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Aditya Birla Sun Life

Insurance Company Ltd.

(A part of Aditya Birla Capital Ltd.)

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance

ABSLI Salaried Suraksha ULIP
A Unit-Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan

Your Sales Illustration

This shall form a part of the policy contract
Proposal No: LA00196146

Proposer : Mr. VISHAL PURI Age : 31 years Gender : Male

Life Insured : Mr. VISHAL PURI Age : 31 years Gender : Male

Policy Details :UIN 109L145V01 Investment Option Premium Allocation Percentage

Self-Managed Option Multiplier : 100% Magnifier : 0%
Sum Assured :Rs.5000000 Maximiser : 0% Super 20 : 0%
Premium Paying Term :10 Years Liquid Plus : 0% Income : 0%
Policy Term :20 Years Assure : 0% Enhancer : 0%
Annualized Premium :Rs.100000 Capped : 0% Creator : 0%
Nifty index
Premium Frequency :Annual Value & : 0% Protector : 0%
Amount of Installment Premium :Rs.100000 Momentum
Builder : 0% Pure Equity : 0%
GST Rate :18% Asset : 0% MNC : 0%
ABG Employee :No Allocation
ESG Fund : 0% Small Cap : 0%
Sum Assured Multiple (times the :50 Fund
Annualized Premium)

Rider Name Rider PPT Rider Term Sum Assured Annualized Premium

Accidental Death Benefit 10 20 5000000 4800

Plus Rider
Comprehensive Critical 10 20 2000000 7080
Illness Rider

Premium Summary (in Rs.) Base Plan Comprehensive Accidental Death Waiver of Premium Total Installment
Critical Illness Benefit Plus Rider Rider Premium
Installment Premium without GST 100000 7080 4800 0 111880
Installment Premium with First Year 100000 8354 5664 0 114018
Installment Premium with GST 2nd 100000 8354 5664 0 114018
Year onwards

How to read an understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes, may grow
over the years of the policy term if the fund earns a gross return of 8% p.a and 4% p.a. These rates, i.e. 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are assumed only for the
purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if the returns are at this level. It should not be interpreted that the returns under the plan are going to be either
8% p.a or 4% p.a.
Net yield mentioned corresponds to the Gross Investment Return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity charges,
underwriting extra, if any, guarantee charges and cost of riders, if deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the impact of charges exclusive of
taxes on the Net Yield. Please note that the mortality charges per thousand Sum Assured in general, increases with age.
The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra, cost of riders,
etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne by the policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions please read sales literature carefully.
Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy fund value, surrender value and the death benefit, at
two assumed rates of return. Part B of this statement presents a detailed break-up of the charges, and other values.
Part A
(Amount in Rupees)
Policy Values at 4% Gross Investment Return Policy Values at 8% Gross Investment Return
Policy Annualized Fund at Surrender Fund at Surrender payable to
Year Premium Mortality Other Death Mortality Other Death
Charges Charges* GST End of GST End of intermediary
Value Benefit Charges Charges* Value Benefit
Year Year
1 100000 3490 13141 2993 83735 77806 5000000 3489 13161 2997 87082 80916 5000000 5000
2 100000 3569 8378 2151 176640 171920 5000000 3564 8468 2166 187184 182464 5000000 1000
3 100000 3640 7677 2037 274115 270575 5000000 3628 7890 2073 296133 292593 5000000 1000
4 100000 3748 8022 2119 375014 372654 5000000 3724 8418 2186 413201 410841 5000000 1000
5 100000 3846 10252 2538 477261 477261 5000000 3805 10898 2646 536750 536750 5000000 1000
6 100000 4023 11836 2855 581527 581527 5000000 3958 12802 3017 667794 667794 5000000 1000
7 100000 4187 13456 3176 687866 687866 5000000 4088 14820 3403 806829 806829 5000000 1000
8 100000 4335 15115 3501 796335 796335 5000000 4194 16959 3808 954384 954384 5000000 1000
9 100000 4550 16813 3845 906891 906891 5000000 4352 19226 4244 1110929 1110929 5000000 1000
10 100000 4785 18550 4200 1043549 1043549 5000000 4512 21630 4705 1301025 1301025 5000000 1000
11 0 5093 19334 4397 1075485 1075485 5000000 4726 23165 5020 1391511 1391511 5000000 0
12 0 5482 20022 4591 1103577 1103577 5000000 4999 24675 5341 1483303 1483303 5000000 0
13 0 5948 20670 4791 1129607 1129607 5000000 5320 26215 5676 1578385 1578385 5000000 0
14 0 6449 21303 4995 1149546 1149546 5000000 5643 27815 6022 1673018 1673018 5000000 0
15 0 7069 21614 5163 1169369 1169369 5000000 6039 29169 6337 1773344 1773344 5000000 0
16 0 7759 21880 5335 1189204 1189204 5000000 6453 30560 6662 1879907 1879907 5000000 0
17 0 8593 22146 5533 1208849 1208849 5000000 6937 32036 7015 1992975 1992975 5000000 0
18 0 9533 22407 5749 1228144 1228144 5000000 7442 33603 7388 2112888 2112888 5000000 0
19 0 10614 22664 5990 1247047 1247047 5000000 7981 35265 7784 2240151 2240151 5000000 0
20 0 11872 22913 6261 1265376 1265376 5000000 8557 37029 8205 2375194 2375194 5000000 0


*See Part B for details.

I, .........., have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully I, .........., having received the information with respect to the above, have
to the prospect/policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.


Date: Date:

____________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect/Policyholder

Prepared for: Dear Mr. VISHAL PURI ABSLI Salaried Suraksha ULIP

Part B
Gross 8% Net Yield 6.31%
Premium Policy Fund Fund
Policy Annualized Mortality Return of At Surrender Death
Allocation Admin GST Before Management
Year Premium Charge Charges End of the Benefit Benefit
Charge Charge FMC Charge* Year
1 100000 12000 3489 0 2788 0 88452 1370 87082 80916 5000000
2 100000 6000 3564 0 1722 0 190096 2912 187184 182464 5000000
3 100000 4000 3628 0 1373 0 300723 4590 296133 292593 5000000
4 100000 3000 3724 0 1210 0 419594 6393 413201 410841 5000000
5 100000 0 3805 3840 1376 0 545078 8328 536750 536750 5000000
6 100000 0 3958 4032 1438 0 678142 10348 667794 667794 5000000
7 100000 0 4088 4234 1498 0 819320 12492 806829 806829 5000000
8 100000 0 4194 4445 1555 0 969150 14766 954384 954384 5000000
9 100000 0 4352 4668 1623 0 1128109 17179 1110929 1110929 5000000
10 100000 0 4512 4901 1694 24000 1320764 19740 1301025 1301025 5000000
11 0 0 4726 5146 1777 18977 1412773 21263 1391511 1391511 5000000
12 0 0 4999 5403 1872 15129 1506043 22741 1483303 1483303 5000000
13 0 0 5320 5673 1979 13255 1602625 24239 1578385 1578385 5000000
14 0 0 5643 5957 2088 7449 1698810 25792 1673018 1673018 5000000
15 0 0 6039 6000 2167 7610 1800682 27339 1773344 1773344 5000000
16 0 0 6453 6000 2242 7916 1908887 28980 1879907 1879907 5000000
17 0 0 6937 6000 2329 8177 2023698 30723 1992975 1992975 5000000
18 0 0 7442 6000 2420 8388 2145460 32571 2112888 2112888 5000000
19 0 0 7981 6000 2517 8703 2274684 34533 2240151 2240151 5000000
20 0 0 8557 6000 2620 9023 2411808 36614 2375194 2375194 5000000

Gross 4% Net Yield 2.29%

Premium Policy Fund Fund
Policy Annualized Mortality Return of At Surrender Death
Allocation Admin GST Before Management
Year Premium Charge Charges End of the Benefit Benefit
Charge Charge FMC Charge* Year
1 100000 12000 3490 0 2788 0 85081 1346 83735 77806 5000000
2 100000 6000 3569 0 1722 0 179447 2807 176640 171920 5000000
3 100000 4000 3640 0 1375 0 278454 4339 274115 270575 5000000
4 100000 3000 3748 0 1215 0 380940 5926 375014 372654 5000000
5 100000 0 3846 3840 1383 0 484827 7566 477261 477261 5000000
6 100000 0 4023 4032 1450 0 590735 9208 581527 581527 5000000
7 100000 0 4187 4234 1516 0 698749 10883 687866 687866 5000000
8 100000 0 4335 4445 1580 0 808925 12590 796335 796335 5000000
9 100000 0 4550 4668 1659 0 921223 14332 906891 906891 5000000
10 100000 0 4785 4901 1744 24000 1059655 16106 1043549 1043549 5000000
11 0 0 5093 5146 1843 18979 1092226 16742 1075485 1075485 5000000
12 0 0 5482 5403 1959 15139 1120827 17250 1103577 1103577 5000000
13 0 0 5948 5673 2092 13280 1147303 17696 1129607 1129607 5000000
14 0 0 6449 5957 2233 7496 1167654 18108 1149546 1149546 5000000
15 0 0 7069 6000 2352 7691 1187793 18424 1169369 1169369 5000000
16 0 0 7759 6000 2477 8047 1207943 18739 1189204 1189204 5000000
17 0 0 8593 6000 2627 8373 1227901 19052 1208849 1208849 5000000
18 0 0 9533 6000 2796 8670 1247505 19360 1228144 1228144 5000000
19 0 0 10614 6000 2991 9100 1266710 19663 1247047 1247047 5000000
20 0 0 11872 6000 3217 9571 1285334 19958 1265376 1265376 5000000

Details of charges (if any)

1. Refer the sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund Management charge is based on specific fund options chosen.
3. In case rider charges are collected explicitly through collection of rider premium, and not by way of cancellation of units, then, such charges are not considered in this
illustration. In other cases, rider charges are included in other charges.
*FMC is inclusive of GST.
As per IRDAI requirements, the Illustrated Net Yield is prior to mortality charges, explicit charges for any investment guarantees and GST levied on the policy.

I, .........., have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully I, .........., having received the information with respect to the above, have
to the prospect/policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.


Date: Date:

____________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect/Policyholder

Prepared for: Dear Mr. VISHAL PURI ABSLI Salaried Suraksha ULIP

In "Your Sales Illustration" Policy Values are as of year end and assume:
- Premiums are paid when due.
- No withdrawal is made.
- No underwriting extra.
- Current rates of taxes, levies and policy charges remain unchanged.
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) and levies have been considered as per the current tax laws and prevailing practices of the company.

Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on All Unit Linked life insurance plans are different from Traditional insurance plans
future performance of the Investment Funds managed by ABSLI. For the purpose of and are subject to different risk factors. The name of the investment funds and that
this illustration, we have used 8% and 4% as the higher and lower rates of of this plan do not in any way indicate the quality of the plan or future returns.
investment returns respectively, in the calculations. Hence the table of policy values Investment funds are subject to investment risks associated with the capital markets
shows benefits at two different rates of assumed future investment return. These and unit prices may go up or down reflecting the market value of the underlying
assumed rates of return are in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Life assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Insurance Council and are not guaranteed. They are not the upper or lower limits of
what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of
factors including future investment performance.

Fund Name Segregated Fund Identification No Fund Name Segregated Fund Identification No
Liquid Plus ULIF02807/10/11BSLLIQPLUS109 Magnifier ULIF00826/06/04BSLIIMAGNI109
Income Advantage ULIF01507/08/08BSLIINCADV109 Maximiser ULIF01101/06/07BSLIINMAXI109
Assure ULIF01008/07/05BSLIASSURE109 Multiplier ULIF01217/10/07BSLIINMULTI109
Protector ULIF00313/03/01BSLPROTECT109 Super 20 ULIF01723/06/09BSLSUPER20109
Builder ULIF00113/03/01BSLBUILDER109 Pure Equity ULIF02707/10/11BSLIPUREEQ109
Enhancer ULIF00213/03/01BSLENHANCE109 Value & Momentum ULIF02907/10/11BSLIVALUEM109
Creator ULIF00704/02/04BSLCREATOR109 Capped Nifty Index ULIF03530/10/14BSLICNFIDX109
Asset Allocation ULIF03430/10/14BSLIASTALC109 MNC ULIF03722/06/18ABSLIMUMNC109
ESG Fund ULIF03810/11/23ABSLESGFND109 Small Cap Fund ULIF03910/11/23ABSLSMALCP109

I, .........., have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully I, .........., having received the information with respect to the above, have
to the prospect/policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.


Date: Date:

____________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect/Policyholder

Prepared for: Dear Mr. VISHAL PURI ABSLI Salaried Suraksha ULIP


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