File Handling Notes

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Ho a proaram idorks ?

Covso A puf Cowsott Output

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Binary ile A bivoky e Stora a dodo in Tu Sa

a Stofrad in o lnmory, ae e le
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Camlin Page

Open functon Refora. asu0ocluqDet0at enqopenatioz

oFan A mus be opened cSE..

Open l ) e r r i
Pytkonprod uilt ina unchion

fileobject Open huname < access-mode>, 4bufeus

name hame of 4 Ale, enclosed in doubk uote

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Ca be peforomed coift File, l be ucd
Buffengin o o bufleatg set to 0 , tor liu
butfeniug-sett to 1. s qrahte
Hhan 1,tten sbuiler Sie2f #
15 waative ten huten SizasSastem defaule


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Camlin Pge


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Studens getom t a d ser nd Sore deailts in
fil alsd Dato.tat

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oniin rarge (count)
printEnter detailt er StudendCi+O)
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print ( data)_ is Used to zc0ad specific ostes of date
data-f z0ad S)
prind Cdafa )

f Close

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