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Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly Population

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Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly Population

Due to age-related changes in their bodies, the elderly is at risk since they are more prone

to various health issues. Cardiovascular disorders, which include heart disease, stroke, and other

problems that affect the heart and blood vessels, are a major cause for worry for this

demographic (Noale et al., 2020).

Prioritize two health outcomes.

In this demographic, the two top health outcomes are boosting physical activity levels

and lowering the risk of cardiovascular illnesses. The elderly’s physical health and well-being

must be maintained through physical exercise. Educational materials emphasizing the advantages

of exercise. Programs for group exercise might be developed to encourage physical activity and

social interaction. Heart disease and stroke are two main causes of mortality, making

cardiovascular illnesses a serious health issue for the elderly population (Jamee et al., 2019).

Regular health screenings and examinations might be used to identify and control risk factors to

lower the risk of these diseases. These examinations may happen at elder or community centers,

where people feel more supported and at ease. Since smoking is a significant risk factor for

cardiovascular diseases, programs to help people stop smoking should also be promoted.

Nursing Role

To conduct these treatments and address cultural sensitivity concerns while caring for this

group, nurses are essential. Nurses can evaluate cultural values and attitudes that can affect older

people's desire to engage in physical exercise or alter their eating patterns. They can deliver

instruction that is sensitive to and acceptable for other cultures, using translators if necessary.

Nurses should give the elderly patients customized attention and build a connection with them to

promote comfort and trust.



Jamee Shahwan, A., Abed, Y., Desormais, I., Magne, J., Preux, P. M., Aboyans, V., & Lacroix, P.

(2019). Epidemiology of coronary artery disease and stroke and associated risk factors in

Gaza community–Palestine. PloS one, 14(1), e0211131.

Noale, M., Limongi, F., & Maggi, S. (2020). Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in the

elderly. Frailty and Cardiovascular Diseases: Research into an Elderly Population, 29-38.

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