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CASE ILLUSTRATION ‘A Solicited External Proposal. A design and manufacturing company has invited research firms to propose plans fo track- ing its implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system—information technology that integrates all functions ‘of the company, from job orders to delivery and from accounting to customer management, The midlevel formality ofthis ‘proposal responding to the RFP is appropriate given the proposal’ relative brevity and the two patties prior meeting, Wi D Organizational Research ‘Research Pasay, Colmbus, 8 4581 614-772-4000 Fax 614-724001 February 3, 2012 Ms. Janice Spears Chiet Operations Officer RT Industries 200 Midland Highway Columbus, OH 45327, ldeatifies we eet Sear Janice: ‘the proposal ‘Thank you for inviting Whitfield Organizational Research to bid on RFP ond shows | 046, “Study of InfoStream Implementation at RT Industries” Attached is crerecatem 1 of6, Sty Reminds the Pct feeder of Coen enpydetng wth you's em abot you golem. aN Foe ‘export advice supports the wisdom of your decison to track InfoStream’s submit eos implementation. As you know, the road of ERP adoption is littered with eee Reinforces failed, chaotic, or financially bloated implementations, Accurate and timely - ‘we veed or “research wl help ako yours a sucess story. meee Whitfield Organizational Research is well qualified to assist you with this project. Our experienced staff can draw upon a variety of minimally invasive, Costefletve research techniques to acquire relabte information on your | Suymariees fempoyeer reception and use of InfoSteam We are also well acquainted with |." ERP sysioms and can got a fas start on collecting tho data you need. And Fc because Wnila fsa ocal fr, we wil save you ave anledging costs. | = RT's culture of employee invalvement has earned you a persistent presence Compliments: ‘on Business Ohio's list of the Best Ohio Workplaces. The research ‘he receiving | we propose, performed by Whitfeld's knowledgeable and respectful company, sh | researchers, wll help you maintain your productive culture through this ‘the writer's period of dramatic change, It will also help you reap the full benefits of your knowledge of investment. the company, cud states We would welcome the opportunity to work with RT Industries on this exciting directly asks the Genetics inate. Fite reader for ° the deste eons Sincerely yous, oction Compo Evan Lockley Evan Lockley Vice Presiden, Account Management enclosure 29 (continued) CASE ILLUSTRATION Provides a of the problem, purpose, and Cevetits Rewforces tire need for dee Saray Response to RFP 046: ‘Study of InfoStream Implementation at RT Industries Proposed by Whitfield Organizational Research February 3, 2012 Executive Summary RT Industries has begun a major organizational change with its purchase of InfoStream enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. To track the effect ‘ofthis change on personnel attudes and work processes in the company, RT seeks the assistance of a research firm with expertise in organizational studies, Whitfeld Organizational Research has extensive experience with personnel-based research, as wel as familiarity with ERP software. We propose {2 fourpart plan that will ake place across the first year of implementation. It will yield three major deliverables: an initial, a midyear, and a year-end report ‘Our methodology will be multifaceted, minimally disruptive, and cost effective, The results wil yield a reliable picture of how InfoSvream is being received and used among RT's workforce, Whitield can also advise RT management on ‘appropriate interventions during the process to enhance the success of this ‘comoanywide innovation, Project Goals RT Industries has 50 far invested over $16 millon and over 1,000 employee] hours inthe purchase of and managements traning on InfoStrean's ERP sgznledge of system As AT itogratos the system fly into its company of 800+ employees | oni. cover the next 12 month, wi mvest many addtional dollars ana hours in the. [esvars she projec, withthe ttl investment likely top $2 milion. Adopting sucha system |v vo=!nos is one of the most wide-ranging and expensive changes a company can make, thay sonaah to protect ‘As Jeri Dunn, Chiat Information Oticer of Nestle USA, commented in CIO Magazine avout her company's weltpubicized roles with their ERP software, “No major software implementation is really about the software. It's about change management: An ERP systomafets th daly work of virtual ‘everyone inthe company. The most common theme in ERP-adopton fare ‘Sorios—of whicn there are marys lack of atetion to the employees ‘experience ofthe transition, Keeping a finger onthe pulse ofthe organization ‘uring this profound organizational change sertical to maximizing the return on your investment ‘Our research will determine + How well employees are integrating InfoStream into their jobs. + How the new system is changing employees’ work processes. + How the system is affecting the general environment or “culture” inthe Statement company. oF benefits, Whitfield has designed a four-part, mutimethod research plan to gather these «ata. Through our periodic reports, you willbe able to see how InfoStream ‘boing intograted into the working lt of the company. As a result, you will be 230 (continued) CASE ILLUSTRATION Readers con cor the products of the proposes front Whitfield Organizational Research 2 able to make, and budget for, such interventions as strategic communications and additional training. You will also find out whore employee work processes need to be adjusted to accommodate the new system. Institting a change ofthis magnitude will generate feedback, whether itis employee grumbling or constructive criticism. Whitfield associates will gather this feacback in a positive, orderly way and compile it into a usable format ‘The findings will enable RT's management to adcress inital problems and ‘ward off future problems. The research itself wil also contribute to the change management efforts of the company by giving RT's employee stakeholders a voice in the process and allowing their feedoack to contribute tothe intative's Deliverables ‘The information you need willbe delivered as shown below. All dates assume a project start date of July 1, 2012. Approximate Date: | Deliverable ctober 1, 2012 | Writen report on initial study of 12-14 employees! ‘work processes and attitudes and on companywide survey. February 1, 2018 | Writen report at midyear on employees’ work processes and attitudes and on companywide survey, ‘June 30, 2013 ‘Year-end report (writen and oval) on employees’ work processes and attitudes and on companywide survey, Anticipated Schedule/Methods ‘The research will take place from July 1, 2012, the anticipated go-live date for InfoStream at RT, to approximately June 20, 2013, a year later. As shown below, there will be four main components to this research, with Part il forming the major part ofthe project. Research Purpose Methods Part and Time Frame Part! (uly'12) | Gather Gather data on RT (history, proauets/ background | mission, organizational structure information; | culture, ete). Interview personnel at recruit research | RT and at infoStream about why RT. participants | considered adopting an ERP system, why RT bought InfoStrearn, and how ‘employees at RT have beon informed about InfoStream, During this period we wil also work with the COO's statf to recruit participans for the main part of the study (Parti) Gives details of the project a readable forma 231 CASE ILLUSTRATION (continued) Whitfield Organizational Research 3 Research Purpose Methods Part andTime Frame Parti (uuly'12); | Obtain the | Facus-group interview with RT's perspective | launch team for InfoStream, with ofthe launch | emphasis on their goals for and team on concerns about the implementation. InfoStream | Anticipated duration of ths interviow Would be one hour, wth participants invited to share any addtional feedback afterward in person or by email Parti ‘Assess the | Conduct three rounds of 1-2 hour (uly-Sept.'12:_ | impact ot interviews witn approximately 12-14 Now. '08-Jan.12:| InfoStream on | RT employees to track their use of Mar~June 13): | employee work | InfoStream. ideally, we will have one processes and | or two participants trom each main, altitudes functional area of the company, with multiple levels of the company represented, Pan Rasese Conduct three web-based curveys (September'12, | companywide | during the year to track general January't3, | reception ot | attitudes about the implementation of May 13) InioStream _| InfoStroam ‘This plan yields the following time line: 2 | ara [are [rove | wie | vana [via [ana | ana [ana [ora | ona [Fooue soar Tae Soper al each | [nardiwe poire lanawem Iwieyear report laren TYearona 232 (continued) CASE ILLUSTRATION Special section clatorases on line comport’ imatvooton., tpn uci expensive port ofthe plan ‘Whitfield Organizational Ré Interview Structure and Benefits hile Parts I Il, and 1V will provide essential information about the project and ts reception, the most valuable data will come from Part Ill, the on site interviews with selected RT employees. Gathering data in and about the subject's own work contexts the only reliable way to learn what is realy happening n terms of the employees’ dally experience. Following is a description of our methodology for gathering these kinds of data: Ina interview: + Gather background information about the participants (how long they have worked at RT, what ther jobs consist of, what kind of computer experience: they've had, how they were tained on InfoStream), + Ask them to show us, by walking us through sample tasks, how they use Infosteeam, + Ask them to fil out a questionnaire pertaining to their use of InfoStream, + Go back over their answers, asking ther to explain orally why they chose the answers they di. + Ask them either to keep notes on or email us about any notable experiences they have with nfoStream. + Take notes on any interruption, interactions, and other activities that occur during the interview. From data gained in these interviews, we will assess how well the participants! current work processes are meshing with nfoStream, We wil also document hhow use of InfoStream is affecting the partcipants’attudes and their Interactions with other employees and departments, We will neck our fincings with the participants for accuracy before including these data in the intial report. Miayear interview: + Ask the participants i they have any notable experiences to relate about InfoStream andlor it any changes have occurred inthe tasks they perform using InfoStream. + Have the participants fill out the same questionnaire asin the fst interviews. + Discuss with participants the reasons for any changes in thelr answers since the frst questionnaire. + Observe any interactions or other activities that occur during the interview. + Check our findings with the participants for accuracy before including these ‘ata in the midyear report. Yoar-ond intorviows: ‘+ Wille conducted in the same fashion as the second interviews. + Willalso include questions allowing participants to debrief about the project ‘and about InfoStream in general Benefits ofthis interview method: + Because researchers willbe physically present in the employees’ work contexts, they ean gather a great deal of information, whether observed or reported by the employee, in a short amount of time. + Because employees will be asked to elaborate on their writen answers, the researcher can learn the true meaning of the employee's responses. veh 4 233 CASE ILLUSTRATION (continued) Whitfield Organizational Research 5 ‘Asking ernployees to verity the researcher's findings will add another validity check and encourage honest, thorough answers, ‘Specific Knowledge Goals \We will design the interviews and the companywide surveys to find out the extent to whieh + InfoStream is making participants jobs easier or harder, or easier in some ‘ways and harder in others. (Lersele"o | InfoStream is making their work more or less efficient. tet of aod the eodere | InfoSteam ls making thelr werk more or less efectve. rest wont 62 |. Thay believe InfoStream is helping the company overall weer Sess] + They are satis wth he insti they have received about he system. oes + InfoStream is changing their interactions with other employees. ropes? | inSteam is changing thelr elation with tel superdsors + IfoSteam is atecting thelr overal atude oward their work Tho result wil be a detaled, reliable plcture of hw InfoSteam i playing out Al rulple levee end in every tconal ora of RT Indust, enabling tnely intrventon by RT management, cost Because we are alcal fr, no travel or odging expenses wil be ino}ed, Research Component | Estimated Hours Cost Part (backgroundiact | 6 hours $300 finding) Parl focus group with | Shou (naudes aa launch team preparation and analysis) Jase the Parl (@ rounds of on-site | 474 hours sraeeo || weer inerione) detses chat oe odor Part (@ rounds of webs | 48 hours sie |) aces beaed surveys) ete tema Preparation of Reports | 80 hows $3,600 Tota $25,080 Credentials crease | Wied Organizational Research has been recognized by the Amercan oe Society for Training and Development as a regional leader in organizational con- S| Siting Wo nave entansve dation and experiance In change management trig an Shee | erganzatonal poyehoogy, quantiave and quate research ethos and quolifcotions | team building. Our familiarity with ERP software, developed through projects that ore with such clients as Orsys and PRX Manufacturing, makes us well suited to relevart tots | Sore RTs needs Résurésandreteercs wl be nailed upon requestor can “ be donrioaded fom connie deranitonalenearchcom 234

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