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Oklahoma Jurisprudence Questions with

Verified Solutions

Define Direct Supervision - Correct Answer - The supervising dentist is in the dental office or treatment
facility and during the appt. They personally examine the patient, diagnoses any conditions that need to
be treated , and authorizes the procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or
oral maxillofacial surgery assistant. The supervising dentist is continually on site and physically present
when the procedures are being performed. Before the dismissal of the patient, they evaluate the results
of the dental treatment.

Define General Supervision - Correct Answer - The supervising dentist has diagnosed any conditions to
be treated within the past 13 months, has personally authorized the procedures to be performed by a
dental hygienist, and will evaluate the results of the dental treatment withing a reasonable time as
determined by the nature of the procedures performed, the needs or the patient, and the professional
judgement of the supervising dentist. General supervision may only be used to supervise a hygienist and
may not be used to supervise an oral maxillofacial surgery assistant or dental assistant.

Can a dental assistant or maxillofacial surgery assistant be supervised under general supervision? -
Correct Answer - No, only a dental hygienist can be supervised under general supervision

Define Indirect Supervision - Correct Answer - The supervising dentist is in the dental office or
treatment facility and has personally diagnosed any conditions to be treated, authorizes the procedures
to be performed by the dental hygienist, remains in the dental office or treatment facility while the
procedures are being performed and will evaluate the results of the dental treatment within a
reasonable time as determined by the nature of the procedures performed, the needs of the patient,
and the professional judgement of the supervising dentist. Indirect supervision may not be used for an
oral maxillofacial surgery assistant or a dental assistant.

When the supervising dentist evaluates dental treatment results, what determines the reasonable time
in which the treatment may be evaluated? - Correct Answer - 1. The nature of the procedure performed

2. The needs of the patient

3. The professional judgement of the supervising dentist

Define patient or a patient of record - Correct Answer - An individual who has given a medical history
and has been examined and accepted by a dentist for dental care.

What are some examples of a treatment facility?

(Define treatment facility) - Correct Answer - - A federal, tribal, state or local public health facility

- A federal qualified health care facility (FQHC)

- A private health facility

- A group home or residential care facility serving the elderly, handicapped or juveniles

- A hospital or dental ambulatory center (DASC)

- A nursing home

- A penal institution operated by or under contract with the federal or state government

- A public or private school

- A patient of record's private residence

- A mobile dental unit

- A dental college, dental program, dental hygiene program or dental assisting program accredited by
the Commission on Dental Accreditation or,

- Such other places as are authorized by the rules of the Board

The Oklahoma Board of Dentistry consists of ____ dentists, ____ dental hygienist, ____ members who
represent the public. - Correct Answer - - 8 dentists

- 1 dental hygienist

- 2 public memebers

How do the public members of the Board become members? - Correct Answer - - Appointed by the
Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate

- Each member shall take and subscribe to the oath of office or affirmation provided in Article XV of the
Oklahoma Constitution

Each member of the Board will hold office for how many years? - Correct Answer - 3 years, until a
successor in office is elected and qualified

How many consecutive terms may a Board member serve? - Correct Answer - Board members shall not
serve more than 3 consecutive terms
How is a dentist or dental hygienist eligible to serve on the Board (they are elected by their
peers/colleagues)? - Correct Answer - To be eligible to be elected to and serve on the Board, a dentist
or dental hygienist must have been licensed to practice in this state for at least 5 years, and for the 5
years prior to the date of counting the ballots, not have been subjected to a penalty imposed by the
Board of its predecessor board.

Nominations for dentist members of the Board must be by petition and signed by at least how many
dentists residing in the district to be represented by the nominee? - Correct Answer - 10 dentists

Nominations for dental hygienist members of the Board must be by petition and signed by how many
dental hygienists residing in the state? - Correct Answer - 10 dental hygienists

Nominations for dentist members of the Board must be by petition and signed by dentists residing in the
____ to be represented by the nominee. - Correct Answer - district

Nominations for dental hygienist members of the Board must be by petition and signed by dental
hygienists residing in the ______. - Correct Answer - state

Dentist members of the Board may be recalled and removed from the Board in a special election to be
conducted by the Board upon receipt of a written recall petition signed by at least what percentage of
the dentists residing in the district represented by the member who is subject of the recall petition? -
Correct Answer - At least 20%

Dentist members of the Board may be recalled and removed from the Board in a special election to be
conducted by the Board upon what? - Correct Answer - A receipt of a written recall petition signed by at
least 20 % of the dentists residing in the district represented by the member who is subject of the recall

The dental hygienist member of the Board may be recalled and removed from the Board in a special
recall election to be conducted by the Board upon receipt of a written recall petition signed by at least
what percentage of the licensed dental hygienists residing in this state? - Correct Answer - At least 20%

The dental hygienist member of the Board may be recalled and removed from the Board in a special
recall election to be conducted by the Board upon what? - Correct Answer - A receipt of a written recall
petition signed by at least 20 % of the licensed dental hygienists residing in this state.

A vacancy among the dentist members of the Board shall be filled by a special election on the district of
the vacancy for the unexpired term within how many days after the vacancy occurs? - Correct Answer -
Within 60 days after the vacancy occurs

A vacancy among the dental hygienist member of the Board shall be filled by a special election in this
state for the unexpired term within how many days after the vacancy occurs? - Correct Answer - Within
60 days after the vacancy occurs
The Board is authorized and empowered to ______ and test the _______ of the applicants for a license
of permit to be issued by the Baord - Correct Answer - - examine

- qualifications

The Board is authorized and empowered to affiliate by contract or cooperative agreement with another
state or combinations of states for the purposes of conducting simultaneous ________ examinations of
applicants for a license to practice dentistry, dental hygiene, or a dental specialty. - Correct Answer -

The Board is authorized and empowered to maintain a list of the ______, ______________, and
principal __________ of all persons who hold a license or permit issued by the Board. - Correct Answer -
- name

- current mailing address

- office address

The Board is authorized and empowered to account for all receipts and expenditures of the monies of
the Board, including annually preparing and publishing a statement of receipts and expenditures of the
Board for each ________. - Correct Answer - - fiscal year

The Board is authorized and empowered within limits prescribed in the State Dental Act, set all ______
and ______________ to be imposed and collected by the Board. - Correct Answer - - fees

- administrative penalties

The Board is authorized and empowered to employ an ______. legal counsel and other advisers to the
Board, including advisory committees. - Correct Answer - Executive

The Board is authorized and empowered to ________ and issue investigative and other subpoenas,
pursuant to Article _____ of the Administrative Procedures Act, against any dentist, dental hygienist,
dental assistant, oral maxillofacial surgery assistant, dental lab technician, or holder of a permit to
operate a dental laboratory who has violated the State Dental Act ot rules of the Board. - Correct
Answer - - initiate

- II

The Board is authorized and empowered to conduct, in a uniform and reasonable manner, _______ of
dental offices and dental laboratories and their business records. - Correct Answer - inspections

The Board is authorized and empowered to establish guidelines for courses of study necessary for
_________, _________________, and, when appropriate, issue permits authorizing dental assistants to
perform expanded duties. - Correct Answer - - dental assistants

- oral maxillofacial surgery assistants

The Board is authorized and empowered to establish __________ requirements for dentists, dental
hygienists, dental assistants and oral maxillofacial surgery assistants who hold permits issued by the
Board. - Correct Answer - continuing education

The Board is authorized and empowered to recognize the parameters and standards of care established
and approved by the __________. - Correct Answer - - American Dental Association

The Board is authorized and empowered to formulate, adopt, and promulgate ________, pursuant to
Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act, as may be necessary to implement and enforce the
provisions of the Oklahoma Dental Mediation Act. - Correct Answer - rules

The Board is authorized and empowered to seek and receive advice and assistant of the Office of the
_______ of this state. - Correct Answer - Attorney General

The Board is authorized and empowered to ______, _____, and ______ all persons who hold a license or
permit issued by the Board, or who are otherwise regulated by the Board, regarding the State Dental Act
and the rules of the Board - Correct Answer - - inform

- educate

- advise

The Board is authorized and empowered to affiliate with the American Association of Dental Boards as
an ________, pay regular ______, and send members of the Board as ______ to its meetings. - Correct
Answer - - active member

- dues

- delegates

The Board is authorized and empowered to enter into _________. - Correct Answer - contracts

The Board is authorized and empowered to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, solicitation of gist or by any
other manner, hold, encumber, and dispose of personal ______ as needed... - Correct Answer -

The Board is authorized and empowered to receive or accept the surrender of a _____, ______ or
______ granted to any person by the Board.... - Correct Answer - - license

- permit

- certificate

The Board is authorized and empowered to take all other action necessary to implement and enforce
the _____________. - Correct Answer - State Dental Act
Any applicant who fails to pass the ________ examination may apply for a second examination, in which
case the applicant shall pay a reexamination fee as established by the statutes or rules of the
___________. - Correct Answer - - jurisprudence

- State Dental Act

Any applicant who fails to pass the clinical examination as described in paragraph 4 of subsection C of
this section may be given credit for such subjects as the Board may allow, but such credits shall be
extended only to the succeeding examinations. If the applicant fails to pass a second examination,
before further re-examination, the Board may require evidence of what? - Correct Answer - Additional

Unlawful practices for dental hygienist:

_______ or publish, directly or indirectly, or circulate through the usual commercial channels, such as
the press, magazines, directories, radio, television, sign, display or by leaflets, the fact that he or she is in
the practice of dental hygiene - Correct Answer - Advertise

Unlawful practices for dental hygienist:

Place his or her name in any city, commercial or other ______. - Correct Answer - directory

Unlawful practices for dental hygienist:

Place his or her name in the _____ section of a telephone directory - Correct Answer - classified

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Offer free dental service or examination as an inducement to gain _______ - Correct Answer -

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Claim the use of any secret or patented _______ or ______ - Correct Answer - - methods

- treatments

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Employ of use ______ to obtain patronage - Correct Answer - solicitors

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Pay or accept commission in any form or manner as compensation for ____ patients to any person for
professional services - Correct Answer - referring

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

In any way advertising as having ability to _______ or _______ for any treatment - Correct Answer - -

- prescribe

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Publish any schedule or comparative ________ or fees for his or her services - Correct Answer - prices

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Claim or infer _________ over other dental hygienists - Correct Answer - superiority

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Perform any services in the mouth other than those which are hereafter authorized by the Board of
Dentistry pursuant to authority conferred by the _____________. - Correct Answer - State Dental Act

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Attempt to conduct a ________ of dental hygiene in any place or in any manner other than authorized
by Section 328.34 of this title - Correct Answer - practice

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Attempt to use in any manner whatsoever any oral prophylaxis ______, call list, records, reprints of
copies of same or information gathered therefrom, or the names of patients whom he or she has
formerly treated when serving as an employee in the office of a dentist for whom he or she was
formerly employed - Correct Answer - list

Unlawful practices of the dental hygienist:

Fail to keep prominently displayed in the office of the dentist for whom he or she is employed his or her
_______ and annual ______ certificate. - Correct Answer - - license

- renewal

Is it a violation of the State Dental Act for a dental hygienist to place his or her name in letters no larger
than those used by his or her dentist employer on the door, window or premises, with the letters R.D.H.
or the words, dental hygienist, following his or her name? - Correct Answer - No

The patient record shall clearly identify the dentist and the dental hygienist providing the treatment
with the dentist, specialty or dental hygienist _________ - Correct Answer - license number

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:
Pleading ______ or nolo contendere to, or being convicted of, a felony, a misdemeanor involving moral
turpitude, or a violation of federal or state controlled dangerous substances laws - Correct Answer -

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

The presentation to the Board of a ____ diploma, license or certificate, or one obtained by ___ or illegal
means - Correct Answer - - false

- fruad

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Being, by reason of persistent inebriety or addiction to ____, incompetent to continue the practice of
dental hygeine - Correct Answer - drugs

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Has been guilty of dishonorable or ______ conduct - Correct Answer - unprofessional

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Has failed to pay registration ____ as provided by the State Dental Act - Correct Answer - fees

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Is a menace to the public health reason of _____ disease - Correct Answer - communicable

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Has been proven ______ incapacitated or has been admitted to a mental institution, either public or
private, and until the dental hygienist has been proven to be mentally competent - Correct Answer -

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Is grossly ______ - Correct Answer - immoral

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:
Is ________ in the practice of dental hygiene - Correct Answer - incompetent

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Is guilty of willful _______ in the practice of dental hygiene - Correct Answer - negligence

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Has been convicted for treatment for ______ to a facility, either public or private, and until the dental
hygienist has been proven curred - Correct Answer - drug addiction

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Is practicing or attempting to practice dental hygiene in any place or in any manner other than as ______
by Section 328.34 of this title - Correct Answer - authorized

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Is using or attempting to use in any manner whatsoever any oral prophylaxis ____, call list,
records,reprints or copies of same, or information gathered therefrom, of the names of patients whom
such dental hygienist might have served in the office of a prior employer, unless such names appear
upon the bona fide call or oral prophylaxis list of the present employer of the dental hygienist and were
caused to so appear through the legitimate practice of dentistry, as provided for in the State Dental Act -
Correct Answer - list

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Violating or attempting to violate the provisions of the ____________ or the _____ of the Board, as a
principal, accessory or accomplice - Correct Answer - - State Dental Act

- rules

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

_________ the state dental act of another state resulting in a plea of guilty or nolo contendere,
conviction or suspension or revocation of the license of the dental hygienist under the laws of that state
- Correct Answer - Violating

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:
_________ to comply with the terms and conditions of an order imposing suspension of a license or
placement on probation issued pursuant to Section 328.44a of this title - Correct Answer - Failing

The Board has the power to revoke or suspend the license, reprimand, or place on probation a dental
hygienist for a violation of one or more of the following:

Any ______ that would otherwise be a violation for a _______ under 328.32 of this title - Correct
Answer - - violation


How many dental hygienists may a dentist employ? - Correct Answer - No more than the equivalent of
three full-time dental hygienists for each dentist actively practicing in the same dental office.

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

The duties and ________ duties authorized for ____________ - Correct Answer - - expanded

- dental assistants

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

______ history assessment pertaining to dental hygiene - Correct Answer - Health

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Dental hygiene examination and the charting of the intra-oral and extra-oral conditions, which include
_____ charting, ______ charting, and classifying ________. - Correct Answer - - periodontal

- dental

- occlussion

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Dental hygiene _______ and _______ planning for procedures authorized by the supervisory dentist -
Correct Answer - - assessment

- treatment

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

__________, which means the removal of calcareous deposits, stains, accretions, or concretions from
the supragingival and subgingival surfaces of the teeth, utilizing instrumentation by scaler or periodontal
curette on the crown and root surfaces of human teeth, including rotary or power driven instruments... -
Correct Answer - Prophylaxis

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Periodontal ____ and ____ planing - Correct Answer - - scaling

- root

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Dental hygiene _____ and _____ counseling - Correct Answer - - nutritional

- dietary

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Placement of ______ prescription drugs for prevention and treatment of periodontal disease - Correct
Answer - subgingival

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Soft tissue _____ - Correct Answer - curettage

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Placement of ______ fillings - Correct Answer - temporary

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Removal of ______ margins - Correct Answer - overhanging

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Dental ______ maintenance - Correct Answer - implant

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Removal of ______ packs - Correct Answer - periodontal

Procedures that may be delegated to dental hygienists:

Polishing of ____ restorations and other procedures authorized by the ______ - Correct Answer - -

- Board

Authorization for general supervision shall be limited to a maximum of how many months following an
examination by the supervisory dentist of a patient of record?

(NOTE: level of supervision (direct, general, or indirect) is at the discretion of the supervisory dentist) -
Correct Answer - Authorization for general supervision shall be limited to a maximum of 13 months
following an examination by the supervisory dentist of a patient of record
A dentist may authorize procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, without complying with the
provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection B of this section if,

(i.e. general supervision):

The dental hygienist has at least ____ years experience in the practice of dental hygiene - Correct
Answer - two

-Ok, so I have wrote down on my powerpoint that if you are practicing in a private office you can be
under general supervision the very first day, as long as it is a patient of record and the dentist authorizes
the procedures...please let me know if that is not correct =)

A dentist may authorize procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, without complying with the
provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection B of this section if,

(i.e. general supervision):

The authorization to perform the procedures in _____ and ____ by the dentist, and the procedures are
performed during an ___ visit to a person in a ______. - Correct Answer - - writing

- signed

- initial

- treatment facility

A dentist may authorize procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, without complying with the
provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection B of this section if,

(i.e. general supervision):

The person upon whom the procedures are performed must be ____ to a dentist after completion of the
procedures performed... - Correct Answer - referred

A dentist may authorize procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, without complying with the
provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection B of this section if,

(i.e. general supervision):

A dental hygienist shall not perform a ____ set of procedures on a person... until the person has been
examined and accepted for dental care by a dentist - Correct Answer - second

A dentist may authorize procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, without complying with the
provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection B of this section if,

(i.e. general supervision):

The treatment facility in which any procedure is performed by a dental hygienist ... shall ____ each such
procedure in the medical records of the person upon whom the procedure was performed and list the
dentist that authorized the hygienist to perform the procedures signed by the hygienist - Correct
Answer - Note

What are the two advanced procedures for dental hygienist? - Correct Answer - 1. Administration of
local anesthesia

2. Administration of nitrous oxide analgesia

Can a dental hygienist own or operate an independent practice of dental hygiene? - Correct Answer -

When is the deadline for annual renewal for dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, oral
maxillofacial surgery assistants and other licensee or permit holders previously licensed or permitted by
the Board to practice in this state? - Correct Answer - On or before the first day of January of each year

What is included in the annual renewal for dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, oral
maxillofacial surgery assistants and other licensee or permit holders previously licensed or permitted by
the Board to practice in this state? - Correct Answer - - Renewal application with information as may be
required by the Board

- Annual renewal fee established by the rules of the Board

Every license or permit issued by the Board shall expire ______ of each year - Correct Answer -
December 31st

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each _______ period as follows - Correct
Answer - three-year

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

Dentists shall complete ____ hours - Correct Answer - 60

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

Hygienists shall complete ____ hours - Correct Answer - 30

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

Oral maxillofacial surgery assistants shall complete ___ hours - Correct Answer - 12

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

Certified dental assistants shall complete ___ hours as required by the DANB - Correct Answer - 12

Upon failure of a dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, or oral maxillofacial surgery assistant to pay
the annual renewal fee within ___ months after January 1, the Board shall notify the dentist, dental
hygienist, dental assistant, or oral maxillfacial surgery assistant in _____ by certified mail to the last-
known mailing address as reflected in the record of the Board. - Correct Answer - - 2

- writing

Any dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, or oral maxillofacial surgery assistant whose license or
permit is automatically canceled by reason of failure, neglect or refusal to secure the renewal certificate,
may be reinstated by the Board at any time with ____ from the date of the expiration of the license,
upon payment of the annual renewal fee and a ________ established by the rules of the Board. - Correct
Answer - - one year

- penalty fee

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows...

Refusal to issue _______ or permit, or a renewal thereof, provided for in the State Dental Act - Correct
Answer - license

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows...

______ of a license or permit issued by the Board for a period of time deemed appropriate by the Board
- Correct Answer - Suspension

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

_______ if a license or permit issued by the Board - Correct Answer - Revocation

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

Imposition of an administrative penalty not to exceed _____ per violation - Correct Answer - $1,500

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

Issuance of a _____ - Correct Answer - censure

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:
Placement on _____ for a period of time and under such terms and conditions as deemed appropriate
by the Board - Correct Answer - probation

Continuing education requirements shall be due at the end of each three-year period as follows:

_______ of the services that can be provided by a dentist or dental hygienist, under such terms and
conditions as deemed appropriate by the Board - Correct Answer - Restriction

It is unlawful for any person (except a registered dental hygienist) to:

______ or attempt to practice dental hygiene - Correct Answer - Practice

It is unlawful for any person (except a registered dental hygienist) to:

Hold oneself out to the public as a _______ or a person who practices dental hygiene - Correct Answer -
dental hygienist

It is unlawful for any person (except a registered dental hygienist) to:

Employ or use the words _______ or ____, or any modification or derivative thereof, when such use is
intended to give the impression that the person is a dental hygeinist - Correct Answer - - "Registered
Dental Hygienist"

' "R.D.H."

Each day of a violation of any provision of this subsection shall constitute _____ criminal offense and, in
addition, the district attorney may file a separate charge of medical battery for each person who is
_____ as a result of treatment performed in violation of this subsection - Correct Answer - - separate

- injured

Any person who violates any of the provisions of paragraph 1 or 3 of subsection B of this section, upon
conviction, shall be guilty of a _____ punishable by a ____ in an amount not less than $1,000 nor more
than $10,000, or by imprisonment in the _______ for a term of not more than 1 year or imprisonment in
the custody of the ____________________________ for a term of not more than 4 years, or by both
such fine and imprisonment. - Correct Answer - - felony

- fine

- county jail

- Department of Corrections

What is the minimum fee for obtaining the following license and permit?

- Dental hygienist by examination?

- Dental hygienist by credentialing?

- Temporary license to practice dental hygiene?

- Dental assistant or oral maxillofacial surgery assistant permit? - Correct Answer - - $100

- $100

- $50

- $50

What is the minimum annual renewal fee for dental hygienist? - Correct Answer - $100

Define State Dental Practice Act of Oklahoma - Correct Answer - - Statutory law, written and adopted by
the state legislature

- a state practice act defines the practice of a particular profession

Define rules and rgulations - Correct Answer - - interpretation of the law, written and adopted by the
Board of Dentistry (BOD)

What is the primary function of the Board? - Correct Answer - Public's safety

The Board reports to the _____. - Correct Answer - public

How many members compose the Board of Governors? - Correct Answer - 11

What is the breakdown of members that compose the Board of Governors? - Correct Answer - -11
members total

- 8 Dentists

- 1 Dental Hygienist

- 2 Public Members

To whom would you address all written communication to the Board? - Correct Answer - To the
Executive Secretary of the Board at the Principal office unless the Board directs otherwise.

When is the annual meeting of the board held? - Correct Answer - It's held in the second quarter, each
calendar year

Can an appeal be made regarding a decision of the Board? - Correct Answer - Yes, appeals from the
decision of the Board may be taken as provided by law.

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The Board of Dentistry of the State of Oklahoma pursuant to the State Dental Act may license without
examination any person who has been duly licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in any state
or territory of the United States, if said person produces satisfactory evidence to the Board that he or
she has the required ______ and _______ and is in good standing, and does meet every other
requirement set fourth in the State Dental Act and as may be set forth by this Board. - Correct Answer -
- education

- training

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have been in practice for at least ___ years for dental hygienists (___years for
dentists) immediately prior to making application - Correct Answer - - 2


Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have completed required __________ - Correct Answer - application form

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have paid _________ - Correct Answer - required fee (non-refundable)

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have passed at least one ______ examination for licensure that is equivalent to the
examination required by Oklahoma - Correct Answer - practical

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have taken and passed the Oklahoma ________ examination - Correct Answer -

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have completed or satisfied any other _________ - Correct Answer - requirements

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have successfully completed the ______ examinations... - Correct Answer - National

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must meet all requirements of the _______________________ - Correct Answer - State
Dental Practice Act
Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must submit proof of a _______ registration in good standing for prescribing, dispensing,
or administering controlled dangerous substances, if applicant is a dentist - Correct Answer - Federal

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must submit recent color _______ type photograph - Correct Answer - passport

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have all time _____ accounted for - Correct Answer - units

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must include copy of _______, ________ and _______ of dental and/or dental hygiene
school grades - Correct Answer - - diploma

- National Board examination grades

- transcript

Requirements for reciprocal licensure:

The applicant must have _______ letters of recommendation from professional associated... - Correct
Answer - three

Requirements for the issuance of a temporary license:

Temporary licenses to practice dental hygiene may be issued by the Board at its discretion to Dental
Hygienists under the following terms and conditions:

The applicant must complete application and enclose the following:

- _______ scores

- Copy of Dental Hygiene Certificate of diploma from an _____ dental hygiene program

- Submit a certificate verifying the results of the examination given to the applicant by the state...and a
copy of the current ______ in good standing from the state

- Must furnish proof of active practice in ____ years preceding application

- Must submit _____ letters of recommendation

- Submit an official _____ of dental hygiene school - Correct Answer - - National board

- accredited
- license



- transcript

When do temporary dental hygiene licenses expire? - Correct Answer - They expire the date of the next
clinical examinations required by the Board

Can a dentist practice general dentistry at his/her dental specialty office? - Correct Answer - No

List the 9 dental specialties that are recognized by the Board. - Correct Answer - 1. Dental Public Health

2. Endodontics

3. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

4. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

5. Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

6. Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

7. Pediatric Dentistry

8. Periodontics

9. Prosthodontics

Define expanded duty. - Correct Answer - A dental procedure for which a dental assistant has received
special training in a course of study approved by the Board.

What are the 4 expanded duty permits available for dental assisting? - Correct Answer - 1. Radiation

2. Coronal Polishing/Topical Fluoride

3. Sealants

4. Nitrous oxide

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Can they diagnose? - Correct Answer - No

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

______ planning - Correct Answer - Treatment

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

______ of medication - Correct Answer - Prescription

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

______ placement or ______ of orthodontic brackets and bands - Correct Answer - - Final

- removal

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Removal of ___________ cement - Correct Answer - fully hardened

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

_______ or the cutting or severance of hard and soft tissue - Correct Answer - Surgery

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Placement or adjustment of any removable or fixed _______ - Correct Answer - prosthesis

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Placement or removal of _______ materials in a human oral cavity - Correct Answer - restorative

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Administration of _______ local anesthetic - Correct Answer - injectable

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Utilization of a _______ - Correct Answer - laser

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Administration of _________ - Correct Answer - nitrous oxide

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Any procedure that may contribute to or result in an ______ alteration of the human oral anatomy -
Correct Answer - irreversible

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

An ________ duty... when the dental assistant does not hold a current permit issued by the Board for
the expanded duty - Correct Answer - expanded

Duties that can NOT be delegated to dental assistants:

Those procedures allocated exclusively to _________ - Correct Answer - dental hygienists

Under which type(s) of supervision may the dental hygienist perform the advanced procedures? -
Correct Answer - Direct or Indirect

What courses must be included within the CE for a reporting period? - Correct Answer - Ethics

What is the continuing education requirement (in hours) for dental hygienists? - Correct Answer - 30
credit hours (CE) for every 3 year reporting period

When is a reporting period (starts and ends which months) and how often does it occur? - Correct
Answer - Starts July 1st and ends June 30th every three years

When do the continuing education requirements for new dental hygiene graduates begin? - Correct
Answer - July 1st of the calendar year following their year of graduation

At least 50% of the continuing education requirements must be from what category? - Correct Answer -
A and/or B

No more than 50% of the continuing education requirement can be obtained from which category? -
Correct Answer - C

What are the continuing education credit hours for presenting? - Correct Answer - 6 hour credit for
each hour of the original presentation, and hour for hour credit for additional presentation of the same

What are the continuing education credit hours for full or part-time teaching? - Correct Answer - Credit
for the semester credit hours

What are the continuing education credit hours for teaching clinical instruction? - Correct Answer - One
hour credit can be recorded for every 18 hours of clinical instruction

What is the continuing education credit hour for self-instructional programs? - Correct Answer - These
programs will be granted hour for hour credit. Only 50% of the total requirement may be obtained
through this category.

What is the continuing education credit for volunteer service for dental hygienists? - Correct Answer
- ??

How many hours may be awarded for practice management type courses for continuing education
requirements for dental hygienists? - Correct Answer - Hour for hour credit and up to 5 hours

When and how do you submit your continuing education hours to the Board? - Correct Answer - After
the CE course you enter the information into the website and keep the information for your
Can excessive continuing education hours for a reporting period be credited to the next reported
period? - Correct Answer - No

What type of precautions should be used on every patient? - Correct Answer - Universal Precautions

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