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A Promised Land is the first memoir that the 44th president of the United states Barack Obama

wrote and it basically talks about his life, his road to presidency, his childhood and everything in
between. It goes into a lot of details first hand of things that happened during his presidency like
his first official visit to russia and the war in afghanistan. And what it was like being the first
African American president.

If this book was a colour it would be the colour green because the colour green represents
resilience and in the book we can see that Barack Obama was very resilient and confident during
his walk towards presidency. Even after unsuccessfully running for congress in 2000 he moved
forward and then won senate in 2004 and that's what brought him to running for president in
2007/2008. He didn't give up and stayed resilient with his eyes on the prize

If this book was a symbol it would be a dove because doves represent hope and barack speaks a
lot about hope in his memoir even stressing in one of his speeches the importance of “The
audacity of Hope”.

If this book was an image it would be this one because in this image it shows different types of
people of different backgrounds working together. And in the book Obama discusses the
importance of unity and collaboration in achieving progress and addressing issues in society.
This image reflects the themes of diversity and cooperation that are central to Obama's message
in "The Promised Land."

Triptych part 1:
“In the hands of the shrewd and the ruthless, chaos had proven a gift.”
― Barack Obama, A Promised Land

I chose this quote because Barack obama went through a lot as a child according o the book his
father left but in midst of it all, all the chaos as the quote says he raised up and is now the great
leader that we all know

Triptic Part 2:

“To be known. To be heard. To have one’s unique identity recognized and seen as worthy.”
― Barack Obama, A Promised Land
I chose this one for this part of the tryptic because it's hard for people of color to get recognized
as great and it's harder for them to achieve what non people of color achieve a little easier but
barack obama worked hard during his young adulthood and through all the elections he went
through, he worked hard in order to be recognized and reach the status of president.

Triptych part 3:

“And so the world watches America—the only great power in history made up of people from
every corner of the planet, comprising every race and faith and cultural practice—to see if our
experiment in democracy can work. To see if we can do what no other nation has ever done. To
see if we can actually live up to the meaning of our creed.”
― Barack Obama, A Promised Land

I chose this quote for part three because part three is about Barack reaching his goal and as the
first African American president hw has many goals for the country and wishes to accomplish
many things. He wanted to make America a better and more inclusive place and most might say
that he succeeded in that and many more things.

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