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What I learnt about my negotiations skills from the simulation exercise is that I do not speak my

mind and clarify my doubts and put my queries forward. I sometimes fail to participate to the full

extent and let others control the negotiation. During the negotiation simulation exercise I got

easily influenced by the things said by the negotiating partner because they were really good at

the process and had a very assertive style of communication. Like, in exercise 2, I came up with

my mind made up to touch certain points regarding the scenario, but my team got so caught up in

the other team’s talks that I forgot the things and terms of negotiation that I wanted to put

forward and was left with my thoughts unsaid.

The negotiation process can be improved at the very first level of exchange of information where

both the parties would clearly specify their needs for this negotiation. Everything should be

disclosed and no information should be concealed if they want negotiations to go smoothly and


What our group could have done better in the first scenario was to get a clear idea of what is

required by us and what our partners require. No information was shared amongst the two

parties, both were reluctant to put their demands and terms forward. People were shouting, there

was a lack of plan regarding how to go about the process and hence no conclusion was reached.

It was a train-wreck.

For the second scenario, we were taking some learning with us and began the negotiation process

quite well. Both the parties made an attempt to find out the desired goal each team wanted to

accomplish. Our team opened up the talks of the contract which we should not have done as that

gave the control to the other team to counter. Then followed a series of counter offers from both

sides but the other knew what they were doing and we got spiraled up in the talks and lost focus

and missed out on points that were key to this negotiation and gave into the demands of the other

Hence in the second scenario my team should have decided a walk away point from where we

wouldn’t have taken the talks forward and looked for an alternate solution to our problem.

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