12th Maths-I & Maths-II PYQ's 44

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a) 2 3) @ 6) @ ®) @) a0) ay az) a3) aa) a5) MATHEMATICS (PART - I) [i] Mathematicat Logic Write down the following statements in symbolic form (a) A triangle is equilateral if and only if tt is equiangular. (b) Price increases and demand falls, (March 2013) (2 marks) Without using truth table show that: Poq=(pagy(-pa~a) (March 2013) (3 marks) Using truth table examine whether the following statement pattern is tautology, contradiction or contingency. @r~aep>@ (March 2013) (8 marks) ICA = (2,3, 4.5, 6), then which of the following is ‘not true ? (a) 3x cAsuchthatx+3=8 (b) 3x €Asuch that +2<5 (6) 3x ¢Assuch thatx+2<9 (a) VxcAsuchthatx+ 629 (Oct. 2013) (2 marks) Construct the new aitching cult forthe folowing cre wth only one etch by ompliying tegen crcl. ‘s i 5 i /. D) a. 5 8 (Oct. 2013) (3 marks) ‘Write the dual ofthe following statement: Q) wya@at (2) Madhuri has curly hair and brown eyes. (March 2014) (2 marks) Using truth table prove that : ~ p.ag= (pv q)a~p (March 2014) (2 marks) Find the symbolic form of the following switching circuit. Construct its switching table and interpret it Write truth values of the following statements (a) V5 1s an trrational number but 3 + V5 is a complex number. (March 2014) (2 marks) (®) 3m eN such thatn +5 > 10. (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) Using truth table, prove the following loggcal equivalence : (p .q)—>r = p> (qT (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) Ifp : tts a day time, q tis warm, write the compound statement in verbal form denoted by ~ (@) pr~q )~p>q Waep (Oct. 2014) (9 marks) Write the converse and contrapositive of the statement — “If two triangles are congruent. then their areas are equal”. > (March 2015) (2 marks} Discuss the siatement paitern, using truth table : ~(~p a~q) vq (March 2015) (9 marks) Construct the switching circuit for the following statement : Wey (—pagivil-qanv~pl (March 2015) (9 marks) Mp sq =F pq =F then the truth value of p and q is : tT OTF WET WEF (Oct, 2015) (2 marks) sing truth table prove that :po>q=(paqiv(-pa~4q) (Oct. 2015) (9 marks) (194) ‘Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 195 a7 a9) ay (22) (23) (28) (29) (90) en (32) Construct the stmplified clreult for the following circuit. (Oct. 2015) (8 marks) S 5 SS lo eee es Aten «igri f@) py(-avr) @) —prq>n— (@) ~pal-a>—n) @) ~pv(qa—r) March 2016) (2 marks) Examine whether the following logical statement pattern is tautology. contradiction or contingency. ipa) nal (March 2016) (3 marks) Without using truth table show that : ~ip vq) v(~pAgi=~p (March 2016) (8 marks) Inverse ofthe statement pattern (p vq) ->(p ‘ q) 1s @) pra pva ®) ~Pva> ero (©) (~pv~q) > (~pa-a) (@) (—pa—q>(-py-a) (July 2016) (2 marks) Ifp.q. are the statements with truth values T, FT, respectively then find the truth value of tage~p (July 2016) (2 marks) (July 2016) (4 marks) \Write the following statement in symbolic form and find tts truth value : YeN, n+ 11s an even number and n?~"n is an odd number. (March 2017) (2 mack) Using truth tables, examine whether the statement pattern a — (Aq) (p a) tsa tautology, contradiction or contingency, (March 2017) (3 marks) Construct the switching cireutt forthe satement(p 6 — () The kitchen ts neat and udy (uly 2017) (2 wars) Write the converse, inverse and contrapostive ofthe following statement “IEA rains then the maich wil be cancelled.” (uly 2017) (8 maths) Exprese the following ewitchingeieuit in symbole form of logic. Construct its switching tale and write your con- clusion from 1: s i Ss & (July 2017) (9 marks) | Write the negations of the following, statements: (a) All students of this college live in the hostel. (b) 6 is an even number or 36 is a perfect square. (March 2018) (2 marks) ‘Using the truth table, prove the following logical equivalence : Pegeiprgy(~pr~q (March 2018) (3 marks) ‘Write converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following conditional statement: “Ian angle is a right angle then its measure is 90°.” (March 2018) (8 marks) | 196 UTTAM's XII Mathematics (Sct.) Papers with Solution (83) Write the dual of each of the following statements : (@) ~patqved (b) “Shweta ts a doctor or Seema is a teacher.” (July 2018) (2 marks) (84) Using truth table, examine whether the following statement pattern is a tautology, a contradiction or a contingency: yaqlvrepviqyn) (July 2018) (9 marks) (88) Write the negations ofthe following statements : (a) If dtagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular, then itis a rhombus. (@) Mangoes are delicious, but expensive. (©) A person is rich tfand only srhe is a software engineer. (March 2019) (8 marks) (96) Write the truth values of the following statements (a) 28a rational number and J {s an trrational number, ) 2+3=5 or V2+V3=V5 (March 2019) (3 marks) (87) Find the symbolic form of the given switching ctreuit. Construct lis switching table and interpret your result. — (0farch 2019) (4 marks} (88) Write the dual of p »~ p= F (March 2020) (1 saack) (39) Using truth table verify that ~ (p v q)= ~pa~q (March 2020) (2 marks) (40) Express the following circuit in symbolic form : oe s ef SS oy i= @— (0farch 2020) (2 marks) (41) State the converse, inverse and contrapostive of the conditional statement ‘Tha sequence ts bounded, then i is convergent (Ofarch 2020) (8 marks) 42)

pa~aie @p Wa WiPra Mirai (Oct. 2021) (2 marks) (43) Wette converse and inverse of the following statement: “Ix > y then 2 > y* (Oct. 2021) (2 marks) (44) Examine whether the statement pattern (~p -+ 9) (p 4 r)1s a tautology or a contradiction or a contingency. (Oct. 2021) (4 (45) The negation of p » (q > 1) is: (a) —prtas—r) @) pri-qv) @-prrarn @\prian-1 (arch 2022) (2 marks) (46) Using truth table verify that: (pagv~q=epyv~q t (March 2022) (2 marks) (47) Without using truth table prove that aavi~paaypa~aapva (March 2022) (4 marks) 2-2 cy tas [f | then tnd A by adjoint method. (Merch 2013) (2 marks} (2) ‘The sum of three numbers is 9. If we multiply third number by 3 and add to the second number, we get 16. By ade- {ng the first and the third number and then subtracting twice the second number from this sum, we get 6. Use this ‘information and find the system of linear equations. Hence, find the three numbers using matrices. (March'2013) (4 marks) ‘Summary of the Questions Asked in Prevtous Exam 197 @ m @) (a0) ay a2) as) as as) 2 sn [5] eotaxin tnd yg cent drat ae ‘The cost of 2 books, 6 notebooks and 3 pens 1s € 40. The cost of 3 books, 4 notebooks and 2 pens is € 35, while the cost of 5 books, 7 notebooks and 4 pens is ® 61. Using this information and matrix method. find the cost of 1 Jp aed ets ane [3] mans =e est Paes es. a aoc 10 Express the following equations in the matrix form and solve them by method of reduction: 2x-y +2= 1x4 2y +92 = 8, ax4y~42= 1. (March 2014, Oct. 2014) (4 marks) 200 ‘The inverse of the matrix | 1 0 | is 00 = too) [too [roo shoe 01 0] mo 10) @/o +o) m-}o +0 (Oct, 2014) (@ marks) 00 - 001 a oo oot 200 a= |o 2 0] .thenat =. 002 (@ 6a () 124 (©) 16a (a 924 (arch 2015) (2 mares) ‘The sum of three members is 6. When second number is subtracted from thrice the sum of first and third number, we get number 10. Four times the sum of third number is subtracted from five times the oum of first and second, ‘number, the result is 3. Using above information, find these three numbers by matrix method. (March 2015) (4 marks) tial sega. Am 14 2 142 w]4 5 2) i254] @i2 5 4 (Cet, 2015) (@ marks) 1 1-31 1 are 133) Find the inverse of the matrix. A= |1 4 3| by using columa transformations. (Oct. 2015) (@ marks) 134 123 pie rod apyird=[) 2 8) .p= |i 2 (farch 2016) (2: marks) 4 1-2 . ‘The cost of 4 dozen pencils, 3 dozen pens and 2 dazen erasers is ® 60. The cost of 2 dazen pencils. 4 dozen pen ‘and 6 dozen erasers is € 90 whereas the cost of 6 dozen pencils, 2 dozen pen and 3 dozen erasers is ® 70. Find the ‘cost of each item per dozen by using matrices, (March 2016, July 2016) (4 marks) ua= [2g] oxntniahrahint nts (ty 2016 mas 1 5) 1s 5 if-a ipl 5 4 4 (March 20 al © ate i © is 4 c 17) (2 marks) is reese elit so eli’ i cee ee eee ea: ene a (hare 2017) (aes tin terme ete mas [1] wea] oe 32] ee, wi a5 series va (ay 2017 mci 2 9 Fe fete tea tg nae mS (a) ie il ) Be S| ©) i =| (March 2018) (2 marks) (0) ya ers be de [aus. 6] ig eae! actos ier ata ma cial ataseanearatemetneery es |( 5 5] sfabug sania lay ae ca nina md Se x+y +2 =6,ax-y + 32 = Band 5x + Sy - 42 =3. (July 2018) (9 marks) is Tere cree ee eee ea ae oar es enes epemet me eae ES ya meager pepe pie ery pei ree cages i iO ae 13 (24) Find the matrix of eo actors or the mat | Z| (March 2020) (2 marks) 1) we se aR ae as cen; ‘x+ Sy +4z=13 2 (March 2020) (4 marks) 2m) ra m3 (oa 2081) aa Te oie od pee ee eS hed poms aps he eto ee cost of 6 pencils, 2 pens and 3 erasers is 2 70. Find the cost of each item by using matrix inversion method. (Oct. 2021) (4 masks} i) Pad etc i cemetsrtmae[ 2] nents ee a ae ena A Fe ie iri Di toaace Seen os er 30) (4 mat (1) The principal solution of the equation cot x =~ /3 is (@) 6 ) 3 fe) . (d) (March 2013) (2. bt Pd baat aera at rh 301518 ‘Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 199 (@) Pind the general solution of cos x + sin x = 1 (March 2013) (2 marks) (4) With usual notations, in ABC. prove that a (b cos C ~¢ cos B) = b*~c, (Oct. 2013, March 2017) (2 marks) )-«x(4) (x 2019) mac (6) The general solution of the trigonometric equation tan® @ = 1 is . (Poms: o'(-!)ror x x o=nrzE.nez O=nnt 3 nez ( o=nes = Oo) +8 (©) O-nes Eenez (@) O=nxnez (March 2014) (2 marks) (7) _ In any ABC, with usual notations, prove that bt = c* + a — 2ca cos B, (tarch 2014, 2019) (4 marks) 4 12 33 ‘Show that : cv6"!( *)+cos"t/ 12 )- cos| fa (8) that : coe" (3) a} cos! (e) (March 2014, 2017) (4 marks) (9) Show that; 2sin (Oct. 2014) (8 marks) (10) madBC wih ut eta poet: 2fante(S)camt(A)]-(ase-b) (xt 2014) mrt i eae eee ete eres : (ot, 204) 4 marin (12) The principal solution of cos* (a) te: w% w 2 © = @ = (0tarch 2015) (2 marks) (13) In any AADC, tfc, B22 are in arithmetic progression, then prove that cot A, eot B, cot C are in arithmette progres- sion. (March 2015) (4 marks) (a4) Find the general solution of cos x~ sin x = 1. (orarcn 2015) (4 marks) a—beosC _ cosB In a ABC, with usual notations prove that : ¢—PS28€ OS: b-acosC cosA (Oct. 2015) (2 marks) ‘ O58) a8) cS (a6) tm A486, prove that tan ASP) (2=9) cot (Oct, 2015) (4 marks) (217) Show thatthe ange between any two dlagonas of «cube is. cos( 5) (Oct. 2015) (4 marks) a8) cot "(**? (0c. 2015) (4 mares) xl 9) wo wi (March 2016) (2 marks) fo tAtstieon do erat en eew ed -8)'A(2]s (arb nt ( Dae (hae 2016; 5010) maka) (21). Find the general solution of sin x + sin Sx + sin Sx = 0 (arch 2016) (4 masks) (22) Find the general solution of the equations sin x = tan x = (July 2016) (2 marks) (uly 2016) (8 marks) (24) taany triange ABC with usual notations prove c= acosB + beosA (uly 2016) (8 marks) (25) In, AABC with usual notations a = 18, = 24. c= 90 then sin’ = + ma oa @ oe (July 2016) (2 marks) 200 UTTAM's XII Mathematics (Sct.) Papers with Solution (26) In SABC, ifa= 13, b= 14.andc = 15, then an (3) = epbes Swng Gane w? (ac 20172 ast (27) Find the general solution ofthe equation sin Dx + sin 4x + in 6x = 0 (arch 2017) (9 mas) (28) Wf tan* (2x) + tan" (3x)=F , then find the value of (July 2017) (9 marks) (20) The anges ofthe AABC are ia ABand b: ¢ = VB:VB then Mud 2A, 2B, Zc. (uty 2017) (4 marks) (90) Find the general solution of cot + tan x = 2 cosee x. (uly 2017) (3 maces (81) The principal solutions of = BFE se 21 (arch 2018) (2 mares) (March 2016) (4 marks) \+ cost 32) tnt (March 2018) (4 marks) 13 6 = (34) In AABC, prove that accosB—becos A =a* - b* ‘(July 2018) (2 marks) (85) Find the general solution of sin2x + sin 4x +sin6x =O (Gly 2018) (4 marks) (26) Using the Sine rule, prove the Cosine rule. (July 2018) (4 marks) (87), The principal sotutions of cot x =-V are. x Se bn 72 5x 1 xls fa) a6 ) te oe (a) ve (March 2019) (1 mark) (88) tm aaBc, prove tat sin( #>&)-(P=*) oa( A) (arch 2019) (9: marks) (59) Show mat: sin'( 5 )+cos (3) (arch 2019) (8 marks) (40) maaDe, fa =2,)=Sandsina= 2 then 2B = x x x x o> > a> > (arch 2020) (2 marks) (41) Find the general solution of tan 2x = 0 (March 2020) (1 marie) (42) Show dat: ain ( & Joa !(2) stn (Gtarch 2020) (8 marks) (43) In AABC, tfa + b+ ¢ = 2s, then prove that sin( 4)= |{PHE=). wits usual notations. (Ofarch 2020) (4 marks) (44) ttpotar co-ordinates of pnt Pare {¥2, “men cartesian co-ordinates of point Pare fa) (1,1) (b) (1,1) fe) (1,1) (@) (-1.-1) (Oct. 2021) (2 marks) (4) te inp ue a [2 (vt 2001) mt (46) rn ano [3] 8) (ox 20) mara (47) aA th ante, prope a a. be a sinA~ sinB~ Sin where Ris the eircumradius of AABC. (Oct. 2021) (4 marks) ‘Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 201 4s) (49) (50) 6) (62) ay @) @ w 6) © a) @) @ a0) ay aa) as) aay as) a6) a7 In AABC if +a —b? = ac, then 2B = # > > oF oz (arch 2022) (2 marks) Find the principal value of cot "|=2) (March 2022) (1 marke) Find the principal sclutions of cot @ = 0. (arch 2022) (2 marks) Find the Cartesian co-ordinates of the point whose polar co=ordinates are (2.2) (arch 2022) (2 marks) 12 tan (cos x) = tan (2 cosee x), then ind the value of x. (otarch 2022) (3 marks) Prove that the acute angle 0 between the pair of straight lines aux* + 2hxy + by* aun®—ab a+b tan = where a +b #0 (March 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, (Oct. 2008, 2009, 2012) (S marks) Find the separate equations of the lines represented by the equation 3x* ~10xy ~ 8i* =O (March 2013) (2 marks) If2x + y = 0 1s one of the lines represented by 3x* + kay + 2y? = O then the value of K 1s, rs tle aig @ (0: 2019) @ maa Find the values of p and q. if the following equation represents a patr of perpendicular lines pe —81y43y?414x+2y+q=0 (Oct. 2013) (8 marks) ‘Show that the equation x’ ~6xy-+5y’ +10x~14y-+9=0 represents a pair of lines. Find the acute angle between them, Av nthe poi ofiterecton of thee (March 2014) marks Prov thats homogeneous ection of degre wn andy Le. + hy + iy? = represents a pak es ough te origin ab. (March 2014, 2019) 9 mark Find he Joint equton of the pi of nes trough the orig each of which sang am are of 30° wth eine ax + Qy-11 =0 (Oct, 2014, 2016, Oct. 2015) (3 marks) If the angle between the lines represented by ax* + 2hxy + by* = O ts equal to the angle between the lines 2x? — Say + Sy? =O , then show that 100(h* - ab) = (a + bP, (Oct. 2014, July 2018) (4 marks) Man equation oy gr $y $= 0 rpremte «ptr often tes (9) fo~ch (b) gh=f —(e)_ fh~cg (@) Wf =-eg (March 2015) (2 marks) Find if the sum of slopes of lines represented by equation x? + kxy - 3y = 0 Is twice thetr product. (arch 2015) (2 marks) ‘The slopes of the lines given by 12x? + bay-y? =0 difer by 7. Then the value of b is: (a 2 (e) +2 fo) #1 1 (Oct, 2015) (@ marks) Find k, ifthe equation kay + 10x + 6y + 4 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines. (Oct. 2015) (2 marks) ‘The Joint equation of the patr of lines passing through (2, 3) and parallel to the coordinate axes Is. (@) xy-ax-2yr0=0 (©) ay+3x+2y+6=0 (o) yo (@) xy-3x-2y-0=0 (arch 2016) (@: marks) Find k, tfone of the ines gven by 6x? + oy + y= OIs2x+y=0 (arch 2016) (2 marks) Find the joint equation of pair of lines passing through the origin and perpendicular to the lines represented by ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0. (July 2010) (9 marks) Pind p and k, if the equation px* - 8xy +3y" + 14x +2y +k =0 represents a patr of perpendicular lines. (July 2016) (4 marks) If 0s the measure of the acute angle between the lines represented by the equation ax” + 2hxy + by” = 0, then avi ab ‘a+b prove that tan 0 where a + b+ 0 and b 0, Find the condition for colncident lines. (March 2017) (4 marks) as) a8) an (aa) (23) (aay (28) an (29) (30) en a @ @) m @ UTTAMs XU Mathematics (Sct) Papers with Solution Find the joint equation of the pair of lines passing through the origin which are perpendicular respectively to the lines represented by Sx + 2xy ~3y* = 0. (Mareh 2017) (8 marks) Find p and q, ifthe equation pt ~ Bxy + 3y?+14x +2y +q=0 represents a pair of perpendicular ines. (July 2017, Mareh 2019) (8 marks) 191s the measure of acute angle between the pair of lines represented by ax* + 2fuxy + by? = 0, then prove that tan 9 = poets a+ be0. Hence find the acute angle between the llens — 4xy + y* = 0 (uly 2017) (4 marks) Find the jotnt equation of the patr of lines passing through the origin, which are perpendicular tothe ines represented by 5x* + 2xy - 3y° = 0. (March 2018) (3 marks) If the sum of the slopes of the lines represented by x*+kxy~3y* =0 1s twice their product. then the value of k’ ts (a) 2 m1 on (a) 2 (July 2018) (2 macks) Show that the equation 2x*-+2y-y'+x+4y-9=0 represents a pair of straight lines. (July 2016) (2 marks) Find the angle between the lines represented by 3x* + 4xy - 3y* = 0. (March 2020) (2 marks) Prove that a homogeneous equation of degree two in x and y ic. ax! + 2hxy + by* = 0 represents a pair of lines passing through the origin, if? - ab 2 0. - (March 2020) (4 marks) Find the separate equations of the lines represented by x‘ —y' +x-y=0. (Oct. 2021) (1 marke) Find the value of K, 1° the sum of the slopes of the limes represented by x’ + Kxy ~ Sy" = 0 is twice thetr product. (Oct. 2021) (2 marks) Prove that the acute angle @ between the lines represented by the equation ax? + 2hay + by! = 0 is given by ns oe (Oct. 2021) (9 marks) Wate the separate equations of lines represented by the equation i°~9y? = 0 (aceh 2022) (4 mare Pind the value of k, if + y = 0 1s one of the lines represented by 3x* + kxy + 2u'=0. (March 2022) (2 marks) Ifangle between the lines represented by ax’ + 2hxy + by? = 0 1s equal to the angle between the lines represented by 2x ~ Say + 3y? = 0, then show that 100(h? —ab) = (a + bP. (March 2022) (8 marks) Using vector method, prove thatthe median ofa trange are concurret. (Oct.2008, 2010, March 2010,2016, 2018) (3 marks) If the vectors -3i +4] -2k, i- pj are coplanar then the value of p is @-2 w(t (a2 (atorch 2013) (2 marks) If @ and 6 are two non-zero and non-collinear vectors then prove that any vector r coplanar with @ and 6 can be expressed as F= ja Gi. where f and &, are ecears (March 2013) (4 marks) Find the co-ordinates of the point, whch divides the lie sessment joining the points AZ, ~ 6,8) and BX- 1. 3. ~ 4) externally in the ratio 1:3. (Oct. 2013) (2 marks) Find the volume ofa tetranedron whose vertices are A(-1,, 8), B(@,~2, 1), C1, 9) and D(- 1,-2.4). (Oct. 2013) (4 marks) If @. b, & are the position vectors of the points A. B.C respectively and 2a +35 ~5e = 0. then find the ratio in ‘which the point C divides line segment AB. (March 2014) (2 marks) Prove that three vectors @ . 5 and & are coplanar, f and only if, there exists 2 non-zero linear combination xa+yb+z0=0, (March 2014) (8 marks) IEA, B.C Dare (1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 3), (3, 2, 2) and (3, 3, 4) respectively, then find the volume of the parallelepiped with ‘AB, AC and AD as concurrent edges. (March 2014) (3 marks) Which of the following represents direction cosines of a lines La 1 moD : (a0. (March 2014) (2 marks) |, Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 203 (20) Direction cosines of the line passing through the points A=(-4, 2, 3) and B= (1, 3, -2) are: fale ee Bass 8 (0) a521.2 s 235 yer ter *yertyertyer ed setae. (a) SL oe (11) Find the direction ratios ofa vector perpendicular to the two lines whose direction ratios are -2, 1,1 and 3.4.1 ae (ct. 2014) (2 marks) a2) i [ai oie G+EF isequal to @o | eas (Oct, 2014) (2 marks) as) He (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) (14) Show that volume of parallelepiped with coterminous cages as @. B and ¢ i [a BE], hence find the volume of the parallelepiped whose coterminous are i+ j.j +fR-+i (Oct. 2014) (4 marks) (25) ‘Find the direction cosins of the line perpendicular to the line whose direction ratios are -2, 1,—1 and -3, ~4, 1. (Oct. 2014) (4 marks) (16) a= 1+9)b= 91+ je=4i+8), tnd x andy such that ¢~xa+ yb (March 2015) (2 marks) (17) IA, B, Cand D are(1, 1,1), (2, 1,9), (8, 2.2) (8,8, 4) respectively, then find the volume of parallelepiped with AB, AC and AD as the concurrent edges. (March 2015) (8 marks) (18) Ifpoint C(¢) divides the segment joining the points A(a) and B(B) internally in the ratio m:n, then prove that g-mbsne (arch 2015) (9 marks) (19) If4,B, C, Dare four non-collinear points in the plane such that AD+iD+ED=6, then prove that point Ds the centroid of the ABC. (Oct, 2015) (@ marks) (20) Prove that the volume of a parallelepiped whose coterminous edges as a,b, ¢ ts [2b <} Hence find the volume of a parallelepiped whose coterminous edges i+ J.J+K and k+i (ct. 2015) (2 marks) (21). Express -(-3)+4K as a linear combination of vectors 2i+)-4k,2i+3K and 3i+j-2k (Oct. 2015) (3 marks) (22) if p-i-2)+kandq~i+4j—2k are position vector (RV) of points P and Q, find the position vector of the point R ‘which divides segment PQ internally in the ratio 2:1 (March 2016) (2 marks) (23) Find the volume of tetrahedron whose coterminous edges are 7i + ,2i +5)—Skand4i+3]+k. sae cette aie (March 2016) (3 marks) (24) Ifthe vectors 2i-qj+3kand4i ~ 5) +6K are collinear, then value of q 18. fs 10 8 a2 (July 2016) (2 mars) (25) By vector method show thatthe quadrilateral with vertices A, 2, ~ 1), B(,~9, ~4), C6, ~4, 1), D2, 1, Aisa aie (July 2016) (2 marks) (26) Prove that the volume of the parallelepiped with coterminous edges as —. b, 1s [ab é].and hence find the volume of the parallelepiped with ss coterminous edges 2/-+5)-4&,51+7]+5kandal +5)-2% (July 2016) (4 marks) (27) Find the volume of the parallelepiped whose coterminous edges are given by vectors 2i +3)- 4K,5i +7] +5k and 4i+5)-2% (July 2016) (4 marks) (28) A line makes angles of measure 45° and 60° with positive direction of y and z axes respectively. Find the d.c.s. of the line and also find the veetor of magnitude 5 along the direction of line. (July 2016) (4 marks) (29) I the points Al2, 1, 1), B(O, 1, 4) and C(k, 8, -2) are collinear, then k = =... fo 1 to4 @-4 (March 2017) (2 marks) (80) 11, m, mare the direction cosines of a line then prove that f° + m* + n* =1, Hence.find the direction angle of the line with the X-axis, which makes direction angles of 195° and 45° with ¥ and Z axes respectively. (March 2017) (4 marks) (81) Using vector method, find the incentre of the triangle whose vertices are P(O, 4, 0), QX0, 0, 3) and R(O, 4, 3) (March 2017) (4 marks) (32) (33) (34) (38) (36) (7) (38) (39) (40) ay (42 (4s) (aa) (48) (48) an (48) (60) 1) UTTAM's XII Mathematics (Sct) Papers with Solution Ifalline makes angles 90", 195°, 49° with X, ¥ and Z axes respectively, then its tts direction cosines are Mon-z WO-4.-e OB MO- pe (ly 2017) (2 marks) Ialline makes angles a, fy with co-ordinate axes prove that cosa + cos2B + cos2y +1 = 0 (July 2017, March 2018) (2-marks) MG =3i-J+4k.b=2i+9)-Re=si +2] +98. then a.(6x {a) 100 101 (110 (July 2017) (2 marks) Ifa, B, & are the position vectors of the points A, B,C respectively such that Sa +5b-8@~= 0, find the ratio tn which A divides BC. (July 2017) (2 marks) LetA(a) and B (6) be any two points in the space R(F) be a point on the line segment AB dlvicing it internally in the ratio m:n, then prove that F aa ‘Hence find the position vector R which divides the line segment joining the points A(1, ~ 2, 1) and B(1, 4, - 2) internally in the ratio 2:1 ‘(July 2017) (4 marks) If a= 91-2] + 7k,b 5+ J—2k and c=i+ jh then find a.(5<<) (March 2018) (2 marks) Ifthe origin is the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are A(2, p, ~ 3), B(q,~ 2, 5) and Ri-5, 1, r), then find the values of pq. 1 (arch 2018) (9 marks) Ifa, 8. are direction angles of line f, then prove that costa + cos’ + costy = 1. Hence deuce that sinta + sin7B + sin) = 2 (July 2018) (4 marks) the vectors 1-2) + fai ~8]+3Rand5i-07-+ 4i are coplanar, then the value of « is _ fa) 3 ()-3 (2 (4)-2 ‘(July 2018) (2 marks) If @, B, @ are the position vectors of the points 4, B, C respectively such that $a + 55 = 8, then find the rato in which C divides AB. (July 2018) (2 marks) Ifpoints A(5, 5, 2), B- 1,3, 2)and Cl-4, 2,2) are collinear, then find the value of (July 2018) (2 marks) ‘Prev Gnd Ustoe vec @B4n06 Gre Sopa if and ly if thre exist soci 2 Minder combination” + xa ybs28=6. (July 2018) (4 mares) ‘The direction ratios ofthe line which is perpendicular to the lines with direction ratios -1, 2.2 and O, 2. 1 are (a) -2,-1,-2 (b) 2,12 (©) 2,-1,-2 (a) -2, 1, -2 (March 2019) (1 mark) Find the volume of the parallelepiped, ifthe coterminous edges are given by the vectors 21 +5)-4k, 5+7}+5K, 41 +5) -28 (arch 2019) (2 marks) Find the value ofp, ifthe vectors i-2]+% 21-5)+ pkandSi-9]+ 48 arecoplanar. (March 2019) (2- marks) ‘Show that the points A( 7, 4,2), B{- 2, 1, 0) and C(3, ~ 2, 2) are collinear. (March 2019) (2 marks) If A(@) and B(®) be any two potnts in the space R(F) be a point on the line segment AB dividing it internally in ‘he rato m:n, then prove that 7= 2 (March 2019) (9 marks) Wa=Si-J+4%b=21+3)-k and c=-si+2}+3K, then G(5x2) s___- (a) 100 ¢h) 110 fe) 109 (a) 108 (March 2020) (2 marks) @ and B arenon - collinear vectors. if €=(x-2)a-+B and d= (2x-+1)a—B are collinear, then find the value of x (March 2020) (2 marks) I AABC is right angled at B, where AGS, 6, 4), BI4, 4, 1) and C(8, 2, x), them find the value of x = ‘(March 2020) (3 marks) Iftwo non-zero vectors, @ and B are perpendicular to each other, then (@—B)’ =... (ar (wy (as) wad @axb (Oct, 2021) (2 marks) ‘Show thatthe potnts A(S, 2,4), B(9. 8, -10) and C(-2, -3, 1) are collinear. (Cet, 2021) (2 marks) two non-zero vectors @ and & are collinear then prove that there exist scalars m and n such that ma+nb~0 andimn80,0. (Oct. 2021) (2 marks) the vectors 31 +5k, 41+2)—3R and 37+ J+4¥ are coterminus edges ofa parallelopiped, then fnd the volume of the parallelopiped. (Oct. 2021) (3 marks) ‘Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 205 (56) (87) a @ @ w 6) @ (10) ay aa) as) aa) as) a6) Find the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are the vectors 2i-2j+k and i-3)-3k. (Oct. 2021) (8 marks) The value of # (je) + }-(Ri)+ &-(i]) 0 (#0 = @)-1 (1 (as S (March 2022) (2 marks) HFAIS, 1, p). BCL 4, p) and C(1,-2, 8)are vertices ofa triangle and G[r.*.] 1 ts centroid, then And he values ofp. 4, r by vector method. (March 2022) (3 marks) IFAla) and B(B) be any two points inthe space and Riz) be « potnt on the line segment AB dividing it internally tn the ratiom :n then prove that |= "+R (March 2022) (8 marks) Using vectors prove that the altitudes of a tlange are concurrent. (ofarch 2022) (4 marks) Pind vector equation of line passing through the point whose position vector is 3f—4}+ and parallel tothe vector 2i+ j-3ie . Also write the equation in Cartesian form. (March 2019) (9 marks) Show that the lines given by “> {nterséct. Also find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection. (March 2013) (8 marks) Find the shortest distance between the lines et a 25} and ; : 247 (cot, 2013) (8 marks) Ifa Une is inclined at 60° and 30° with the X and Y ~axes respectively. then the angle which it makes with Z-axts is @o oF oF wz (Oct, 2013) (2 marks) Find the ange between the line *=1=¥*! «242 and the plane 2x + y-9244=0 (Oct 2013) (4 marks) nation of plane «7 (8-4.je12%) 8, Fin the leh ofthe perpen fem the ong othe ane (atarch 2014) (2 marks) Find the equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of planes 2x-y+2=3 and 434058690 ane pra totheine £3 5-3 (arc 208) mat Te Crest equ of tne ts =8=H124.-3=5., and tnvecoroquton, (rch 2014) (2 mart) Find the acute angle between the lines whove direction ratios aie, 12,19 and 9,4, (March 2014) (2 marks) Intersect, then find the value of k (ofarch 2014, 2019; Oct. 2014) (9 marks) “The Cartesian equations of the line are 3x+1 = 6y -2.=1~2 . Find lis equation tn vector form. = (Oct. 2014) (2. marks) Find the vector equation ofthe plane which i ata distance of 5 unis from the origin and which is normal tothe vector 2i+ jr 2k (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) Parametric form ofthe equation ofthe plane is = (i+ 4k)-Ai+ p(i+2]-3E)p and pare parameters, Find normal tothe plane and henee equation of te plane in normal form, Write Its Cartestan form. (Gct. 2014) (4 marks) and i.(f+2]+%)=1 (arch 2015) (2 marks) Find the ange between the planes i (21+ 7 Find the equations of the planes parallel to the plane x-2y + 22—4=0, which are ata unit distance from the point (1,2, 3) (March 2015) (4 marks) ‘The Cartesian equation of line are 3x -1=6y +2=1~2. Find the vector equation of tine. (March 2015) (2 marks) 206 UTTAM's XII Mathematics (Sct.) Papers with Solution (17) Pind the direction cosines of the line * USE ae 1 (Oct, 2015) (2 marks) 18) Find the length of the perpendicular from the potnt (3, 2, 1) to the line (Oct. 2015) (3 marks) (19) Show that the points (1, 1, 1) and (-9, 0, 1) are equidistant from the plane i.(Si+ 412K) +13 =0 (Oct, 2015) (2 marks} 7 =57 are coplanar Find the equation of the plane (Oct, 2015) (4 marks) (21) Find the vector equation of the plane passing through a point having position vector 3i~2 j+4i and perpendicular to the vector 4i+3.j+ 2k. (March 2016) (2 marks) (22) Find the vector equation of the plane passing through the points 1+ j~2ie. i+2 jie. 2i- jh. Hence find the Cartestan equation of the plane. (March 2016) (4 marks) (28) irthe tines YS 2-6 are at right angle then find the value of k. a (March 2016) (2 marks) ie ake) ee) where 2 3k (24) Find the shortest distance between the lines Fa(aij)+9(i+2)-€) ana ‘and j are parameters. (arch 2016) (8 marks) (25) tfattine drawn from the point Ali, 2, 1) 1s perpendicular to the line joining P(1, 4, 6) and Q(6, 4, 4) then find the ‘co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular. (March 2016) (4 marks) (26) Find the angle between the lines F=Si+2]-4K+2(i+2]+2K) and 7=5i-28+(3i+2j+6%) (July 2016) (2 marks} EAL utl 24) og x3 _y-5_ 2-7 (27) Find the shortest distance between the lines ** =U" —2* pt =F uty 2016) (8 mars) (28) Find the Cartesian form of the equation of the plane 7 (is i)}+s(i- deze) e(ioaiee) (July 2016) (8 marks) (29) Show that the points (1,-1.3) and (3, 4, 3) are equidistant from the plane 5x +2y-72+8 = 0. (July 2016) (3 marks} (80) if from a point Q(a, b,c] perpendiculars QA and QB are drawn to the YZ and ZX planes respectively, then find the vector equation of the plane AB. (March 2017) (2 marks) (81) Find the vector and Cartesian equations of the plane passing through the points A(1, 1, -2), BCL, 2, 1) and 12,1, 1) (March 2017) (4 marks) (92) Find the Cartesian equation of the line passing through the points A(3, 4, -7) and (6, -1, 1) (March 2017) (2 marks) (89) Find the shortest distance between the lines * (tarch 2017) (8 marks) (34) Pind the ange between the lines whose direction ratios are 4, -$.5 and 3, 4,5. (duly 2017) (2 ame) (98) Find the vector equation and Cartesian equation of a line passing through the points A. 4 7) and BIG. 1. 1) (uly 2017) (8 mar) (80) sttetme F=(i-2}+9h);72{2-joah) pra! he plane 7 -(si-2)+ pk )-10, tnd te vale ofp. (July 2017) (2 marks) (37) Find the equation of the plane passing through the intersection of the planes 3x +2y-2z+1=0 and x+y+2-2=0 and the potnt (2, 2, 1). (July 2017) (4 marks) (38) Find the distance of the point (1, 2, -1) from the plane x-2y +4z-10=0 (March 2018) (2 marks) (39) Find the vector equation of the plane passing through the points A(1. 0, 1), BU, -1, 1) and C(4, -3, 2) (March 2018) (4 marks) (40) The measure of acute angle between the lines whose direction ratios are 3, 2, 6 and -2, 1, 2 18... ta) com*(>) Ow) co (S) em 3) @ (3) (March 2018) (2 marks) Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 207 ay (as) aa) (46) (a7) (4s) oy (62) 3) 64) (65) (56) 67 Find the vector equation of the line which passes through the potnt with position vector 4i- J+ 2i and is in the direction of 21+ +h. (March 2018) (2 marks) Find the ange between the tines %=1.4—8 = ana 52 ine (March 2018) (3 marks) Tae este ange beeen he tne 1 tod plane 105 -3y-11e-0 tay ain*(S) (oy cos'(2) fe) sin(4) (a9 cowi( t (July 2018) (2 marks) a 2 5 3 Apilane meets the coordinate exes in A. B. C such that the centroid of the triangle ABC fs the point (p, q.#). Show thatthe equation ofthe plane ls 2+ =3 (July 2018) (4 marks) ‘The acute angle between the two planes x+y+2z=3 and 3x-2y+2z=7 is. oy ow (S5) ©) cos" (8) (0) sie"( 35) (a) cos" (az) (March 2019) (1 eaark) Write te equation of the plane S3x+ 4y~2z =5 inthe vector form. (arch 2019) c2 marks) Find the vector equation of the line passing Uarough the pol (-1, -1, 2) aud parallel to the Ine 2e-2= dy +1 = 6-2. (uly 2010) (9 marks) Terie reise Aad oy erection rate eeTalas Races eqaanencor an tne. (arch 2019) (8 marks) ‘The cartestan equation of the line passing through the points A(4, 2, 1) and B(2,-1, 3) is_. e$_y-2 2-1 x-4_y-2_ 2-1 ee aT set eee ae (March 2020) (2 marks) fe 3 a ) = 3 t . the ime F=(i-25 +Bk)+7(21 + j + 2h) 40 paraliel to the plane F (81-27 +mit)~10,, then value of m is () -2 2 fo +2 @o (@tarch 2020) (2 marks) fa lime makes angles 90°, 135°, 45° with X, Y and Z axes respectively, then find its direction cosines. (March 2020) (2 marks) Show that the points A(2, 1, -1),B(0,—1, 0),CH4, 0, 4) and D(2, 0, 1) are coplanar (farch 2020) (@ marks) 3a Find the equation of the line passing through the point (3. 1, 2) and perpendicular to the lines “scutes 2 e8e8. (March 2020) 5-H-3, 0 ) (9 marks) Find the distance ofthe point i+ 2) from the plane 7 {i-2] + 48)~10 (arch 2020) (8 mares) Find the Cartesian equations of the line passing through A(2. 2, 1) and B(1, 3, 0). (Oct, 2021) (2 marks) and (@) 4.5.7 ) 4,-5.7 ©) 4.-5,.-7 @ 4.5.8 (Oct, 2021) (2 marks) Find the shortest distance between the lines Z F=(si—J) 3((+29-98) and F= (UJ +28) +u(i+4j 52) (ct. 2021) (9 mares) Find the co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the origin to the plane 2x + y-2z = 18. (Oct. 2021) (9 marks) ‘Equation of line passing through the points (0, 0,0) and (2, 1, ~9) is, Zaks @ 7=% 3 (March 2022) (2 marks) 208. (60) a ) i) (8) @ (20) ayy (a2) (a3) (aa) UTTAM's Xil Mathemates (Sct.) Papers with Sotutton Find the Cartesian equation of the plane passing through A(1. 2, 9) and the direction ratios of whose normal are 3,2, 5. (March 2022) (2 marks) ind the distance between the parallel lines Fa =~ SS (March 2022) (9 masks) ‘Find the vector equation of the plane passing through the point A(-1, 2, -5) and parallel to the vectors 4i—j+3k and 14 j-R- (March 2022) (3 marks) ‘Solve the following L.PP graphically. ‘Minimize Z = 10x + 25y ‘Subjectto x<3,y<3,x+y<5,x20,y20 (March 2013) (4 marks) ‘Solve the following L.PP graphically. Minimize Z = Ge +2 Subject to 5x + 9y<90,x + y>4,y<8,x20,y2>0 (Oct. 2013) (4 marks) Minimize Z = 6x + 4y Subject to Sx+ 2y2 12,4 +y25,0sxs4,0sysa (March 2014) (4 marks) Solve the following LPP by using graphical method. Maximize :Z = 6x + 4y Subject to x<2, x+y <3.-2x +y<1.x20.y20. Also find maximum value of Z. (Oct. 2014) (4 marks) ‘A diet ofa sick person must contain at least 48 units of vitamin A and 64 units of vitamin B. Two foods F, and F, are available, Food F, casts Rs. 6 per unit and food F, costs Rs. 10 per unit. One unt of food F., contain 6 units of vitamin A and 7 units of vitamin B. One unit of food F, contains 6 units of vitamin. A and 12 units of vitamin B. Find the minimum costs for the diet that consists of mixture of these two foods and also meeting the minimal nutritional requirements (March 2015) (4 marks) ‘Minimize Z = Ge + 4y Subject to the conditions, ax + 2y212,x+y25,0sxs4,osys4 (Oct. 2015) (4 marks) Minimize Z = 4x + 5y Subject to 2x + y27, 2x + Sy<15, x 3,20, y>0. Solve using graphical method. (March 2016) (4 marks) Maximize Z = Sx + 5y Subject to x + 4524, Sx + y <2l.x+u<9.x20,U20 (July 2016) (4 marks) ‘The cost of 4 dozen pencils, 9 dozen pens and 2 dozen erasers i € 60, The cost of 2 dazen pencils, 4 dozen pens and 6 dozen erases is 8 90 whereas the cost of 6 dozen pencils, 2 dozen pens and 3 dozen erasers is 870. Find the cost of each item per dozen by using matrices. (July 2016) (4 marks) Solve the following LPP by using graphical method Maximize :Z = 6x + 4y Subject to x52, x+y s3,-2xryst,x20,y20. (March 2017) (4 marks) A company manufactures bleyeles and trieycles each of which must be processed through machines A and B. Machine A has maximum of 120 hours available and machine B has maximum of 180 hours avallable. Manufacturing a bicycle requires 6 hours on machine A and 8 hours on machine B. Manufacturing a trieycle requires 4 hours on machine A and 10 hours on machine B. = If profits are 180 for a bicycle end 220 for a tricycle, formulate and solve the L-RR to determine the number of bicycles and tricycles that should be manufactured in order to maximize the profit. (July 2017) (4 marks) Minimize Z = 7x +y Subjectto ox +y25,x+y2>3,x20,y20 e (March 2018) (4 marks) Maximize : Z = @x + 4y Subject to x <2, x+y <3,-2x +ysi.x20,y20. Also find maximum value of Z. (July 2018) (4 marks) Maximize Z = Sx + 5y Subject to x + 4y <24, 2x + y<21x4y <9,x20,y>0, (March 2019) (4 marks) Solve the following linear programming problem: Maximize : Z = 150x + 250y Subject to ; 4x + y < 40, ‘Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 209 as) a7) a @ @) 6) m ‘ax + 2y < 60, x20, y20. (March 2020) (4 marks) ‘Solve the following L.PP using graphical method: Minimize, 2 = 8x + 10y Subject to 2x +y 27, 2e + Sy215, y 22x20 (Oct. 2021) (4 marks) Solve the L, BB by graphical method: Minimize, z= 8x + 10y Subjectto 2x y27, 2x + 3215, y22,x20 (March 2022) (4 marks) MATHEMATICS (PART - II) Mt y= Yet +oine seine Fa (March 2011, 2015) (9 marks) a= a= tat ts tid ar 201) (4 mae 1) 1) ay _x ae +2), men show that 2 =* March 2013) (8 marks) feelin aa; ay ‘ os Max! + 2hay + by! =0, show that 4°Y <0 (March 2013) (4 marks) eae It x =e"*.then Y= 7. then lex logs Latoge 1x leet ea @ @ © Tage © Tsteg) Trloer ) Tyogx (Oct. 2013) (2 marks) Win + fiw? =a(x-y), show nat 2 (Oct. 2013) (4 marks) Ity @s (March 2014) (2 marks) Ify = flu) is a differentiable funetion of u and u = g (x) is a differentiable function of x, then prove that dy _du du us MW At (arch 2014, 2016, Oct. 2015, July 2018) (3 marks) Bee me iy 2018) (3 marks) y= fig) 1s a differentiable function of x and (March 2014) (3 marks) @o (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) 210 LUTTAMs XII Mathematics (Set) Papers with Sotutton (22) rx =/19, y = g(0 are duferentable functions of parameter °C then prove tht y Is « differentiable function of" dy ais Vat) de WW ite i. 2014) and G2 = 72E S40. Hence nd x= acost.y = asint (Oct. 2014) (4 marks) dt (9) 1 y =e", show mat x f= ylogy (arch 2015) (2 marks) (34) af y=(tan'x}* , show that (1+x*)'4¥ + 2e(1+*)4¢ 2-0 (March 2015) (8 marks) 15) = st 2, 00=* 15) as) tein 535) then show tat = =O (March 2015) (8 marks) a SEL) ant 24VE) then 16) 1ry = gi 2 (ae) (e=1) Oae a0 (Oct. 2015) (2 marks) an (Oct. 2015) (9 marks) a8) (March 2016) (2 marks) (19) it y=cos*(axvi-e"), na (March 2016) (3 marks) (20) if y=secvx ‘ten tne SH (July 2016) (2 marks) (28) tty = fst creatine etn Smet ere fneton = Jy) nt en prove 0) and P(X < 0) (Oct. 2013) (2 marks) The probability distribution of X. the number of defeets per 10 metres ofa fabric Is given by a= [Onan eae [8 3] px =x) | 0.45 | 0.35 | 0.15 | 003 | 0.02 Find the variance of X (Get. 2013) (3 marks) ‘Phe integrating fector of lincar diferential equation H+ ysccx = tan Is (a) secx-tane () secx.tanx (©) secx+tamx (@) secx.cotx (Marck 2014) (2 marks) ‘The probability mass function (pam.f.) of X1s glven below : aac [ 3 PX =x) i ain als als Find EOC. (March 2014) (2: marks) ‘Avrandom variable X tas the following distribution (x. lees fee] ae [oe | 6 | px=x[ « [3k [sk [te [9% [tik [13K (@) Find, () Find PO 5 @ 5 (Oct, 2014) (2 marks) A bakerman sells 5 types of cakes. Profits due to the sale of each type of cake is respectively € 3, €2.5, €2,€1.5, €1. ‘The demands for these cakes are 10%, 5%, 25%, 45% and 15% respectively. What isthe expected profit per cale? (Oct. 2014) (4 marks) ‘Arandom variable X has the following probability distribution : [scm se] eae) arose ta 2” [3 Lp [oi [or [2 [02 [os | or = ‘Then EW) =. @os 09 Wo7 wit (March 2015) (2 marks) Let the pm. (probability mass function) of random varlable x be. mt ereiey" | krona otherwise Find Btx) and Var (x) (March 2015) (8 marks) the Questions Asked in Previous Exam (12) Games the p.d.f (probabaty density function) fue =0 . otherwise ‘Determine the ¢<4. (cumulative distribution function) of x and henee find ax <1), Pocs-2). Pix> 0), P1 0), PUL 3) (Oct. 2021) (8 marks) (30) ithe pm ofary. X is for x =1,2,3 =0, otherwise, then EQ) = 216 a4 297 o51 esr ae @ (March 2022) (2 marks) 297 (81) Two dice are thrown simultaneously. IfX denotes the number of sixes, find the expectation of X. (March 2022) (8 marks) a Summary of the Questions Asked in Previous Exam 223 a) 2) cy (20) (a (a2) a3) aa) as) a6) an (a) (a9) (20) en (a2) a) insurance get sre Ines ef men, llth a ge ni in good heh. Te probably hat a mano age wil sure tne nex 90ers s known tobe 2. rnd he reba the ex 30 yeas a at 9c saill survive. (March 2013) (3 marks) ‘The probability that a certain kind of component will survive a check test ts 0.6. Find the probability that exactly 2 ‘of the next 4 tested components survive. (March 2019) (9 marks) IX =B (n, P) and BOX) ~ 12, Var (X) = 4, then the value of n ts... 3m) 48 18 (@) 36 (Oct. 2013) (2 marks) ‘The probability that a person who undergoes a kidney operation will be recovered is 0.5. Find the probability that of the 6 patients who undergo similar operations: (@) none wil recover. (b) half of them will recover: (Oct. 2013) (9 marks) Given that X ~ B(n = 10, p), EO) = 8, find the value of p. (March 2014) (2 maxks) ‘A lair coin is tossed 8 times, Find the probability that it shows heads at Ieast once. (March 2014) (8 masks) ‘The probability that a certain kind of component will survive a check test is 0.5. Find the probability that exactly ‘two of the next four components tested will survive. (Oct. 2014) (2 marks) Given X ~ Bin, p). fn = 20, E(X} = 10, find p, Var. (X) and §.D. (X) (Oct. 2014) (8 marks) ‘Afar coin Is tossed five times, Find the probability that t shows exactly three times head, (March 2015) (2 marks) Given X ~ Bin, p). IFEX) = 6, and Var(X) ~ 4.2, find the value of n (Oct. 2015) (2 marks) Each of the total five questions in a multiple choice examination has four choices, only one of which Is correct. A student is attempting to guess the answer. The random variable xis the number of questions answered correct. ‘What Is the probability that the student 9A one correct answer ? (Oct. 2015) (3 marks) Given that X ~ B(n = 10, p). ICE jue 06 =) 07 fe) J (March 2016) (2 marks) ‘The probability that @ person é opefitiin will recover is 0.5. Find the probability that of the ‘six patients who undergo sim {@) Nonewill recover (b) (March 2016) (3 marks) Given X ~ Bin, p). IFEX) = 6, of rand p. (July 2016) (2 marks) ‘The pam for X = number of ‘selected appliance of a certain type is Find the expected value and variance of X. (July 2016) (4 marks) Ifthe probability that a fluorescent light has a useful Iie of at least 800 hours ts 0.9, find the probabilities that ‘among 20 such lights at least 2 wall not have a useful Ife of at least 800 hours, (Given: (0.9)"* = 0.1348 (July 2016) (9 marks) “The expected value of the number of heads obtained when three fair coins are tossed simultaneously 18... mr M15 ~o 1 > (March 2017) (2 macs) ‘The probability that a bomb will hit target 1s 0.8. Find the probability that out of 10 bombs dropped, exactly 4 ‘will hit the target. (March 2017) (2 marks) ‘Afar coin is tossed 6 times, Find the probability that it shows heads, a) exactly 5 times —_(b)_at Teast once. = (March 2017) (3 marks) Given X ~ Bin, pl If = 10 and p= 0.4, find E(X) and var. (0. (July 2017) (2 marks) ‘Suppose that 80% ofall families own a television set. If 5 families are interviewed at random, find the probability that (a) three families own a television set. (b) at least two families own a television set. (July 2017) (8 marks) Given X ~ Bin, p). Ifn = 10 and p = 0.4, find EDO and var. (X. (March 2018) (2 marks) ‘A fatr coin fs tossed 9 times. Find the probability that it shows head exactly 5 times. (March 2018) ( marks) 228 UTTANs X11 Mathematics (Sct) Papers with Solution (24) Given X~ Bin, fp = 06 and BOQ = @ then the value of Var. (0) @24 26 (25 (29 (uty 2018) (2 marks) (25) Suppose that 80% of al families own a television set. I 10 families are interviewed at random, find the probability that at most three fares awn a television set. (July 2018) (marks) (26) Given X~ Bin, p). TECK) = 6, and Var(X) = 42, find the value of mand p (starch 2019) (S marks) (27) X~ Bin. p)and n = 10. E(K) = 5. then find the value of p. (March 2020) (1 mark) (28) A air coin is tossed 8 times. Find the probability that } (0 shows no head. (it shows head at least once. (afareh 2020) (4 marks) (29) Ifthe mean and varlance ofa binomial distribution are 5 and 2.5 respectively, then #5 m0 wis Mis (cx 2021) (2 marks) (90) afar coin is tossed 10 times, fnd the probability of getting (0) exacty sc heads. | (w) atleast six heads. (Oct, 2021) (9 mares) (91) 1fX~ Bln, p)and E(x) = 6 and Var (0) = 42, then nd n and p, (atarch 2022) (2 marks) (92) Ifa fair cotn ts tossed 10 times, nd the probability of getting at most stx heads, (arch 2022) (9 marks) aoe

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