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The primary task of the believer is to close the gap that stands between the person we are

today and the person we desire to be tomorrow. Faith is not just what we believe. It's also
the process of growth and maturity that we commit ourselves to. How do I close the gap?
That stands between the person I am today and the person I hope to be tomorrow. The
reality is we all have something, We are striving for some area that the spirit has convicted us
in some version of ourselves that we'd like to reclaim. There is ever the hope. Then at the
end of lent, I'm be er than who I was at the beginning of this season. And that perhaps God
gi s us with a con nuous tomorrow.

I wonder why Jesus called to this, knowing that Judas wasn't capable of loyalty and fidelity,
knowing that he would betray him. And every year God says Josephine, remember all of the
mes that you betrayed me, Let me down think about that. Remember those mes. Judas is not
in this story, so you can cri cize him. Judas is in this story to serve as a mirror. That brings to
life, the ugly reality of our. Our desires and our inconsistency. Jesus s ll called him anyway. He
s ll calls us everyday. He s ll has faith in our capacity to overcome tempta on through Him.
Today let’s claim our heritage and reflect on the ways we, like Judas, are tempted to betray God,
ourselves, and others. A er we reflect on our own humanness, then let us also use this day to
reflect on all the ways God does not betray us.

Today gives us a chance to set a special inten on of looking back over our Lenten journey. With
this in mind, we might ask ourselves: When in the last 37 days was I a bit like Judas, tempted to
betray God? Have I broken a promise? How and when have I forgo en that I am a child of the
Divine? How have I betrayed myself in the past 37 days? Have I let myself down? Cheated
myself or others? Pushed too hard? Forgo en how my ac ons not only affect myself but affect
others, affect community? When have I ignored my need for Sabbath and not given God the
chance to show me that my busyness, even if I am busy with Holy work, is no more important
than my need to rest.

When you look behind you at the last 37 days, where has God been faithful to you during your
Lenten journey? What ordinary miracles have made themselves known to you? Have you been
clobbered by grace or had a waterfall miracle, you know those big, huge miracles that happen
and we have no other op on except to just be stunned? How has God been leading you through
the wilderness and into the land of milk and honey?

“So, today, on Spy Wednesday, take a moment and look behind you. See how God has already
been faithful to you, even when, like Judas, you par cipate in betrayals of all kinds.”


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