2004 Newsletter Spring

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Innocon, so he called up Joe Brenner, a Job Developer, who was formally a youth that had worked on the construction. With Innocons help and the assistance of the Employment Team, David completed his Employment Program. Due to the great success of his work he was hired as a full-time employee at Innocon. David's Manager, Rick Pucci, can't say enough wonderful things about David. He's professional and efficient, has great phone etiquette and attitude, and has learned the required computer skills quickly. There is a high regard on Davids part too. Innocon took a chance on hiring me; when no one else would. I enjoy taking customer orders and carrying out dispatch and I see with hard work, there is more movement I can accomplish in the company. Best of all I now have stable housing and a bright financial future. I can provide for my own kids now.
Rick Pucci and David Martin, a recent Phoenix grad, on site at Innocon

David Martin began his life skills course at Evas Phoenix in 2003. At that time he had been through a series of dead end jobs, and personal problems that made it hard to find employment and he was struggling to make ends meet. At the same time, Bob Krull, General Manager of Sales and Service at Innocon, was looking for a good customer service employee. Innocon is one of the prominent ready mixed concrete producers in the GTA and is supportive of the work Evas does. Years before, Bob himself had taken part in the building of Evas Phoenix, a unique partnership that involved construction companies training and then working alongside the at-risk youth who would be housed in the new building. Bob had heard about Evas Phoenix Employment Program and thought there could be a possibility of hiring someone for

Part of the success of the Employment Program stems from Evas Phoenix mandate of assigning each youth an employment worker. The worker visits the site regularly to discuss personal issues and job fit. They also help the youth set long-term goals and follow-up after the youth graduate from the Phoenix Program to make sure they continue to succeed. My strongest supporters are still the team at Phoenix, Clovis Grant, the General Manager and Joe Brenner, my employment counsellor. They along with Bob and Rick at Innocon have encouraged me to do my best, says David. Ken Tanenbaum, the President of Innocon, perhaps summed up the Evas Phoenix Employment Program best when he said, Evas Phoenix Employment Team has proven to us that their program is a success in terms of providing opportunities for youth to create stable and successful lives in our community. I encourage others to become involved with this worthwhile program.

Celebrating an innovative decade of building futures with homeless youth

Check inside for details! News and Updates from Evas Initiatives is Printed in the Evas Phoenix Print Shop


ace ors of Evas Pl opened the do years since we renewal. 10 and s. It has been new beginnings Evas Initiative Spring brings back at the Anniversary of the 10th h, we also look k youth. unities for yout ring also brings res with homeless and at-ris opport This sp ing futu and enhanced eation of new passed through our doors. and began build r Spring ion and the cr have evolut take place at ou forward to the the thousands of youth who lebrations will the auction as well as our ce As we look One of our first ill be featured at and success of ents in 2004. w renewed lives d accomplishm guests and entertainment e lives an ! will lebrating thes m. Special you can join us cility-- which We plan on ce on May 27 at the CBC Atriu te. The new fa ovince. As a d on. We hope w Evas Satelli y Auction pr asy items to bi fant Fantas the ne in the t, but nstruction of and wonderful ter for youth fe environmen newal, is the co e only harm reduction shel fabulous dinner e not only a sa nnings and re , as it is th ial to provid for new begi sent t. needed enda oblems, it is es ey need it mos Also on our ag ng building-- is desperately and alcohol pr lable when th ti live productive periencing drug pport and assistance is avai place the exis re enable youth to h youth ex job training to Team and we are very proud that deals wit n be counselled, where su d shelter ing resources an nix Employment youth ca t also the hous oe also one where safe shelter bu t the succes of the Evas Ph t only x we provide no ad many stories abou support and At Evas Phoeni hich provides nsion es. You will re u. ect Program, w , we are planning an expa n responsible liv and ts with yo ily Reconn the program eir achievemen own is ofte ess in our Fam s of eakd succ to share th nce profound le as family br ntinued succes inue to experie eir families. Due to the co for beginnings is now possib Place, we cont th At Evas ect with d a chance r uth to reconn of security an capacity of ou resources for yo xt year. A renewed sense her build the elessness. which will furt program ne , of the uth hom r Diversity Plan ime cause of yo execution of ou d diverse range cited as the pr d work on the e an mence a wid ward s has also com ceptional work we do with ng diligently to Evas Initiative continue the ex ry committed and are worki t and inclusion. nization to orga spec e ve d and Staff ar characterized by dignity, re of youth. Boar a decade of an organization ses achieved in the creation of ate the succes support, we will continue to uly celebr made h your versary will tr rams that have ess youth. Wit Our 10th Anni rvice to homel ive and comprehensive prog tion which provides tion and se niza innova ogress rry out the pr ng and highly respected orga uth homelessness. develop and ca award winni solutions to yo s an erm Evas Initiative and strives to create long-t Don Matheson , Maria Crawford new beginnings ctor , Executive Dire rectors Maria Crawford ent, Board of Di Presid Don Matheson,


Don Matheson Emree Siaroff Michael Crane Heather Brown Marnie Silver Gavin Clingbine Jean Paul Brown Michael Cossar Ettie Dawkins Patricia Gloudon Keith Hall Linda Kenny Megan Telford Zahir Lalani Bill Weber Ed Smith Edeva Smith David Shiner President Vice President and Chair, HR Committee Treasurer and Chair, Finance Committee Secretary Past President and Chair, Resource Development Committee Director, Chair Nominations Committee Director Director, Member Finance Committee Director, Member Nominations Committee Director, Member - Resource Development Committee Director, Member - Resource Development Committee Director, Member Finance Committee Director, Member HR Committee Director Director and Chair, Diversity Task Force Honourary Member Honourary Member City of Toronto Representative

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our cherished colleague and dear friend Diana Pashler. On Monday February 23, a somber mood enveloped Evas Phoenix as we learned of the sudden passing of Diana. Diana was an Employment Counsellor for 2 years at Evas Phoenix. A busload of staff and youth drove to Markham to pay their respects at her funeral. Several youth that Diana had worked closely with spoke to the guests at her funeral about the positive impact she had on their lives. A memorial was also held at Evas Phoenix on April 8 and a mural was dedicated to her memory. Diana was 42 years old.


Copy Editor: Steve Parker

Designer: Randal Boutilier at 12thirteen

2 ~ News and Updates from Evas Initiatives ~ Spring 2004


Hi, my name is Luke but you can call me PeZ everyone does. But my name is irrelevant to this story. This is the story of how the people at Evas Satellite have helped me to go from a cold, self-destructive person; to the happy fun loving guy that I am today. I moved to Toronto in November of 2002, and landed flat on my face. My girlfriend had no time for me, I was completely alone in the city, and this is a BIG city to be alone in. Then I came to Satellite!! When I walked through the door for the first time, I was cold and dead inside. I had a chip on my shoulder the size of a Buick, I knew it all, and I was gonna teach the world something. I still feel like that from time to time, but Ive realized that I dont have all the answers. I was lost and going down. With the help of the staff at Satellite especially Tony I have learned that I am in control of who I am and what I want to do. When I first met Tony, I was looking for someone to listen not just wait for their turn to talk and I found that in him. At first I was hesitant about opening up to him, because so many before have betrayed my trust, but I VERY quickly learned that Tony wasnt one of those people. He would listen, and listen well. And his advice to me never sounded psychobabbly or preachy. He simply took what I told him and laid it all back to me with my options there for me to see. We quickly developed a relationship that went beyond client and worker, and a rapport as friends has developed. Its hard sometimes to keep an optimistic view when you are on the streets, especially when youve been down and out for so long. People in society look down at you just cuz you are less fortunate than they are. Its discouraging, and its easy to get lost in a void of self-pity. Over my time at Satellite, Ive learned a lot about myself. Ive stopped seeing my faults as weaknesses and more as things I need to improve upon in my life, which has helped give me goals. And the achievement of those goals has given me a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that my life has been missing. I no longer resent the world for not giving me what I thought was rightfully mine. Instead Ive realized that I have to earn my own way in life and that nothing worth having comes easy. I still think the world has a LOT to learn, and I still think Im going to teach it someday,

but for now Im happy with who I am and where my life is going. Evas Satellite is the only harm reduction shelter for homeless youth in Ontario. Luke is now employed full time and is hoping to find his own apartment.


A 20 year old woman arrived at Evas Place in early December after arriving as a refugee only 2 days earlier. She had lived with her mother in Nigeria, but when her mother passed away her father, whom she had had little contact with, appeared and said that she would come to live with him as she was his responsibility. When she arrived in her fathers town she found out that he had arranged a marriage for her and that she was to be circumsized. This is a very painful procedure that is often poorly performed; many females eventually die as a result. She ran away to her Aunts place in another town and soon her father showed up looking for her. At that point it was decided that she should flee to Canada. Upon arrival in Canada she was abandoned at a restaurant by her companion. Luckily a Good Samaritan took her in for 2 days until she found her way to Evas Place. At Evas Place, she was connected with our Community Support Worker and Housing Worker. Over a span of 6 weeks they worked both with immigration and a local church that has ties to the African community. Through the church she was introduced to a woman who was willing to have her move into her home. The Housing Worker arranged for assistance to pay rent and got the process rolling on her refugee claim. She now has a job and is secure in her new home. Her refugee claim is proceeding and she still has contact with Evas to ensure that she stays on the right track.

News and Updates from Evas Initiatives ~ Spring 2004 ~ 3


Evas Initiatives 7th Annual Light Up A Life Campaign, presented by Enbridge Gas Distribution, ran from November 18th to December 11th. It was a remarkable success raising more money and gifts than ever before and has resulted in over $75,000 in cash and in-kind donations for our programs and services! The campaign, produced with the assistance of over 100 volunteers was chaired by Byron Neiles, VP, Legal, Regulatory and Public Affairs at Enbridge and Canadian Mens National Figure Skater, Ben Ferriera. It featured a campaign launch at Enbridge Gas Distribution, 20 public kiosks across the city, scores of food and gift drives held by our supporters, and a fantastic public-skating party. Over 200 people came down to the winter celebration and skating party at Harbourfront Centre to celebrate Evas Initiatives successes over the past year. Performances by General, Peace Power Performance Crew and the Brandon Street Choir kept everyone up and dancing and the Marketplace and Silent Auction helped everyone finish up some last minute holiday shopping. Troy, a former resident of Evas Phoenix spoke movingly about his experiences at Evas Initiatives, and everyone had a chance to meet the staff and Board of Directors that work so hard to make Evas Initiatives an innovative and award winning organization. The weather was perfect for skating and after the performances everyone hit the ice to join Ben Ferriera and Enbridges own Enerbee for a few figure 8s around the rink.


Supporting Sponsor Advertising Underwriter Media Sponsor

Darlene Gunness, Manager of Community Investment at Enbridge speaks about Enbridge's commitment to Eva's work

Silent Auction Donors

Canada Post Cineplex Odeon Cumberland County Knitters Eat My Words Pat Gloudon Haven Italy at Home
Volunteers count up non perishable food donations at the skating party

Jennifer Jarosz Laura Secord Microsoft Party Packagers Vida Radovanovic Shopper Drug Mart Starbucks

Toronto Blue Jays Toronto Raptors Toronto Tabla Ensemble Virago Carol Wilson Pam Wilson

Harbourfront Centre Loomis and Toles Radio Shack Yonge Eglinton Centre

Kiosk Location Providers

Toronto Transit Commission BCE Place First Canadian Place Sheppard Centre Yonge Eglinton Centre

With exceptional performances by Brandon Street Choir, General and Peace Power Performance Crew
Students from York Mills plan their annual food and gift drive

A Special thank-you to the Enbridge Light Up A Life Committee, all our hardworking volunteers and the dedicated staff of Evas Initiatives we couldnt have done it without you.

4 ~ News and Updates from Evas Initiatives ~ Spring 2004

We welcome donations of the following items

Canned soups, vegetables, tuna, pasta Gift certificates for groceries


Dishes, sheets, towels, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, cutlery Gift certificates for household items


Piano, Gift Certificates for music stores, entertainment stores and department stores Gift Certificates for household items CDs and videos, computer disks, Books, Art Supplies, Computer games, sports equipment

Presented by



Evas Initiatives is celebrating our 10th year of delivering exceptional and effective programs and services to homeless and at-risk youth. Since our doors opened in 1994, Evas Initiatives has made a demonstrable difference in the lives of 15,000 young men and women. We will be celebrating our achievements at this years Spring Fantasy Auction. Our dedicated team of volunteers, together with local artistic talent, will transform the Barbara Frum Atrium at the CBC Broadcasting Centre into the event site. The Spring Fantasy Auction is the signature fundraising event for Evas Initiatives that unites our community to support our innovative workwork that touches the lives of 2000 homeless and at-risk youth each year. During the Last years Auction bidding evening hundreds of spectacular items are auctioned off starts to heat up in both live and silent auctions and celebrities mingle with the crowds as they partake in a delicious dinner buffet. Last years auction was sold out and more 420 guests helped raise over $45,000 to make a significant difference to the homeless youth in our community. For tickets to this years auction please email sduncan@evas.ca or call 416-977-4497 ext 125. Check our website at evasinitiatives.com in the weeks to come for updates on our fantastic items and a preliminary catalogue.

Socks, underwear, t-shirts, mitts, gloves, hats, coats, backpacks


Soap, colognes, hair products

Household cleaners, Vacuums, Brooms, buckets For more information, or to make a donation, please contact: Suzanne Duncan, Development Coordinator 416-997-4497 ext. 125


There is no better way to celebrate summer than to come out and support Evas Initiatives at the FedEx Bike Challenge! This fantastic event, held from July 3-5, involves racing a 10 person pedal powered car around a short track at Exhibition Place. Last year there were 10 teams biking for Evas and they raised over $10,000 to support our work. There are loads of prizes to be won and everyone who participates receives an awesome gift pack including Molson Indy memorabilia and 2 tickets to a preliminary race!
Pedaling to support Evas

To sign up a team or for further details please call Suzanne Duncan at 416-977-4497 ext 125 or email sduncan@evas.ca.


Sponsored by Tickner & Associates and CMC
Roger and Anna Tickner will hold a special golf tournament in support of Evas Initiatives at the Richmond Hill Golf Club on Wednesday, August 11, 2004. The day will involve driving range time with a pro available for tips, lunch, golf with cart, cash bar, a fabulous gourmet dinner, a special awards presentation and a silent auction. Corporate Sponsorship packages range from $800-$2,000 with hole sponsorships available for $250. Last year over $22,000 was raised to support the programs and services of Evas. Dont miss this great day register early! To sign up call 905-508-9124 or 905-508-9155 or contact Sara Masotti at 416-720-0524 for assistance or information. News and Updates from Evas Initiatives ~ Spring 2004 ~ 5


Ola Nuga, a 2003 graduate of Phoenix Print Shop, won the Toronto Club of Printing House Craftsmens Student Achievement Award, known as the Chai Tse Award. The award recognizes attributes such as reliability, initiative, dedication to learning and technical proficiency. Ola joins top students from several institutions, including Ryerson Universitys Graphic Communications Program. Ola was presented with the award at a dinner on January 28, 2004. The keynote speaker at the event was Bob Dale of Pilot Graphic Management Services, and a key member of the Evas Phoenix Print Shop Advisory Board.

Don Mills Rotary President, Vicki Wilson, and Rotary members support Eva's Place Family Reconnect Program.


On January 28, 2004, Debra Lawson from Second Harvest and Maria Crawford from Evas Initiatives joined Gordon Cressy from Canadian Tire Foundation for Families to help unload $12,000 worth of beef and dairy products. Canadian Tires Foundation generously donated a truck to Second Harvest to help them to provide nutritious meals and are key supporters of Evas Place Family Reconnect Program.

Cynthia Lai, Ontario Real Estate Foundation's Governor and President of the Toronto Real Estate Board, presents Maria Crawford with a donation to support Eva's Initiatives


With the help of the consulting team of Tom Zizys and Mitchell Kosny, we have just completed a comprehensive evaluation of the Evas Phoenix program. Over the past three years Evas Phoenix has served over 500 homeless and at-risk youth in its transitional housing and employment training programs. This evaluation is the first step in the National Initiative program, that Evas is developing to more formally assist other communities across Canada to develop programs for youth based on the Evas Phoenix model. Funding for this valuable project is provided by the Hamilton Community Foundation.

Some of the highlights of our outcomes include: 97% of the youth interviewed said that Evas Phoenix had helped them to stabilize their lives 84% of the youth we have served had stayed in a shelter prior to living at Evas Phoenix. After graduating, that number dropped to 32% Before the program, 23% of the youth interviewed had contact often with their family. That number doubled to 46% after the program. Of the youth who participated in our first year of HRDC-funded employment programs, nine months after completing the program, 59% were employed or in school 66% of the youth interviewed enrolled in an educational or training program since leaving Evas Phoenix. That number increases to 100% for those youth for whom it has been 3 or more years since they dropped out of school.

Areas identified by the evaluators for further program development include: Instituting more formalized risk factor assessments of the youth at regular intervals to identify those who may need more vigorous attention to prevent them from being discharged or quitting Seeking out new funding sources for the follow-up support that is so critical for our youth, especially in the first several months after graduation Undertaking further research into the role of family relations both as a risk factor and as a potential contributor to the success of the youth Overall, Evas Phoenix was described as a high performance, mission-focused organization, innovative and a leader in its field, and that it can serve as a useful model for other communities.

6 ~ News and Updates from Evas Initiatives ~ Spring 2004


Evas Initiatives is committed to creating an organization and a culture of shared values and behaviours, which are consistent with the mission and mandate of the organization. To this end, The Boards Diversity Task Force and the staff Anti-Oppression Committee have been diligently working on the develoopment of the organizations Diversity Work Plan. The Anti Oppression Committee took the lead role in the development of the plan, and the Committee, along with the Board Diversity Task Force are responsible for implementation of the plan. It is a very ambitious plan, and the specific objectives are spread out over a three year period. After several revisions and updates to the plan, timeframes have been established, and the final plan has been approved by both the employees and the Board of Directors. The plan addresses objectives in five primary categories. They are Leadership, Service Delivery, Human Resources/Capacity Building, Accountability, and Community Engagement. We are very proud of the plan that has been developed, and have been assured that it is unique across the youth shelter sector. We are confident that the plan will assist us in building the organizations capacity to better serve the diverse range of youth who turn to Evas for support and assistance.

Damon Allen, Argos Quarterback, joins Phoenix youth for a Black History Month Celebration


Evas Initiatives mission is to work collaboratively with homeless and at-risk youth to help them reach their potential to lead productive, self-sufficient and healthy lives by providing safe shelter and a range of services, and to create long term solutions for homeless youth by developing and implementing proactive and progressive services. Evas Initiatives has developed a holistic, long-term approach to help get youth off the streets permanently. In only 3 1/2 years we have expanded from one to three shelters, with each offering specialized programs not available elsewhere in Canada: A Harm Reduction program at Evas Satellite for youth who use drugs and alcohol; A Family Reconnect program at Evas Place; The innovative Employment and Housing program at Evas Phoenix that has been developed through an unprecedented number of public/private partnerships; A National Initiative to help communities across Canada develop Evas Phoenix-type projects of their own


Volunteer Resources had a very busy holiday season and we would like to thank all the many volunteers both individuals and groups for their outstanding commitment during this time. We were fortunate to have some new and exciting activities at the shelters including Hanukkah parties, Christmas meals and an Asian themed New Years Celebration provided by Kevin Wong and 10 of his friends. They prepared, cooked and served the food, and brought movies and popcorn for an evening of entertainment with the youth at Evas Place. As a result, some of the group members have continued to volunteer on an individual basis or have formed their own group to come and prepare meals. As well, Evas Phoenix had a great Hanukkah celebration with an employee group from IBM setting up for the party and a members of the community coming down to share their Hanukkah experiences.

Kevin Wong, volunteer at Evas Place

Unfortunately, we cannot list all the many volunteers that worked so hard during the holiday season but we wish to thank everyone who assisted from the Light Up A Life Campaign to the holiday meals and special events. Our next event is the Spring Fantasy Auction celebrating our 10th Anniversary and we are starting to recruit volunteers. If you are interested, contact Lori Gotlieb at 416-977-4497 ext. 123 or lgotlieb@evas.ca.

News and Updates from Evas Initiatives ~ Spring 2004 ~ 7


We extend our deepest thanks to the following donors who have supported us between October 24, 2003 & April 5, 2004
Dana Colson Company's Coming Publishing Limited Costco Coty Canada Courtyard by Marriot Downtown Toronto Marilyn Cronyn Cullen Gardens Inc. Cumberland County Knitters Ettie Dawkins Delta Toronto East Diet Delivery Canada Inc. Don Mills Collegiate Don Valley East Federal Liberal Association Druxy's Inc. Eat My Words EDO Elora Festival Espresso Uno Ewanika Fabricland Factory Theatre Famous Players Marianne Fehler Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games Marcy Fish Gordon And Helen Flanagan Susan Flynn Food for Thought Meal Exchange Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Marilyn Freer Fuji Photo Film Canada Inc. Gap Canada Inc. Heather Gilbert Global Television Patricia Gloudon Goodwill Committee Diane Goveia Grand and Toy Greyhound Canada Denise Grimes Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites Haven HBC HBC Foundation Jane Henderson Donna Hill Hilton Toronto Hollywood Public School Hope Youth Centres Humphrey Funeral Home-A.W. Miles Chapel Il Fornello Irving Poslums Italy at Home Jamaican Canadian Association Jennifer Jarosz John D Parker Junior School Jubille United Chruch Youth Group Leo Kamen Galleries Jean Kent Irene Keroglidis KIDS CAN PRESS Kiwanis Club of Don Mills LA Look Laura Secord (Woodbine) Lawrence Park Community Church Ted and Bonnie Lax Le Biftheque Steakhouse Leafs Community Relations Leon's Furniture Limited Randall Linton M-4 Maintainance Mackenzie Financial Corporation Madison Press Books Peter Mensbridge Maple Lodge Farms Maplewood Air System Garden Homes Jane Margolius MarineLand Canada Didi Marks Margaret Paker Don Matheson McClelland and Stewart Greg and Mary-Anne McGuire Medieval Times MediSystem Technologies Inc. Miller Country Fare Jean Milner Montgomery Inn Mount Sinai Lodge #522 (Masonic) Mountain Equipment Co-op Much More Music Mysteriously Yours Dinner Theatre National Council for Jewish Women National Tennis Centre Nintendo of Canada Noah's Natural Foods North York General Hospital Ontario Employment Insurance Contact Centre Ontario Science Centre Oriole York Mills United Church Paramount Canada's Wonderland Dorothy Pecora Ester Peters pi'lo Planet Hollywood Press Down Graphic Equipment Shirley Prittie Radio Shack Stanley Rapkin Raptors Foundation Redhawk Healing Arts Ripley's Believe It or Not! Rogers Cable Systems Limited Rick Ross Sylvia Ross Royal Ontario Museum Royce Dupont Saint Bonaventure Church Salon Venere Paul Sarhal Celestine Sebastian Sensors Quality Management Inc. Victor Sequeira Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ms. Shirley Shoppers Drug Mart Vina Singh Charlotte Sloan Keri Smith Somerville Construction Sony of Canada Ltd. Soulpeper Theatre Company Sporting Life Inc. St. Andrew's Junior High St. Ansgar Lutheran Church St. Gabriel Catholic School Stage West All Suite Hotel and Theatre Restaurant Sterling Hall School JoanStossel Sudi's- The Spa Anonymous Marg Tarrant Temple Sinai The Bargains Group The Bay (Fairview) The Colour of Soul The Rose Garden The Simple Alternative The Toronto Tabla Ensemble Toronto Airport Mariott Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Toronto Public Library Toronto Raptors Basketball Club Toronto Star Charity Trinity Presbyterian Church Unilever Canada Inc. Universal Music Via Rail Canada Vidal Sassoon Salon E. Vilensky Virago Warner Music Canada Robin Weir White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa Wild Water Kingdom Patricia Williams Joanne Wolfson Woodbrooke Estates Debbie Wright York Academy of Martial Arts Youth Justice ServicesNorth Toronto Office Atefeh Zarrmkoub

Canadian Tire Foundation for Families Don Mills Rotary Club Enbridge Gas Distribution George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation Stephan Lewar Molson IndyFest RBC Foundation State Street Canada TD Bank Financial Group The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation The Ontario Trillium Foundation Anonymous The W. Garfield Weston Foundation United Way

CHAMPIONS ($1,000-$9,999)
Acapella Foundation Applause Institute Bank of Montreal Camp Wishbone Linda Campbell Careton University Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 27 Robert and Andrea Chisholm Chum Charitable Foundation Michael Cruickshank Danridge Property Management Ltd. Robert and Ellen Eisenberg Georges Vanier Secondary School GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Grayson Matthews Niall and Katherine Haggart J.P. Bickell Foundation K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation Loblaw Companies Ltd. Marion Ethel Kamm & Frederick John Kamm Charitable Foundation Mel and Shirley Morris MVS Solutions Newtonbrook Secondary School Ontario Professional Planners Institute OREA Foundation Pratt & Whitney Canada Rotary Club of North York Scotia Capital Global Trading Emree Siaroff TD Bank Financial Group, Wealth Management Division The Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation



Anonymous The Clorox Company of Canada The Daniels Corporation The Harry E. Foster Foundation The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation Vandewater Charitable Foundation Flow Through Fund, part of the portfolio of the Toronto Community Foundation, Kiesslin Windfields JHS Wrigley Canada York Heritage Management York Mills Collegiate



A & L Batista Ent. Inc. Action Marketing and Vendors Group Anne Baker Baker Real Estate Corporation Beaver Bible Class Edd Bennett Syrelle Bernstein Michael and Elizabeth Bliss Bob Bobson Elizabeth Briggs Morley Brown Sue Brown Margaret Cameron Phyllis Carleton Richard Caruso Marian Caskie Mark Cestnick Stephanie Chambers Margaret Chambers Penny Charter Munaza Chaudhry Allen Cheung

Church of the Apostles Janice Coles Compass Group Barry& Sue Cooper Edward Copeland Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School Bruce and Susan Croft Barbara Crozier Simone Cusenza Mo Davies Diane Abbey-Livingston Associates Dillon Consulting Limited Christine Dreier Grant and Theda Eckert Epico Design Ltd. Murray Erlich James Farmer Anonymous Betty Ferreira Brian and Laurie Finer Betty Fitzpatrick Anne Flanagan Vitor Fonseca Forest Grove United Church Women Nick Francis Jim & Bernice Galea D. Gallow Dr. Michael Gordon Lori Gotlieb Lindy Green Darlene Gunness Robert Hall Keith Hall Earl Haltrecht Suzanne Hamill Diane Hanson Harlequin Enterprises Limited W. & M. Harmer Nicholas Harris Anonymous Anne Holloway Barbara Houghton Rita and Henry Howard Mr. and Mrs. P. Howat Laurie Hung Tony Ianno M.P. James Cardinal McGuigan Secondary School Jessica Joss Allen and Sharon Karp Sharon Karp Colleen Kenney King TTC Station Rachita Kohli Gillian Lai Loretta Lazara Mathew Lee Janey Lee Sharon Lercino Fay Leslie Lexmark Corrado and Penny Luciano Lara Lyte Susan MacKinnon Ronald and Kathryn Manzer Valerie March Juan Market Wendy Marshall Ann and Brian Marshman Jackie Maze Heather Mcallister Elizabeth McAlpine Denis McKee Robert McLean Jill Mcnall Margaret McQuiston Hugh Miller Elaine and Sigmund Mintz Jennifer Morris John and Debbie Murnaghan Michelle Murphy Marcella Muto Paula Neilson Northminster United Church OPG Employees' & Pensioners' Charity Trust Michael & Marilyn Orr Randy Oswald Alex G.Otten Elizabeth and Ronald Owen Michele and Greg Perkell

PMA Brethour Vicky Price Susan Pucell Queen's Park Station Vida Radovanovic Jennifer Reardon Rosemary Regan Richmond Hill Women's Missionary Society Monica Roy Murray and Roda Rubin Joanne Saliba Frank Sammeroff D. Sarjeant Ilana Satlsman S & C Schrattner Rosemary Sheppard Geraldine Sinclair Ed Smith Alex Speigel St. Gabriels Crafters St. John's United Church St. Theodore's Canterbury Church St. Timothy's Catholic Church Darren Stamos Ceri and Viola Stephens Thomas C Stevens Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Tedes Catherine and Paul Temple The Toronto Children's Chorus Keshyl Thomas JaneThorson Toronto Professional Firefighters' Association Touch Of Love, York University Trans Ontario Express Tri-Church Women David Trusler Donna Tugwood Mary Tweeddale Karl van Kessel Anonymous Gloria Watson Guggi A.E.Way Fern Weinper Averie Wells Mary Wentz Martin and Ann Wills Jane Witherspoon Lai Wong

Lawrence Abrams Adobe Systems Incorporated Advent Lutheran Church AE ComputAre Inc. Alarmforce Aldo Group Marie Allard Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc. Art Gallery of Ontario Artcraft Electric Limited Australian Boot Company Anita Baker Josh G., Robin Bass, & Day Merrill Robert Bateman Baycrest Centre Foundation Beta Sigma Phi Bikram Yoga Black Creek Pioneer Village BMO Life Insurance Helen Botteas Brampton Flying Club Bulova Watch Company Cadillac Fairview Corporation Calstone Inc. Joanne Campbell Canada Post Canadian National Exhibition Tony Cancelliere Capucci Salon & Spa Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts Casey House Chi Spa Inc. Christian Medical Dnetal Society Church of Christ Church of St. Timothy Cineplex Odeon Corporation Octavian Ciutacu Rachel Cohen College of Family Physicians of Canada

Evas Initiatives 215 Spadina Ave. Suite 370 Toronto, ON M5T 2C7 416-977-4497 www.evasinitiatives.com

For more information or to make a donation, please contact us at info@evas.ca or 416-977-4497 ext. 124

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