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This study focuses on developing learning plans to improve the mastery level in

English 6 learning competencies of the pupils at Santa Cruz Elementary School.

Specifically, this study aimed to identify the English VI learning competencies in the 1 st

and 2nd quarters from the K-12 Basic Education English Curriculum Guide of 2016

provided by the Department of Education, that serves as the basis in assessing the

mastery level of the pupils. The study also aimed to determine the English VI leaning

competencies that are not mastered, least mastered, moderately mastered, mastered and

highly mastered by the pupils in order to develop learning plans for the pupils. The study

involved 30 respondents, 29 from the students enrolled in grade VI of the S.Y 2023-2024,

and one English VI teacher who provided the data and information of the learning

competency mastery level of the pupils using the checklist rating scale. This study used

both quantitative and qualitative research design.

To answer the questions raised in this study the researchers used the following

instruments to gather the data needed to make this study successful; (1) documentary

analysis; this instrument was used to identify the English VI learning competencies from

the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide of 2016 provided by the Department of

Education. This instrument addressed the research question 1, (2) checklist; this

instrument was utilized to identify the English VI learning competencies mastery level of

the Grade 6 pupils. This instrument addressed the research question 2, and (3) interview

guide; this instrument was used to identify the problems encountered by the teacher in

teaching English, then the strategies/action he takes to addressed the problems, and the

suggestions he recommend to improve the competency/mastery level of his pupils in

English. This instrument gave further information to the researchers in order to cater the

learning needs of the pupils and to avoid using the same strategies/actions to addressed

the existing problems.

Moreover, the study revealed that there are ten domains both in the 1 st and 2nd

quarters. Out of ten domains there are specific learning competencies that correspond to

each domain in English. Based on the result of the data gathered by the researchers there

are 42 learning competencies under the ten domains during the 1 st quarter and 41 learning

competencies under the ten domains also during the 2 nd quarter, a total of 83 learning

competencies at all. The study further revealed that in the 1 st quarter there are 34 learning

competencies with the ratings Mastered (M) having a percentage of 81%, 4 learning

competencies were rated Least Mastered (LM) with the percentage of 9.5%, another 4

learning competencies were rated Moderately Mastered (MM) with the percentage of

9.5% and 0 learning competency under the ratings of Not Mastered (NM) and Highly


Furthermore, the study concluded that English VI learning competencies in the 1 st

and 2nd quarters from the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide of 2016 as required by

the Department of Education, have ten (10) domains both in the 1st and 2nd quarters. In the

1st quarter there are forty-two (42) learning competencies, while in the 2 nd quarter there

are forty-one (41) learning competencies a total of eighty-three (83) learning

competencies at all. 2.The study also concluded that the mastery level of the Pupils in

English VI learning competencies in the 1st and 2nd of the pupils at Santa Cruz Elementary

School S.Y 2023-2024 have seventy-five (75) learning competencies that were Mastered

with the percentage of 90%, four (4) learning competencies that were Moderately
Mastered with the percentage of 5%, another four (4) learning competencies that were

Least Mastered with the percentage of 5%, and zero (0) learning competency under the

ratings of Not Mastered and Highly Mastered. The study further concludes that the

researchers developed eight (8) learning plans for the learning competencies that were

rated least mastered and moderately mastered, and that these learning plans can be an

additional learning tool to help aid the teachers in teaching English and the learners in

mastering the learning competencies in reading comprehension and grammar.

Additionally, the study concluded that the assumption of the current researchers that the

grade VI pupils have poor mastery level in English VI learning competencies was wrong

as proven by the result of the gathered data, because majority of the learning

competencies were rated Mastered by the grade VI teacher. But despite having a mastered

rating in majority of the learning competencies, the researchers still need to develop

learning plans because there are eight (8) learning competencies under the two domains

that were rated Least Mastered and Moderately Mastered.

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