Thomson Coefficient



Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 3 M.TECH


2nd Semester Back Examination – 2015-16

Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
Q Code : W803x
109 Time: 3 Hours
Max marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)


a) Is work entropy free! Justify.

b) Write down the difference between high grade energy and low grade
c) When does the exergy change for a system equal the exergy transfer?
d) What do you mean by compressibility factor and what is the value of it for
ideal gas?
109 e) An increase in pressure raises the boiling point of a liquid. Substantiate it.
f) What do you mean by molar specific heat of monatomic gas?
g) Explain how degree of freedom is defined by using phase rule for non-
reacting system.
h) What is the unit of fugacity? Justify.
i) What is the basic difference between Energy states and Energy levels ?
j) What is the internal energy of the diatomic N2 gas?

Q2 a) What do you mean by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Fermi Dirac and (7)

Bose – Einstein statistics? And distinguish them. Highlight the “Pauli
Exclusion Principle”
b) Absolute temperature of any system increases with its energy. Justify. (3)

Q3 a) Please show, By the help of Partition functions and their properties (6)
= ln + ln
Where is the partition function for the total system

& are the partition function of weakly non interacting parts

b) Using Maxwell relation, Prove > (4)


Q4 a) A computer chip dissipates 2 kJ of electric work over time and rejects that (4)
as heattransfer from its 50oC surface to 25oC air. How much entropy is
generated in thechip? How much if any is generated outside the chip?

b) A jet of air at 200 m/s flows at 25oC, 100 kPa (6)

towards a wall where the jet flow stagnates and
leaves at very low velocity. Consider the
process to be adiabatic and reversible. Use the
exergy equation and the second law to find the
stagnation temperature and pressure.
Q5 a) Write down about Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of different kind of (3)
molecular speeds.
b) Methane is reversibly compressed at 230 K in a steady state steady flow (7)
(sssf) device from 150 bar to 1000 bar. Using the fugacity charts,
determine work done in kJ/Kmol. Critical pressure is 46.4 bar and critical
temperature is 190.7K .
Q6 a) (5)
Deduce second Latent heat equation of Clausius: > = −
=specific heat capacity of liquid, = specific heat capacity of saturated
vapour of the liquid, L= Latent heat evaporation of the liquid
b) Determine the Melting point of ice at 100atm. Density of (5)
ice1atm=0.917g/cm3, Latent heat of ice 1atm=336.1kJ/kg vapour at -600C

109 Q7 Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation. Using the formulation of (10)

irreversible thermodynamics, write the equations for two coupled
transport processes. Describe onsager’s criterion on how to choose
appropriate forces and fluxes.

Q8 Write Short Notes (Any Two) (5 x 2)

a) Entropy maximum Vs. Energyminimum principle
c) Fugacity Vs. activity
d) The Seebeck effect Vs The Thomson effect










Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Question Paper 2014

2nd Semester Regular/Back Examination 2014



Time: 3 Hours, Max Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.

Q1 Answer the following questions:

a) When the Cp of a substance is equal with Cv?

b) State Gouy- Stodola theorem of irreversibility

c) What is adiabatic flame temperature and why we study it?

d) Prove Slope of Isochoric process is more than Isobaric process on TS Plot

e) Can a irreversible process be isentropic.

f) What is second law efficiency and its application in thermodynamics?

g) Explain how degree of freedom is defined by using phase rule for non-reacting system.

h) Define compressibility factor.

i) Define Thermodynamic Probability in relation to entropy.

j) What do you mean by equipartition of energy?

Q2 If U=f(T,V) and h=f(T,P), K= thermal expansivity, β= volume expansivity.

By using Maxwell’s relation Prove that

a) dU = CvdT +( Tβ/K -p ) dv

b) dH = CpdT + V(1 — βT)dp

Q3 One kilo mole of carbon at 25°C and 0.1 MPa Pressure reacts with 1kmol of oxygen at 25°C and 0.1
MPa Pressure to form an equilibrium mixture of CO2, CO and O2 at 3000 K, 0.1 MPa Pressure, in a
steady state process. Determine the equilibrium composition and the heat transfer for this process.
Q4 a) Is Entropy generation is a property? Justify your answer

b) 80 kg of water at 100°C are mixed with 50 kg of water at 60°C, while the temperature of the
surroundings is 15°C. Determine the decrease in available energy due to mixing.

Q5 a) State and explain the Duhem’s theorem. What is its significance in

establishing the state of the System?

b) Show that for equilibrium between phases of a pure substance the fugacities in both phases should
be equal

Q6 a) Derive the Classius-Clapeyron equation

b) Estimate the saturation pressure of refrigerant-134a at -45°C

 Temp- Pressure vf vg hf hfg hg sf sf sg

 -40 51.2 0.0007054 0.3611 0.00 225.86 225.86 0.0000 0.9687 0.960

 20 571.7 0.0008161 0.0360 79.32 182.28 261.6 0.3006 0.6218 0.92241

Q7 a) Using the formulation of irreversible thermodynamics, write the equations for two coupled
transport processes. Describe onsager’s criterian on how to choose appropriate forces and fluxes.

b) Explain Onsager’s reciprocal relation.

Q8 Write Short Notes (Any Two)

a) Exergy Vs. Energy

c) Fermi Dirac and Bose — Einstein statistics

d) Joule- Thomson Coefficient

Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics 2013
Question Paper
Second Semester Examination 2013
Time: 3 Hours
Max marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Q1. Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)
a) Define isothermal compressibility and volume expansivity.
b) Write down the Maxwell’s equations
c) What is the compressibility factor?
d) What are the viral coefficients? When do they become zero?
e) What is heat of reaction?
f) Define adiabatic flame temperature.
g) Explain thermochemical exergy and chemical energy.
h) For a given T2, show that COP of a refrigerator increases as T1
i) How can a heat pump upgrade low glade waste heat.
j) Under what conditions SFEE does the SFEE reduce to Euler’s equatior
02. Two kg of air at 500kPa, 80°C expands adiabatically in a closed
system until its volume is doubled and its temperature becomes equal to
that of surroundings which is at 100kPa, 5°C. for this process, determine
(i) the maximum work (ii) the change in the availability (iii) irreversibility
Second Semester Examinations – 2012
Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Question
Full Mark-70

1. Answer the following question in brief:

a) Is it possible that the entropy can decrease in a reversible process?
b) Can an irreversible process be isentropic?
c) Is availability function a thermodynamic property?
d) What do you understand by dead state?
e) When is Cp of a substance is equal to its Cv ?
f) What is the difference between fugacity and activity?
g) What is mean free path?
h) Explain the concept of equipartition of energy?
i) Define compressibility factor.
j) What is adiabatic flame temperature?

2. From TdS equation derive Cp-Cv = tVβ2/K.

3. The gas neon has a molecular weight of 20.183 and its critical temperature, pressure
and volume are 44.5 K, 2.73 Mpa and 0.0416 m3 / kg mol. Reading from
acompressibility chart for a reduced pressure of 2 and a reduced temperature of 1.3, the
compresssibility factor Z is 0.7. what are the corresponding specific volume, pressure,
temperature and reduced volume?
4. Derive an expression for availability function for a flow system exchanging heat
with two heat reservoirs.

5. What is Gibb’s theorem? Show that in a defusion process at constant temperature

the entropy increases and the Gibbs function decreases.

6. (a) Define fugacity and activity?

(b) Explain thermomechanical exergy and chemical exergy.

7. What is the maximum work output possible from a reversible heat engine working
between the two finite reservoirs of heat capacity M1C1 and M2 C2 respectively. The
initial temperature of the thermal reservoirs are T1 and T2 respectively.

8. Write short notes on any two

a. Entropy and probability

b. Partition function

c. Fermi Direc and Bose Einstein statistics.

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 Course: M.TECH

2 3 --2 Sub_Code: P2HTCC02

2 Semester Regular20/ Back Examination:



9 - 2 Time : 3 Hour
10 Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : M479
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two

- - 2
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

2 023
0 8
Answer the following/ questions:
(2 x 10)
2 3 /
Write 2 important desirable thermodynamic properties of a refrigerant-absorbent
09RH and wet bulb temperature lines in the Psychometric chart.
b) 1Show -- 2cooling coil in the
c) o o

2 3coil.
Inlet and outlet temperatures in a duct are 45 C and 25 C having
d) 8 2
pipeline having 15 C. Determine the efficiency of the cooling
Sketch the Boot-strap type aircraft refrigeration system.
e) 3
What kind of solution handled by the pump and /0pressure reducing device in vapour
absorption refrigerating machine.
9 - 2
10 is more than condenser?
Why do pressure drop in evaporator
On the same T-S chart, compare the reversed Carnot and reversed Bryton cycles.
-- 2
Why the pressure drop in evaporator is more than condenser of a vapour

compression refrigeration system?
Write the chemical formula of R22.02 3
What are different fans used in air conditioning systems?
23 /
- Part-II
09 Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight
Q2 Only Focused-Short
Twelve) 1 - - 2out of (6 × 8)

a) Derive the COP 2 air craft system and obtain its COP.
of Bell-Colemann cycle.
0 2 3
b) Explain 3 -
the / 2
2and explain the actual vapor compression diagram/0on8T-s and p-h plots.
c) Draw 0
d)8/The pressure in the evaporator of an ammonia2refrigerator
3 / 0 0 9
pressure in the condenser is 12 bar. Calculate the
is 2 bar and the
effect per unit mass

109-2 1
of refrigerant and COP for the following cycles
The dry saturated vapor delivered to the condenser after isentropic compression
and no undercooling of the condensed liquid and then throttling of refrigerant to
evaporator pressure.
e) Deduce the relationship of maximum COP in vapour absorption refrigeration
f) Sketch and explain electrolux system.
g) Give the comparison between a vapour compression system and a vapor
compression system.
h) With neat sketches explain the Lithium bromide-water vapor absorption system.
i) Explain a neat diagram, of the winter air conditioning system.
j) Explain the following (i) absolute humidity (ii) relative humidity (ii) dew point
-- 2
k) Show and explain the comfort chart.
02 3
8/ 2
Sketch and explain different heat pump circuits.

2 3 /0 Part-III
09 -
Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 1
An aircraft is flying at a speed of 800 km/hr. The ambient temperature and
pressure are -10OC and 0.5 bar respectively. The pressure ratio of the compressor

is 5. The cabin pressure is 1.06 bar and air leaves the cabin at 25OC. Assuming

- - 2
simple aircraft air conditioning cycle of 1 TR capacity, find the temperature and

pressure at different state points, mass flow rate, ram work, compressor work,

/ 2 0
turbine work, COP. Assume heat exchanger effectiveness 1.

/ 0 8 producing a cooling effect of 20 kJ/s operates on a simple
A Freon-12 refrigerator (16)

2 3
vapor compression
cycle with pressure limits of 1.5 bar and 9.5 bar. The vapor
9 required by the machine, the rating of the evaporator 2and COP.
leaves the evaporator dry and saturated and there is no undercooling. Determine
3 - -
If the compressor operates at 300 rpm and has a clearance
2 2 volume of 3% of the
stroke volume, determine the piston displacement
8 / of the compressor.
0 the law pv = constant
For the
compressor assume that the expansion following
3 /
2 plant for an office room for full winter air
9 -
It is required to design an air conditioning (16)
conditions. 10
Outdoor conditions = 12°C DBT and 10°CWBT
Required conditions = 20°C DBT and 60% RH
-- 2
02 3
Amount of air circulation = 0.3m3/min/person

Seating capacity of the office = 50

/ 0 8
The required condition is achieved first by heating and then by adiabatic

humidifying. Determine the following using a psychrometric chart.

0 9 -
(i) Heating capacity of the coil in kW and surface temperature required, if the

bypass factor is 0.2
- - 2
(ii) The capacity of the humidifier.
2 3
2 3 --2 / 0
2310 kW, RLH gain:
Q6 A building
has the following calculated cooling loads RSH gain:
1000kW. The space is maintained at the following conditions:
2 /0 Room DBT:25 C, o

0 /
8 supplied to the space is not to be at a temperature
Room RH: 50%. Outdoor air is at 28 C o
and 50%
- 2 3
RH. And 10% by mass of air is

2 3 / 0 9 lower than 18 C. Determine (i)


9- 1 3
minimum amount of air supplied to the space in m /s (ii) Volume flow rate of return
10 air exhaust air, outdoor air (iii) state and volume flow rate of air entering the cooling
coil. (iv) Capacity, ADP, BPF, SHF of the cooling coil.
Registration No :
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech


2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination: 2021-22

109 109 109 HEAT POWER
109 ENGG
109 109 109
Time : 3 Hour
Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : J497
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 × 10)
a) Draw the actual vapor compression cycle p-h plot citing variations from ideal cycle.
b) Name four refrigerants that are suitable for ice plants.
c) Mention the types of expansion devices used in refrigeration systems.
d) Mention desirable properties of an Ideal refrigerant.
e) What do you understand by cascade refrigerator system?
109 f)
109 What is crystallization
109 and capacity
109 control in109
vapour absorption
109 system? 109 109
g) Mention four eco-friendly refrigerants used these days.
h) What do you mean by approach and range in cooling tower calculations?
i) Write down the effects of subcooling and superheating on the performance in
refrigeration system.
j) Write the principle of liquefaction of gases.

109 Q2 109 109
Only Focused-Short 109 Type Questions-
Answer 109 (Answer 109Any Eight out109 of (6 × 8) 109

a) What is Defrosting capacity control? Explain briefly.
b) The number of compressor cylinders, bore and stroke for a 45 ton
refrigerationsystem. The bore should not exceed 100 mm and stroke is 1.1 of the
bore. The operating pressure limits are 3.53 bar and 15.27 bar for R-22 system.
The index of expansion is 1.1. The condensate is subcooled by 10 K before
throttling. Take vc/vs=0.03 and rpm is 1200.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
c) What do you understand by cascade systems? Explain with schematic layout.
d) Can water be used as refrigerant? Explain the limitations.
e) Briefly explain the system control balancing in refrigeration plant.
f) What factors would be considered while selecting an oversize an oversize
condenser for a compressor?
g) The dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity of moist air at standard
atmospheric pressure are 20°C and 30% respectively. Determine the humidity
109 109 ratio, the degree
109 of saturation,
109 specific enthalpy
109 and specific109volume using 109
moist 109
air table and also by using the perfect gas relations.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

h) Why is the balancing of components of the refrigeration system required? Explain
109 109 briefly. 109 109 109 109 109 109

i) Explain Magnetic refrigeration system with a neat sketch.

j) Explain all methods dehumidification processes of air conditioning system.
k) Draw a neat diagram of an Ejector refrigeration system and explain its working.
l) With schematic layout, describe working of a dry ice manufacturing plant.

109 109 Only Long 109 109
Answer Type Questions (Answer109 Any Two out109
of Four) 109 109

Q3 Discuss with neat sketch the principle of the system for compound compression (16)
with multiple expansion valves and flash intercooling system.
A vapor compression system with NH3 as refrigerant works betweenthe pressure
limits of 2 bar and 14 bar. It is fitted with expansion valves and flash chambers
such that the vapours are extracted at 6 bar and 10 bar and sent to the appropriate
compressor suction. For a refrigerating load of 18-tonnes, calculate the power
required to .drive the three compressors.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q4 Obtain an expression of COP of a vortex tube if the compressed air is obtained (16)
from isothermal compression in terms of pressure ratio, compression and vortex
tube efficiencies.

Q5 Carefully sketch a flow diagram and T-s diagram for a refrigeration cycle that uses (16)
a single heat exchanger for suction line heating and condenser discharge
109 109 subcooling. 109
Explain how the109
addition of this109
heat exchanger109
influences the 109
cycle 109
refrigeration effect?

Q6 For an ideal vapor compression refrigeration system operating with R- 22 at an (16)

evaporator temperature of -10°C and condensing at 30°C, find the following: the
compressor suction and discharge pressures, enthalpies, and specific volumes;
the condenser discharge pressure and enthalpy; the refrigeration COP; and the
refrigerant mass flow rate and power requirement for a 10-ton refrigeration unit.
109 109 What is the109volumetric efficiency
109 of the reciprocating
109 compressor
109 used with109the 109
refrigeration system if the clearance volume is 3% of the displacement volume and
the polytropic exponent is 1.16.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Regular Examination 2018-19
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
Q.CODE : F292
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two from
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
a) What is crystallization and capacity control in vapour absorption system?
b) Mention four eco-friendly refrigerants used these days.
c) What do you mean by approach and range in cooling tower calculations?
d) Write down the effects of subcooling and superheating on the performance in
refrigeration system.
e) Write the principle of liquefaction of gases.
f) Draw the actual vapor compression cycle p-h plot citing variations from ideal cycle.
g) Name four refrigerants that are suitable for ice plants.
h) Mention the types of expansion devices used in refrigeration systems.
i) Mention desirable properties of an Ideal refrigerant.
j) What do you understand by cascade refrigerator system?

Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) Derive the following :

1  (1  ) p s p b
Where is  is relative humidity,  is degree of saturation and ps , p b are saturation
pressure and barometric pressure respectively.
b) What is Defrosting capacity control? Explain briefly.
c) The number of compressor cylinders, bore and stroke for a 45 ton refrigerationsystem.
The bore should not exceed 100 mm and stroke is 1.1 of the bore. The operating
pressure limits are 3.53 bar and 15.27 barfor R-22 system. The index of expansion is
1.1. The condensate is subcooled by 10 K before throttling. Take v c/vs=0.03 and rpm is
d) What do you understand by cascade systems? Explain with schematic layout.
e) Can water be used as refrigerant? Explain the limitations.
f) Briefly explain the system control balancing in refrigeration plant.
g) What factors would be considered while selecting an oversize an oversize condenser
for a compressor?
h) The dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity of moist air at standard atmospheric
pressure are 20°C and 30% respectively. Determine the humidity ratio, the degree of
saturation, specific enthalpy and specific volume using moist air table and also by
using the perfect gas relations.
i) Why is the balancing of components of the refrigeration system required? Explain
j) Explain Magnetic refrigeration system with a neat sketch.
k) Explain all methods dehumidification processes of air conditioning system.
l) Draw a neat diagram of an Ejector refrigeration system and explain its working.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 For an ideal vapor compression refrigeration system operating with R- 22 at an (16)
evaporator temperature of -10°C and condensing at 30°C, find the following: the
compressor suction and discharge pressures, enthalpies, and specific volumes; the
condenser discharge pressure and enthalpy; the refrigeration COP; and the refrigerant
mass flow rate and power requirement for a 10-ton refrigeration unit.
What is the volumetric efficiency of the reciprocating compressor used with the
refrigeration system if the clearance volume is 3% of the displacement volume and the
polytropic exponent is 1.16?

Q4 a) Discuss with neat sketch the principle of the system for compound compression with (8)
multiple expansion valves and flash intercooling system.
b) A vapor compression system with NH3 as refrigerant works betweenthe pressure limits (8)
of 2 bar and 14 bar. It is fitted with expansion valves and flash chambers such that the
vapours are extracted at 6 bar and 10 bar and sent to the appropriate compressor
suction. For a refrigerating load of 18-tonnes, calculate the power required to .drive the
three compressors.

Q5 a) Carefully sketch a flow diagram and T-s diagram for a refrigeration cycle that uses a (8)
single heat exchanger for suction line heating and condenser discharge subcooling.
Explain how the addition of this heat exchanger influences the cycle refrigeration
b) Sketch and discuss thoroughly the slope and variation of lines of constant enthalpy on (8)
the psychometric chart.

Q6 Obtain an expression of COP of a vortex tube if the compressed air is obtained from (16)
isothermal compression in terms of pressure ratio, compression and vortex tube
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

109 Total 109 109 : 02

Number of Pages 109 109 109 109 B.Tech109
2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2018-19
Max Marks : 100
Time : 3 Hours
109 109 109 109 Q.CODE : 109
F174 109 109 109
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any EIGHT from Part-II and any TWO
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
a) What is crystallization and capacity control in vapour absorption system?
109 b)
109 Mention four109eco-friendly refrigerants
109 used these
109 days. 109 109 109
c) What do you mean by approach and range in cooling tower calculations?
d) Write down the effects of subcooling and superheating on the performance in
refrigeration system.
e) Write the principle of liquefaction of gases.
f) Draw the actual vapor compression cycle p-h plot citing variations from ideal cycle.
g) Name four refrigerants that are suitable for ice plants.
h) Define approach and range of a cooling tower.
109 i)
109 Mention the109types of expansion109 devices used 109
in refrigeration systems.
109 109 109
j) Mention desirable properties of an Ideal refrigerant.

Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) Draw a neat diagram of an Ejector refrigeration system and explain its working.
b) Explain the lubrication system in refrigeration plant.
c) Briefly explain the system control balancing in refrigeration plant.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
d) Explain all methods dehumidification processes of air conditioning system.
e) What factors would be considered while selecting an oversize an oversize condenser
for a compressor?
f) The dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity of moist air at standard atmospheric
pressure are 20°C and 30% respectively. Determine the humidity ratio, the degree of
saturation, specific enthalpy and specific volume using moist air table and also by
using the perfect gas relations.
109 109
g) Why is the 109 109
balancing of components of the109refrigeration system
109 required? 109
Explain 109
h) Explain Magnetic refrigeration system with a neat sketch.
i) Derive the following

1  (1  ) p s p b
where is  is relative humidity,  is degree of saturation and ps , p b are saturation
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
pressure and barometric pressure respectively.
j) What is Defrosting capacity control? Explain briefly.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

k) The number of compressor cylinders, bore and stroke for a 50 ton refrigerationsystem.
The bore should not exceed 100 mm and stroke is 1.1 of the bore. The operating
pressure limits are 3.53 bar and 15.27 barfor R-22 system. The index of expansion is
109 109 109
1.1. The condensate 109
is subcooled 109 throttling. Take
by 10 K before 109 v /v =0.03 and
rpm is 109
c s
l) What do you understand by cascade systems? Explain with schematic layout.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
109 Q3 109 In a 12 TR 109 109
refrigeration ammonia 109
plant compression 109out in two stages
is carried 109 with (16) 109
water and flash intercooling and water sub-cooling.
Condenser pressure, evaporator pressure and flash intercooling and sub-intercooling
pressures are 12 bar, 3 bar, and 6 bar respectively. If the limiting temperature for inter
cooling and sub-cooling is 20˚ C,
determine the following:
a) The coefficient of performance of the plant;
b) The power required for each compressor;
109 109 c) The swept109volume for each
if the volumetric109 109 of the compressors
efficiency of each 109 is 109

Q4 Obtain an expression of COP of a vortex tube if the compressed air is obtained from (16)
isothermal compression in terms of pressure ratio, compression and vortex tube

Q5 Show that the COP of an n-stage cascade thermoelectric refrigeration system is given (16)
109 109 by 109 109 109 109 109 109

COPn-stage =
( ′)
Where COP’ is the coefficient of performance of each stage.

Q6 Explain the design and construction details of unitary refrigeration system. Briefly (16)
discuss the thermal modelling of each equipment in it.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech.

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2017-18
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
Q.CODE : C738
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any FOUR from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type: (2 x 10)

a) What is the effect of super-heating on COP?
b) What is effective temperature?
c) Define bypass factor of a cooling coil.
d) Define humid specific heat.
e) Write the name of the refrigerant to be used in ice plant.
f) What is a secondary refrigerant? Where it is used?
g) State the characteristics of a good lubrication.
h) Define heat rejection factor of a condenser.
i) State the leak detection process when Ammonia is used as refrigerant.
j) Write the chemical formula of R12 and R717.

Q2 a) What is the purpose of under cooling in vapour compression system? (10)

Differentiate between dry and wet compression. What are the advantages of one
over the other?
b) A Freon-12 refrigerator producing a cooling effect of 20 kJ/s operates on a (10)
simple cycle with pressure limits of 1.509 bar and 9.607 bar. The vapour leaves
the evaporator dry saturated and there is no undercooling. Determine the power
required by the machine.

If the compressor operates at 300 rpm. and has a clearance volume of 3% of

stroke volume, determine the piston displacement of the compressor. For
compressor assume that the expansion following the law pv 1.13=constant.
Given :
Entropy(kJ/kg Specific
Enthalpy(kJ/kg) Heat
Temperature Ps Vg K)
(°C) (bar) (m /kg) (kJ/kg
hf hg sf sg K)
-20 1.509 0.1088 17.8 178.61 0.073 0.7082 -
40 9.607 - 74.53 203.05 0.2716 0.682 0.747

Q3 a) What are the advantages of multistage compression with intercooler over single (10)
stage compression? Explain two stage compression with intercooling and sub
cooling by external cooling source.

b) A mixture of dry air and water vapour is at a temperature of 22°C under a total (10)
pressure of 730 mm Hg. The dew point temperature is 15°C. Find : (i) Partial
pressure of water vapour; (ii) Relative humidity; (iii) Specific humidity; (iv)
Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air; (v) specific volume of air per kg of dry air.

Q4 a) Draw a neat diagram of ‘Electrolux Refrigerator’ and explain its working principle. (10)
What is the important role of hydrogen in this refrigeration system?
b) What is Joule’s Thomson effect? State the principle of liquefaction of (10)
gases.Discuss the limitation of vapour compression system for producing low

Q5 a) What is dry ice? Where it is used? Explain with a neat sketch the working of a (10)
system used for production of dry ice.
b) Explain working principle of vortex tube. List its advantages. Write general (10)
expression for C.O.P. of the vortex tube.

Q6 a) What is the effect of frost on the cooling coil? Enumerate three common methods (10)
of defrosting evaporator coils refrigerators.
b) What is the function of an evaporator in a refrigeration system? State how (10)
“capacity of an evaporator” defined? Explain briefly the factors which effect the
heat transfer capacity of an evaporator.

Q7 a) What is an expansion device? Explain with the help of a neat sketch the (10)
workingprinciple of a Thermostatic expansion device.
b) What are the different types of compressors used in refrigeration? Draw neat (10)
diagram and describe them briefly.
Registration No:

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Total Number of Pages: 02 M.TECH

2nd Semester Regular Examination 2016-17
109 109 POWER
109 109 109

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
109 1 Answer the following
109 109 questions:
109 109 109 109 109

a) Write the advantage of heating the refrigerant to superheated stage at suction. 2

b) When the volumetric efficiency of the compressor becomes highest? 2
c) In a two stage vapour compression system, if the operating condition of condenser at 1.35 2
MN/m2, 350C and evaporator at 0.0718 MN/m2, -400C; calculate the intermediate pressure.
d) Calculate the overall efficiency of the ejector if the efficiencies of nozzle, entrainment and 2
109 109
diffuser are 0.85,
0.65 and 0.85109
respectively. 109 109 109 109

e) Define Rault’s law of solubility. 2

f) Define degree of saturation of moist air. 2
g) Define by-pass factor of a cooling coil. 2
h) What is the difference between flooded type and dry type evaporator? 2
i) Define clearance factor of a compressor. 2
109 j) 109Write the chemical
109 formula of R10911. 109 109 109 2 109

2 a) An ammonia refrigerator produces 20 tons of ice per day from and at 00C. The condensation (10)
and evaporation takes at 200C and -200C respectively. The temperature of the vapour at the
end of isentropic compression is 500C and there is no under cooling of the liquid. The actual
COP is 70% of the theoretical COP. Determine: (i) the rate of NH3circulation, (ii) the size
of single acting compressor when running at 240 RPM assuming length to bore ratio unity
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
and volumetric efficiency of 80%. (Assume fusion of ice, hfg=335 KJ/Kg., specific heat of
superheated vapour = 2.8 KJ/Kg0k, specific volume of dry vapour at -200C, vsup = 0.264
m3/kg). Table for NH3:
Temperature (0C) Sp. Enthalpy (KJ/Kg) Sp. Entropy(KJ/Kg0 K)
hf hg sf sg
20 274.98 1461.58 1.0341 5.0919
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
-20 89.72 1419.05 0.3682 5.6204
b) Write advantages and disadvantages for wet compression and dry compression refrigeration (10)

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

system. Write the effect of evaporator pressure on refrigeration system.

109 3 a) 109With neat sketch

109 explain in detail
109 the manufacture
109 of solid carbon
109dioxide. 109 (10)109
b) A mixture of dry air and water vapour at a temperature of 22 C under a total pressure of 736 (10)
mm of Hg. The dew point temperature is 170C. Find relative humidity, specific humidity,
specific enthalpy of water vapour, enthalpy of air per kg of dry air, specific volume of air
per kg of dry air.

4 a) 10940 cmm of a mixture
of recirculated
room air and
outdoor air enters
a cooling coil
at 310C (10)109
DBT and 180 WBT. The effective surface temperature of the coil is 4.50C. The surface area
of the coil provides 12.5 KW of refrigeration with given entering air state. Determine the
dry and wet bulb temperatures of the air leaving the coil and the coil by-pass factor.
b) Discuss in detail the thermodynamic properties required for a refrigerant. (10)

5 a) Applying conservation principle analyze different components of a vapour-absorption (10)

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
refrigeration system.
b) A R-12 reciprocating compressor with 4 percent is to be designed for 7.5 TR capacity at (10)
50C evaporating and 350C condensing temperatures. The compression index may be taken
as 1.15. The number of cylinders may be selected as two and the mean piston speed as 3
m/sec. The stroke to bore ratio for fluorocarbons may be taken as 0.8. Pressure drops at
suction and discharge valves may be assumed as 0.2 and 0.4 bar respectively. Determine:
109 109(a) power consumption
109 and COP 109 of the cycle, (b)
109 volumetric efficiency
109 of the compressor,
109 109

(c) bore, stroke and RPM of the compressor. Table for R-12:
Temperature (0C) Sp. Enthalpy (KJ/kg) Sp. Volume (m3/kg) Pressure (bar)
hf hg vf vg
5 40.7 189.7 0.72 0.0475 3.62
35 69.5 201.5 0.79 0.0206 8.47
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

6 a) With neat sketch explain different types of evaporators. (10)

b) An R-12 thermostatic expansion valve not equipped with an external equalizer has a (10)
superheat setting of 70C while supplying the refrigerant to the evaporator at 00C. The power
fluid is same as the refrigerant. (a) Determine the difference in pressures on opposite sides
of the diaphragm required to operate the valve. (b) If the temperature at the evaporator inlet
109 109is -5 C and the109
pressure drop through
109 the coil is1090.2 bar, what is109the degree of superheat
109 of 109

the suction gas leaving the evaporator?

7 a) With neat sketch explain the working principle of different types of condensers. (10)
b) Explain the working principle of magnetic refrigeration system. (10)

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

First Semester Examination – 2013
Advanced Refrigeration Engineering Question Paper
Max Marks: 70

Q1. Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) Is HCFC-123 safe to use in centrifugal chillers? Why?
b) What are the usefulness of solenoids and relays in AC systems?
c) What are the methodologies adopted for Leak detection in Refrigeration
d) Differentiate between absorbents and adsorbents.
e) What do you mean by eco-friendly refrigerants? Give two examples.
f) Sketch the vortex tube refrigeration system.
g) What are various factors affecting human comfort.
h) Define Energy performance ratio (EPR) & express its relationship with
i) Discuss effect of moisture and oil miscibilityin refrigerants.
j) What if BPF used in air conditioning. How efficiency of the
heating/cooling system is related with it?
Q2 a) Discuss with neat sketch the principle of the system for compound
compression with multiple expansion valves and flash intercooling system.
b) A vapor compression system with (Ammonia) NH3 as refrigerant works
between the pressure limits of 2 bar and 14 bar. It is fitted with expansion
valves and flash chambers such that the vapours are extracted at 6 bar and
10 bar and sent to the appropriate compressor suction. For a refrigerating
load of 18-tonnes, calculate the power required to .drive the three
Q3 a) Explain Cascade refrigeration system and also give its advantages.
b) Compare vapor absorption and vapor compression refrigeration system.
Q4. Briefly Describe the design and construction details of unitary
refrigeration equipment.
Q5. For an ideal vapor compression refrigeration system operating with R-
22 at an evaporator temperature of -10°C and condensing at 30°C, find the
following: the compressor suction and discharge pressures, enthalpies, and
specific volumes; the condenser discharge pressure and enthalpy; the
refrigeration COP; and the refrigerant mass flow rate and power
requirement for a 10-ton refrigeration unit.
Registration No :

-- 1
Total Number of Pages : 02
02 3 Course: M.Tech
Sub_Code: P2HTCC04
8 / 2
8 0 Back Examination: 2022-23
2 Semester /Regular/
Time : 3 Hour
Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : M589
- - 1
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two

2 0 23
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
08 /
2 8 / Part-I

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)
b) 10
What is the use of load curves in power plants?
-- 1
What are the advantages of super critical boiler over critical boilers?
c) 2 3
List out the inherent advantages of the combined power cycles.
d) / 2
Differentiate condenser efficiency and vacuum efficiency.
2 8 /0
Write one relative merit and one demerit of ID fan over FD fan.
What are effects of regeneration and reheat on efficiency and work output of the
power plant?
g) What is the function of economizer and air preheater?
h) Define the term “Breeding”.
-- 1
With PV and TS diagram explain the effect of reheating and regeneration in a gas
turbine plant.
02 3
0 8 /2
What are the major factors that decide the economics of power plants? Explain

28 /
0 9 - Part-II
Q2 1
Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of
-- 1 (6 × 8)
2 3
2 3 --1
Write a short note on future energy systems.
/ 2 0
20 /0 8
Explain different types of super heaters and super heater control mechanisms

0 / used in steam generator.
- 2 8
If the flue gas temperature is 260°C, the ambient temperature is 27°C, and the

- 28/ 109
stoichiometric need is 18 kg per kg of fuel, determine the height of the chimney

10 9 needed to provide a draught that is equivalent to 20 mm of water. Assume there is

50% more air for combustion.
d) With sketch, explain Dust and ash removal systems in power plants.
e) How is low Nox emission possible in CFB combustor? Explain the staged
combustion process.
f) Briefly write on Indian nuclear programme.
g) How are nuclear reactor classified? Discuss fast breeder reactor.
h) Write a short note on Peak load, Demand factor and Load factor.
advantages and disadvantages. -- 1
What is a moderator? Name the common moderators and discuss their relative

02 3
Give the functions and materials for the followings
/ 2
(i) reflector (ii) control rods (iii) biological shield
2 8 /0
How waste is disposed off in nuclear power station? What are the main difficulties

09 -
in handling radioactive waste?
Propane gas is reacted with air in such a ratio that the analysis of the dry products
of combustion gives CO2 11.5%, O2 2.7%, and CO 0.7%. What is the percentage
of excel air used?

- - 1 Part-III

Q3 23
Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
The power load in a cogeneration plant is 5.6 MW, and the heating load is 1.163
2 (16)

08 /
MW. At 40 bar and 500°C, steam is produced, and it is isentropically expanded by

2 8 /
a turbine to a condenser at 0.06 bar. The heating load is met by withdrawing steam
at 2 bar from the turbine, condensing it at 2 bar in the process heater to create a

10 9-
saturated liquid, and pumping it back to the boiler. Calculate (i) the boiler's
3 --
capability to produce steam. (ii) The amount of heat supplied to the boiler (iii) the
rate at which fuel is burned (iv) the amount of heat rejected to the condenser (v)
and (vi) the rate at which cooling water is pumped through the condenser if the
temperature rise of the water is 6°C. Ignore pump work.

Q4 a)
2 8 /0
Find the cost of generation per kW-hr from the following data.
- (8)

Capacity of the plant - 120MW
Capital cost - Rs.1,200 per kW installed
Interest and depreciation - 10 % on capital
Fuel consumption - 1.2 kg / kW-hr.
Fuel cost - Rs. 40 tone -- 1
2 3
Salaries, wages, repairs and maintenance - 6, 00,000 / year
b) /2
The maximum demand is 80 MW and load factor is 40 %.
A power plant has two 60 MW unit each running for 1500 hrs and a year. The
0 (8)

28 /
energy produced per year is 700×106. Determine the plant load factor and plant
use factor.
0 9 -
1 in
A reactor is1fuelled with 100 tonnes of natural uranium (atomic mass -238.05)
which the average
2 3 s. The
thermal neutron (2200 m/s) flux is 10 neutrons/cm

2200 m/s -cross sectionof U-235 (atomic mass 235.04) are 2

2 3 / σ = 579 barns and
barns. The energy release per fission is 200 MeV8and 0.715% of natural
0 is U-235. Calculate (a) the rating of reactor8in/0MW/tonne (b) the rate of
σ = 101

/ 2
8 consumption of U-235 per day. 2
/ 0 9 -
8 A bed of particles of mean size 427μm1is0fluidized by air under the ambient
9 - 2
Q6 (16)
10 conditions where the air density is 1.21 kg/m3 and the viscosity is 1.82х10-5 kg/m-s.
The density of the loosely packed bed is 1620 kg/m3. If the density of solids is
2780 kg/m3, find (a) voidage of the bed and (b) the minimum fluidization velocity.
Estimate the sphericity of the particles when Umf = 0.14 m/s.
Registration No :
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Regular Examination: 2021-22

Time : 3 Hour
109 109 109 109
Max Marks109
: 100 109 109 109

Q.Code : J666
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

109 Q1 109 Answer the109
following questions
109 : 109 109 109 (2 x 10) 109
a) List down the nuclear waste disposal method.
b) What are the materials used for moderators, reflectors and control rod.
c) Draw the line diagram of PWR system.
d) What are the advantages of reheat cycle over simple ranking cycle?
e) Define super critical boilers. Give examples.
f) State the characteristics of a good ash handling plant.
g) Define factor of evaporation and boiler efficiency.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
h) List the advantages of combined cycle.
i) Why compounding are necessary in steam turbines?
j) What is a curie? What is a roentgen?

Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of (6 × 8)
109 a)
109 Write short109 109
notes on environmental 109 of power generation
aspects 109 109
using fossil 109

fuel based power plant.

b) Explain the functions of a cladding? What are factors of selecting a suitable
c) What are different types stokers used in thermal power plant. Explain one
with diagram.
d) Propane gas is reacted with air in such a ratio that the analysis of the dry
109 109 products of109
combustion gives109 CO2 11.5%,109O2 2.7%, and 109
CO 0.7%. What109is 109
the percentage of excel air used?
e) How is low Nox emission possible in CFB combustor? Explain the staged
combustion process.
f) Describe any one, once through kind of boiler used with sketch
g) A furnace wall riser, 18 m long, 77 mm OD and 6 mm thick receives
saturated water at 80 bar and 1.5 m/s velocity. Assuming a circulation ratio
109 109 of 12.5 and109slip ratio of 1.2,
109 determine a)
109the pressure109
head developed109 b) 109
the void fraction
h) Briefly discuss feed water treatment process used in thermal power plant

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

i) With the help of neat sketch describe working of Fluidized Bed
combustion.(FBC) system.
109 109 109
j) Draw the neat diagram of109any one type109of cooling tower
109 109
and discuss its 109

merit and demerits

k) Calculate the height of chimney required to produce a draught of equivalent
to 20 mm of water if the flue gas temperature is 260°C and ambient
temperature is 27°C and the stoichiometric requirement is 18 kg per kg of
fuel. Assume 50% of excess air for combustion.
l) Enumerate various methods of feed water treatment
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 What is Neutron scattering? How it is influence the reactor design?. Explain (16)
different types of reactors and the various applications.

Q4 Steam at 40 bar, 500°C flowing at the rate of 5500 kg/h expands in a hp (16)
109 109 turbine to 2109
bar with an isentropic
109 efficiency
109 of 83%. A continuous
109 supply
109 of 109
steam at 2 bar, 0.87 steam quality and a flow rate of 2700 kg/h is available
from a geothermal energy source. The steam is mixed with adiabatically
with h.p. turbine exhaust steam and the combined flow then expands in i.p
turbine to 0.1 bar with isentropic efficiency of 78%. Determine the power
output and the thermal efficiency of the plant. Assume that 5500 kg/h of the
steam is generated in the boiler at 40 bar, 500°C from the saturated feed
109 109
water of 0.1109
bar.. Had the109geothermal steam
not been 109
added, what would
109 109
have been power output and efficiency of the plant? Neglect pump work.

Q5 The following data relate to a regenerative steam power plant generating (16)
22.5 MW energy , the alternator directly coupled to steam turbine:
Condition of steam supplied to the steam turbine: 60 bar, 450°C
Condenser vacuum: 707.5 mm
Pressure to which steam is bled from the steam turbine: 3 bar
109 109 109
Turbine efficiency for each109 109
portion of expansion: 87% 109 109 109

Boiler efficiency: 86%

Alternator efficiency: 84%
Mechanical efficiency from turbine to generator: 97%
Neglecting pump work in calculating the input to the boiler, find
i) steam bled per kg of steam supplied to the turbine
ii) steam generated per hour if 9% of generator output is utilized to
109 109 run
109 the pump the109overall efficiency
109 of the plant109 109 109

Q6 Explain the working of nuclear reactors and the safety system precautionary (16)
steps taken in a reactor.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2018-19
Max Marks : 100
Time : 3 Hours
Q.CODE : F337
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two from
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
a) What are the advantages of reheat cycle over simple ranking cycle?
b) Define super critical boilers. Give examples.
c) Give comparative estimate of FD and ID fan.
d) What do you mean by moderating power and moderating ratio?
e) What is nuclear stability? Why are elements of higher mass number not stable?
f) Explain the term “fuel burnup” in nuclear power plant.
g) What are the fission fragments and fission products.
h) What is “half life” of nuclear fuels?
i) List down the nuclear waste disposal method.
j) Define the term “Breeding”

Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) What are recuperative air preheater? Why are baffles provided? Why is the overall
heat transfer coefficient in APH low?
b) Explain different types of super heaters and super heater control mechanisms used in
steam generator.
c) Calculate the height of chimney required to produce a draught of equivalent to 20 mm
of water if the flue gas temperature is 260°C and ambient temperature is 27°C and the
stoichiometric requirement is 18 kg per kg of fuel. Assume 50% of excess air for
d) Briefly write on Indian nuclear programme.
e) How is low Nox emission possible in CFB combustor? Explain the staged combustion
f) Describe any one, once through kind of boiler used with sketch
g) Explain different types of furnaces and its applications..
h) Explain the functions of economizer in boiler and how boiler maintenance is conducted.
i) A furnace wall riser, 18 m long, 77 mm OD and 6 mm thick receives saturated water at
80 bar and 1.5 m/s velocity. Assuming a circulation ratio of 12.5 and slip ratio of 1.2,
determine a) the pressure head developed b) the void fraction
j) Briefly discuss feed water treatment process used in thermal power plant
k) What are different types stokers used in thermal power plant? Explain one with
l) Propane gas is reacted with air in such a ratio that the analysis of the dry products of
combustion gives CO2 11.5%, O2 2.7%, and CO 0.7%. What is the percentage of excel
air used?

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 A reactor is fuelled with 100 tonnes of natural uranium (atomic mass 238.05) in which (16)
the average thermal neutron (2200 m/s) flux is 1013 neutrons/cm2s. The 2200 m/s cross
section of U-235 (atomic mass 235.04) are σ f=579 barns and σc=101 barns. The
energy release per fission is 200 MeV and 0.715% of natural uranium is U-235.
Calculate (a) the rating of reactor in MW/ tonne (b) the rate of consumption of U-235
per day.

Q4 Steam at 40 bar, 500°C flowing at the rate of 5500 kg/h expands in ahp turbine to 2 bar (16)
with an isentropic efficiency of 83%. A continuous supply of steam at 2 bar, 0.87 steam
quality and a flow rate of 2700 kg/h is available from a geothermal energy source. The
steam is mixed with adiabatically with h.p. turbine exhaust steam and the combined
flow then expands in i.p turbine to 0.1 bar with isentropic efficiency of 78%. Determine
the power output and the thermal efficiency of the plant. Assume that 5500 kg/h of the
steam is generated in the boiler at 40 bar, 500°C from the saturated feed water of 0.1
bar.. Had the geothermal steam not been added, what would have been power output
and efficiency of the plant? Neglect pump work.

Q5 A bed of particles of mean size 427µm is fluidized by air under the ambient conditions (16)
where the air density is 1.21 kg/m3 and the viscosity is 1.82х10-5 kg/m-s. The density of
the loosely packed bed is 1620 kg/m3. If the density of solids is 2780 kg/m3, find (a)
voidage of the bed and (b) the minimum fluidization velocity. Estimate the sphericity of
the particles when Umf=0.14 m/s.

Q6 What is HTGR? Why it is called Magnox? Explain its mean feature with neat sketch. (16)

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech.

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2017-18
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Q.CODE : C847
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type: (2 x 10)

a) Why the thermal efficiency of a condensing steam power plant is less in a
warm region than a cold region?
b) What is heat rate? What is the difference between net cycle heat rate and
gross cycle heat rate?
c) What is the basic difference between Proximate analysis and Ultimate
d) What is shock and where does it occur?
e) What is pendant superheater?
f) What do you mean by curie in related to radiation energy?
g) Write the two reason why not all the fission neutrons cause further fission.
h) What is 1/V law and 1/V region?
i) What is circulation and circulation ratio?
j) What is an HTGR? Why is it called magnox?

Q2 a) In a cogeneration plant, the power load is 5.6MW and the heating load is (10)
1.163MW. Steam is generated at 40 bar and 500°C and is expanded
isentropically through a turbine to a condenser at 0.06bar. The heating load is
supplied by extracting steam from a turbine at 2bar, which condensed in the
process heater to saturated liquid at 2 bar and then pumped back to the
boiler. Compute (a) the steam generation capacity of the boiler in t/h, (b) the
heat input to the boiler in kW, (c) the fuel burning rate of the boiler in t/h if the
coal calorific value 25MJ/kg is burned and boiler efficiency is 88%, (d) the
heat rejected to the condenser, (e) the rate of flow of cooling water in the
condenser if the temperature raise of water is 6 °C. Neglect pump work
b) Derive the efficiency for cogeneration plant. (10)

Q3 a) The ultimate analysis of a fuel oil is given to be: carbon 83.7%, hydrogen (12)
12.7%, sulphur 0.7%, nitrogen 1.7%, & oxygen 1.2%. The combustion air has
a dry bulb temperature of 27oC and a wet bulb temperature of 21oC. With
30% excess air and assuming complete combustion, find (a) the total volume
of combustion products at 200oc and 1.013bar, and (b) the dry flue gas
analysis based on CO2, O2 and N2
b) Discuss the mechanism of solid fuel combustion. (8)

Q4 a) A 15m high down comer-riser circuit operates at 160 bar. The riser receives (10)
uniform heat flux and saturated water. The exit quality is 50%. Calculate the
pressure head developed due to natural circulation. Take the slip factor as
in m3/kg in m3/kg
0.001711 0.009306
b) Discuss about steam generator control in detail (10)

Q5 (a) What do you mean by once through systems and write its contribution (10)
towards environment aspects of power generation
(b) Explain the operation of an elastic precipitator. (10)

Q6 (a) A 230g piece of boron (mol wt. 10) absorbs thermal neutrons at the rate of (10)
9.57X1013 per (cm3.s). Boron density is 2.3g/cm3. Find (a) the thermal
neutron flux, and (b) the average distance that a neutron travels before it
absorbed. For thermal neutrons, a=755 barns and s=4 barns
(b) Discus detail about Neutron Life cycle and Neutron flux. (10)

Q7 Write short notes on : (5 x 4)

a) Coal liquefaction Vs Coal Gasification
b) Economizer
c) Acid rain and acid snow
d) Neutron Scattering
First Semester Examination-2013

Thermal And Nuclear Power Plants Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1. Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) What is “half life” of nuclear fuels?
b) List down the nuclear waste disposal method.
c) Define the term “Breeding”
d) What are the advantages of reheat cycle over simple ranking cycle?
e) Define super critical boilers. Give examples. •
f) What are the methods used in ash handling system?
g) What are the fission fragments and fission products.
h) What is nuclear stability? Why are elements of higher mass number
not stable?
i) What is a curie? What is a roentgen?
j) What are the advantages of regenerating cycle over simple ranking
Q2. a) What are recuperative air-preheater? Why are baffles provided?
Why is the overall heat transfer coefficient in APH low?
b) Explain different types of super heaters and supef heater
control mechanisms used in steam generator.
Q3. a) Explain different types of furnace and its applications.
b) Explain the functions of economizer in boiler and how boiler
maintenance is conducted.
Q4. a) Calculate the height of chimney required to produce a draught of
equivalent to 20 mm of water if the flue gas temperature is 260°C and
ambient temperature is 27°C and the stochiometric requirement is 18 kg
per kg of fuel. Assume 50% of excess air for combustion.
b) Briefly write on Indian nuclear programme
Q5. a) What is Neutron scattering? How it is influence the reactor design?.
b) Explain different types of reactors and the various applications.
Q6. Explain the working of nuclear reactors and the safety
system precautionary steps taken in a reactor.
Q7. a) What do you mean by cogeneration? What are the reasons for
promoting cogeneration in decentralized environment- discuss.
b) Write short notes on environmental aspects of power generation using
fossil fuel based power plant.
Q8. Write short notes (any two)
a) Deaerator and drain cooler
b) Feedwater treatment
c) Future trends in reactor design

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Regular Examination 2018-19
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
Q.CODE : F434
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two from
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
a) What is compact heat exchanger? Mention its applications.
b) How TEMA charts are are helpful in design of multiple pass heat exchangers?
c) What is limitation of the LMTD method? How is ε-NTU method is superior to correction
factor-LMTD method?.
d) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat exchanger?
e) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
f) State different types of cooling towers used in industrial applications.
g) Explain the physical significance of NTU.
h) For phase change type of counter flow type heat exchangers, mention the relationship
between NTU and effectiveness.
i) Draw the parallel flow type evaporator having length and temperature as x- axis and y-
axis respectively.
j) What do you mean by fouling factor? Mention its causes.

Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) Describe working of Heat pipe with sketch.
b) Explain Differential thermal Expansion and thermal stresses.
c) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat exchanger? How it can be
d) Steam enters a counter flow heat exchanger, dry saturated at 10 bar and leaves at
3500C. The mass flow of stream is 800 kg/min. The gases enter the heat exchanger at
6500C and mass flow rate is 1350 kg/min. If the tubes are 300 mm diameter and 3 m
long, determine the number of tubes required. Neglect the resistance offered by metallic
e) Differentiate between Regenerators and recuperator.
f) How fouling is dealt while designing heat exchangers
g) A counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger is to heat the cold fluid from 30°C to 65°C at
a rate of 2 kg/s. The heating is to be accomplished by hot fluid available at 100°C at a
mass flow rate of 1 kg/s. The inner tube is thin-walled and has a diameter of 1.5 cm.
Specific heat of the hot fluid is 10kJ/kgK and that of the cold fluid is 5 kJ /kgK. If the
overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is 640 W/m 2 °C, determine the
length of the heat exchanger required to achieve the desired heating.
h) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the necessary steps are
being taken to avoid this

i) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow heat
exchanger and explain it.
j) Show that for a counter flow heat exchanger
1  exp   NTU 1  R  
1  R exp   NTU 1  R  
k) In the heat transfer relation Q=UAΔTlm for a heat exchanger, what is ΔTlm called?
Derive the expression for counter flow heat exchanger.
l) Explain how the makeup water requirement is estimated from energy and mass balance
of a cooling tower.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 Water is required to be preheated for a boiler using flue gases from the boiler stack. (16)
The flue gases are available at the rate of 0.25 kg/s at 150°C, with specific heat of 1000
J/kgK. The water entering the exchanger at 15°C at the rate of 0.05kg/s is to be heated
to 90°C. The heat exchanger is to be reversed current type with once shell pass and
four tube passes. The water flows inside the tubes which are made of copper (25 mm
inner and 30 mm outer diameter). The heat transfer coefficient at the gas side is 115
W/m2K while the heat transfer coefficient of the water side is 1150 W/m2K. A scale on
water side offers an additional thermal resistance of 0.02 m2K/W. Determine
a) overall heat transfer coefficient on the outer tube
b) appropriate mean temperature difference
c) required tube length outer tube temperature and effectiveness if the water flow
rate is doubled, giving heat transfer coefficient of 1820 W/m2K?

Q4 Explain flow distribution in heat exchangers mentioning the effect of turbulence, friction (16)
factor, pressure loss, orifice, flow nozzle, diffusers, bends, baffles, effect of channel
divergence and manifolds.

Q5 Given are the heat load to be removed in the cooling tower, the inlet air conditions such (16)
as dry and wet bulb temperature (to calculate the inlet air humidity and enthalpy), lower
and upper limits for outlet and inlet water temperature, respectively, the minimum
approach, the minimum allowable temperature difference, the minimal difference
between the dry and wet bulb temperature at each integration interval, and the fan
The problem then consists of determining the geometric and operational design
parameters (fill type, height and area fill, total pressure drop in the fill, outlet air
conditions, range and approach, electricity consumption, water and air mass flow rate,
and number of transfer units) of the counter flow cooling tower.
Mention all the necessary steps for this cooling tower design.

Q6 Explain how charts provided by Kays and London are useful in the design of heat (16)
exchangers? Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow
heat exchanger and explain it.

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Back Examination 2018-19
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 70
Q.CODE : F435
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 x 10)

a) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat exchanger?
b) What are the heat transfer modes are involved in heat exchanger for heat
transfer augmentation?
c) Write the parameters that influence fouling resistances
d) List the effect of channel divergence.
e) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
f) What are the causes of pressure drop in shell and tube heat exchanger?
g) What do you mean by compact heat exchanger and write the importance of
Area density in it.
h) Are we really getting extra advantage by providing Baffles in Shell and tube heat
exchanger? Justify your answer.
i) Under what condition, the effectiveness NTU method is preferred over LMTD
method as a method of analysis of Heat exchanger
j) In a liquid to gas heat exchanger, it is best to put extended surfaces on the gas
side. Why?

Q2 a) Describe energy and mass balance of a cooling tower. (5)

b) What would be the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger if Cmin/Cmax=0 (5)
and Cmin/Cmax=1

Q3 a) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the necessary steps (5)
are being taken to avoid this
b) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow heat (5)
exchanger and explain it.

Q4 a) How fouling is dealt while designing heat exchangers (5)

b) A counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger is to heat the cold fluid from 30°C to (5)
65°C at a rate of 2 kg/s. The heating is to be accomplished by hot fluid available
at 100°C at a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s. The inner tube is thin-walled and has a
diameter of 1.5 cm. Specific heat of the hot fluid is 10kJ/kgK and that of the cold
fluid is 5 kJ /kgK. If the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is
640 W/m2 °C, determine the length of the heat exchanger required to achieve
the desired heating.

Q5 a) Derive the expression of finding LMTD for parallel flow type heat exchanger. (5)
b) Water is heated in a building from 20°C at rate of 84 kg/min by using inlet hot (5)
water at 110°C in a single pass counter flow heat exchanger.Find the heat
transfer if hot water is 108 kg/min. Calculate the exit temperature of both the
fluids. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 320 W/m2K and the heat transfer
area is 20m2. The specific heat of water is 4.18 kJ/kgK.

Q6 Design a counter flow, concentric tube heat exchanger to use water for cooling (10)
hot engine oil from an industrial power station. The mass flow rate of the oil is
given as 0.2 kg/s, and its inlet temperature is 90°C. Water is available at 20°C
but its temperature rise is restricted to 12.5°C because of environmental
concerns. The outer tube diameter must be less than 5 cm, and the inner tube
diameter must be greater than 5 cm due to constrains arising from space and
piping considerations. The engine oil must be cooled to a temperature below
50°C. Obtain an acceptable design if the length of the heat exchanger must not
exceed 200 m. cp (in J/kgK), µ (in kg/sm) , and k (W/mK) for oil and water are
2100,0.03,0.15 and 4179, 8.55×10-4, 0.613 respectively. Assume the thickness
of the inner tube (made of brass) to be small.

Q7 With sketch and mathematical relations, describe designing of a plate (10)


Q8 Write short answer on any TWO : (5 x 2)

a) Regenerator vs Recuperator
b) Turbulence and friction factor in pipe flow
c) LMTD vs NTU

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 03 M.Tech.

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2017-18
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
Q.CODE : C1074
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.
Note : Design data book can be allowed for getting additional properties and plot.

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type (2 x 10)

a) Write the dimensionless group numbers are used in the design of heat
b) Are we really getting extra advantage by providing Baffles in Shell and tube
heat exchanger? Justify your answer.
c) Under what condition, the effectiveness NTU method is preferred over LMTD
method as a method of analysis of Heat exchanger
d) In a liquid to gas heat exchanger, it is best to put extended surfaces on the gas
side. Why?
e) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat exchanger?
f) What are the heat transfer modes are involved in heat exchanger for heat
transfer augmentation?
g) Write the Advantage of shell and tube heat exchanger in the design
h) List the effect of channel divergence.
i) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
j) What are the causes of pressure drop in shell and tube heat exchanger?

Q2 a) How fouling is dealt while designing heat exchangers (10)

b) A counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger is to heat thecold fluid from 30°C to (10)
65°C at a rate of 2 kg/s. The heating is to be accomplished by hot fluid available
at 100°C at a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s. The inner tube is thin-walled and has a
diameter of 1.5 cm. Specific heat of the hot fluid is 10kJ/kgK and that of the cold
fluid is 5 kJ /kgK. If the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is
640 W/m2 °C, determine the length of the heat exchanger required to achieve
the desired heating.

Q3 a) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat exchanger? How it can be (10)

b) An oil at rate of 62 kg/sec is to be heated from 38C to 77C with 18 kg/sec of (10)
kerosene initially at 198 C. physical properties are
Oil : SG-.85 and SG of Kerosene .82
Design detail dimension of Shell and tube of heat exchanger

Q4 a) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the necessary (10)
steps are being taken to avoid this.
b) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow heat (10)
exchanger and explain it.

Q5 a) Hot air at Pa=2 atm and Ta=147°C with a flow rate of ma=10 kg/s flow across (12)
a finned flat tube matrix. Water at T w= 15°C and a flow rate of mw=40 kg/sec
flows inside the flat tubes. The overall dimensions of the heat exchanger
matrix shown in fig.
i. Calculate the heat transfer coefficients ha and hw for the air and
water sides, respectively
ii. Find the overall heat transfer coefficients Ua based on the air side
iii. Determine the total heat transfer rate Q
iv. Calculate the outlet temperature of air and water

b) What are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchanger and how (8)
thermal stress can be minimized?

Q6 The condenser of a large steam power plant is a heat exchanger in which stem (20)
is condensed to liquid water. Assume the condenser to be a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger consisting of a single shell and 30,000 tubes, each executing two
passes. The tubes are of thin wall construction with D=25 mm, and steam
condenses on their outer surface with an associated convection coefficient of
h0=11,000W/m2.K. the heat transfer rate that must be effected by the exchanger
is q=2x109 W , and this is accomplished by passing cooling water through the
tubes at a rate of 3x10 4 kg/sec. the water enters at 200C while the steam
condenses at 500C. What is the temperature of the cooling water emerging from
the condenser? What is the required tube length L per pass?

Q7 Write Short Notes : (5 x 4)

a) Flow pattern of baffles
b) Regenerator Vs, Recuperator
c) Turbulence and friction factor in pipe flow
d) Design of cooling towers.

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech.

2nd Semester Regular Examination 2017-18
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100
Q.CODE : C982
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.
Note : Design data book can be allowed for getting additional properties and plot

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type: (2 x 10)

a) Write the dimensionless group numbers are used in the design of heat
b) What are the restrictions associated with the fluid exit temperatures in the co-
current and counter current double pipe heat exchangers.
c) Under what condition, the effectiveness NTU method is preferred over LMTD
method as a method of analysis of Heat exchanger
d) In a liquid to gas heat exchanger, it is best to put extended surfaces on the gas
side. Why?
e) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat exchanger?
f) What are the heat transfer modes are involved in heat exchanger for heat
transfer augmentation?
g) Write the Advantage of shell and tube heat exchanger in the design
h) List the effect of channel divergence.
i) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
j) List the common assumptions made in the analysis of double pipe heat

Q2 a) How fouling is dealt while designing heat exchangers. (10)

b) A counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger is to heat thecold fluid from 30°C to (10)
65°C at a rate of 2 kg/s. The heating is to be accomplished by hot fluid available
at 100°C at a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s. The inner tube is thin-walled and has a
diameter of 1.5 cm. Specific heat of the hot fluid is 10kJ/kgK and that of the cold
fluid is 5 kJ /kgK. If the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is
640 W/m2 °C, determine the length of the heat exchanger required to achieve
the desired heating.

Q3 a) Explain how the makeup water requirement is estimated from energy and mass (10)
balance of a cooling tower.
b) An oil at rate of 62 kg/sec is to be heated from 38C to 77C with 18 kg/sec of (10)
kerosene initially at 198 C. physical properties are
Oil : SG-.85 and SG of Kerosene .82
Design detail dimension of Shell and tube of heat exchanger

Q4 a) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the necessary steps (10)
are being taken to avoid this
b) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow heat (10)
exchanger and explain it.

Q5 a) Air at 1 atm and 400K and with (12)

a velocity of U∞=10m/sec flows
across a compact heat
exchanger matrix having the
configuration shown.
Calculate the heat transfer

Find the ratio of the frictional pressure drop to the inlet pressure drop for the
flow of air across the exchanger. The geometry shown in figure

b) What would be the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger if Cmin/Cmax=0 (8)
and Cmin/Cmax=1

Q6 a) A cross flow heat exchanger is to be designed to heat hydrogen gas with hot (10)
water. The water is on the tube side and enters at 150°C at a flow rate of
3kg/sec with a heat transfer coefficient of 1250 W/m2°C. the hydrogen (Cp=14.4
KJ/kg °C) is on the shell side and enters at 30°C at a flow rate of 120 kg/min
with a heat transfer coefficient of 1800 W/m2°C. the required hydrogen exit
temperature is 60°C. the heat exchanger has 100,2.5 mm thick tubes of 15mm
ID, made of stainless steel (K=14.2 W/m °C). Determine (a) the overall heat
transfer coefficient based on the inner area, and (b) the required length of the
b) What are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchanger and how (10)
thermal stress can be minimized?

Q7 Write Short Notes : (5 x 4)

a) Flow pattern of baffles
b) Regenerator Vs, Recuperator
c) Turbulence and friction factor in pipe flow
d) Design of cooling towers.

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech.

2nd Semester Back Examination 2017-18
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 70
Q.CODE : C950
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) What are the heat transfer modes are involved in heat exchanger for heat
transfer augmentation?
b) Write the parameters that influence fouling resistances.
c) List the effect of channel divergence.
d) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
e) What are the causes of pressure drop in shell and tube heat exchanger?
f) What do you mean by compact heat exchanger and write the importance
ofArea density in it.
g) Are we really getting extra advantage by providing Baffles in Shell and tube
heat exchanger? Justify your answer.
h) Under what condition, the effectiveness NTU method is preferred over LMTD
method as a method of analysis of Heat exchanger
i) In a liquid to gas heat exchanger, it is best to put extended surfaces on the
gas side. Why?
j) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat exchanger?

Q2 a) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the necessary (5)
steps are being taken to avoid this
b) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow heat (5)
exchanger and explain it.

Q3 Explain how the makeup water requirement is estimated from energy and (10)
mass balance of a cooling tower.

Q4 A liquid (Cp=0.9 kJ/kg K) is entering a counter flow heat exchanger at 35°C at (10)
a rate of 4.5 kg/s. It is heated to 75°C by another fluid (Cp=1 kJ/kg K) with a
flow rate of 2.5 kg/s entering at 900°C. With these things remaining same,
what will be percentage change in the area of heat exchanger if the fluid is
heated up to 600°C instead of 750°C?

Q5 The condenser of a large steam power plant is a heat exchanger in which (10)
stem is condensed to liquid water. Assume the condenser to be a shell-and-
tube heat exchanger consisting of a single shell and 30,000 tubes, each
executing two passes. The tubes are of thin wall construction with D=25 mm,
and steam condenses on their outer surface with an associated convection
coefficient of h0=11,000 W/m2.K. the heat transfer rate that must be effected
by the exchanger is q=2x109 W , and this is accomplished by passing cooling
water through the tubes at a rate of 3x104 kg/sec. the water enters at 200C
while the steam condenses at 500C. What is the temperature of the cooling
water emerging from the condenser? What is the required tube length L per
pass? .

Q6 a) Derive the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger. (6)

b) What would be the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger if Cmin/Cmax=0 (4)
and Cmin/Cmax=1

Q7 a) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat exchanger? How it can be (5)
b) What are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchanger and how (5)
thermal stress can be minimized?

Q8 Write short notes on (any TWO) (5 x 2)

a) Cross flow heat exchanger
b) Flow pattern of baffles
c) Turbulence and friction factor in pipe flow

Registration No:

Total Number of Pages: 02 M.TECH

2nd Semester Regular Examination 2016-17
Analysis & Design of Heat Exchanger
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any FOUR from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type (2 x 10)

a) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat exchanger?
b) In a liquid to gas heat exchanger, it is best to put extended surfaces on the
gas side. Why?
c) Are we really getting extra advantage by providing Baffles in Shell and tube
heat exchanger? Justify your answer.
d) What do you mean by compact heat exchanger and write the importance of
Area density in it.
e) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
f) List the effect of channel divergence.
g) In a counter flow gas regenerator, having same heat capacity rate for fluids,
the effectiveness and NTU are 40% and 0.50 respectively, if at part load
operation NTU is doubled what is new effectiveness.
h) Under what condition, the effectiveness NTU method is preferred over LMTD
method as a method of analysis of Heat exchanger
i) What are the heat transfer modes are involved in heat exchanger for heat
transfer augmentation?
j) Define approach & cooling efficiency for a cooling tower.

Q2 a) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat exchanger? How it can be (10)
b) What are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchanger and how (10)
thermal stress can be minimized?

Q3 The condenser of a large steam power plant is a heat exchanger in which stem (20)
is condensed to liquid water. Assume the condenser to be a shell-and-tube
heat exchanger consisting of a single shell and 30,000 tubes, each executing
two passes. The tubes are of thin wall construction with D=25 mm, and steam
condenses on their outer surface with an associated convection coefficient of
h0=11,000 W/m2.K. the heat transfer rate that must be effected by the
exchanger is q=2x109 W , and this is accomplished by passing cooling water
through the tubes at a rate of 3x104 kg/sec. the water enters at 200C while the
steam condenses at 500C. What is the temperature of the cooling water
emerging from the condenser? What is the required tube length L per pass?

Q4 a) Derive the effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger. (10)

b) What would be the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger if Cmin/Cmax=0 (10)
and Cmin/Cmax=1

Q5 a) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow heat (10)
exchanger and explain it.
b) Water at the rate of 4.55 kg/s is heated from 35.0 to 50.15oC in a shell and (10)
tube heat exchanger. On the shell side one pass is used with water as heating
fluid 1.152 kg/s entering the heat exchanger at 80.30C.The overall heat
transfer coefficient is 1209 W/m2 K and the average velocity in 2.05 cm
diameter tube is 0.466 m/s. Because of space limitation the tube length must
not be longer than 3.5 m. calculate the number of tube passes, the number of
tube per pass and the length of tubes. Take appropriate F.

Q6 a) The pumping power in heat exchanger is a function pressure drop, core mass (10)
velocity, friction factor, hydraulic diameter, fluid density for a steady flow one
pass heat exchanger. Derive the expression.
b) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the necessary (10)
steps are being taken to avoid this

Q7 Write short note on (5x4)

a) Line of balance
b) Flow pattern of baffles Turbulence and friction factor in pipe flow
c) Stress in tubes of pressure vessel
d) Regenerator Vs, Recuperator

Registration No:

bput question papers visit

Total Number of Pages: 03 M.TECH
2nd Semester Regular Examination 2016-17
Heat Exchanger Analysis & Design.
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Q.CODE: Z820
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any FOUR from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type (2 x 10)

a) Classify different types of heat exchangers. Also mention their field of
b) Differentiate between regenerative and recuperative heat exchanger.
c) Draw the schematic diagram of a two shell and four tube pass heat
d) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat
e) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
f) What is a ‘header’? Why are these used in shell and tube type heat
g) Explain when one fluid is undergoing phase change, the direction of flow
is immaterial for finding LMTD.
h) What are baffles? Why are these used in heat exchangers?
i) What is meant by Duty of a heat exchanger?
j) What is correction factor? What is its significance?

Q2 a) A test is conducted to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient in an (10)

automotive radiator that is a compact cross-flow water-to-air heat
exchanger with both fluids (air and water) unmixed (as shown in the
figure). The radiator has 40 tubes of internal diameter 0.5 cm and length
65 cm in a closely spaced plate-finned matrix. Hot water enters the tubes
at 90°C at a rate of 0.6 kg/s and leaves at 65°C. Air flows across the
radiator through the inter fin spaces and is heated from 20°C to 40°C.
Determine the overall heat transfer coefficient Ui of this radiator based on
the inner surface area of the tubes.

bput question papers visit

b) Derive the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger. What would be (10)
the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger if Cmin/Cmax =0 and
bput question papers visit

Q3 a) Hot oil is to be cooled by water in a 1-shell-pass and 8-tube-passes heat (10)

exchanger. The tubes are thin-walled and are made of copper with an
internal diameter of 1.4 cm. The length of each tube pass in the heat
exchanger is 5m, and the overall heat transfer coefficient is 310 W/m2.°C.
Water flows through the tubes at a rate of 0.2 kg/s, and the oil through
the shell at a rate of 0.3 kg/s. The water and the oil enter at temperatures
of 20°C and 150°C, respectively. Determine the rate of heat transfer in
the heat exchanger and the outlet temperatures of the water and the oil.
b) Explain how the makeup water requirement is estimated from energy and (10)
mass balance of a cooling tower.

Q4 a) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the (10)

necessary steps are being taken to avoid this.
Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross flow
heat exchanger and explain it.
b) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat exchanger? How it can (10)
be minimized?
What are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchanger and
how thermal stress can be minimized?
bput question papers visit

Q5 a) The condenser of a steam power plant operates at a pressure of (10)

7.38kPa. Steam at this pressure condenses on the outer surfaces of
horizontal pipes through which cooling water circulates. The outer
diameter of the pipes is 3 cm, and the outer surfaces of the pipes are
maintained at 30°C. Determine a) the rate of heat transfer to the cooling
water circulating in the pipes and b) the rate of condensation of steam
per unit length of a horizontal pipe.

b) A 56 mm outer diameter vertical tube condenser operates at a pressure (10)

of 1.52x104 N/m2 and condenses steam free from non-condensable gas
at a rate of 25 kg/h per tube.
Determine the heat transfer coefficient and the length of tube required if
the temperature drop across the condensate film is 5oC.
bput question papers visit
Q6 a) The coolant passages in a reactor core are 0.127 m long and have a (10)
rectangular cross section of 19 mm × 25.4 mm. The walls of the
passages are to be maintained at a constant temperature of 3710C.
a) If the coolant is nitrogen gas at 8 atm pressure and a temperature
of 2600C, what velocity in the passages will result in a nitrogen
discharge temperature of 3160C?
b) If the passage walls are assumed to have a roughness equivalent
to that of commercial steel pipes (e = 0.046 mm), what velocity is
required for nitrogen discharge temperature of 3160C?

b) Write short notes on Turbulence and friection factor in pipe flow. (10)

Q7 a) A water–water gasketed plate heat exchanger has an overall heat (10)

transfer coefficient under fouled conditions of 4200 W/m2.K. Hot- and
cold-fluid-side heat transfer coefficients are 15,000 and 14,000W/m2.K,
respectively. The plate thickness (stainless steel 316) is 0.6 mm, and the
thermal conductivity is 17W/m.K.
Calculate the total fouling resistance for this heat exchanger.

b) Briefly explain about Flow pattern of baffles. (10)

bput question papers visit

Heat Exchanger Analysis & Design Question Paper
2nd Semester Regular/Back Examination
Time: 3 Hours, Max Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
Q1 Answer the following questions:
a) What do you mean by compact heat exchanger and write the importance
of Area density in it.
b) Are we really getting extra advantage by providing Baffles in Shell and
tube heat exchanger Justify your answer.
c) Under what condition, the effectiveness NTU method is preferred over
LMTD method as a method of analysis of Heat exchanger
d) In a liquid to gas heat exchanger, it is best to put extended surfaces on
the gas side. Why?
e) What do you mean by hydraulic diameter and its impact on heat
f) What are the heat transfer modes are involved in heat exchanger for
heat transfer augmentation?
g) Write the parameters that influence fouling resistances
h) List the effect of channel divergence.
i) How can the flow induced vibration be minimized?
j) What are the causes of pressure drop in shell and tube heat exchanger?
Q2 a) How fouling is dealt while designing heat exchangers.
b) A counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger is to heat the cold fluid
from 30°C to 65°C at a rate of 2 kg/s. The heath ig is to be accomplished
by hot fluid available at 100°C at a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s. The inner tube
is thin-walled and has a diameter of 1.5 cm. Specific heat of the hot fluid is
10kJ/kgK and that of the cold fluid is 5 kJ /kgK. If the overall heat transfer
coefficient of the heat exchanger is 640 W/m2 °C, determine the length of
the heat exchanger required to achieve the desired heating.
Q3 Explain how the makeup water requirement is estimated from energy
and mass balance of a cooling tower.
Q4 a) What do you mean by differential thermal expansion? Write the
necessary steps are being taken to avoid this
b) Show with neat sketch of temperature distribution for unmixed cross
flow heat exchanger and explain it.
Q5 a) Derive the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger
b) What would be the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger if
Cmin/Cmax = 0 and Cmin/Cmax=1
Q6. The condenser of a large steam power plant is a heat exchanger in
which stem is condensed to liquid water. Assume the condenser to be a
shell-and-tube heat exchanger consisting of a single shell and 30,000
tubes, each executing two passes. The tubes are of thin wall construction
with D=25 mm, and steam condenses on their outer surface with an
associated convection coefficient of h0=11,000 W/m.K the heat transfer
rate that must be effected by the exchanger is q=2×10^9 W , and this is
accomplished by passing cooling water through the tubes at a rate of
3×10^4 kg/sec. the water enters at 20°C while the steam condenses at 50
degree C. What is the temperature of the cooling water emerging from the
condenser? What is the required tube length L per pass?
Q7. a) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat echanger ? How it
can be minimized ?
b) What are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchanger
and how thermal stress can be minimized ?
Q8. Write Short Notes (Any Two)
a) Flow pattern of baffles
b) Regenerator Vs Recuperaotor
c) Turbulence and friection factor in pipe flow.
Heat Exchanger Analysis And Design 2013 Question
Second Semester Examination : 2013
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Q 1. Answer all the questions. [2×10]
a) Water is flowing through a 12 mm tube filling 80% of its cross section.
What is its hydraulic diameter?
b) What do you mean by correction factor for a cross flow heat exchanger?
c) Differentiate between regenerative and recuperative heat exchanger?
d) What is the purpose of using baffles in a heat exchanger?
e) What do you mean by mixed and unmixed flow as applied to cross flow
heat exchanger?
f) When can the. overall heat transfer coefficient be expressed as
g) Draw the schematic of a two shell and four tube pass heat exchanger?
h) What is fouling factor and how do the temperature and the velocity affect
i) What will be the heat capacity rate of a fluid during boiling? Justify your
j) When a heat exchanger is classified as compact heat exchanger? Give
an example of a natural compact heat exchanger.
Q2. Cold water enters a counter flow heat exchanger at 10° C at a rate of 8
kg/s, where it is heated by a hot water stream that enters the heat
exchanger at 70° C at a rate of 2 kg/s. Cp of water is 4.18 kJ/kg-K.
Determine the maximum heat transfer rate and the outlet temperatures of
the cold and the hot water streams for this limiting case.
Second Semester Examinations-2012

Heat Exchanger Analysis & Design Question Paper 2012

Full Mark-70
Time-3 hrs.
Answer any Six including Question No. I which is compulsory
The figures in the right hand margin indicate mark.

1. Answer the following question in brief: 2X 10

a) How is the compact heat exchanger defined.

b) What kind of heat exchanger is preferred in dairy farm application?

c) What is the significance of NTU?

d) What is LMTD correction factor?

e) What are buffles plate provided? 0 What are the various classification of cooling towers?

g) List the effect of channel divergence.

h) What are the causes of presure drop in shell and tube heat exchangers?

i) What type of heat exchanger is recomended for recovery of heat from blast furnace?

j) How can the flow induced vibration be minimised?

2. Write the details of classification of heat exchangers. What are the various type of shell and tube
arrangement employed?

3. Find out an expression of LMTD of a counter flow heat exchanger.

4. Prove that the effectiveness of the heat exchangers is independent of flow direction if one side fluid is
undergoing a phase change. Derive an expression for effectiveness of such a heat exchangers.

5. (a) What are the various sources of a noise in a heat exchangers. how it can be minimised ?
(b) what are the causes of development of stress in a heat exchangers and how thermal stress can be
minimised ?

6. With a neat sketch, explain the the working of a cooling tower?

7. Explain how the makeup water requirement is estimated from energy and mass balance of a cooling

8. (a) Draw a neat sketch showing the temperature variation of a cross flow heat exchanger.
(b) Explain the working of a nozzle meter.
Second Semester Examination — 2011
Heat Exchanger Analysis & Design Question Paper
Max. Marks: 70
1. Answer the following questions: 2×10
(a) What are the main selection criteria of a heat exchanger?
(b) Differentiate between regenerators and recuperators and state their
scope of application.
(c) Why are baffles used in shell-and-tub heat exchangers?
(d) In a steam condenser, the steam is effectively at as Constant
temperature of 50 Degree Celcius throughout the heat exchanger, While
the temperature of cooling water increases from 20°C to 31°C as it passes
through the condenser. Calculate the NTU for this heat exchanger.
(e) In a hypothetical counter flow gas turbine regenerator, having the same
heat capacity rate for fluids, the design NTU and effectiveness are 0.5 and
33% respectively, If at part-load operation, NTU doubles, what will be:the
corresponding effectiveness?
(f) Ina heat exchanger, engine oil with a 0.2 kgls flow rate and 130 Degree
Celcius inlet temperature is being cooled by water having a 0.438 kg/s flow
rate at 90 Degree C inlet. The engine oil and water specific heats are 2.3
and 4.2 kJ/kg-K, respectively. What is the maximum possible exchanger
effectiveness if it is a counte flow exchanger?
(g) What are the assumptions in e-NTU and LMTD methods in the analysis
of heat exchangers?
(h) How do you define the heat capacity rate of a Matrix? How is it related
to the heat capacity of the wall for a rotary regenerator and for a fixed-
matrix regenerator?
(i) Explain briefly Bell—Delaware method, used for design of shell-and-tube
(j) What do you mean by flow maldistrubution in a heat exchanger?
Enumerate necessary arrangements commonly adopted to reduce the flow
2. Assume that in a condenser, there will be no sub-cooling, and the
condensate leaves the condenser at saturation temperature Th. Show that
variation of the coolant temperature along the condenser is given by
3. What are the common causes of fouling in a heat exchanger? How does
fouling affect the heat transfer and pressure drop? How is the thermal
resistance due to fouling in a heat exchanger accounted for? How do the
fluid velocity and temperature affect fouling? Explain techniques to control
4. Classify heat exchangers according to flow type and construction type.
Explain characteristics of each type of heat exchangers. When is a heat
exchanger classified as being compact ? Give examples.
5. What is a regenerative heat exchanger? How does a static type heat
exchanger differ from Dynamic type? Explain the ‘reduced length” and
“reduced period’ Method for ‘determining regenerator performance.
6. Lubricating oil at temperature of 60°C enters a 10 mm diameter tube with
a velocity of 2.0 m/s. The tube surface is maintained at 30°C. Calculate the
tube length required to cool the oil to 45°C. Consider the following
properties for oil : Density p =865 kg/m3, k = 0.14 VV/ m-K. Cp= 1780 J/kg-
K, and mu = 0.0078 Pa-s. For oil flow in the tube the heat transfer
coefficient h = 51.2 W/m2-K.
7. In an oil-to-water heat exchanger, the oil enters the exchanger at 100°C
with a heat capacity rate of 3700 W/K. Water is available at 15°C and 0.6
kg/s. Determine the exit temperatures in parallel-flow arrangement for U =
500W/m2-K and surface area of 10 m2. Consider Cp= 1.88 and 4.19 J./g-K
for Oil and water, respectively.
8. At 80 km/h the inlet temperature of air to-an automobile radiator is 37.8
degree C. Water enters at 98.9°C with a flow rate of 1.89 kg/s and leaves
with a temperature of 93.3°C. UA for this radiator is 960.6 W/K. Determine
the air flow rate and air outlet temperature for this radiator using LMTD
method. Consider Cp for air and water as 1.01 and 4.19 KJ/kg-K
respectively The radiator is unmixed on the air side and mixed on the water
Registration No :

-- 1
Total Number of Pages : 02
02 3 Course: M.Tech
Sub_Code: P2HTCC07
8 / 2
5 0
2 Semester/Regular/Back Examination: 2022-23

9 - 2 & Thermal Engg, Heat Power

SUBJECT: Internal Combustion Engines

1 0
BRANCH(S): Heat Power
Time : 3 Hour
Engg, Thermal Engg

Max Marks : 100

Q.Code : M535
- - 1
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two

2 0 23
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
08 /
2 5 / Part-I

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) What are the assumptions made in air standard cycle analysis?
-- 1
Define mean effective pressure. What does this criterion indicate for reciprocating
02 3
d) 8/ 2
What is the use of fuel-air cycle? What are the assumptions in fuel-air cycle?
Explain the P-v diagram the loss due to variation of specific heat in Otto cycle.
Discuss the objective of supercharging.
2 /0
Why CI engines are sturdier and heavier than SI engines?

g) Discuss the requirements of an ideal injection.
h) Why cooling of an internal combustion engine is necessary?
i) Discuss the applications of Wankel rotary engine.
- 1
Discuss the characteristics of stratified charge engine.
0 2 3
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer
8 / 2Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of (6 × 8)
5 / 0
a) In an Otto cycle air at
pressure is 13 bar. - 2 o
15 C and 1.05 bar is compressed adiabatically until the
Heat is added at constant volume until the pressure rises to 35
bar. Calculate 0the air standard efficiency, the compression ratio, and-the - 1 mean
effective pressure for the cycle.
- 1 0 2 3ratio is 18:1
b) An oil engine
- works on the ideal diesel cycle. The overall compression
and the3constant pressure energy addition ceases at 10% /of
2 2the stroke. Intake
2 o 3 8
0 are 1 bar and 20 C. The engine uses 100 5m/0of air/hr. If adiabatic index
0 /conditions
8 is 1.4, determine (i) the maximum temperature9and - 2 pressure in the cycle, (ii) the
25 /
9 -
efficiency of the engine, and (iii)
10 power of the engine.
Derive the thermal efficiency of dual cycle.

1 0 d) Name and describe various types of liquid-cooling systems.

e) List various electronic ignition systems in use. Describe any one of them clearly
stating its advantages over the conventional ignition system.
f) Describe a battery ignition system with the help of a sketch.
g) Discuss various advantages and disadvantages of petrol injection system.
h) What is the function of carburetor in an SI engine? Briefly explain with a neat

i) - 1
sketch the operation of a simple float type carburetor.
Discuss the various methods of control for exhaust emission from petrol engines.
02 3
Compare the performance of a variable compression ratio engine with that of a
/ 2
conventional constant compression ratio engine.
are the rotors cooled?
2 5 /0
What are the various methods of cooling adopted in Wankel rotary engine? How

applications. 09 -
Explain advantages and disadvantages of stratified charge engines with

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
- - 1

2 23
Describe with suitable sketches the combustion phenomenon in SI engines, and
explain the two phases of combustion.

0 8 /
Q4 What is meant
2 / by delay period? What is the importance of delay period? Discuss
5 affecting the delay period. (16)
the variables

09 jet carburetor has to supply 5 kg of air per minute. The-1air is at a pressure

Q5 1Aof simple - diameter of the
1.013 bar and at a temperature of 27 C. Calculate the3throat

0 to be 0.8. Assume
choke for air flow velocity of 90 m/s. Take velocity coefficient
isentropic flow. Assume the flow to be compressible.
0 /
Derive an expression for the amount of fuel
5 injected per cycle in terms of brake (16)
horse power and speed of a four stroke, diesel engine.

-- 1
0 2 3
8 / 2
5 / 0
9 - 2
10 3 -- 1
- - 1 2 0 2
0 2 3 8 /
/ 2 5 /0
/ 0 8 9 - 2
- 2 5 1 0
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

109 Total Number

109 of Pages
109 : 02 109 109 109 109 M.Tech 109

2nd Semester Regular Examination: 2021-22

109 109 109 109 Time : 3 Hour
109 109 109 109
Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : J570
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

109 Q1 109 Answer the 109
following questions109 : 109 109 109 (2 × 10) 109
a) What are the air-standard assumptions?
b) An Otto cycle with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 10.4. What is
the thermal efficiency of this cycle?
c) Mention the various simplified assumptions used in fuel-air cycle analysis.
d) Calculate the exhaust gas composition of a butane-fueled spark-ignition engine
operating with equivalence ratio of 0.9. Assume the fuel is fully burned within the
109 e)
109 Explain the factors
109 that affect 109
the process of carburetion.
109 109 109 109
f) Explain how supercharging helps to improve the power output.
g) Explain the interrelation between ignition and combustion.
h) What do you understand by charge stratification?
i) Write few limitations of the air-cooling system.
j) Explain the functions of electronic control systems.

109 Q2 109 Only Focused-Short
109 Answer 109 Type Questions-
109 (Answer 109
Any Eight out 109 of (6 × 8) 109
a) A hydrocarbon fuel of composition 84.1 percent by mass C and 15.9 percent by
mass H has a molecular weight of 114.15. Determine the number of moles of air
required for stoichiometric combustion and the number of moles of products
produced per mole of fuel. Calculate (A/F, (F/A), and the molecular weights of the
reactants and the products.
b) A Diesel cycle operates at a pressure of 1 bar at the beginning of compression and
109 109 the volume is109compressed to109 1/16 of the initial
109volume. Heat is
109supplied until the
109 109
volume is twice that of the clearance volume. Calculate the mean effective
pressure of the cycle. Take γ = 1.4.
c) Explain the effect of various engine variables on SI engine knock.
d) Briefly explain the various methods of supercharging an engine.
e) A four cylinder engine running at 1500 rpm delivers 30 kW. The average torque
when one cylinder was cut is 110 Nm. Find the indicated thermal efficiency if the
calorific value of the fuel is 45 MJ/kg and the engine uses 400 grams of gasoline
109 109 per kW h. 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

f) What are the desired properties of biodiesel and discuss its environmental impact.
g) What is a thermal converter? How does it help to reduce emissions from engines?
109 109
h) 109
Explain the various 109
methods of 109
charge stratification. 109 109 109

i) Explain the process of combustion in dual fuel engines and discuss the factors
affecting the combustion in a dual-fuel engine. .
j) What is a multi-fuel engine and discuss its characteristics?
k) What are catalytic converters? How do they help in reducing HC, CO and NOx
l) What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the stratified charge engine.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 A three-litre four-stroke diesel engine develops 12 kW per m3 of free air inducted (16)
per minute. The volumetric efficiency is 82% at 3600 rpm referred to atmospheric
condition of 1 bar and 27oC. A rotary compressor which is mechanically coupled to
the engine is used to supercharge the engine. The pressure ratio and the
isentropic efficiency of the compressor are 1.6 and 75% respectively. Calculate the
109 109 percentage increase
109 in brake109power due to supercharging.
109 Assume
109 mechanical109 109
efficiency of the engine to be 85% and air intake to the cylinder to be at the
pressure equal to delivery pressure from compressor and temperature equal to
5.6oC less than the delivery temperature of the compressor. Also assume that
cylinder contains volume of charge equal to swept volume.

Q4 Explain (16)
(i) individual pump and nozzle system (ii) unit injector system
109 109
(iii) Common109rail system 109
(iv) distributor
system.109 109 109

Q5 Explain the various factors that influence the flame speed. (16)

Q6 Explain the phenomena of knock in SI engines and describe the effect of various (16)
engine variables on SI engine knock.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Regular Examination 2018-19
Max Marks : 100
Time : 3 Hours
Q.CODE : F550
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any EIGHT from Part-II and any TWO
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
a) Compare the efficiency of Otto with Diesel cycle on the basis of same compression
ratio and same maximum pressure.
b) What is the value of A/F at sea when A/F at altitude is 6 and density at altitude and sea
level are 0.7 and 1kg/m3 respectively?
c) Why a rich mixture is required for maximum power?
d) What do you understand by the energy requirements of the ignition system?
e) What is turbulence and how is it introduced in diesel engines?
f) Why is over-cooling in an engine harmful?
g) What do you mean by stratification?
h) What are the best metals for catalytic converter?
i) What do you mean by HUCR? Explain in brief.
j) What are the best metals for catalytic converter?

Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) Explain the factors affecting the delay period in C.I. engines and summarize those.
b) Explain performance, combustion and emission characteristics of bio diesel based
engine and compare it with that of diesel engines.
c) What are the main features of a dual-fuel engine? Describe the working of a dual-fuel
engine with the help of a schematic diagram.
d) Specify the main emissions from a multi cylinder passenger car CI engine. How is the
air fuel ratio controlled so as to reduce emissions?
e) What is a driving cycle? Discuss its significance with regard to emissions.
f) What are design and operating variables which may decrease the formation of NOX in
the exhaust of an IC engine? Briefly explain them.
g) What are the causes of poisoning the catalyst of a converter? How can it be reduced?
h) Differentiate between fuel-air cycle with actual air cycle.
i) Derive air standard cycle efficiency for a Diesel engine.
j) Differentiate between Octane rating and Cetane rating
k) With sketch describe idling circuit in carburetor in IC engine.
l) Analyze effects of various factors in controlling of detonation in SI engine.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 Suppose you have a petrol car having 1.0-litre, 81.80bhp@6000 rpm ,12V K12M Petrol (16)
Engine. You want to convert to CNG based engine. What are engine modifications you
will go through in that case? Explain with all related calculations.

Q4 The following data relates to a 4 stroke CI engine operating at the sea level condition (16)
of 1.013 bar and 10°C:
b.p.=275 kW, speed=1800 rpm, air/fuel ratio=20:1, bsfc=0.24 kg/kWh, ηv=80%
The engine is fitted with a mechanical supercharger so that it may be operated at an
altitude where atmospheric pressure is 0.75 bar. The power consumed by the
supercharger is 9%of the total power produced by the engine and temperature of the
air leaving the supercharger is 30°C. Assume that air/fuel ratio and volumetric
efficiency remain the same. Calculate the i) engine capacity and bmep of non-
supercharged engine (ii) increase in pressure required in the supercharger to maintain
same net output of 275 kW.

Q5 What are the important features of a stratified-charge engine? Describe with the help of (16)
a simple diagram the operating principle of a stratified–charge engine of Texaco
controlled combustion system.

Q6 An engine working on Otto cycle, having a compression ratio of 8, uses octane C8H18 (16)
as a fuel. The lower heating value of the fuel is 44000kJ/kg. The air/fuel ratio is 15:1.
Determine the maximum pressure and temperature reached in the cycle (a) without
considering the molecular expansion and (b) with molecular expansion. Assume
Cv=0.71 kJ/kgK, compression follows the law pV1.3=Constant, the pressure and
temperature of the mixture at the beginning of the compression being 1 bar and 60°C
respectively. Determine the percentage molecular expansion.

Registration No :

Total Number of Pages : 02 M.Tech

2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination 2018-19
Max Marks : 100
Time : 3 Hours
Q.CODE : F438
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any EIGHT from Part-II and any TWO from
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Part- I
Q1 Only Short Answer Type Questions (Answer All-10) (2 x 10)
a) Differentiate SI and CI engines.
b) What do you mean by exhaust blowdown loss in actual cycles?
c) Explain why constant volume combustion gives a higher indicated fuel efficiency than
constant pressure combustion for the same compression ratio
d) Write the thermodynamic processes followed in dual cycles.
e) What do you mean flame front and flame speed in SI engines?
f) Define octane number of a fuel.
g) Draw a diagram for a supercharged cycle with constant volume combustion.
h) Mention the advantages of alternative fuels with two examples of alternative fuel used.
i) What is dual fuel mode operation in CI engine?
j) Give two methods by which NOxemission is controlled in IC engine.

Part- II
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of Twelve) (6 x 8)
a) An eight cylinder, four-stroke engine of 9 cm bore and 8 cm stroke with a compression ratio
of 7 is tested at 4500 rpm on a dynamometer, which has 54 cm arm. During a 10 minutes
test the dynamometer scale beam reading was 42 kg and the engine consumed 4.4 kg of
gasoline having calorific value of 44000 kJ/kg. Air at 27oC and 1 bar was supplied to the
carburetor at the rate of 6 kg/min. Find:
1. the brake power delivered 2. the brake mean effective pressure
3. the bsfc 4. the brake specific air consumption
5. the brake thermal efficiency 6. the volumetric efficiency
7. the air-fuel ratio
b) A small truck has a four cylinder, four-liter CI engine that operates on the air standard dual
cycle using light diesel fuel at an air-fuel ratio of 18. The compression ratio of the engine is
16:1 and the cylinder bore diameter is 10 cm. At the start of the compression stroke,
conditions in the cylinders are 60oC and 100 kPa with a 2% exhaust residual. It can be
assumed that half of the heat input from combustion is added at constant volume and half
at constant pressure. Calculate:
1. Temperature and pressure at each state of the cycle.
2. Indicated thermal efficiency.
3. exhaust temperature.
4. air temperature at the intake manifold.
5. engine volumetric efficiency.
6. the volumetric efficiency

c) An oil engine works on the Dual cycle, the heat liberated at constant pressure being twice
that liberated at constant volume. The compression ratio of the engine is 8 and the
expansion ratio is 5.3. However, the compression and expansion processes follow the law
pV 1.3  C . The pressure and temperature at the beginning of compression are 1 bar and
27oCrespectively. Assuming Cp=1.004 kJ/kg K and Cv=0.717 kJ/kg Kfor air. Find the air
standard efficiency and the mean effective pressure.
d) With the help of pressure crank angle diagram, explain the stages of combustion in SI
e) Discuss on the stages of combustion in CI engine.
f) Discuss on the factors affecting delay period in CI engine.
g) With necessary sketch, explain the knocking in SI engine.
h) Discuss on the effect of density charge on knocking in SI engine.
i) Describe turbocharging and its different arrangements.
j) Discuss on the possible sources of hydrocarbon emission in SI engine.
k) With the help of necessary sketch, discuss on a two way catalytic converter.
l) Discuss on the factors influencing the flame speed in SI engine.

Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Q3 A four cylinder, four stroke, spark-ignition has a displacement volume of 300 cc per (16)
cylinder. The compression ratio of the engine is 10 and operates at a speed of
3000rev/min. The engine is required to develop an output of 40 kW at this speed. Calculate
the cycle efficiency. The necessary rate of heat addition, the mean effective pressure and
the maximum temperature of the cycle, Assume that the engine operates on the Otto cycle
and that the pressure and temperature at the inlet conditions are 1 bar and 27oC
If the above is a compression ignition engine operating on the Diesel cycle and receiving
heat at the same rate, calculate efficiency, the maximum temperature of the cycle, the
cycle efficiency, the power output and the mean effective pressure.

Q4 What the basic concept of adopting an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system in IC (16)
engine? With the help of neat sketch, explain the working of a cold EGR.

Q5 Discuss the phenomena about normal and abnormal combustion in SI engine. (16)

Q6 A taxicab is equipped with a flexible-fuel four-cylinder SI engine running on a mixture of (16)

methanol and gasoline at an equivalence ratio of 0.95. How must the air-fuel ratio change
as the fuel flow to the engine shifts from 10% methanol to 85% methanol?

Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 02 M.TECH


2nd Semester Regular / Back Examination – 2017-18

Time: 3 Hours
Max marks: 100
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Answer all parts of a question at a place.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) What do you mean by exhaust blowdown loss in actual cycles?.
b) What is the effect of supercharging in SI engines?
c) What is the effect of time loss?
d) Differentiate between air cycles and Fuel-air cycles?
e) List a few anti knock agents commonly used to petrol.
f) What do you mean by stratification?
g) What are the best metals for catalytic converter?.
h) Define tumble motion of air.
i) What is the value of A/F at altitude when A/F at sea level is 14 and density
at altitude and sea level are 0.7 and 1kg/m3 respectively?
j) Why a rich mixture is required for maximum power?

Q2 a) Describe various types of SI engine combustion chambers in detail with a (10)

b) A test on a single cylinder, four stroke oil engine having bore 18 cm and (10)
stroke 36cm yielded the following results, speed 285rpm, brake torque,
393Nm, indicated mep, 7.2 bar, fuel consumption, 3.5 kg/hr, cooling water
flow 4.5kg/min, cooling water temperature rise 36°C, air fuel ratio by mass,
25, exhaust gas temperature, 415°C, barometric pressure, 1.013 bar,
room temperature,21°C. The fuel has a specific fuel consumption of 45200
kJ/kg and contains 15% by mass of hydrogen. Determine
a) the indicated thermal efficiency b) brake mean effective pressure
c) the volumetric efficiency based on atmospheric conditions
Draw up a heat balance in terms of kJ/min. Take R=0.287 kJ/kgK, cv for
dry exhaust gases= 1.005 kJ/kgK and for superheated steam

Q3 a) What is phenomenon of diesel knock. Compare it with the knocking in SI (10)

b) Discuss the importance of ignition lag & engine variables affecting it. (10)

Q4 a) What is stratified engine? Describe the different methods of stratification. (10)

b) Describe different methods of supercharging. Explain the effect of (10)
supercharging on power O/P,fuel consumption.

Q5 a) Explain the fuel spray behavior and structure of diesel fuel. (10)

b) A simple jet carburetor is required to supply 5 kg air per minute and 0.55 (10)
kg of fuel of density 745 kg/m3.the air is at a pressure of 1 atm and
250C.The flow velocity is 90 m/s. velocity coefficient =0.8 calculate throat
If the pressure drop across the metering orifice is 0.75 of that at the choke.
Calculate orifice diameter assume Cd=0.7.

Q6 a) Explain LPG being an alternate fuel in IC engine and brief explain its merit (10)
and demerits.
b) Specify the emission from multi cylinder diesel engine. What are the ways (10)
to control diesel smoke?

Q7 a) With the aid of sketch describe working of Wankel rotary engine. (10)
b) Describe Multi fuel and dual fuel engine. (10)

Q8 Write short notes (on any two) (10x2)

a) Use of combustion chart
b) Fault diagnosis of SI engines

Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 02 M.TECH

2 Semester Regular Examination – 2016-17
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) Differentiate between air injection & solid injection system.
b) What do you mean by charge stratification?
c) Define fuel rating of CI & SI engine.
d) Mention the stages of combustion in CI engine with sketch.
e) What is the use of combustion charts?
f) Discuss the effect of time loss & dissociation on fuel air cycle.
g) What modifications are necessary for a supercharged engine?
h) What are various methods for measuring friction power?
i) What alternative fuels can be considered for SI engine from exhaust emission point of
j) List out some factors which affect the carburetion process.

Q2 a) Discuss various methods of cooling systems used in IC engine withsketch and relative (10)
merits and demerits.

b) The air flow to a 4 cylinder 4 stroke oil engine is measure by means of4 cm diameter (10)
orifice having a coefficient of discharge of 0.75. During atest on the engine the
following data are recorded.
Bore=11 cm, stroke=10.5 cm, engine speed=1000 rpm, braketorque=120 N-m, fuel
consumption= 4 kg/h, CV of fuel=42000 kJ/kg,head across orifice =5 cm of water,
atmospheric temperature=20°C,atmospheric pressure=1 bar. Calculatei)Thermal
efficiency ii) BMEP iii)Volumetric efficiency based onatmospheric condition.

Q3 a) Explain Exhaust emissions, its measurement and control in IC engine. (10)

b) What is the effect of supercharging; Describe the limitation for SI & CI engine. (10)

Q4 a) Explain the various factors affecting delay period in CI engine. (10)

b) The entire output of a supercharged 4-s engine is used to drive an air compressor.
Theair enters the compressor at 250C & is delivered to cooler which removes heat at a
rate of 1200 KJ/min. The air leaves the cooler at 500C and 1.5 bar. Part of this air
flow is used to supercharge the engine has a volumetric efficiency of 70% based on
induct manifold condition of 500C & 1.5 bar. The engine has 4 cylinder of 70 mm
bore & 110 mm stroke runs at 2100 rev/min & delivers an output torque 140 Nm.
Mechanicalefficiency is 70%.
Find a)IMEP b) air consumption in kg/min.

Q5 a) Describe a high tension magneto ignition system and compare its advantage
&disadvantage with coil ignition system. (10)
b) What is advantage ofVCR engine?Discuss any method to obtain variable ratio. (10)

Q6 a) Discuss the various stages of normal and abnormal combustion in SIengines with a (10)

b) In an engine If mass fraction of products remains in clearance space is 0.05 and

0.0850 kg of fuel is present. Find mass of residual in chart,mass of fresh charge,fresh
fuel in charge.

Q7 Write short notes (on any two) (10 x 2)

a) Dual fuel engine &Wankel rotary engine.
b) Fuel air & actual cycle
c) Fault diagnosis of IC engine.

Registration No:

109 Total109Number of Pages:

109 02 109 109 109 109 M.TECH109
2nd Semester Regular Examination 2016-17
Internal combustion engine
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Q.CODE: Z826
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any FOUR from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: Short answer type (2 x 10)

109 109
a) What is 109
detonation? And109
what are its ill-effects?
109 109 109 109
b) How SI engine fuels are rated?
c) Which engine is suitable for super-charging-SI or CI engine? Why?
d) On basis of same compression ratio and heat rejection, compare otto,
diesel and dual cycle?
e) What is blow by and blow down process?
f) What is use of combustion chart?
g) What are the difference between battery ignition system and magneto
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
ignition system?
h) Explain the various factors that influence the flame speed?
i) What are the important methods of charge stratification?
j) Sketch the heat balance curve for SI engine?

Q2 a) Show by suitable graph the effect of dissociation on maximum (10)

temperature and brake power. Explain the effect of the presence of CO
109 109
in dissociation.
109 109 109 109 109 109

b) A petrol engine of compression ratio 6 uses a fuel of calorific value 43500 (10)
KJ/Kg. The air –fuel ratio is 15:1. The temperature and pressure of the
charge at the end of the suction stroke 600C and 1 bar, respectively.
Determine the maximum pressure in the cylinder if the index of
compression is 1.32 and the specific heat at constant volume is
expressed by the relation, Cv = 0.71 + 2x10-4T kj/kg-k.
109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q3 a) Explain the different stages of combustion in SI engine. (10)

b) An eight cylinder four stroke engine of 9 cm bore and 8 cm stroke with a (10)
compression ratio of 7 is tested at 4500 rpm on a dynamometer which has
54cm arm. During a 10 minutes test the dynamometer scale beam
reading was 42kg and the engine consumed 4.4kg of gasoline having a
calorific value of 44000 kJ/kg. Air 270C and 1 bar was supplied to the
109 109
at the rate109of 6 kg/min. Find
(i) the brake
power delivered
109 109
(ii)the brake mean effective pressure (iii)the brake specific fuel
consumption (iv) the brake specific air consumption (v) the brake thermal
efficiency (vi)the volumetric efficiency and (viii) the fuel – air ratio.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Q4 a) what is supercharging? Explain the types of the supercharging are and (10)
Effects of super charging?
109 b)
109 A simple109jet carburetor 109
is required to supply
109 5 kg of air109and 0.5 kg of fuel
109 (10) 109

per minute. The specific fuel gravity is 0.75.the air is initially at 1 bar and
300k. Calculate the throat diameter of the choke for a flow velocity of 100
m/s. Velocity coefficient is 0.8. If the pressure drop across the fuel
metering orifice is 0.80 of that of the choke, calculate orifice diameter
assuming, Cdf= 0.60 and ϒ = 1.4 .

109 Q5 a)
109 What are109the different types
109 of cooling 109
system used in109IC engine? 109 (10) 109

b) Discuss various method of control for emission from petrol engine. (10)

Q6 a) What are the various method of turbo-charging? Compare their relative (10)
merits and demerits.
b) Explain the different types of combustion chamber in SI engine. (10)

Q7 109
a) What is 109
a variable compression
Explain the 109
method of obtaining
(10) 109
variable compression ratio.
b) i- Discuss fault diagnosis of S.I engine. (10)
ii- Explain Wankel rotary combustion engine.

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109

Registration no:

Total Number of Pages: 02 M .TECH

HTPE 101

First Semester Regular / Back Examination – 2015-16

Time: 3 Hours
Max marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)

a) Radiators are placed in at rear incase of thermosyphon system. Why?
b) What do you mean by pumping power in engine operation?
c) What is meant by optimum spark advance?
d) What is the purpose of fuel additive?
e) How do you differentiate pre-ignition from detonation?
f) What is turbulence and how is it introduced in diesel engines?
g) Differentiate between air injection and solid injection system.
h) What is delay period in CI engine?
i) What do you mean by load characteristics?
j) What do you mean by Sankey diagram?

Q2 a) Derive an expression of mean effective pressure of an Otto cycle. (4)

b) The air flow to a 4 cylinder 4 stroke oil engine is measure by means of (6)
5 cm diameter orifice having a coefficient of discharge of 0.6. During a
test on the engine the following data are recorded.
Bore=10.5 cm, stroke=12.5 cm, engine speed=1200 rpm, brake
torque=150 N-m, fuel composition=5.5 kg/h, CV of fuel=42000 kJ/kg,
head across orifice =5.7 cm of water, atmospheric temperature=20°C,
atmospheric pressure=1 bar. Calculate
i) the thermal efficiency ii) BMEP iii)the volumetric efficiency based on
atmospheric condition..

Q3 Discuss various methods of cooling systems used in IC engine with (10)

sketch and relative merits and demerits of those.

Q4 An supercharged petrol engine develops 735.5 kW with F:A=0.078. The (10)

bsfc was found to be 0.352 kg/kWh and mechanical efficiency if 86%.
Inlet pressure is 730 mm Hg absolute and mixture temperature is 325K.
The engine was later supercharged to a pressure ratio of 1.6 by a
centrifugal compressor of adiabatic efficiency of 70% and mechanical
efficiency of 90%. Inlet to the blower is at the same conditions as those
for supercharged engine inlet. Assuming the same F:A ratio and
indicated power directly proportional to inlet density, calculate the brake
power of the supercharged engine and its bsfc. Also find the
mechanical efficiency. Assume that volumetric efficiency remains
unaltered with supercharging.

Q5 a) An engine having a simple jet carburetor consumes 6.5 kg/h of fuel. (5)
The level of fuel in the float chamber is 3 mm below the top of the jet
when the engine is not running. Ambient temperature are 76 cm Hg
and 290 K. the jet diameter is 1.25 mm and c df=0.6. cda=0.85 and
A:F=15. Determine the crictical air velocity and throat diameter.
Express the depression in cm of water.
b) State the function of intake manifold vacuum in the operation of (5)
automatic choke.

Q6 a) Explain Exhaust emissions, its measurement and control in IC engine. (5)

b) Explain Fault diagnosis of S.I. Engines (5)

Q7 a) Discuss the various stages of normal and abnormal combustion in SI (5)

engines with a skectch.
b) With diagrams, explain the different stages of CI engine combustion (5)

Q8 Write short notes (any two) (5+5)

a) Actual cycle
b) Fuel-air cycle
c) Wankel rotary combustion engine
First Semester Examination – 2013
Internal Combustion Engine Question Paper 2013
Max Marks: 70

Q1. Answer the following questions:

a) What do you mean by multifuel and dual fuel? Give two examples.
b) Differentiate between Octane and Cetane number.
c) Draw and mention the three stages of combustion phenomenon in SI
d) Name four the factors which affect the process of carboration?
e) List a few anti knock agents commonly used to petrol.
f) What do you mean by stratification?
g) What are the best metals for catalytic converter?.
h) Compare the efficiency of Otto with Diesel cycle on the basis of same
compression ratio and same maximum pressure.
i) What is the value of A/F at sea when A/F at as altitude is 8 and density
at altitude and sea level are 0.7 and 1kg/m3 respectively?
j) Why a rich mbairgis required for maximum power?
Q2. a) With the aid of a schematic diagram, explain the combustion
process In a Cl engine.
b) Explain the factors affecting the delay period in C.I. engines and
summarize those
Q3.a) With a neat sketch, explain the working of a Wankel rotary engine.
b) Explain supercharging. Describe different approaches of supercharging.
Q4. a) Specify the main emissions from a multi cylinder passenger car CI
engine. How is the air fuel ratio controlled so as to reduce emissions?
b) What is a driving cycle? Discuss its significance with regard to
Q5. a) Explain the fuel spray behavior and structure of diesel fuel.
b) With diagrams, explain the various types of air motion created in CI
engine combustion chambers.

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