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Social Work

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An Influx of Migrants into New York: The New York Times

According to the New York Times (2022), the State Governors of Florida and Texas are

allegedly using cruel publicity stunts to transport migrants. Following the elected officials'

treatment of the immigrants like animals, they are finding reprieve in New York. Ironically, the

New York State census reveals counties and cities that have seen population declines over the

past ten years, a problem that necessitates a remedy. According to a New York immigration

lawyer, immigrants in the US want to work legally and safely, but getting a work permit is a

major hurdle and can take up to five years to be approved. Without a work permit, immigrants

cannot access basic services like healthcare and shelter because they cannot find stable


The Mexican-American War of 1845-1848

Mexico lost half of its land to the USA during the Mexican-American war, but thanks to a

treaty, Mexicans were now free to travel between the two countries (Espinosa, 2021). Relations

between the United States and Mexico deteriorated, and US citizens started to drive Mexicans

off their land. 1859's California gold rush resulted in a wave of immigration to the US (Martin,

2020). It has been challenging for Mexicans to enter the US legally due to the country's history

of land loss and the fear of losing political and economic power.

Social Worker Advancing Social Change in Immigration

To stop criminalizing immigrants and promote equality for all, social workers can push

for policy changes at the state and local levels. Social workers can also provide community and

family resources to immigrants at a micro and mezzo level.


Cop27: Key Climate Goal of 1.5c Rice Faces New Challenge: BBC

There is a 50% chance that a new critical climate change threshold will be reached in

nine years due to the rapid increase in carbon dioxide levels, which will have devastating effects

on developing and underdeveloped nations (Stallard, 2022). The increase in greenhouse gases

will have devastating effects on the climate, affecting millions of people. The article emphasizes

how European nations are using dirty fossil fuels to make up for energy losses brought on by

the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to a climate expert, voluntary commitments to

sustainability must be followed by agreements to control the use of fossil fuels.

Global Warming

As more carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity

when burning fossil fuels, global average temperatures increased. Global warming began to

take center stage in international discussions and political agenda in 1998, and the UN General

Assembly emphasized the urgency of the issue. At later global climate conferences, initiatives to

increase awareness of the effects of climate change were advanced. However, people had long

held the suspicion that their actions could alter the climate in their immediate area. For

instance, the Greeks of antiquity long debated whether cutting down trees might result in less

rainfall or even more. The ice age discoveries demonstrated that the climate could drastically

alter globally.

Social Workers Advancing Change in Environmental Sustainability

Social workers should engage people in campaigns to protect the environment and

advance wellness. Promoting green technologies will improve quality of life while lowering

carbon emissions in local communities. Green and renewable energy will raise people's

standards of living while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Dominelli, L. (2011). Climate change: Social workers' roles and contributions to policy debates

and interventions <sup>1</sup>. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(4), 430-


Espinosa, A. C. (2021). Teaching U.S.-Mexico relations to dreamers in the time of COVID-19.

Radical Teacher, 120, 6–13.

Martin, P. (2020). Mexican Braceros and US farm workers. Wilson Center. Retrieved from

New York Times. (2022, October 26). An influx of migrants into New York. The New York Times -

Breaking News, US News, World News and


Stallard, E. (2022, November 11). COP27: Key climate goal of 1.5C rise faces new challenge. BBC


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