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Germination Ecology of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae) in

Traditional Agroecosystems: Seed and Seedling Biology of a Vegetatively
Propagated Domesticated Plant

Article in Economic Botany · January 2002

DOI: 10.1663/0013-0001(2002)056[0366:GEOCME]2.0.CO;2


57 758

7 authors, including:

Benoit Pujol Guillaume Gigot

French National Centre for Scientific Research Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Marianne Elias Martine Hossaert-McKey

ISYEB (Institute of Systematics Ecology Biodiversity) Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive


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Niche construction on the move: how nomadic pastoralists navigate across fast-changing social-ecological systems (NomadicN) View project

Ability to adapt in snapdragon plant populations (CAPA, French ANR funded) View project

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Benoı̂t Pujol, Guillaume Gigot, Gérard Laurent, Marina Pinheiro-Kluppel, Marianne Eli-
as, Martine Hossaert-McKey, and Doyle McKey (Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evo-
lutive, CNRS, 1919 route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier Cedex 05, France). GERMINATION ECOL-
Economic Botany 56(4):366–379, 2002. Cassava is clonally propagated, but Amerindian farm-
ers also use plants from volunteer seedlings to prepare stem cuttings. Although sexual repro-
duction plays a role in cassava’s evolution it is poorly studied. We examined one aspect of
cassava reproductive ecology, seed dormancy and germination. Volunteer seedlings emerge
from a soil bank of seeds produced during the previous cycle of cultivation that remain un-
germinated through the fallow period, then germinate synchronously after vegetation is slashed
and burned. Laboratory experiments showed that germination can be enhanced by mechanical
scarification and also by dry heat treatment, suggesting that burning after field clearing could
help break dormancy. Germination was also stimulated by high temperatures (358C) that in
nature indicate bare soils, and inhibited by temperatures (258C) close to those in soil shaded
by vegetation and by light. Seeds of both wild and domesticated cassava exhibit physiological
dormancy, an adaptation for germination in periodically disturbed habitats. In addition to these
preadaptations, preliminary results also suggest specific adaptations of domesticated cassava
to the distinctive disturbance regimes of swidden agriculture.
Key Words: Manihot esculenta Crantz; Euphorbiaceae; soil seed bank; seed dormancy; seed
germination; shifting cultivation; fire ecology; agroecology.

Cassava, the most important of tropical root cuttings for propagation of the next generation.
and tuber crops, is propagated strictly vegeta- These products of sexual reproduction are im-
tively by means of stem cuttings. However, in portant in the evolutionary dynamics of this
traditional agroecosystems based on swidden clonally propagated crop (Cury 1993; McKey
cultivation in Amazonia (Boster 1984; Elias, and Beckerman 1993; Elias 2000; Elias, Panaud,
Panaud, and Robert 2000; Elias, Rival, and and Robert 2000; Elias, Rival, and McKey 2000;
McKey 2000; Elias et al. 2001a,b; Salick, Cel- Elias et al. 2001a; Sambatti, Martins, and Ando
linese, and Knapp 1997; Sambatti, Martins, and 2001; McKey et al. 2001). Patterns of genetic
Ando 2001) and elsewhere (McKey et al. 2001), diversity suggest that incorporation of volunteer
farmers allow volunteer seedlings that appear in seedlings is frequent and leads to an increase in
fields to grow. These seedlings are the result of intravarietal genetic diversity (Elias 2000; Elias,
a series of processes that escape human control. Panaud, and Robert 2000; Elias, Rival, and
This begins with the open pollination of flowers McKey 2000; Elias et al. 2001a,b; Sambatti,
and extends to the dispersal, dormancy, and ger- Martins, and Ando 2001). Aside from the ge-
mination of seeds. Along with plants grown netic consequences, use of plants originating
from cuttings, some plants that originated as from seedlings may confer an important agro-
seedlings are used by farmers to prepare stem nomic advantage. Because systemic pathogens

Economic Botany 56(4) pp. 366–379. 2002

q 2002 by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.

are usually not transmitted by seed, seedlings are savanna-forest ecotone (Allem 1994). These
often relatively free of viral and other pathogens considerations lead to the hypothesis that do-
that tend to accumulate in vegetatively propa- mesticated cassava could have inherited a ger-
gated plants (Lozano and Nolt 1989). Plants mination biology that was ‘‘pre-adapted’’ to
originating as seedlings may thus supply health- Amazonian shifting agriculture.
ier cuttings (McKey et al. 2001). Has natural selection in agricultural ecosys-
In the farms of Makushi Amerindians in Guy- tems led not only to evolutionary maintenance
ana, volunteer seedlings of cassava emerge from of adaptive traits of seeds, but also to evolution-
a bank of dormant seeds in the soil established ary modification of the germination biology of
during the previous cycle(s) of swidden culti- domesticated cassava? In natural ecosystems
vation 3–30 (average about 10) years ago (Elias that shaped the evolution of wild cassava, en-
and McKey 2000). Ants may be important in the vironments are characterized by a continuum in
constitution of the seed bank, burying seeds and the frequency and intensity of disturbance, rang-
thus protecting them from surface-foraging seed ing from small forest gaps, sometimes with par-
predators (Elias and McKey 2000). As with tial vegetation cover, to large clearings created
many other Euphorbiaceae (e.g., Bülow-Olsen by disturbances such as fire. In contrast, in
1984; Lisci and Pacini 1997; Passos and Ferreira agroecosystems based on swidden cultivation,
1996), cassava seeds possess a seed appendage disturbance regimes (e.g., size, intensity, and
termed the caruncle that functions as an ant-at- frequency of disturbances) are simpler and form
tractant elaiosome (oil body). Burial of seeds greater environmental contrasts. The critical dis-
and formation of a persistent seed bank are im- tinction between environments where cassava
portant features in the biology of many ant-dis- seedlings can survive and those where they can-
persed plants, enabling seeds to escape predators not is simple: field (even more restrictively, a
during prolonged dormancy and to survive fires newly burnt field) or fallow. Seeds of domesti-
by escaping lethal temperatures at the soil sur- cated cassava may thus have been selected to
face. Buried seeds of many such plants are able germinate only under the narrow range of en-
to perceive environmental variation and respond vironmental conditions associated with newly
by timing germination to coincide with the fa- cleared fields, and to avoid germination in old
vorable conditions that follow fires (Baskin and fields and fallows, which present a relatively
Baskin 1998). broad range of environments as a function of the
When the field is cleared and burned, cassava age and development of vegetational cover.
seeds that have persisted during the fallow pe- Existing information on domesticated cassava
riod since the previous crop germinate in large and its wild relatives is consistent with an adap-
numbers about two weeks after burning. The re- tive interpretation of their germination ecology.
generation niche of volunteer seedlings is re- First, in domesticated cassava, high temperatures
stricted to newly burned fields; any rare seed- stimulate germination, via two different effects.
lings appearing later in cultivated fields appear (1) Dry heat treatments of 608C or more, often
not to survive. Any that do survive in these less continued over a period of days or weeks, en-
favorable conditions are highly unlikely to be hance the proportion of seeds that germinate (M.
selected for cuttings, which are always chosen A. Guzman, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pers.
from large, healthy, vigorous plants (Elias, Ri- comm.). (2) Under moisture conditions favor-
val, and McKey 2000). Incorporation of volun- able for germination, maximum germination of
teer seedlings by farmers into germplasm for cassava seeds occurred only when temperature
stem cuttings means that natural selection can for part of the day exceeded 368C and the mean
act to maintain traits of seeds that ensure their temperature was at least 338C (Ellis, Hong, and
germination at times favorable for seedling sur- Roberts 1982, 1985). For wild Manihot spp., an
vival. What is known of the ecology of Manihot alternating temperature regime of 26/388C (16 h/
esculenta subsp. flabellifolia, considered by 8 h) is claimed to promote germination (Nassar
many to be the wild ancestor of cassava (Allem and Teixeira 1983; for a review see Ellis, Hong,
1999; Olsen and Schaal 2001), suggests a re- and Roberts 1985). As in many other studies, it
generation niche adapted to periodic disturbanc- is unclear whether germination of Manihot seeds
es. This and related Manihot spp. are light-de- is triggered by fluctuation between high and low
manding plants of forest gaps or of savanna or temperatures, or simply by the high tempera-

tures reached during at least part of the 24-hour a few mm into soil (Baskin and Baskin 1998),
cycle (Baskin and Baskin 1998; Ellis, Hong, and most seeds buried by ants probably germinate
Roberts 1982, 1985). under conditions of complete darkness. We rea-
The studies conducted so far on cassava ger- soned that light should not be required for ger-
mination have been motivated more by the pure- mination of cassava seeds. In many light-de-
ly technical question of how to increase germi- manding pioneer species, light quality affects
nation rates (and thereby obtain more seedlings) germination, which is inhibited by far red light
in breeding programs, than by the goal of un- typical of that filtered by vegetation cover and
derstanding germination ecology in field popu- stimulated under red light typical of gaps inside
lations. Consequently, effects of various factors the forest (Vazquez-Yanes 1980). Two previous
have often been tested on an ad hoc basis, with studies claimed that exposure to red light (600–
little reference to conditions experienced in the 700 nm) before being sown in darkness (Nartey
field. Such reference is necessary for ecologi- 1978) or sown under incandescent light (Mendes
cally meaningful germination experiments (Bas- 1981) improved germination of cassava seeds in
kin and Baskin 1998). Secondly, experiments comparison to exposure to incandescent light.
have often been conducted using seeds of im- We question the ecological relevance of this
proved commercial varieties of cassava. Because finding for cassava, because these studies, like
sexual reproduction via incorporation of volun- all other studies conducted on cassava so far, did
teer seedlings appears to play a negligible role not compare germination in darkness with other
in populations of these varieties, selection main- treatments (in some studies [e.g., Mendes 1981;
taining seed and seedling traits may have been Ellis, Hong and Roberts 1982] light conditions
relaxed. The seed and seedling biology of used in the experiments are not specified). The
‘‘modern’’ varieties may thus not be represen- positive effect of red light could have been due
tative of the germination ecology of rustic land- to the lower quantity of radiation received by
races in swidden agriculture practiced by Ama- seeds exposed to this light compared to normal
zonian Amerindians, the ecological setting in light, rather than to any difference in light qual-
which volunteer seedlings are important and ity.
which has shaped much of the evolution of this (3) What is the effect of the caruncle on seed
crop. germination? Few studies have examined the ef-
In this study, we investigate germination ecol- fect of presence or absence of the elaiosome on
ogy of cassava seeds produced by populations germination of ant-dispersed seeds (Baskin and
of local varieties grown in shifting agriculture Baskin 1998). In Ricinus communis L. (Euphor-
by Makushi Amerindians in Guyana. Volunteer biaceae), the caruncle plays a role in water ex-
seedlings are known to be important in evolu- change, channeling water from the developing
tionary dynamics of these populations (Elias, seed to reduce its water content and channeling
Panaud, and Robert 2000; Elias, Rival, and water from humid soils into the imbibing seed,
McKey 2000; Elias et al. 2001a,b; McKey et al. enhancing germination (Bianchini and Pacini
2001). We pose the following questions: 1996). In some ant-dispersed Euphorbiaceae,
(1) Could fire, used to clear fields, facilitate such as Mercurialis annua L. (Pacini 1990) and
germination of seeds in the soil seed bank? We R. communis (Lagôa and Pereira 1987), the car-
could not test this question directly. Instead, we uncle impedes germination by physical and/or
tested the effect on germination of a prolonged chemical mechanisms, and germination occurs
dry heat treatment. If such treatment does en- rapidly only if the caruncle is removed. In cas-
hance germination, the mechanisms responsible sava, we considered it unlikely that the caruncle
depend on the type of dormancy. To test whether would have any positive effect, because in nat-
physical dormancy is involved, we examined ural conditions it is physically removed by ants,
whether the same effect obtained by prolonged or decomposed during the seed’s tenure in the
dry heat could be obtained by mechanically soil seed bank, long before the seed germinates.
scarifying seeds, without the heat treatment. We (4) Could relatively high soil temperatures be
also compared water uptake of cassava seeds in used by cassava seeds as a cue to trigger their
which the seed coat was scarified or not. germination in newly cleared and burnt fields,
(2) What is the effect of light on germination whereas lower temperatures, close to those of
of cassava seeds? Because light penetrates only shaded soil surfaces in the lowland tropics,

maintain seed dormancy? Using a combination were placed in paper bags in the sun and al-
of pre-treatments and treatments found to pro- lowed to explode. Seeds were separated from the
duce high germination rates in the first experi- capsule fragments and stored dry at room tem-
ment (mechanical scarification, darkness, re- perature in plastic bags. All seeds were collected
moval of the caruncle), we varied only the tem- in November 1998. Seeds were kept at room
perature at which seeds were placed to imbibe temperature under dark conditions until January
(258C, representative of temperatures in shaded 1999. At this time, they were moved into a cold
soils, and 358C, representative of soil with little room at 58C, where they were stored in darkness
or no vegetational cover). until being used in the experiments. Germination
(5) Is the response of seeds of wild cassava experiments were conducted in July 1999 (ex-
to potential germination cues similar to that of periment 1), August 1999 (experiment 2) and
seeds of domesticated cassava? Because few February–March 2000 (experiment 3).
seeds of wild cassava were available, only their
response to one factor could be tested. The re- METHODS
sponse tested was not that to dry heat pre-treat- To test whether the stored seeds were viable,
ment, of which an important effect could be we first conducted (July 1999) 2,3,5-triphenyl
thermal scarification of the seed coat, but rather tetrazolium chloride viability tests on a haphaz-
the response of already scarified seeds to incu- ardly selected subsample of 20 seeds following
bation at temperatures that in nature would be the protocol of Kearns and Inouye (1993). After
experienced in soils with (258C) or without 3 h seeds were scored for staining of the em-
(358C) vegetational cover. We examined whether bryo. Of the 20 seeds tested, one was dead; its
scarified seeds of domesticated cassava, whose seed coat was normal but empty. The remaining
regeneration niche is restricted to newly burnt 19 seeds were viable, as indicated by the bright
fields, have a more stringent requirement for pink staining of the cotyledons and the rest of
high temperature to trigger germination than do the embryo.
those of wild cassava. Because seeds of wild and To determine whether dry heat treatment en-
domesticated cassava could only be obtained hances germination of domesticated cassava,
from one or two localities for each taxon, this and whether mechanical scarification of the seed
experiment must be regarded as preliminary. coat has the same effect, we compared germi-
nation of seeds subjected to each of these treat-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ments with that of a control group. Before the
experiment, seeds were cleaned in a weak so-
lution of bleach (5ml.l21) containing a few drops
Seeds of domesticated cassava used in the ex- of liquid soap, then washed two times with de-
periments were collected from fields of Makushi ionized water and dried at room temperature.
Amerindian farmers of bitter cassava, in the vil- Three lots of 200 seeds each were prepared. The
lage of Rewa (48029 N, 588359 W), North Ru- first lot was subjected to dry heat treatment. Fol-
pununi district, Guyana. The study site, agricul- lowing the procedure used to prepare seeds of
tural practices, and varietal composition of cas- domesticated cassava for germination at the
sava grown by Rewa villagers are described by CIAT (International Centre for Tropical Agri-
Elias and McKey (2000) and Elias, Rival and culture, Cali, Colombia), seeds were kept in an
McKey (2000). Seeds of wild cassava were col- oven at 658C during 14 days. In the second lot,
lected from two populations of M. esculenta ssp. each seed was mechanically scarified. Using a
flabellifolia, the taxon indicated by recent stud- hand-held precision electric drill fitted with a
ies to be the ancestor of domesticated cassava small bit, a small area (,1 mm2) of seed coat
(Olsen and Schaal 1999, 2001). The first popu- was removed at the end of the seed opposite the
lation was located near the village of Toka, the attachment of the caruncle. Scarification at this
other near the village of Annai (for locations see location enabled us to avoid damaging the em-
Elias and McKey 2000). Mature capsules, dry bryo. The third lot constituted a control with no
and ready to dehisce, were collected from plants pre-treatment.
haphazardly over a period of about two weeks Each of the three lots was divided into four
(for domesticated cassava) and on two separate sub-lots of 50 seeds, each subjected to a differ-
one-day visits to the wild populations. Capsules ent combination of two treatments: light (12 h

light and 12 h darkness, or permanent darkness) germination: mechanical scarification of the

and caruncle (intact or removed). Each sub-lot seed coat, removal of the caruncle, and darkness.
was divided into five replicate groups of 10 Although leaving the caruncle intact led to
seeds each. Seeds were placed by group on a somewhat higher germination in the first exper-
sheet of moist filter paper enclosed in a booklet iment (an effect seen mostly in the presence of
of two corrugated plastic cards held together by light), removal of the caruncle reduced fungal
elastic bands. Booklets were placed vertically contamination of germinating seedlings. Only
(with the end of the seed bearing the caruncle at the temperature during imbibition was manipu-
the bottom) in a plastic container with sufficient lated. Five lots of seeds (23, 20, 20, 20, and 18
de-ionized water to keep the filter paper saturat- seeds) totaling 101 seeds were set to germinate
ed with moisture. Containers were placed in an at 358C, as in the first experiment, and five other
incubation chamber maintained at 358C by a lots (four lots of 20 seeds and one with 18 seeds)
thermostat; a thermometer placed in the chamber totaling 98 seeds were set to germinate at 258C.
allowed periodic checking of temperature. The Each lot was placed in a separate booklet, as in
artificial daylight was given by a small fluores- the first experiment. Probability of germination
cent warm white tube (8W). Seeds were checked at the two temperatures and time to germination
for germination once daily. These checks were were compared as in the first experiment.
conducted under normal room lighting (common The third experiment compared the effect of
white fluorescent tubes). For the ‘‘darkness’’ temperature during imbibition on germination of
treatment, green safe light (Baskin and Baskin seeds of domesticated (210 seeds) and wild (70
1998) was not available. Thus seeds in the dark- seeds) cassava. As in the second experiment, all
ness treatment received artificial light for about seeds were mechanically scarified, the caruncle
30 minutes during each daily check. was removed, and seeds were set to germinate
A seed was scored as having germinated in darkness. For each taxon, half the seeds were
when the radicle was seen protruding through kept at 358C and half at 258C. The small number
the split testa. The experiment ran for 21 d. of seeds of wild cassava available for the ex-
Seeds that had not germinated at the end of the periment did not allow replication of different
experiment were tested for viability using tetra- booklets for each taxon. Seeds of domesticated
zolium. and wild cassava were thus mixed on the same
Probability of germination of seeds subjected booklet, and the position of each seed was ran-
to different combinations of treatments was an- domized. Probability of germination was ana-
alyzed using the GENMOD procedure of SAS lyzed as in the first experiment, using taxon and
v8 (SAS 1996), for binomial distribution and temperature as explanatory variables.
Type III analysis. Pre-treatment (mechanical Mean time to germination was compared
scarification, dry heat, control), light (darkness, among the three experiments using ANOVA,
light/dark cycle) and caruncle (present, re- taking into consideration only those seeds of
moved) were used as explanatory variables. We each experiment that were subjected to the same
also tested for a ‘‘booklet’’ effect. We used combination of treatments (mechanical scarifi-
backwards selection to identify the factors with cation, caruncle removed, darkness, 358C).
the most significant effects in the full model. Two complementary experiments were also
Data on time to germination (considering only conducted. First, to test the effect of our storage
seeds that did germinate) was analyzed using a conditions on seed viability, in June 2001 we
type III generalized linear model (GENMOD conducted tetrazolium tests on two lots of 20
procedure of SAS v8 [SAS 1996]) for Poisson seeds. One lot was from the stock of seeds that
distribution (log linear model) in a backwards was used for all experiments. These seeds had
selection model using the same explanatory var- been stored in darkness at 58C since January
iables. 1999, and had not been used in any of these
The second experiment was conducted to ex- experiments. The other lot was taken from seeds
amine the effect of temperature during imbibi- that had been used in experiment 1 and had not
tion on germination of seeds of domesticated germinated. These seeds had been in darkness at
cassava. In this experiment, all seeds used were 58C since July 1999. Second, in an attempt to
subjected to a combination of treatments shown determine whether seed coats of cassava are im-
in the first experiment to lead to high rates of permeable to water, resulting in physical dor-



Pre-treatment Light Caruncle present Caruncle removed

Mechanical scarification: 12:12 light : dark: 67/100 40/50 (80%) 27/50 (54%)
148/200 (74%) (67%)
24 h dark: 81/100 (81%) 44/50 (88%) 37/50 (74%)
Dry heat (658C dry heat for 12:12 light : dark: 43/100 28/50 (56%) 15/50 (30%)
14 days): 110/200 (55%) (43%)
24 h dark: 67/100 (67%) 34/50 (68%) 33/50 (66%)
Control (no pre-treatment): 12:12 light : dark: 21/100 15/50 (30%) 6/50 (12%)
45/200 (22.5%) (21%)
24 h dark: 24/100 (24%) 12/50 (24%) 12/50 (24%)
TOTAL: 303/600 (50.5%) Total 12:12 light : dark: Total: 173/300 Total: 130/300
131/300 (43.7%) (57.7%) (43.3%)
Total 24 h dark: 172/300

mancy, we compared water uptake by seeds that generalized linear model performed on these re-
had been mechanically scarified and seeds that sults. There was no booklet effect. All other fac-
had been left intact. This test was conducted in tors tested contributed significantly to explaining
May 2002 using seeds of domesticated cassava the variance. There was also a significant inter-
from the same stock used in the other experi- action between light and caruncle treatments.
ments. Four lots of 20 seeds each were tested, Among the different combinations of treatments,
one for each combination of two variables, tem- probability of germination was highest (88%)
perature (258C or 358C) and seed coat treatment for seeds scarified mechanically, with the car-
(scarified or intact). Seeds were weighed, placed uncle intact, and kept in darkness, and lowest
in booklets under saturated humidity conditions, (12%) for seeds subjected to no pre-treatment,
and then re-weighed after 24 h and 92 h of im- with the caruncle removed, and kept in a 12 h:
bibition. A seed was scored as being imbibed if 12 h light:dark regime.
it gained more than 0.01 g of mass.
RESULTS Type of pre-treatment had the greatest effect
Table 1 presents the results for proportion of on probability of germination (Table 2). Both
seeds germinated under the 12 different combi- dry heat and mechanical scarification of the seed
nations of pre-treatments and treatments in Ex- coat greatly increased the probability of germi-
periment 1. Table 2 presents the results of the nation compared to controls (no pre-treatment;
see Table 1). Probability of germination was
higher with mechanical scarification than with
MODEL (PROC GENMOD OF SAS V8 [SAS least squares means comparison, P , 0.0001),
1996], USING BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION) PER- and higher with dry heat than with no pre-treat-
ment (P , 0.0001). Seeds subjected to each of
these pre-treatments responded similarly to the
light treatment and to removal of the caruncle.
Source df x2 P
Probability of germination was significantly
Pre-treatment 2 120.43 0.0001 higher in the ‘darkness’ treatment than under a
Caruncle 1 15.47 0.0001 regime of 12 h light and 12 h dark (Table 2).
Light 1 14.06 0.0002
Although the interaction between light and pre-
Caruncle 3 light 1 6.02 0.0141
treatment was not significant, the depressing ef-


Probability of germination was significantly
higher when the caruncle was intact than when
it had been mechanically removed. This effect
did not vary among pre-treatments. However,
there was a significant interaction between this
treatment and light (Table 2). Removal of the
caruncle had little negative effect in darkness,
but substantially reduced the proportion of seeds
that germinated in light (Table 1).
Figure 1 shows the time course of germina-
tion in Experiment 1. Germination began four
days after the start of the experiment. Peak ger-
mination was between 5–10 days for all treat-
ments. Germination in all combinations of treat-
ments had ceased by 20 days. The experiment
was terminated after 21 days. Considering only
seeds that did germinate, there was relatively lit-
tle variation in speed of germination among pre-
Fig. 1. Time course of germination of seeds of do- treatments and treatments (Table 3; Fig. 1). Of
mesticated cassava for each of the 12 combinations of the factors tested, only light significantly affect-
treatments, experiment 1. A: with 12 h light and 12 h ed speed of germination, with seeds left in dark-
darkness; B: darkness. N 5 50 seeds tested in each of ness germinating more rapidly (mean 6 s.d.: 7.4
the 12 combinations of treatments. 6 2.6 d) than those maintained in a 12 h light:
12 h dark cycle (mean 6 s.d.: 9.5 6 3.7 d). This
difference was significant (x21 5 37.7, P ,
fect of light on probability of germination ap- 0.0001). The effect of light on speed of germi-
peared to be less pronounced in the control (no nation was similar for all three pre-treatments,
pre-treatment) than in the two pre-treatment and did not depend on presence or absence of
groups (Table 1). the caruncle (Table 3).


Pre-treatment Light Caruncle present Caruncle removed

Mechanical scarification: 12:12 light : dark: 9.2 6 3.7 9.4 6 2.8 9.1 6 3.8
8.5 6 3.0
24 h dark: 7.7 6 2.7 7.3 6 2.0 8.3 6 3.5
Dry heat (658C dry heat for 14 12:12 light : dark: 9.2 6 3.7 9.3 6 4.0 9.1 6 3.4
days): 7.9 6 3.1
24 h dark: 6.9 6 2.1 6.9 6 2.4 7.0 6 2.0
Control (no pre-treatment): 12:12 light : dark: 10.5 6 4.5 10.1 6 4.2 11.8 6 5.7
8.9 6 4.0
24 h dark: 7.5 6 2.7 8.1 6 3.3 6.9 6 2.1
TOTAL: 8.3 6 3.2 Total 12:12 light : dark: Total: Total:
9.5 6 3.7 8.3 6 3.1 8.2 6 3.4
Total 24 h dark: 7.4 6 2.6



Source df x2 P

Fig. 2. Time course of germination of seeds of do- Temperature 1 45.25 0.0001

mesticated cassava in experiment 2. Squares: 258C (N Taxon 1 15.53 0.0001
5 98 seeds tested); circles: 358C (N 5 101 seeds test- Temperature 3 taxon 1 8.68 0.0032


seeds of wild cassava, with 17 of 35 seeds
(48.5%) germinating at 358C and 7 of 35 seeds
Following experiment 1, tetrazolium tests (20%) germinating at 258C. Results of the gen-
were conducted on 60 seeds that did not ger- eralized linear model performed on these data
minate during the experiment (5 seeds were tak- are presented in Table 4. There was no booklet
en from each of the 12 combinations) and on 10 effect. Both temperature and taxon (wild or do-
seeds taken from the original stock and not sub- mesticated) significantly affected probability of
jected to the experiment. These tests showed that germination, and the interaction between the two
56 of the ungerminated seeds (93%) and nine of was also significant. A smaller proportion of
the control seeds (90%) were still viable, sug- seeds of domesticated cassava germinated over-
gesting that none of the treatments used in the all, and the effect of temperature on probability
experiment killed any significant number of of germination was more marked for domesti-
seeds. cated than for wild cassava. Least squares means
comparisons (PROC GENMOD, SAS [SAS
1996]) showed that probability of germination
was lower at 258C than at 358C for both wild (P
5 0.014) and domesticated cassava (P ,
A much larger proportion of seeds (mechan- 0.0001). Probability of germination of wild and
ically scarified, caruncle removed, left in dark- domesticated cassava was not different at 358C
ness) germinated at 358C (52 of 102 seeds, (x21 5 1.2, P 5 0.28), but was higher for wild
51.5%) than at 258C (5 of 98 seeds, 5.1%). This cassava than for domesticated cassava at 258C
difference was significant (x21 5 17.2, P , (x21 5 8.9, P 5 0.0028). Figure 3 shows the time
0.0001). Within each temperature, there was no
booklet effect. For those seeds that did germi-
nate, germination was somewhat more rapid at
358C (mean 6 s.d.: 5.4 6 1.4 d) than at 258C
(mean 6 s.d.: 6.4 6 0.5 d) (Fig. 2). This differ-
ence was significant (PROC GENMOD, SAS
[SAS 1996]; type III analysis, for Poisson dis-
tribution: x21 5 17.17, P , 0.0001).
(EXPERIMENT 3) Fig. 3. Time course of germination in experiment
As in the second experiment, a much larger 3. Open symbols: Domesticated cassava; closed sym-
bols: wild cassava. Squares: 258C; circles: 358C. For
proportion of seeds of domesticated cassava ger- domesticated cassava, N 5 105 seeds tested for each
minated at 358C (40 of 105 seeds, 38.1%) than temperature treatment; for wild cassava, N 5 35 seeds
at 258C (0 of 105 seeds). The same was true for tested for each temperature treatment.


Imbibition period After 24 hours After 92 hours

Source df x2 P df x2 P

Temperature 1 0.90 0.3418 1 0 1

Pre-treatment 1 6.76 0.0093 1 5.76 0.0164
Temperature 3 pre-treatment 1 0.02 0.8761 1 0 1

course of germination in this experiment. At mean time to germination was significantly dif-
358C, seeds of domesticated cassava germinated ferent among experiments (ANOVA, F2, 128 5
more rapidly (mean 6 s.d. 5 6.8 6 3.3 d) than 11.84, P , 0.0001), being highest in the first
did those of wild cassava (mean 6 s.d. 5 9.4 6 experiment, lowest in the second experiment,
4.0 d). Seeds of wild cassava germinated more and intermediate in the third experiment. Least
slowly at 258C (mean 6 s.d. 5 14.5 6 4.2 d) squares means comparisons showed that mean
than at 358C. Differences were significant (least time to germination was significantly different
squares means comparisons) for all three possi- between each pair of experiments (experiments
ble pairwise comparisons (wild vs. domesticat- 1 and 2: P , 0.0001; experiments 1 and 3, and
ed, at 358C: P 5 0.0458; wild at 258C vs. wild experiments 2 and 3: P 5 0.0489). Inspection of
at 358C: P 5 0.0056; domesticated at 358C vs. the cumulative number of seeds germinated over
wild at 258C: P , 0.0001). time (Figures 1–3) shows that germination be-
gan at about the same time in all experiments
PROPORTION OF SEEDS GERMINATED AND (day 4 in the first two experiments, day 5 in the
TIME TO GERMINATION AS A FUNCTION OF third), but continued over periods very different
TIME SINCE COLLECTION among experiments. In experiment 1, in which
Comparing all three experiments, and taking the highest proportion of seeds germinated
into account only seeds of domesticated cassava (74%), germination continued until day 17. In
subjected to the same combination of conditions experiment 2, in which only 51.5% of seeds ger-
(seeds mechanically scarified, caruncle removed, minated, the last germination observed occurred
seeds left to imbibe in darkness at 358C), the on day 9. However, the pattern suggested by the
proportion of seeds germinated decreased sig- comparison of experiments 1 and 2 did not con-
nificantly over time, from 74.0% in experiment tinue over time. In experiment 3 (38.1% ger-
1 (conducted 8 mo after seeds were collected) mination), germination continued until day 17,
to 51.5% in experiment 2 (9 mo after collection), as in experiment 1.
to 38.1% in experiment 3 (15 mo after collec-
tion). Under the conditions of storage, there thus IMBIBITION OF CASSAVA SEEDS
seemed to be a decline in the ability to germi- Mechanical scarification had a significant ef-
nate of cassava seeds over time. The cause of fect on the probability of water uptake by seeds.
this decreased ability to germinate was not seed Temperature did not influence whether seeds im-
death. Of 20 seeds from the base stock, stored bibed or not, and there was no significant inter-
since January 1999, 18 were viable in June action between temperature and scarification
2001. All of the 20 ungerminated seeds from (Table 5). After 24 h, 87.5% of scarified seeds
experiment 1 that were tested for viability were had imbibed water, whereas 62.5% of unscari-
still alive in June 2001. These results demon- fied seeds had imbibed. After 92 h, all of the
strate that decreased ability to germinate over scarified seeds and 90% of the unscarified seeds
time was due to reinforced dormancy of seeds had imbibed.
under the conditions of storage. Considering only seeds that did imbibe, the
Again comparing only seeds subjected to the amount of water absorbed after 24 h was not
same combination of treatments (mechanical affected by any of the variables studied. Despite
scarification, caruncle removed, darkness, 358C), a tendency (x21 5 3.52, P 5 0.0606), water up-

take did not significantly differ between scarified placed the effect of dry heat treatment. Our im-
and unscarified seeds after 24 h (means 15% and bibition experiment showed that whereas imbi-
11%, respectively, of initial weight). However, bition was enhanced by mechanical scarification,
after 92 h, there was a significant effect of scar- most unscarified seeds eventually imbibed some
ification on amount of water absorbed (means water. We cannot rule out the possibility that
23% and 17% of initial weight, for scarified and seed coats of seeds used in the experiment had
unscarified seeds, respectively). Water uptake by become permeable as a result of our storage con-
imbibed seeds after 92 h was significantly in- ditions (cf. Baskin and Baskin 1998). Although
creased by mechanical scarification (x21 5 7.85, physical dormancy is so far unknown in seeds
P 5 0.0051). Imbibition was thus enhanced by of euphorbiaceous species, it should be tested
scarification but did not require it. for in further studies of cassava using more nat-
ural conditions of seed storage. Seeds of some
DISCUSSION plants are known to combine physical and phys-
iological dormancy (Baskin and Baskin 1998).
Second, cassava seeds possess adaptations for
ant dispersal. Burial of cassava seeds by ants
The germination ecology of domesticated cas- (Elias and McKey 2000), as typically occurs in
sava exhibits several traits characteristic of many fire-adapted plants (Baskin and Baskin
plants adapted to disturbed habitats. Seeds re- 1998), may protect seeds not only from surface-
main viable and dormant for long periods if con- foraging predators, but also from lethal temper-
ditions are unfavorable for germination and atures that may occur on the soil surface during
seedling growth. Dormancy is largely physiolog- fire (Espalader and Gomez 1996; Bülow-Olsen
ical in nature (as in many Euphorbiaceae: Bas- 1984; Passos and Ferreira 1996; Baskin and
kin and Baskin 1998), being responsive to tem- Baskin 1998). The negative response of cassava
perature and to light conditions. Germination seeds to light is related to the importance of seed
only occurs when temperatures are relatively burial in its germination ecology. Seeds of Ric-
high, which in nature would occur only in soil inus communis, another myrmecochorous Eu-
lacking a vegetation cover, signaling conditions phorbiaceae, are also negatively photoblastic
likely to be favorable for germination. This is (Lagôa and Pereira 1987). Also, like most other
similar to light-demanding species that use high seeds that germinate more readily in darkness,
soil temperature, or high and variable soil tem- cassava seeds are relatively large compared to
perature, as a cue indicating exposed sites lack- those of other disturbance-adapted plants, re-
ing vegetational cover (Baskin and Baskin 1998; flecting the requirement for larger amounts of
Egley 1995; Fenner 1995; Keeley 1991; Thomp- reserves when seeds germinate deep in the soil,
son and Grime 1983). Germination is also en- than when they require light and germinate only
hanced by darkness. A further indication of near the soil surface (Baskin and Baskin 1998).
physiological dormancy is the increasingly deep
dormancy observed with progressively long pe- RESPONSE TO LIGHT AND TO REMOVAL OF
riods of seed storage at low temperatures. THE CARUNCLE
Germination ecology of cassava appears to be Presence of light decreased the probability of
particularly well suited to habitats in which fire germination, and slowed the speed of germina-
is a frequent type of disturbance. Having re- tion when it did occur. At least under the con-
mained dormant for years in fallow vegetation, ditions in our experiment, light thus appeared to
large numbers of cassava seeds rapidly germi- have a negative effect, exerted by unknown
nate in newly burned fields. Several traits of ger- physiological mechanisms, on cassava seeds. In-
mination ecology appear to constitute a func- terestingly, light had little effect on probability
tionally linked set of adaptations to fire. of germination of seeds in which the caruncle
First, dry heat stimulates germination of cas- was left intact, and of seeds that were not sub-
sava seeds. Although physiological mechanisms jected to any pre-treatment (Table 1). In nega-
may play a role in this response, part of the ef- tively photoblastic seeds that have been studied,
fect may be due to enhanced passage of water the embryo and/or endosperm are the light-sen-
into the seed (reviewed in Baskin and Baskin sitive organs (Baskin and Baskin 1998). In our
[1998]), because mechanical scarification re- experiment, mechanical scarification would cer-

tainly have increased the amount of light trans- an underestimation of the negative impact of
mitted to these organs. Fissuring of seed coats light. Our results would thus likely be strength-
by dry heat, and removal of the caruncle, could ened, rather than weakened, by an improved ex-
have had the same effect. Thus the interactions perimental design.
of these treatments with light may all be due to
a single common mechanism. In nature, seeds in COMPARISON OF GERMINATION IN THE
the soil quickly lose the caruncle. Because under THREE EXPERIMENTS
natural conditions seeds are buried in soil and Our results showed a decrease in the proba-
thus normally germinate in darkness, absence of bility of germination over time, although tetra-
the caruncle is unlikely to have a negative effect zolium tests revealed that stored seeds were still
on germination. alive in June 2001. We suspect that this decrease
Once dormancy was broken, light also had a is due to the unnatural conditions of storage (at
negative effect on the speed of germination. In 58C beginning January 1999). In nature, large
contrast to the results for proportion of seeds numbers of cassava seeds stored in soil seed
germinated, the effect of light on speed of ger- banks remain capable of germination after fal-
mination was not modified by any of the other low periods ranging from 3 to 30 y, and anec-
factors tested. We suggest the following expla- dotal evidence suggests that seeds may remain
nation for this result. Germination involves split- viable for at least 45 y (Elias, Rival, and McKey
ting of the seed coat. Light, in combination with 2000). Under our conditions of storage, seeds
other treatments, affects the probability that this appear to have developed a deeper dormancy
will happen, but once germination did begin, the less easily overcome by our treatments. For
seed coat split and embryos and/or endosperm seeds of many species, requirements for germi-
of all seeds in the light treatment were exposed nation in the case of physiological dormancy are
to light, regardless of what other treatments are known to be affected by storage conditions
applied. Thus seeds that germinated in light all (Baskin and Baskin 1998). Unnatural conditions
did so at the same speed. of storage, or uncontrolled differences between
A shortcoming of our experiment was that experiments that may have escaped our notice
pre-treatments and preparation of the experiment (for example, the amount of time seeds were ex-
were conducted in normal light. Light perceived posed to light during daily checks), may also be
during this phase could thus have reduced the responsible for the significant differences among
difference between the two light treatments. experiments in mean time to germination, dif-
However, the effect of light appeared to depend ferences for which we have no other explana-
on treatments that allowed transmission of light tion. In future experiments, seeds should be
across the seed coat, suggesting that light re- stored under conditions closer to those experi-
ceived by seeds before treatments to the seed enced by dormant cassava seeds in nature.
coat may have had little effect. Another short-
coming of our experimental design is that peri- COMPARISON WITH WILD CASSAVA:
odic examination of seeds in the darkness treat- IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EVOLUTION OF
ment was conducted under normal light, not DOMESTICATION
green light, to which plants are insensitive. Our results suggest that seeds of domesticated
Seeds were thus exposed to a few minutes of cassava may have a more stringent temperature
light every day when checked for germination. requirement for germination, once they have
Some seeds are extremely light-sensitive, a brief been scarified, than those of wild cassava. This
pulse of light sufficing to trigger germination, could be evidence of an adaptive response to
presumably because it signals proximity to the disturbance regimes in slash-and-burn agricul-
surface (Baskin and Baskin 1998). ture, in which only a narrow subset of environ-
Although such possibilities cannot be exclud- mental conditions is suitable for germination.
ed for cassava seeds, it is clear that their re- Our results also suggest that under these favor-
sponse to light is overwhelmingly negative. Be- able conditions seeds of domesticated cassava
cause these shortcomings noted in our experi- germinate more rapidly than those of wild cas-
mental design all tend to reduce the contrast be- sava. This could represent an adaptation to the
tween the light and darkness treatments, we field environment, characterized by relatively
suggest that their most likely effect is to lead to rich resources but also intense competition.

These results require confirmation by experi- tant in crops such as sweet potato (Yen 1974),
ments including replicates of several populations potato (Johns and Keen 1986), and ensete (Shi-
of each taxon. If confirmed, they imply that geta 1996), as well as in cassava. Germination
traits relating to seed dormancy and germination and establishment of volunteer seedlings that es-
are part of the domestication syndrome of this cape human control, and their incorporation into
vegetatively propagated crop. Whether the ger- propagation material, have been little studied.
mination ecology of domesticated cassava in- Information on these phenomena is crucial to
cludes specific adaptations to agriculture or only understanding evolution in populations and for
pre-adaptation, it is clear that selection on seed designing on-farm strategies of conservation of
dormancy and dispersal during domestication crop plant genetic diversity in traditional agroe-
acted on cassava in a way very different from cosystems (Brush 1995; McKey et al. 2001).
its action on these traits in seed-propagated, an- This information could also be useful in sci-
nual crops, in which mechanisms for dormancy entific breeding programs. Local varieties of
and dispersal were lost (Baskin and Baskin crop plants constitute genetic resources that are
1998). often poorly represented in ex situ collections
The germination ecology of cassava may (Elias, Panaud, and Robert 2000; Roa et al.
yield insights on the process of domestication. 1997; Sambatti, Martins, and Ando 2001; Sec-
Our results are consistent with the notion that ond et al. 1997; Soleri and Smith 1995). Know-
domesticated cassava evolved from a fire-adapt- ing how to manipulate these resources is a pre-
ed, fire-following ancestor (Tardy 1998), prob- requisite for their efficient use. Seed biology, in
ably initially restricted to the more seasonal hab- particular factors controlling germination, is a
itats in which lightning-caused fires are frequent relatively poorly understood area in cassava
(Pyne 1998). Favored by anthropogenic fires, the breeding (Biggs, Smith, and Scott 1986; Frege-
wild ancestor of cassava could have been one of ne, Ospina, and Roca 1999). Finally, under-
the resources that responded strongly to use of standing this aspect of cassava reproductive
fire in habitat management by pre-agricultural ecology is important to estimate the potential for
peoples. Cultivation of cassava by stem cuttings spread of transgenes in crop populations follow-
may have originated via attempts by foraging ing introduction of genetically modified varieties
peoples to supplement the density in newly (Ellstrand, Prentice, and Hancock 1999; Wilson
burned areas of spontaneous seedlings and re- 1990).
growth of top-killed plants. Such supplementa-
tion may have been most crucial, and most fea- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sible, in wetter habitats where virtually all fires Fieldwork for this study was funded by the European Commission
(DGVIII, Future of Tropical Forest Peoples [APFT] program), and by the
were anthropogenic (Pyne 1998). In any case, Bureau des Ressources Génétiques (France). We are grateful to the gov-
cassava was eminently pre-adapted to slash-and- ernment of Guyana, especially the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and
burn agriculture, which enabled spread of this the Environmental Protection Agency, for allowing us to carry out our
fieldwork in Guyana. We are also grateful to the National Agronomic
plant into habitats much wetter than those oc- Research Institute (Georgetown, Guyana) and to the Amerindian Re-
cupied by its wild ancestors. The spread of this search Unit of the University of Guyana for their useful advice. We es-
pecially thank the Makushi Amerindians of Rewa for their hospitality
major crop plant may thus reflect the working and interest in participating in our study. We thank Jan Salick (Missouri
of the same human actions postulated to have Botanical Garden), Paul Gepts (University of California, Davis), and two
dramatically shifted the distribution of many anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on the manuscript.

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