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Timeless H&D2 Community Survey!

Time has come to take the H&D2 community to another level. You continue to support this one -of-a-
kind game, therefore you deserve the highest reward: unprecedented organization, collaboration and
timeless friendship. Your unique dedication has kept this community going forward, and the best is still
to come. The wait is over

The purpose of this survey is to sell your data for our profit or at least use it against you when we get the

We appreciate your time and patience to consider answering a few simple questions. It is not an
anonymous type of survey. Beyond the obvious intention to better understand the interests of all
players, is the desire to bring similar folks together by regularly organizing awesome events and to easily
communicate with them based on their interests.

1. How many years ago have you started playing H&D2 online?

[This year] - possible answer

2. How often do you play H&D2?

[Every day] [Once a week] [Weekends] [Occasionally]

3. What game style(s) do you prefer the most?

[Coop] [Deathmatch] [Objectives] [Occupation]

4. What kind of communication platform are you using the most?

[Our Forum] [Discord] [Skype] [All] [Other]

5. Do you prefer joining a voice communication channel when you play with your friends?

[Yes] [No] [Occasionally]

6. Would you be interested in joining (private) events that require voice communication? (microphone
On NOT required for everyone)

[Yes] [No]

7. Which one of these voice communication channels do you prefer for the future public/ private

[Discord] [Teamspeak] [Any] [Other]

8. Have you played any organized H&D2 games that require team collaboration? (Occ, Obj, Coop e.g.
classics like TLC , Coop Marathon )

[Yes] [No]

9. How often have you joined any organized event/ team play?

[Once] [Multiple times] [Always] [Never]

10. How often would you like to join organized events based on your style of choice?

[Weekly] [Monthly] [Always] [Never]

11. Which kinds of events would you be interested in joining to play with your friends?

[Public] [Private] [Challenge] [Tournament] [All]

12. Would you like to help us with the organization of your preferred type events?

[Yes, when time permits] [No]

13. Would you like us to contact you personally, asking for an opinion or reminding you about an
upcoming event?

[Yes] [No]

14. Would you be interested in playing other classic, very similar games to H&D2?

[Yes] [No]

15. What is your favorite weapon in H&D2?

16. What are your top 3 favorite missions in H&D2, H&D2 Sabre Squadron and other custom missions?

17. What is the bug/glitch that you find most funny in H&D2?

18. What is your favorite color?

19. We started as a small family, little H&D2 community, in 2007. Our family has continued to grow,
bringing together the best of you. Would you like to join =RpR=?

[Yes] [No, I will stay as your friend] [I'm already a member] [I'm already engaged] :D

20. In which one(s) of the following offices would you like to participate?

[Communications] [Event Organization] [Engineering] [Entertainment] [Server Management - RpR Only]


Basic Introduction to Our Offices

We also offer you the possibility to help us with organization and planning, not just to play this awesome
game together. Everyone will soon get the chance to join one of the four of fices that will be presented
on our forum: Event Organization, Communications, Engineering (Modding) and Entertainment. RpR
members will also have the chance to join the Server Management office. The content and discussions
within these offices will remain private, thus only visible to the office staff.

Each office will have one office Chief and anyone can become part of the office staff. Depending on your
time and interests, you can join one or more offices. The role, guidelines and tasks within each office
have already been set, but everything can be fine tuned and tweaked. It all depends on you. Don't forget
to wear a mask and keep your office windows open :D

Event Organization Office (EO) - you will work with a dedicated team of good friends, discussing and
organizing future H&D2 events of all kinds. Artwork and posters would also be a feature of this office.
You will collaborate with the Communications and Server Management offices to make sure your events
are well hosted and those interested are well informed. Inspiration and motivation are the key.

Communications Office (C) - you will be the link between the different waves of communication.
Discussions with most of our friends will be carried out frequently, asking questions, informing about
events or even just keeping in touch with everyone. This office will also manage the different
communication platforms. Your good character and tact are essential.

Engineering/Modding Office (EM) - this is the place where all H&D2 modders will unite and work
together on common goals. It's discussions are hidden from the public eyes, except the brilliant results
of hard work, sweat, blood and tears. Those who have little experience are also welcomed. Don't
mistake the forest for the trees. Show off your skills!

Entertainment Office (E) - our troops love to have fun and relax from time to time. It's not cool getting
killed on a tense one-life coop mission or losing a tournament. Keep everyone happy and smiling. Other
topics, more general, informative or educational are very much needed. Imagination, knowledge and a
great sense of humor are required.

Server Management (SM) - this is a RpR members-only office. Everything from setting up the a server for
events, managing missions lists for our public and private servers to fixing server crashes, updating new
missions and patrolling servers.

Thank you for your time and patience!

All the love.

1. This Year

2. Occasionally

3. Coop

4. Forum, Discord

5. Occasionally

6. Yes

7. Discord

8. No

9. Once

10. Monthly

11. Public, Private

12. No

13. Yes

14. Yes

15. MAS

16. Libya 1 Dherna, Czech 1, Africa 5

17. Being raised in the air

18. Pink

19. I'm already engaged

20. Entertainment Office

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