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Creative Process: Religion Arts IRAP

Title: CPT Part B; The Jesus of my life

Arts disciplines being used : Media Arts, Writing
Brainstorm Your Ideas:

- Family Collage
- Poem

Artist’s Intent: Make a photo montage explaining how Jesus came into mine and my
family’s life

Don't forget to keep evidence of the process work to submit with the final product!


Creative Process: Religion Arts IRAP

Proposal: Video Montage of my life story and how me and my family came
to know Jesus

How will you do it?

I will find pictures in my mom’s social media and old cameras as well as photo albums
in order to make a video montage. I will place the photos in the video in the correct
order according to what I am talking about.

What medium will you use?

I will use photos taken by my family from social media, photo albums and old cameras
to carry out the project.
What have you drawn from and/or referenced in creating your final product?
Historical and/or cultural influences for your theme and artistic creation:

I have referenced/ been inspired by emotional video montages that I see a lot in movies and on the internet.

Talk with a classmate, teacher, other person about your idea. What feedback did you get?
I spoke with my mom about it in order for her to help me structure the story and she supported the idea and at the end
gave me good feedback on the video montage.

How did the whole process go? What connections did you make to the course material learned this unit? To your
life? To other disciplines and/or areas of interest?

The whole process went very smoothly and as planned. I started off by thinking about what represents me and
finding pictures that I felt portrayed me and connected to the story that I was speaking on. Although it was
difficult to fit in a lot of photos I managed. I made great connections to the Jesus of my life and this project really
reminded me of how my family came to know Jesus and how fortunate I am to be walking in his path. It
connected to my life really well too because it made me think of how far I've come in my walk with the lord and
how good he has been to me and my family. I was really happy to make this project using media arts since it is a
discipline that I hardly ever use. But after finishing this wonderful project I think I want to continue trying out this
discipline to see where it gets me.

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