SL Assignment

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ASSIGNMENT. { [oils “fy Language? Aiffnunce bubsen sexiphing Language and peagorrming languages ss — Seiphing languages ane }. 5 ayaa >Hi. > Okie orien, > Mpa prqamnig. voipling languages ant the wnitlen code for the sunbime eeninenmend « | Thy doot neqpine compilation dp rahe, Han inteprele. > ie a proqarming Janquoge design fn idegpaing and comrouscaig wih othe en languages. [ satpng Kanguage Analy pep he Srleypretes based i! jh Compiler basedf fonguage: | if Ri Requires Loss memery 58 equines ese mumery. + Bun lalunert by clabmer | a+ Comest all the cade ids Ling end | Jers small programs te big end compler prrgrams: 5. No wha memo ds sgpined | Bebo rnermang is supine 6 Bic hauing « beat Ne need of hoe - | r Popules seiptng Language an \* fepulan preqamining Languages | Athen, pul, Gaby » PHP 1 ae: C, CH, Towa-and C# 4] Write fechas df Puby ard inbrodudlien 4 Baby om Calls framewerl i | Cratnes daly > Loum pang > Oper ewe > Obed Breed Ate > pai poponni > Weed te cade ogr sept > Gan be embedded in set cede | I> 3 capate GuT dod. > fe br den and say orb > Galt [> Case ~seniive: | | ay on eal | ale is 0 soweideapplienin devepok fase sexier in Gay nk maar Manse > lias the ese ff wrk dondands ike ran @ Teen te trancfer dade» > tinplosigs ie use fell tnnen eftomeagiveing patterns: 49 Cenarion oe cenfisien + 1) aot Giput yoo 9 Adive ued. gablrn “ive -Framewee + Me allel Layo Ve Veo Hoyos Co Cekaln Layer Mall dag Fes Layer agauer the dain male ard erapulaleg He Gusiens lege epic be spe pion Larson, y pL ———~ ss Toe ete dlbve bal moll das ad dnd 2 Ad aca + eau Ls Alhough mot ail medsle ave badd by medal con ele be eds fay das vs lng this Jaye compa eal tal an spn fe pring sa a nics | 5 tamgake: can come Jo a vasily 4 formals, bad med war Sopa axe en bale Lo ws ane pty soa pre «ell see 1 grin a tjinon ; | Goal Lage ny | Tie Layo ig supose fo adlng teeming ATT aes and | a selloble nepon " ' ot | | 2 Was means aehowing -HTAtL, bub sails cenbellos can aber qooate nail, | Aeon, Pore, spf wee and me | de Gall, teeming neque ae seukd by hin Bip fe an appepicle | corn and. conbadlen doses ast daived fern ~Aabien Cools: Gate « i Jang Hie sbruene prepens i Ti dag pin Ba Arne 4 ete > 94 sake wh the Leal aban» cong com He applic egos eka daniels, sees ard aly, tear de Fe ips eas fe aly bs cal Sen § bar Te aly Saye pag 0 prem 8 Lie tne corer vais purus y ideifios a kopurd, | | Gems 1 cmt ex we by fe Joc y te comes cle | ot eae ue Lype ef covmanb in ely |) (Single — dine coment= | aldtine cen “tis | ake Hh vais Hal apn lyr Baby caves ley indude murbene,ebtege 4 tack and negules epesiens A ila i 0 tubal apreealin 4 = pain vals da ype > ditoal ype Induce feelten, ila, fllig- pik, hig wc ard dale Candluabion: aly cus pcan danades $1 0 nando A pops Atel tay spina ame wif xing poottuction charade une do aly pens ping hy aly oe od pin bs Be bode od <- i rial. 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Suppa's | applicaltenss 41 1 pewerfel and {lucie cover, - | cenfiquoabien, > Nain At light torigh ond Mend wvloconer York is ceo wid ox a reverse prcey oy vuby applicabions using paKege & uniean, Webrick + Uebide i, asic nuly coven Yad i induded to the aby shardond Uibrany + Sarva Pura is aneher pepulan webserver Hol i designed dis ew mumey wise , bp creaming > Beican- UBricein se popular Ruby webserver Hal ie dv grt fin tol oy suhaly perfomance ~? Thin weblonoscen “We ie 0 id weigh tabacer Mal i duigned fy fost gy Simple #299 md 6) What is Palit. 2 Cela ngs 18 onpleaien Gabyte a graphical vsty inberfoce. tell fo Rub Creole daltep ophialions vith graphical leminle rosnus ond dialog bates. | Hal provides a way 42 cach aw windows, buble, PT 0 ext calfenen Leclat $heb sure en Vonieut Of includ | wirdeor, Linus and racos. 0 “yal tefasy fe ues & Geos - plakferr. 3 Guill - in vig 4 Layeul managens. 5. turk — driven programa a: Single Application» nequine’ tk’ neck = Theeol maw file “ou “Tr label, new (neo!) de dot Stelle, weld | pace {pads te: pedy 15+ side tele’ | ad | Tk main leop | 2) widgde : carves beding exes, celling explain wx programs $ i Canvas Widget r A tamas widget srplemnls druchwred apis: hous daw def do presley) @ slaat_kex @ shat _y=1 © Cuanent—line = Theline new [@ canvas, ¥,¥, ¥, ¥) ond del, do— rnotien(t, ¥) if © cunaerk_line @ cismanl line woods @ stort x, @ dasl y, x,y and and ef do _ release (x,¥) if @ cument_line @ cuwrest_line swords @ slant x, @ slant, w, y i @ cuanend — line «fill black @ curnenl line = pelt sh end end rook = tele new {lle scanvar’ f Daaw new (roet) Tk: matoloop Ginding Event Widgele are gilling into Hoe acal unld, Bay get chided om, We mous onoved eve them, the ast tabau in them, al He things and mone generale eveo’s thal we can coplure, ; : Codes fivage | = Tk phibtnage ness file imal ip} fmage 2 = Te Pele Tage + meus {te * ding git" » = Tkbutton: nao [@ eet) { fenage fmagel \ command pace {doit} $ bsbnd tn") eee singe’ 9 dnnge 2) by bind (* leave") {b: configure (image! =9 image NY oalling widget - equine "4k" List = scvoll = nil fit = Te listbor new { yell prse {lle saoll+cel ide j width ao height 6 silgud port side’ 9 Ul’, fUlL5"y" expand ‘4 Seoll = Tk sewllbar-new { eammand prec Ib | lists yuiaw x td pack (side ap te gil 9g, expand» 1) J fof te din glob lors) Usk singel Sand ud Te. matalop & [few to Pleading ruby 2 Explain suby objeol in C languoge « 2) Ab i cant abend aby wth cm features by writing ck iy tay, | Baby cards in ¢ fonguoge. i twngthing ty Raby is an ehucty ond al variables ane reference te ch, > Mes rly objects ane presented 8 O priate fe ov memery thal corlaine He eed: dala and effer mplemertatin celals [>this ts how ray implements shel eisled codle in C! A Raloy je is on allocated sbueluve in ereney Hal craig a tbl indoree vasiahles ancl infermalien about the daw 1 r The days iself is ancthes cjed « - Cy His mam Bk He ype fall aby vil is vl, whi | athe | Pars deo aly del | Value os 0 pointer « 1 & An tmmediad value such os fier | Value at a pointer» | When value ia printer, i is printer fe ene 4 te dived Raby ebje shucbures ie dune cath lis dae de “aby acu @ dass name oy tn eshing and Boag, $$ $$ a» Value at an comedic Srmmediade values are nol ponders ‘tara, Anue foie sand oil ane sted dinebly in value athe thes immediate values baue fale and nil) one repnesibed io C 08 ths contanls Glaue, Qfalie, Gril ruspectivdy : > You can tek VALUE vaniables against Hose corsfanls dnecly a ouse Hee convertion acres . xin Mary llealon sy type eye) 4p Baby, meme allocation will snvele Hie potege called te ty Sy allecabe the dai space 5 In Rays omaeryallection ts dane Ll bit mee wk Bon the stance wvallee Allecabes 0. ¢-type and casts the nesull ian aniasaaaiaasaess | Aus ae | | | | Ane MCETVPE/) | He itenal name of the e-Lype , nef a vaniabl Ti tied op | Reallacaes 0 c-bype and assigns the neulé fy var, a pointer $a c-type REALIGN (Van, CTYPE, 5) ie etree se | fear rong in = ebjle dh e~ype om te | stack — this mrnory wil be audomalically fread | Awocd —N (e-type, n) when toe function tral éovekes “Awa cs advan | ae econ (bab ; t Syele Foy ype Syn on Bo Gaby, we ly Saw em Ble ype on eet and me on ib capo, p> Thit is known ox Buck Typing + Po Sevens on dik ype i dial by bal cande, nl by lad i Pac typing fee fe th ery ruby te be Las eomerned el, cy | 4 9 tbe and mee cenceried sith what melled con be called em il anf | thal epoation can be perfemed.on if | pr Baby we ould ese seen te 2 or igh simply cuply pas, ep ted fo method ond t knew Hal an scceglion will be mained if is ud improperly. Afar objed ix walk like «duck and talk lie 0 duck, uly bolerpreles i } happy to tral ax i were a duck: Teta about Endy ay ty le Sanpuaqun Raby ve Suly om Bail Raby fe a Pregiammning Janae Raby en Raila i 4 web -frameseat * Mod) tte spuds ase same . Sang qin delle gels . Sing ane mutable. + Ruby vs CH Sirians + You've qt ray te sam ependaas, + pullics privale and prided do sieilay jobs: + Bieaphions wok in « simian manney athen’s ne explicl nefeneoes- eek are stony bed dyranically type: + All maths ae olicags wall Ginilaribies» + Meovoy rmanoged win « garbage calledor. «Bbc aac sarily typed « «Thee are public, privale and preleded mdbeds Gilfersmes ethe's ne salie dupe chacing eMaviable name ase jul lola » Tere ane 90 ype declarations | + Beanthucs ant le epional 11 Gig ek ball Be soe I | + OGeds ane dreedly Spe + + ats del inbad of sub- end she’s we seniceons needed al the cael d, eael Line ——— J Girothertios, + rsa nk He sane + keds odor ad Ayanially yp: * Fiphin don dj, onl vena oe ot morte te chul ifaw, + Stings ae mula oat if Indead dif +A equine toread fppal « Uh Embedding muby dnbunpndtes - aay een 8h adition te edordng aby boy obbing cee, you con etc fasn He pad, aacund ond embed aly idelf din your oppliabion Te indude ™ ruby. ur \ ] main Lf... mw en applalin def #7 | ruby init; i ruby Sigh ° embeded") | nb load fil (* tants ab'); | hile f if (rel ti-do-suby) { by — nun y } I = mun ow app suff + / | A etbnding Calg with © i probly easy eis jokance, suppest we ane bailing @ custorn dnlernel —meacly jukebor for te Sus Miner ond Grill. etwakor edension framascik fellows 4 slest be api: C Maka Type Wrapping. a Objet Creafien. 3+ Allocabion -Functione - 4 Cloning Bbjedls. t+ Waeping doudun 4 Wrapping recans rd all he verdes jukeber framework tle cingle antl hrgir Hoe Gaby the vedere Lhrany Brel cenbele She aude co judchr wile, and ready fo write into Buby. The baile dew in imple dale ny you'e cxcoling an cbs ef a claw CoPlayer in your Raley preqnam ‘ ed= © Rayer oneus | 2: Allon fui sSlalic vawwe ed—allee (vaive Hoy { erkeber + jucdhers VAWE obj ; fukebec = new judsbert Jy MMs |) The word ‘seipt! ty 9 corpabing canent tn taqde, | bb] = Dale weap-Smuct (How, 0, clfre, jukeber) adsn chy: i . Clening Shjeds AW Badoy cinch can be copia ting one 4 tse robles, dup ard dg mnethede ane vey similan + Bh produce a new inhanee lows by calling te allecafrfundion The wo , Hees nal ‘ ¥ Clne thn gett 0 bik further and copia le mniginale singldon ey a Hog « Write —aboud- Origin 4 ‘ing. Yoo oviginadots thy on the Unix epoabig seqstere fhe term ‘sell serigh fe An apple Anlach “Hypacard : application, one dy Ue auly lay peel sys uns +» 4 he awk pall language allowed Dye exe Sy ie squire tiie Hes ure ith mauedit o moval and Hew wo oll Soipt - ell a soph 06 0 sequen 4 emma te eentul on applal | 0 duce. Chard ericticc ea ee 4 suipling Language 3 WI Ae Chanacbnisties = Ie Ecaneony of Enprosion 3 Flaible dycamic typing a Eaay access fp other programs 4+ Both balls ond interadlive use. 5 tighleel deletes & Gplatcabid patlean rating and String manipulation, Privo digg Karquoge Ceiplng can be Anadilienel et modern sxriphog yard irnpertant pool 4 modern selling . ~ Soiphing universe contains rude over! wel scipling -fms an ppg worlds. =H Ton etignal LU wrsld 4 doadibennl scigliog sig pul =) The mrioweyft ewoild v8 and Active ceobnoly =) the overlap is Cornplec, fos fe wdseplig can be done én vbscigh , Tavaserpk /Texph, Cal Tel. cand el ane wd ct, iingleaenl commer applications fon large iganigabions, =) The univense lags be nae a

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