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(eBook PDF) Biology 11th Edition by

Peter Raven
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Chapter 29—Updated discussions appear on microfossils, malaria differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms are
vaccines, micronucleus, and Chlamydomonas genome. Changes in emphasized. Distinctions between similar structures in
section headings more clearly describe section contents. Numerous different tissues—for example, pits in xylem versus pores in
figures were updated to reflect changes in the text. phloem—are made.
Chapters 30—The introduction has been modified to provide an Chapter 37—The significance of water potential gradients in
overview of land plant evolution. Major trends in the evolution of water transport is clarified and emphasized. The association
land plants are now emphasized. The discussion on the effects of between anaerobic conditions and poor root growth is described.
mutations on diploid versus haploid bodies has been clarified. The
Chapter 38—The mechanism of closing in the Venus flytrap
difference between animal and plant life cycles has been empha-
leaf has been updated.
sized. Throughout the chapter, distinctions between sporophyte
and gametophyte generations are clearly described. The signifi- Chapter 41—The concept of alternation of generations has been
cance of hornworts in land plant evolution is described. Section clarified and emphasized.
headings were changed to more clearly describe section contents. Part VII: Animal Form and Function
Chapter 31—The reduction in the complexity of the gameto- Chapter 46—A new illustration of hinge joints was added.
phyte generation in the evolution of land plants is emphasized.
Distinctions between gamete and gametophyte, male and female Chapter 47—The section on pancreas function was revised.
gametophyte, zygote and embryo, and gymnosperms and Chapter 48—Information on cutaneous respiration in turtles
angiosperms have been clarified. A discussion of the hypothesis was added. The discussion of gas exchange in the capillaries
for the rapid expansion of the world’s biomes by the angio- was revised.
sperms has been added. The development of the female gameto-
phyte has been described in more detail. The significance of Chapter 49—The illustration and explanation of components of
double fertilization has been described. blood cells were revised, along with the explanation of how
blood clotting works.
Chapter 32—The development of hyphae during the evolution
of fungi is described. The significance of above-ground spore Chapter 52—New information on facultative parthenogenesis
dispersal structures is emphasized. The characteristics of each in vertebrates was added. Information on birth control was
fungus group are clearly and concisely described. The signifi- updated.
cance of fungi in rumen biology has been described. Section Part VIII: Ecology and Behavior
headings were changed to more clearly describe section contents.
Chapter 54—Information on the social behaviors and brains of
Numerous figures were updated to reflect changes in the text.
prairie and montane voles was updated. The discussion of
Chapters 33–35—These chapters have been streamlined, orientation and migration, plus the section on evolution of mate
eliminating extraneous information that was outside the scope choice in frogs were revised. Extraneous examples were
of the main topics in the chapters. Throughout, changes were eliminated to streamline the chapter.
made in the species used as illustrative examples. Information
Chapter 55—The information on human population growth and
on number of species in different taxa was updated.
population demographics for several countries was updated
Chapter 34—The information on medical infection rates to using current statistics.
various invertebrate groups was updated.
Chapter 56— Extraneous material was removed to streamline
Chapter 35—The phylogeny of chordates was updated. A the chapter.
discussion of evolution of tortoises and new information on the
Chapter 57—Figures and explanations of trophic cascades,
sensory abilities of the platypus were added. The phylogeny of
how effects move from one level of the food web to the next,
primates was updated. New information was added on the
and the discussions of trophic levels and island biogeography
genome of Neanderthals and understanding of the evolution of
were revised. New ideas are presented on why the tropics are so
modern humans.
biologically rich.
Part VI: Plant Form and Function Chapter 58—Up-to-date information appears on global
Throughout the plant chapters, corrections have been made so warming and global ozone levels, with an illustration of how the
that 2n and n refer to the sporophyte and gametophyte genera- Earth revolves around the sun. A section was added on new
tions, respectively, and x refers to the number of sets of human diseases that come from animals (zoonotic diseases).
Chapter 59—Information on human population growth in
Chapter 36—The anatomical positions of components of biodiversity hot spots, human health toll of West Nile Virus,
plant tissues are more clearly presented. Structural and the recovery of the peregrine falcon was updated.
Committed To Excellence vii

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 7 11/25/15 12:26 AM

and many more people behind the scenes have all contributed to the
A Note From the Authors success of our text. This includes the digital team, whom we owe a
A revision of this scope relies on the talents and efforts of many great deal for their efforts to continue improving our Connect
people working behind the scenes and we have benefited greatly assessment tools.
from their assistance. Throughout this edition we have had the support of spouses and
Beatrice Sussman was the copyeditor for this edition. She has children, who have seen less of us than they might have liked be-
labored many hours and always improves the clarity and consis- cause of the pressures of getting this revision completed. They
tency of the text. She has made significant contributions to the have adapted to the many hours this book draws us away from
quality of the final product. them, and, even more than us, looked forward to its completion.
We were fortunate to work again with MPS to update the art In the end, the people we owe the most are the generations of
program and improve the layout of the pages. Our close collabo- students who have used the many editions of this text. They have
ration resulted in a text that is pedagogically effective as well as taught us at least as much as we have taught them, and their ques-
more beautiful than any other biology text on the market. tions and suggestions continue to improve the text and supple-
We have the continued support of an excellent team at McGraw- mentary materials.
Hill. Justin Wyatt, preceded by Rebecca Olson, the brand managers Finally, we need to thank instructors from across the country
for Biology have been steady leaders during a time of change. Lead who are continually sharing their knowledge and experience with
Product Developer Liz Sievers, provided support in so many ways us through market feedback and symposia. The feedback we re-
it would be impossible to name them all. April Southwood, content ceived shaped this edition. All of these people took time to share
project manager, and David Hash, designer, ensured our text was on their ideas and opinions to help us build a better edition of
time and elegantly designed. Patrick Reidy, executive marketing Biology for the next generation of introductory biology students,
manager, is always a sounding board for more than just marketing, and they have our heartfelt thanks.

viii Committed To Excellence

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 8 11/25/15 12:26 AM

Preparing Students for the Future

Developing Critical Thinking with the Help of . . .

Detailed Feedback in Connect® learning, where each step models and reinforces the learning
Learning is a process of iterative development, of making process.
mistakes, reflecting, and adjusting over time. The question and The feedback for each higher level Blooms question
test banks in Connect® for Biology, 11th edition, are more than (Apply, Analyze, Evaluate) follows a similar process: Clarify
direct assessments; they are self-contained learning experi- Question, Gather Content, Choose Answer, Reflect on Process.
ences that systematically build student learning over time. Unpacking the Concepts
For many students, choosing the right answer is not We’ve taken problem solving a step further. In each chapter,
necessarily based on applying content correctly; it is more a three to five higher level Blooms questions in the question and
matter of increasing their statistical odds of guessing. A major test banks are broken out by the steps of the detailed feedback.
fault with this approach is students don’t learn how to process Rather than leaving it up to the student to work through the
the questions correctly, mostly because they are repeating and detailed feedback, a second version of the question is presented
reinforcing their mistakes rather than reflecting and learning in a stepwise format. Following the problem-solving steps,
from them. To help students develop problem-solving skills, all students need to answer questions about earlier steps, such as
higher level Blooms questions in Connect are supported with “What is the key concept addressed by the question?” before
hints, to help students focus on important information for proceeding to answer the question. A professor can choose
answering the questions, and detailed feedback that walks which version of the question to include in the assignment based
students through the problem-solving process, using Socratic on the problem-solving skills of the students.
questions in a decision-tree-style framework to scaffold


rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 9 11/25/15 12:26 AM

Strengthen Problem Solving Skills and Key Concept
Development with Connect®
SmartBook with Learning Resources Resources, such as animations or tutorials, are indicated in
To help students understand key concepts, SmartBook® for SmartBook adjacent to the textbook content. If a student is
Biology, 11th edition, is enhanced with Learning Resources. struggling with a concept based on his/her performance on the
Based on student usage data, derived from thousands of SmartBook questions, the student is given an option to review
SmartBook users of the tenth edition, concepts that proved the Learning Resource or the student can click on the Learning
more challenging for students are supported with Learning Resources at any time.
Resources to enhance the textbook presentation. Learning

x Preparing Students for the Future

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 10 11/25/15 12:26 AM

Scientific Thinking Art Supporting Material Provided Online
Key illustrations in every chapter highlight how the frontiers of Evolutionary Asides are inserted at relevant places
knowledge are pushed forward by a combination of hypothesis in the book. The student links to this online content
and experimentation. These figures begin with a hypothesis, through the Evolutionary Aside icon found in the
then show how it makes explicit predictions, tests these by eBook. Evolutionary Asides provide additional examples or
experiment and finally demonstrates what conclusions can be discussions of evolutionary topics related to the textual
drawn, and where this leads. Scientific Thinking figures provide discussion.
a consistent framework to guide the student in the logic of
scientific inquiry. Each illustration concludes with open-ended
questions to promote scientific inquiry. Quantitative Asides are inserted at relevant places
in the book. The student links to this online content
temperature makesthe Quantitative
a membrane moreAside
fluid, icon found in the
and decreasing eBook.
Quantitative Asides provide additional examples or expanded
perature makes it less fluid. Bacteria have evolved mechanisms to
Hypothesis: The plasma membrane is fluid, not rigid. discussions
maintain of a membrane
a constant quantitative aspectdespite
fluidity of the fluctuating
topic undertem-
Prediction: If the membrane is fluid, membrane proteins may discussion.
peratures. Some bacteria contain enzymes called fatty acid
diffuse laterally. desaturases that can introduce double bonds into fatty acids in
Test: Fuse mouse and human cells, then observe the distribution membranes. Genetic studies, involving either the inactivation of
of membrane proteins over time by labeling specific mouse and these enzymes or the introduction of them into cells that normally
human proteins. Behavioral responses lack them,
32 indicate that the action of these enzymes confers cold
Many animals deal with variation in the environ- tolerance. At colder temperatures, the double bonds introduced by
ment by moving from one patch of habitat to an- fatty acid30desaturase make the membrane more fluid, counteract-
Temperature (°C)
other, avoiding areas that are unsuitable. The ing the environmental effect of reduced temperature.

tropical lizard in figure 55.3 manages to maintain a 28

fairly uniform body temperature in an open habitat
by basking in patches of sunlight and then retreating Phospholipid
26 composition affects membrane
to the shade when it becomes too hot. By contrast,
in shaded forests, the
same lizard does not have the
open habitat
shaded forest
Fuse membrane proteins
cells opportunity to regulate its body temperature through Although most lipids are synthesized in the ER, the composition of
behavioral means. Thus, it becomes a conformer the ER membrane,
24 26 28 30 32
the Golgi stack, and the plasma membrane are
and adopts the temperature of its surroundings. Air Temperature (°C)
Behavioral adaptations can be extreme.
quite distinct. Cells maintain this distinct lipid composition despite
Spadefoot toads (genus Scaphiophus), which are trafficking
Figure 55.3 between these organelles
Behavioral Inpart
open of theirthefunction.
habitats, Puerto Rican
widely distributed in North America, can burrow These differences
crested lizard, Anolisincristatellus,
lipid composition affect the
maintains a relatively structure
constant and by
nearly Allow
a metertime for the surface and remain there
below function
seekingofouteach membrane
and basking compartment
in patches (figure
of sunlight; as a result,5.6).
it can maintain a relatively
for as long to occur
as nine months of each year, their meta- highThe plasma even
temperature membrane
when thehas
air isa cool.
highInconcentration of phosphati-
contrast, in shaded forests, this
bolic rates greatly reduced as they live on fat re- dylcholine and sphingomyelin, both of which have a cylindricaltoshape,
behavior is not possible, and the lizard’s body temperature conforms that of its
Result: Over time, hybrid cells show increasingly intermixed proteins.
serves. When moist, cool conditions return, the surroundings.
Conclusion: At least some membrane proteins can diffuse and make a dense gel-like membrane. This membrane is given fluidity
toads emerge and breed. The laterally in
young toads mature
the membrane. rapidly and then burrow back underground to await Inquiry question When given the opportunity, lizards regulate their body
Further Experiments: Cantheir turn to
you think ofbreed in the
any other next year. for these
explanation ? temperature to maintain a temperature optimal for physiological functioning.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
observations? What if newly synthesized proteins were inserted into the Would lizards in open habitats exhibit different escape behaviors from lizards
Natural in shaded forest?
membrane during the experiment? Howselection
could you useleads
this basic
• Major packing defects
experimental design to rule out evolutionary adaptation
or other possible explanations? • Thin Data analysis Can the slope of the line tell us something about the
to environmental conditions behavior of the lizard?
The ability of an individual to alter its physiology, – –
Figure 5.5 Test of membrane fluidity.
morphology, or behavior is itself an evolutionary adaptation, the
ability increased 30%20 over what it had been when the experiment
result of natural selection. The results of natural selection can also aa
be detected by comparing closely related species that live in differ- started. The mechanism by which efficiency of resource use
Data Analysis Questions
The phospholipid bilayer is fluid
ent environments.
In such cases, species often have evolved strik-
increased is unknown and is the focus of current research.
It’s not enough that students learn concepts
ing adaptations and memorize
to the particular environment in which they Questions
live. that challenge students to think about and engage in
A lipid bilayer
scientific facts,isastable because
biologist water’s
needs For to
analyze for hydrogen
data and live bonding
apply that climates what they are reading
never stops.Data
Just asAnalysis
surface tension
a soap bubble
in different
show LearningatOutcomes
a more sophisticated
Review 55.1 level.
Unsaturated TMD
knowledge. questions
many differences. throughout
Mammals from the
colder text tend to have
climates Environmental conditions include temperature, water and light
though it is made of a liquid,shorter
so the ears
hydrogen bonding phenomenon
limbs—a of water holds a
termed Allen’s rule— Cytosol
challenge students to analyze data and experimental availability, and soil characteristics. When the environment
membrane together. Although which water drives
reduces the phospholipids into which
surface area across a bi- animals lose heat. changes, individual organisms use a variety of physiological,
results, which shows a deeper Lizardslevel live
of understanding.
layer configuration, it does not havethat in different
any effect climates exhibit
on the mobility of phos- physiological adapta- morphological, and behavioral mechanisms to adjust. Over time,
tions neighbors
for coping with Plasma Membrane
pholipids and their nonlipid in life
the atbilayer.
different Because
temperatures. Desert lizards adaptations to different environments may evolve in populations.
are unaffected by high temperatures that would kill a lizard from
phospholipids interact relatively weakly with one another, individual
northern Europe, but the northern lizards are capable of running, Saturated Cholesterol■ How might a species respond if its environment grew
phospholipids and unanchored proteins
capturing areand
prey, comparatively
digesting foodfree to move
at cooler temperatures at which steadily warmer over time?
about within the membrane.desertThis lizards
can bewould
demonstrated vividly by fus-
be completely immobilized.
ing cells and watching their proteins Many intermix
specieswithalso time (figure
exhibit 5.5). to living in areas
adaptations Preparing Students for the Future xi
where water is scarce. Everyone knows of the camel and other
Membrane fluidity water.
desert animals that can go extended periods without drinking
varies with
Another lipidofcomposition
example desert adaptation is seen in frogs. Most
55.2 Populations: Groups of a
frogs have moist skins through which water permeates readily.
The degree of membrane fluidity changes with
Single Species in One Place
notthe composition of – – – – – – – –
Such animals could survive in arid climates because they
the11membrane itself. Muchwould
rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd like rapidly
triglycerides can be solid or liquid
dehydrate and die. However, some frogs have solved
11/25/15 12:26 AM
Using Connect® and Biology, 11th edition

Biology 11th edition and its online assets have been carefully
crafted to help professors and students work efficiently and
Prepare for
effectively through the material in the course, making the most
the course
of instructional and study time.

Prepare for the Course

Many biology students struggle the first few weeks of class.
Many institutions expect students to start majors biology having
a working knowledge of basic chemistry and cellular biology. Prepare before
LearnSmart Prep is now available in Connect. Professors can
assign modules in LearnSmart Prep to help students get up to
speed on core concepts, or students can access LearnSmart Prep
directly through the LearnSmart Prep link.

LearnSmart Prep is an
adaptive learning tool designed Tying it all
together develops Engage in class
to increase student success and
aid retention through the first few weeks of class. Using this skills
digital tool, Majors Biology students can master some of the
most fundamental and challenging principles of biology before
they begin to struggle in the first few weeks of class.

1 A diagnostic establishes your baseline comprehension and

knowledge; then the program generates a learning plan 2 As you work through the learning plan, the program asks
tailored to your academic needs and schedule. you questions and tracks your mastery of concepts. If you
answer questions about a particular concept incorrectly,
the program will provide a learning resource (ex. anima-
tion or tutorial) on that concept, then ensure that you
understand the concept by asking you more questions.
Didn’t get it the first time? Don’t worry—LearnSmart
Prep will keep working with you!
3 Using LearnSmart Prep, you can identify the content you
don’t understand, focus your time on content you need to
know but don’t, and therefore improve your chances of
success in your majors biology course.


rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 12 11/25/15 12:26 AM

Prepare Before Class
Students who are most successful in college are those who have Prepare for
developed effective study skills and who use those skills before, the course
during, and after class.
Students can maximize time in class by previewing the material
before stepping into the lecture hall. Biology, 11th edition, is
available in two formats: the printed text as well as the online
SmartBook. Student can use either of these options to preview
Prepare before
the material before lecture. Becoming familiar with terminology class
and basic concepts will allow students to follow along in class
and engage in the content in a way that allows for better
Professors can help students prepare for class by making
preclass assignments. SmartBook assignments are effective for
introducing terminology and general concepts. Tying it all
together develops Engage in class
SmartBook provides a personalized, adaptive reading experience. critical-thinking

Powered by an intelligent diagnostic and adaptive engine, SmartBook

facilitates the reading process by identifying what content a student knows
and doesn’t know through adaptive assessments.

◀ The SmartBook experience starts

by previewing key concepts from
the chapter and ensuring that you
understand the big ideas.

SmartBook asks you questions that identify gaps in

your knowledge. The reading experience then
continuously adapts in response to the assessments—
highlighting the material you need to review based
on what you don’t know. The reports in SmartBook help identify
topics where you need more work.

Using Connect® and Biology, 11th edition xiii

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 13 11/25/15 12:26 AM

Engage in Class
McGraw-Hill Connect® provides online presentation, assign- Prepare for
ment, and assessment solutions. It connects students with the the course
tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. A robust set
of questions and activities is presented in the Question Bank and
a separate set of questions to use for exams is presented in the
Test Bank. Instructors can edit existing questions and author
entirely new problems. They can track individual student
performance—by question, assignment, or in relation to the class Prepare before
overall—with detailed grade reports. class

1 Preclass assignments to help students engage in the

content during class. Tying it all
together develops Engage in class

Assignments are accessed through

Connect and could include homework
assignments, quizzes, SmartBook
assignments, and other resources.

◀ Interactive and traditional questions help

assess students’ knowledge of the
2 Connect Insight is Connect’s visual analytics dashboard
for instructors and students.

◀ Provides at-a-glance student performance on

assignments. Instructors can use the informa-
tion for a just-in-time approach to teaching.

◀ Presents data that empower

students to improve perfor-
mance that is efficient and
xiv Using Connect® and Biology, 11th edition

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 14 11/25/15 12:26 AM

Tying It All Together
Follow up class with assessment that helps students develop Prepare for
critical-thinking skills. Set up assignments from the various the course
assessment banks in Connect.
The Question and Test Banks contain higher order
critical-thinking questions that require students to demonstrate a
more in-depth understanding of the concepts—instructors can
quickly and easily filter the banks for these questions using
higher level Blooms tags. Prepare before

Tying it all
together develops Engage in class

◀ Detailed Feedback All higher level Bloom’s

questions that involve problem solving contain
detailed feedback in Connect. The feedback
walks students through the steps of the problem-
solving process and helps them evaluate their
scientific-thinking skills.

Many chapters also contain a Quantitative Question Bank.

These are more challenging algorithmic questions, intended
to help your students practice their quantitative reasoning
skills. Hints and guided solution options step students
through a problem.
Using Connect® and Biology, 11th edition xv

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 15 11/25/15 12:26 AM



McGraw-Hill Connect®
Learn Without Limits
Connect is a teaching and learning platform
that is proven to deliver better results for
students and instructors.
Connect empowers students by continually
adapting to deliver precisely what they
need, when they need it, and how they need
it, so your class time is more engaging and

Using Connect improves passing rates

by 10.8% and retention by 16.4%.
88% of instructors who use Connect
require it; instructor satisfaction increases
by 38% when Connect is required.

Connect Insight®
Connect Insight is Connect’s new one-of-a-kind
visual analytics dashboard—now available for
both instructors and students—that provides
at-a-glance information regarding student
performance, which is immediately actionable. By presenting
assignment, assessment, and topical performance results together
with a time metric that is easily visible for aggregate or individual Students can view
results, Connect Insight gives the user the ability to take a just-in-
time approach to teaching and learning, which was never before
their results for any
available. Connect Insight presents data that empowers students Connect course.
and helps instructors improve class performance in a way that is
efficient and effective.

Connect’s new, intuitive mobile interface gives students
and instructors flexible and convenient, anytime–anywhere
access to all components of the Connect platform.

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 16 11/25/15 12:26 AM


More students earn A’s and

B’s when they use McGraw-Hill
Education Adaptive products.

Proven to help students improve grades and
study more efficiently, SmartBook contains
the same content within the print book, but
actively tailors that content to the needs of the
individual. SmartBook’s adaptive technology
provides precise, personalized instruction on
what the student should do next, guiding the
student to master and remember key concepts,
targeting gaps in knowledge and offering
customized feedback, and driving the student
toward comprehension and retention of the
subject matter. Available on smartphones and
tablets, SmartBook puts learning at the student’s
fingertips—anywhere, anytime.

Over 4 billion questions have been

answered, making McGraw-Hill
Education products more intelligent,
reliable, and precise.

rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 17 11/25/15 12:26 AM


Committed to Excellence v
Preparing Students for the Future ix 5 Membranes 88
Using Connect® and Biology, 11th edition xii 5.1 The Structure of Membranes 88
5.2 Phospholipids: The Membrane’s Foundation 92
5.3 Proteins: Multifunctional Components 94
5.4 Passive Transport Across Membranes 96

I The Molecular Basis of Life 5.5
Active Transport Across Membranes 99
Bulk Transport by Endocytosis
and Exocytosis 102
1 The Science of Biology 1
1.1 The Science of Life 1 6 Energy and Metabolism 107
1.2 The Nature of Science 4
6.1 The Flow of Energy in Living Systems 108
1.3 An Example of Scientific Inquiry: Darwin
6.2 The Laws of Thermodynamics and
and Evolution 8
Free Energy 109
1.4 Unifying Themes in Biology 12
6.3 ATP: The Energy Currency of Cells 112
6.4 Enzymes: Biological Catalysts 113
2 The Nature of Molecules and the
6.5 Metabolism: The Chemical Description
Properties of Water 17 of Cell Function 117
2.1 The Nature of Atoms 18
2.2 Elements Found in Living Systems 22 7 How Cells Harvest Energy 122
2.3 The Nature of Chemical Bonds 23
7.1 Overview of Respiration 123
2.4 Water: A Vital Compound 25
7.2 Glycolysis: Splitting Glucose 127
2.5 Properties of Water 28
7.3 The Oxidation of Pyruvate Produces
2.6 Acids and Bases 29 Acetyl-CoA 130
7.4 The Krebs Cycle 131
3 The Chemical Building Blocks of Life 33 7.5 The Electron Transport Chain
3.1 Carbon: The Framework of Biological Molecules 34 and Chemiosmosis 134
3.2 Carbohydrates: Energy Storage and Structural 7.6 Energy Yield of Aerobic Respiration 137
Molecules 38 7.7 Regulation of Aerobic Respiration 138
3.3 Nucleic Acids: Information Molecules 41 7.8 Oxidation Without O2 139
3.4 Proteins: Molecules with Diverse Structures 7.9 Catabolism of Proteins and Fats 140
and Functions 44 7.10 Evolution of Metabolism 142
3.5 Lipids: Hydrophobic Molecules 53

8 Photosynthesis 147
8.1 Overview of Photosynthesis 147

1 μm
II Biology of the Cell 8.2 The Discovery of Photosynthetic
Processes 149
8.3 Pigments 151
4 Cell Structure 59 8.4 Photosystem Organization 154
4.1 Cell Theory 59 8.5 The Light-Dependent Reactions 156
4.2 Prokaryotic Cells 63 8.6 Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle 160
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells 65 8.7 Photorespiration 163
4.4 The Endomembrane System 69
4.5 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts: Cellular Generators 73 9 Cell Communication 168
4.6 The Cytoskeleton 75 9.1 Overview of Cell Communication 168
4.7 Extracellular Structures and Cell Movement 79 9.2 Receptor Types 171
4.8 Cell-to-Cell Interactions 82 9.3 Intracellular Receptors 173


rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 18 11/25/15 12:26 AM

9.4 Signal Transduction Through 14.3 Basic Characteristics of DNA Replication 263
Receptor Kinases 174 14.4 Prokaryotic Replication 266
9.5 Signal Transduction Through G Protein– 14.5 Eukaryotic Replication 271
Coupled Receptors 178
14.6 DNA Repair 273

10 How Cells Divide 186 15 Genes and How They Work 278
10.1 Bacterial Cell Division 187
15.1 The Nature of Genes 278
10.2 Eukaryotic Chromosomes 189
15.2 The Genetic Code 281
10.3 Overview of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle 192
15.3 Prokaryotic Transcription 284
10.4 Interphase: Preparation for Mitosis 193
15.4 Eukaryotic Transcription 287
10.5 M Phase: Chromosome Segregation and the Division
of Cytoplasmic Contents 194 15.5 Eukaryotic pre-mRNA Splicing 289
10.6 Control of the Cell Cycle 198 15.6 The Structure of tRNA and Ribosomes 291
15.7 The Process of Translation 293
15.8 Summarizing Gene Expression 297
15.9 Mutation: Altered Genes 299

III Genetic and Molecular 16 Control of Gene Expression 304
16.1 Control of Gene Expression 304

Biology 16.2
Regulatory Proteins 305
Prokaryotic Regulation 308
16.4 Eukaryotic Regulation 312
11 Sexual Reproduction 16.5 Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression 315
and Meiosis 207 16.6 Eukaryotic Posttranscriptional Regulation 317
16.7 Protein Degradation 322
11.1 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis 207
11.2 Features of Meiosis 209
11.3 The Process of Meiosis 210 17 Biotechnology 327
11.4 Summing Up: Meiosis Versus Mitosis 215 17.1 Recombinant DNA 327
17.2 Amplifying DNA Using the Polymerase
12 Patterns of Inheritance 221 Chain Reaction 332
17.3 Creating, Correcting, and Analyzing
12.1 The Mystery of Heredity 221 Genetic Variation 335
12.2 Monohybrid Crosses: The Principle 17.4 Constructing and Using Transgenic
of Segregation 224 Organisms 337
12.3 Dihybrid Crosses: The Principle of Independent 17.5 Environmental Applications 341
Assortment 228
17.6 Medical Applications 343
12.4 Probability: Predicting the Results
of Crosses 230 17.7 Agricultural Applications 347
12.5 The Testcross: Revealing Unknown
Genotypes 231 18 Genomics 353
12.6 Extensions to Mendel 232 18.1 Mapping Genomes 353
18.2 Sequencing Genomes 357
13 Chromosomes, Mapping, and the 18.3 Genome Projects 360
Meiosis–Inheritance Connection 239 18.4 Genome Annotation and Databases 361
18.5 Comparative and Functional Genomics 365
13.1 Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal
Theory of Inheritance 240 18.6 Applications of Genomics 370
13.2 Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination 241
13.3 Exceptions to the Chromosomal Theory 19 Cellular Mechanisms
of Inheritance 244 of Development 375
13.4 Genetic Mapping 244
19.1 The Process of Development 375
13.5 Selected Human Genetic Disorders 249
19.2 Cell Division 376
19.3 Cell Differentiation 378
14 DNA: The Genetic Material 256 19.4 Nuclear Reprogramming 383
14.1 The Nature of the Genetic Material 256 19.5 Pattern Formation 386
14.2 DNA Structure 259 19.6 Morphogenesis 393

Contents xix

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24.4 Gene Function and Expression Patterns 491
24.5 Applying Comparative Genomics 492

IV Evolution 399 25 Evolution of Development 497
25.1 Evolution of Developmental Patterns 497
20 Genes Within Populations 399 25.2 Single-Gene Changes and the Alteration of Form
20.1 Genetic Variation and Evolution 399 and Function 500
20.2 Changes in Allele Frequency 401 25.3 Different Ways to Evolve the Same Structure 505
20.3 Five Agents of Evolutionary Change 404 25.4 Diversity of Eyes in the Natural World:
A Case Study 506
20.4 Quantifying Natural Selection 408
20.5 Natural Selection’s Role in Maintaining
Variation 409
20.6 Selection Acting on Traits Affected

by Multiple Genes 411
Experimental Studies of Natural Selection 413
Interactions Among Evolutionary Forces 415
Part V Diversity of Life on Earth
20.9 The Limits of Selection 417 26 The Origin and Diversity of Life 513
26.1 Deep Time 515
21 The Evidence for Evolution 421 26.2 Origins of Life 515
21.1 The Beaks of Darwin’s Finches: Evidence 26.3 Evidence for Early Life 518
of Natural Selection 422 26.4 Earth’s Changing System 520
21.2 Peppered Moths and Industrial Melanism: More Evidence 26.5 Ever-Changing Life on Earth 521
of Selection 424
21.3 Artificial Selection: Human-Initiated Change 426 27 Viruses 527
21.4 Fossil Evidence of Evolution 428
27.1 The Nature of Viruses 528
21.5 Anatomical Evidence for Evolution 432
27.2 Bacteriophage: Bacterial Viruses 532
21.6 Convergent Evolution and the Biogeographical
Record 434 27.3 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 534
21.7 Darwin’s Critics 436 27.4 Other Viral Diseases 538
27.5 Prions and Viroids: Subviral Particles 540
22 The Origin of Species 440
22.1 The Nature of Species and the Biological
28 Prokaryotes 544
Species Concept 441 28.1 Prokaryotic Diversity 544
22.2 Natural Selection and Reproductive Isolation 445 28.2 Prokaryotic Cell Structure 549
22.3 The Role of Genetic Drift and Natural Selection 28.3 Prokaryotic Genetics 552
in Speciation 446 28.4 Prokaryotic Metabolism 557
22.4 The Geography of Speciation 447 28.5 Human Bacterial Disease 558
22.5 Adaptive Radiation and Biological Diversity 450 28.6 Beneficial Prokaryotes 561
22.6 The Pace of Evolution 455
22.7 Speciation and Extinction Through Time 456
29 Protists 565
23 Systematics, Phylogenies, 29.1 Eukaryotic Origins and Endosymbiosis 565
29.2 Overview of Protists 568
and Comparative Biology 460 29.3 Feeding Groove in Excavata 570
23.1 Systematics 460 29.4 Secondary Endosymbiosis in
23.2 Cladistics 462 Chromalveolata 573
23.3 Systematics and Classification 465 29.5 Chloroplasts in Archaeplastida 578
23.4 Phylogenetics and Comparative 29.6 Slender Pseudopods in Rhizaria 581
Biology 469 29.7 Blunt Pseudopods in Amoebozoa 583
23.5 Phylogenetics and Disease Evolution 475 29.8 Propulsion via a Single Posterior Flagellum
in Opisthokonta 584
24 Genome Evolution 480
24.1 Comparative Genomics 480 30 Seedless Plants 588
24.2 Genome Size 483 30.1 Origin of Land Plants 588
24.3 Evolution Within Genomes 487 30.2 Bryophytes: Dominant Gametophyte Generation 591

xx Contents

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30.3 Tracheophyte Plants: Dominant 35.6 Amphibians 705
Sporophyte Generation 593 35.7 Reptiles 708
30.4 Lycophytes: Divergent from Main Lineage 35.8 Birds 714
of Vascular Plants 596
35.9 Mammals 718
30.5 Pterophytes: Ferns and Their Relatives 597
35.10 Evolution of the Primates 723

31 Seed Plants 602

31.1 The Evolution of Seed Plants 602

VI Plant Form and Function

31.2 Gymnosperms: Plants with “Naked Seeds” 603
31.3 Angiosperms: The Flowering Plants 607
31.4 Seeds 613
31.5 Fruits 614
36 Plant Form 732
32 Fungi 619 36.1 Organization of the Plant Body: An Overview 733
36.2 Plant Tissues 736
32.1 Defining Fungi 619
36.3 Roots: Anchoring and Absorption Structures 742
32.2 Microsporidia: Unicellular Parasites 623
36.4 Stems: Support for Above-Ground Organs 746
32.3 Chytridiomycota and Relatives: Fungi
with Zoospores 624 36.5 Leaves: Photosynthetic Organs 751
32.4 Zygomycota: Fungi That Produce Zygotes 625
32.5 Glomeromycota: Asexual Plant Symbionts 627 37 Transport in Plants 757
32.6 Basidiomycota: The Club (Basidium) Fungi 627 37.1 Transport Mechanisms 758
32.7 Ascomycota: The Sac (Ascus) Fungi 628 37.2 Water and Mineral Absorption 761
32.8 Ecology of Fungi 630 37.3 Xylem Transport 764
32.9 Fungal Parasites and Pathogens 634 37.4 Rate of Transpiration 766
37.5 Water-Stress Responses 768
33 Animal Diversity and the Evolution 37.6 Phloem Transport 770
of Body Plans 638
33.1 Some General Features of Animals 639 38 Plant Nutrition and Soils 775
33.2 Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 640 38.1 Soils: The Substrates on Which Plants Depend 775
33.3 Animal Phylogeny 644 38.2 Plant Nutrients 779
33.4 Parazoa: Animals That Lack Specialized Tissues 649 38.3 Special Nutritional Strategies 781
33.5 Eumetazoa: Animals with True Tissues 651 38.4 Carbon–Nitrogen Balance and Global Change 784
33.6 The Bilateria 656 38.5 Phytoremediation 787

34 Protostomes 660 39 Plant Defense Responses 792

34.1 The Clades of Protostomes 661 39.1 Physical Defenses 792
34.2 Platyzoans: Flatworms (Platyhelminthes) 662 39.2 Chemical Defenses 794
34.3 Platyzoans: Rotifers (Rotifera) 665 39.3 Animals That Protect Plants 798
34.4 Lophotrochozoans: Mollusks (Mollusca) 666 39.4 Systemic Responses to Invaders 799
34.5 Lophotrochozoans: Ribbon Worms
(Nemertea) 672
40 Sensory Systems in Plants 804
34.6 Lophotrochozoans: Annelids (Annelida) 673
40.1 Responses to Light 804
34.7 Lophophorates: Bryozoans (Bryozoa)
and Brachiopods (Brachiopoda) 676 40.2 Responses to Gravity 809
34.8 Ecdysozoans: Roundworms (Nematoda) 678 40.3 Responses to Mechanical Stimuli 811
34.9 Ecdysozoans: Arthropods (Arthropoda) 680 40.4 Responses to Water and Temperature 813
40.5 Hormones and Sensory Systems 815
35 Deuterostomes 692
35.1 Echinoderms 693 41 Plant Reproduction 831
35.2 Chordates 696 41.1 Reproductive Development 832
35.3 Nonvertebrate Chordates 697 41.2 Making Flowers 834
35.4 Vertebrate Chordates 698 41.3 Structure and Evolution of Flowers 839
35.5 Fishes 700 41.4 Pollination and Fertilization 842

Contents xxi

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41.5 Embryo Development 848 46.3 Joints and Skeletal Movement 969
41.6 Germination 854 46.4 Muscle Contraction 971
41.7 Asexual Reproduction 857 46.5 Modes of Animal Locomotion 977
41.8 Plant Life Spans 858
47 The Digestive System 983
47.1 Types of Digestive Systems 984
47.2 The Mouth and Teeth: Food Capture

VII Animal Form

and Bulk Processing 986
Part 47.3 The Esophagus and the Stomach: The Early Stages
19 μm of Digestion 987

and Function 47.4 The Intestines: Breakdown, Absorption,

and Elimination 989
47.5 Variations in Vertebrate Digestive Systems 993
42 The Animal Body and Principles 47.6 Neural and Hormonal Regulation of the
of Regulation 864 Digestive Tract 995
47.7 Accessory Organ Function 996
42.1 Organization of the Vertebrate Body 865
47.8 Food Energy, Energy Expenditure,
42.2 Epithelial Tissue 866 and Essential Nutrients 997
42.3 Connective Tissue 869
42.4 Muscle Tissue 871 48 The Respiratory System 1003
42.5 Nerve Tissue 873
48.1 Gas Exchange Across Respiratory Surfaces 1004
42.6 Overview of Vertebrate Organ Systems 874
48.2 Gills, Cutaneous Respiration,
42.7 Homeostasis 877 and Tracheal Systems 1006
42.8 Regulating Body Temperature 879 48.3 Lungs 1008
48.4 Structures, Mechanisms, and Control
43 The Nervous System 888 of Ventilation in Mammals 1011
43.1 Nervous System Organization 889 48.5 Transport of Gases in Body Fluids 1014
43.2 The Mechanism of Nerve Impulse Transmission 891
43.3 Synapses: Where Neurons Communicate 49 The Circulatory System 1020
with Other Cells 897 49.1 The Components of Blood 1020
43.4 The Central Nervous System: Brain 49.2 Invertebrate Circulatory Systems 1023
and Spinal Cord 902
49.3 Vertebrate Circulatory Systems 1025
43.5 The Peripheral Nervous System: Sensory and
Motor Neurons 910 49.4 The Four-Chambered Heart and
the Blood Vessels 1028
44 Sensory Systems 916 49.5 Characteristics of Blood Vessels 1031
49.6 Regulation of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure 1035
44.1 Overview of Sensory Receptors 917
44.2 Mechanoreceptors: Touch and Pressure 918 50 Osmotic Regulation and the
44.3 Hearing, Vibration, and Detection
of Body Position 921 Urinary System 1040
44.4 Chemoreceptors: Taste, Smell, and pH 926 50.1 Osmolarity and Osmotic Balance 1040
44.5 Vision 929 50.2 Nitrogenous Wastes: Ammonia, Urea,
44.6 The Diversity of Sensory Experiences 935 and Uric Acid 1042
50.3 Osmoregulatory Organs 1043
45 The Endocrine System 939 50.4 Evolution of the Vertebrate Kidney 1045
45.1 Regulation of Body Processes by Chemical 50.5 The Mammalian Kidney 1047
Messengers 940 50.6 Hormonal Control of Osmoregulatory Functions 1052
45.2 Actions of Lipophilic Versus Hydrophilic
Hormones 945 51 The Immune System 1057
45.3 The Pituitary and Hypothalamus: 51.1 Innate Immunity 1057
The Body’s Control Centers 948
51.2 Adaptive Immunity 1063
45.4 The Major Peripheral Endocrine Glands 953
51.3 Cell-Mediated Immunity 1068
45.5 Other Hormones and Their Effects 957
51.4 Humoral Immunity and Antibody Production 1070
51.5 Autoimmunity and Hypersensitivity 1076
46 The Musculoskeletal System 963
51.6 Antibodies in Medical Treatment
46.1 Types of Skeletal Systems 964 and Diagnosis 1078
46.2 A Closer Look at Bone 965 51.7 Pathogens That Evade the Immune System 1081

xxii Contents

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52 The Reproductive System 1086 55.3 Population Demography and Dynamics 1170
55.4 Life History and the Cost of Reproduction 1173
52.1 Animal Reproductive Strategies 1086
55.5 Environmental Limits to Population Growth 1175
52.2 Vertebrate Fertilization and Development 1089
55.6 Factors That Regulate Populations 1177
52.3 Structure and Function of the Human Male
Reproductive System 1092 55.7 Human Population Growth 1180
52.4 Structure and Function of the Human Female
Reproductive System 1096 56 Community Ecology 1187
52.5 Contraception and Infertility Treatments 1100 56.1 Biological Communities: Species
Living Together 1188
53 Animal Development 1107 56.2 The Ecological Niche Concept 1189
53.1 Fertilization 1108 56.3 Predator–Prey Relationships 1194
53.2 Cleavage and the Blastula Stage 1112 56.4 The Many Types of Species Interactions 1198
53.3 Gastrulation 1114 56.5 Ecological Succession, Disturbance,
and Species Richness 1204
53.4 Organogenesis 1118
53.5 Vertebrate Axis Formation 1124
53.6 Human Development 1127 57 Dynamics of Ecosystems 1209
57.1 Biogeochemical Cycles 1210
57.2 The Flow of Energy in Ecosystems 1216
57.3 Trophic-Level Interactions 1221

Part VIII Ecology and 57.4

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stability 1225
Island Biogeography 1228

Behavior 58 The Biosphere 1232

58.1 Ecosystem Effects of Sun, Wind, and Water 1232
54 Behavioral Biology 1134 58.2 Earth’s Biomes 1237
54.1 The Natural History of Behavior 1135 58.3 Freshwater Habitats 1240
54.2 Nerve Cells, Neurotransmitters, Hormones, 58.4 Marine Habitats 1243
and Behavior 1136 58.5 Human Impacts on the Biosphere: Pollution
54.3 Behavioral Genetics 1137 and Resource Depletion 1247
54.4 Learning 1139 58.6 Human Impacts on the Biosphere:
Climate Change 1253
54.5 The Development of Behavior 1140
54.6 Animal Cognition 1143
54.7 Orientation and Migratory Behavior 1144 59 Conservation Biology 1259
54.8 Animal Communication 1146 59.1 Overview of the Biodiversity Crisis 1259
54.9 Behavioral Ecology 1149 59.2 The Value of Biodiversity 1264
54.10 Reproductive Strategies and Sexual Selection 1151 59.3 Factors Responsible for Extinction 1266
54.11 Altruism 1156 59.4 Approaches for Preserving Endangered Species
54.12 The Evolution of Group Living and Ecosystems 1278
and Animal Societies 1159

55 Ecology of Individuals Appendix A: Answer Key A-1

and Populations 1164 Glossary G-1
55.1 The Environmental Challenges 1164 Credits C-1
55.2 Populations: Groups of a Single Species Index I-1
in One Place 1166

Contents xxiii

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rav88132_fm_i-xxiv.indd 24 11/25/15 12:27 AM
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Laulu
This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States
and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no
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you are located before using this eBook.

Title: Laulu vaakalinnusta


Author: Martti Haavio

Release date: November 29, 2023 [eBook #72259]

Language: Finnish

Original publication: Porvoo: WSOY, 1927





P. MUSTAPÄÄ [Martti Haavio]

Porvoossa, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1927.


Laulu vaakalinnusta
Haapsalun valkea nainen
Punaista ja kultaa
Viimeisestä illasta

Piilipuitten alla
Luuranko metsässä puhuu


Kaunas 1.
2. (Hämärä metsä)


1. Miss Annabel
2. Fatiman kuolo
Lasisesta silmästä
Yxi walitettava wirsi
Suomalainen ryijy
Puer natus in Betlehem
Vaatimattomasta hautauksesta
Legenda väsyneistä naisista
Sotamiehen hautauksesta
Mikko Puhtisesta

Dominus Krabbe
1. Pappilan nuorenherran kertomus
2. Piika Amandan kertomus
3. Renki Epramin kertomus
4. Kirkonvartija Optaatuksen kertomus
5. Pappilan neitien kertomus
6. Vanhan haudankaivajan kertomus


Laulu esi-isilleni, laukunkantajille

Daidalos ja Ikaros
1. Ikaros
2. Daidalos ja Ikaros
Suvinen ilta
1. Laulu esi-isille
2. Työn laulu
3. Suvivirsi
4. Laulu isänmaasta
5. Kuoleman laulu

Se on eriskummallinen lintu, joka
ei ole kokonaan lintu. Mutta se
istuu kaukaisessa viheriäisessä
metsässä kaukaisen vaskivuoren
takana ja vartioitsee aarteita.
Sinä et voi nähdä sitä, oi
Duryodhana, mutta sen äänen
kuulet hiljaisina iltoina. Mutta
kun vaakalinnun äänen kuulet,
vyötä silloin kupeesi, oi
Duryodhana, ja kätkeydy, sillä
onni on saita.

Intialainen satu.

Vanhanaikainen runo


Armas, sun kiharoissasi liehtoi suvinen tuuli, kun sinut

tapasin viileessä toukokuussa vuokkojen kukkimisaikaan,
sunnuntaina auringonläikkeessä Ruissalon rantatiellä.

Armas, näin, miten korvies pienet helmet

mustien hiustesi varjoon piiloittuivat,
sitten näin sinun silmäs, ja niitten kaivoon
upposi äkkiä sieluni jääden sinne.

Tammien alla me kuljimme iltaan asti.

Kuulimme peipposlintujen suloisen laulun.
Nousimme vuorille. Toukomettisen huilu
helähti laaksosta, miltei jalkaimme alta.

Poimimme alhosta vuokkoja silloin tällöin

ujoina, arkoina toistemme silmiä etsein.
Olimme hartaita. Turusta kuljetti tuuli
tuomiokirkosta suurien kellojen pauhun.

Itkimme melkein. Olimme onnellisia.

Silloin me kuulimme metsästä tumman soinnun:
kaukana jossain, oksien holviston alla
outo lintu valitti kummallisesti…


Katso me pakenimme, ja Kuuvannokkaan,

kiville, joita vaaleat laineet huuhtoo,
päädyimme viimein. Kahden, onnellisina
seisoimme katsoen
kauaksi Airistolle.

Näimme harmaitten lokkien kiirivän yllä

vaahtoharjaisten. Näimme hanhien aurat,
näimme jahtien myötätuulessa-lennon
ohitse aution
Viitakarin ja Kuuvan.

Meidän selkämme takana, hongistossa

Japhyx-tuuli helkytti kanteletta.
Kuuntelimme, kun Juhana herttua ajoi
ylitse samettiketoin.

Kauriitten hengitys kuului arkana silloin

mättäitten takaa ja saksanpeurojen laumat
kavahti säikkyen pähkinäpensaikosta
hurjien koirien
innosta läähättäessä.

Nihdit ja huovit syöksivät koirien jälkeen.

Katariina! Ja ehtoossa kellastuvassa
kutsui Juhana herttuatarta ja sitten
suutelivat he
hellästi mäntyjen alla.

Mutta rannalla syöksivät mustat laineet

jalkoihis asti, armas. Ja kuule, kuule!
Hongan latvassa valitti outo lintu.
Miten se huusi
ehtoossa himmentyvässä.


Odotin vanhan majurin haudan luona, heisipensaan

katveessa kirkkomaalla. Naakat hymyili kirkon harjalla, jota
puolipäivän kiihkeä aurinko paahtoi.

Alhaalla suitsusi kasteheinissä tuuli.

Jumala saarnasi kirkossa syntisille
milloin tuomiten heitä, milloin armoa jakain,
vihdoin keräten kaikki helmainsa turviin.

Urut syttyivät. Lukkarin ankara basso

nosti taivaitten luojalle ylistysvirren.
Sitten vaikeni kaikki, kun rahvas vaipui
siunaten itsensä syvälle penkkien ylle.

Isännät tulivat ensiksi kankein jaloin

suuresta ovesta, sitten emännät myöskin
hitaasti, jutellen, liinoja tiukalle solmein,
jollakin poskella vielä kyynelen uurto…

Ja kun ma nousin, näin sinun tulevan sieltä.

Silloin äkkiä kirkon perustus järkkyi.
Tanner hypähti. Vihreä valkeus syttyi.
Tornin huipussa veisasi viirikukko.

Haapsalun valkea nainen.

Me tulemme Ristin metsistä lävitse Läänemaan.

Me istumme Haapsalun valleille hetkeksi huoahtamaan.
Me kuulemme äänien sorinaa. Me näemme yllämme kuun,
joka sarvilyhdyllä vilkuttaa vanhaan Haapsaluun.

Ja pienet neidit vaeltavat teitä puistikon,

joka rauniolinnan ympärillä syyssuven-vehmas on.
Ja kun me nostamme katseemme, me näemme hämmästyen
linnan tuuliviirin päässä oudon linnun sen…

Oi, kuule, nuori neiti, luen selvästi kohtalos:

tulet onnelliseks, jos kuolet, ja onnettomaks, jos
elät rinnallani, sillä olen Poika Onneton!
Minun sydämessäni kaipuu tuntematon on.
Ja me lähdemme ääneti valleilta ja liitymme vaeltaviin.
Minä tunnen käsivarrestasi, että nyyhkytät niin
kuin elämäs olisit kadottanut. — Nainen valkoinen
on noussut kappelin ikkunaan armoa rukoillen.

Ja laaksossa huilu valittaa. Niin yksin se valittaa

ja kertoo Haapsalun valkean naisen kauhutarinaa.
Hän rakasti munkki-ritaria. Hänet kiinni muurattiin
ihan säälimättä linnankirkon Maarian-kappeliin.

Punaista ja kultaa

Tulipunainen aurinko vavahti äkkiä palamaan. Minä

unestani havahduin enkä noussut kumminkaan.

Minun ikkunani edessä

oli koivu kultainen.
Sen oksalta kuulin linnun

Minä uneksin hetken vielä:

näin prinsessan kumartuvan
ja suovan kerjuripojalle

Minun herätyskelloni soitti.

Minun oli mentävä nyt.
Tätä syksyaamua ajatellen
olin monesti värissyt.
Viimeisestä illasta

Istuimme kahden tanssilavan luona.

Ja sinä olit kalpea ja kaunis.
Ja hehkui pihlajissa lyhdyt tanssilavan luona.
Ja viulu yksin soitti, viulu soitti:
Olet kaunis, Marguerita.

Istuimme kahden tanssilavan luona.

Elämä katsoi meitä silmin hämmentävin
ja puhui meille rakkaudesta tanssilavan luona.
Ja viulu yksin soitti, viulu soitti:
Olet kaunis, Marguerita.

Istuimme kahden tanssilavan luona.

Yö takanamme oli niinkuin Suuri Murhe
ja itki meitä molempia tanssilavan luona.
Ja viulu yksin soitti, viulu soitti:
Olet kaunis, Marguerita.

Istuimme kahden tanssilavan luona.

Me emme voineet auttaa toisiamme.
Me nousimme ja vaelsimme tanssilavan luota
ja viulu yksin soitti, viulu soitti:
Olet kaunis, Marguerita.

Tule, anna kätesi mulle, tule, älä vapise niin. Minä olen sua
kauan odottanut. Saariin onnellisiin tänä päivänä lähtee
laivani. Jos tahdot mukaan, on sinun varalles hankittu piletti ja
hytti maksuton.

Ja jos sinä pelkäät, katso, miten väkevä olen ma.

Minä olen niin monta kertaa seilannut. Kuolema
on minusta ollut hupsu ja naurettava mies,
kun se on keikkunut märssykorissa. Ja, voi, sen, Herra ties,

olen monta kertaa nähnyt, kun se on tarrannut tyyrihin ja

ajanut laivan karille. Ja katso, kumminkin tänä päivänä seisoo
edessäsi kippari Peloton, joka viidestä laivarikosta pelastunut

Niin lienee Luojan tarkoitus, että sinäkin nähdä saat,

mitä näkivät vuosisatoja sitten miehet onnekkaat:
meren takana, tyrskyjen takana saaren Atlantiin.
Se on viiniä täynnä ja hunajaa. Oi, älä vapise niin.

Miks vedät nuoren kätes pois mun karkeesta kourastain?

Minä lienen kyllä raaka mies ja kippariksi vain
mua sanovat merimieheni. Vaan kippari Peloton
kai hiukan toista sentään on kuin kippari Pelkuri on.

Sinä olet nuori ja kiharapää ja suloinenkin oot minun

mielestäni. Ja kernaasti nuo toiset sanokoot, ett' olet
liikkuvaluontoinen ja sydämet miehien olet tottunut leikkien
murskaamaan. Vaan, kuulehan, minä en

ole oppinut merta pelkäämään. Miks naista pelkäisin siis?

Olen yhdeksän merta kokenut ja laivarikkoa viis…

(William Butler Yeatsin mukaan.)

Ma piilipuitten alta löysin sydänystäväin.

Hän kulki piilipuitten alla lumiliinapäin.
Hän halas, ett' ois rakkautemme kevyt lehti vain.
Vaan olin lapsellinen enkä käsittänyt lain.

Ja kun me virran kaltaalla taas käytiin kahdestaan,

hän koski lumikädellään mua olkaan kumaraan.
Hän halas, ett' ois elämämme kevyt kukkanen.
Vaan olin lapsellinen, kuljin sydän itkien.

Oi kuule, Jumalan kasvot ovat meitä tähyilleet molemmin

silmin terävin ja kauaskantavin. Ne näkivät minut tylyksi ja
sinut lempeäks: ja kumminkin sinä et rakastanut, vaan minä

Oi kuule, Jumalan kädet ovat meihin tarttuneet:

ne kuljetti sinut kauas keskelle erämaan
ja minut aarniometsään, jossa oli kamalaa.
Ja sitten hän käski meitä luo toistemme vaeltamaan.

Oi kuule, Jumalan sanat ovat meidät tavoittaneet:

ne olivat hirvittävät, kun ne kiisivät maailmaan:
Te luulitte elämän helpoksi. Vaan kaikki on vaikeaa.
Joka askel tuo joko itkun tai kuoleman mukanaan.

Oi kuule, minä olin tyly ja kivisydäminen.

Minä lähdin ja eksyin ja kaaduin ja tässä olen nyt.
Ylt'ympärillä on metsä ja yö ja huuhkajat.
Minä olen kai kuollut ja yksin. Olen hyvin hämmästynyt.

Oi kuule, Jumala vaikeni ja istui synkistyen.

Hän näki minut. Ja sinut. Hän näki molemmat.
Minä toivoin, että hän tietäis, että olin väsynyt.
Ja kun hän sen tietäis, hän salleis, että tänne vaellat.

Oi, kuule, muttei hän sallinut, vaikka hän on hyvä mies,

mun kohtaavan sua milloinkaan silmin näkevin.
Hän huomas näet minut tylyks. Vaan sinut lempeäks.
Ja kumminkin sinä et rakastanut. Vaan minä rakastin.

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