ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ VIP 13 - chuỗi vip

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1. C 6. A 11. D 16. A 21. B 26. B 31. D 36. C 41. A 46. B

2. C 7. A 12. A 17. D 22. B 27. A 32. A 37. C 42. C 47. B

3. D 8. C 13. B 18. C 23. B 28. C 33. A 38. D 43. B 48. C

4. A 9. C 14. A 19. B 24. B 29. A 34. C 39. A 44. D 49. A

5. B 10. D 15. B 20. B 25. C 30. D 35. B 40. C 45. D 50. D

Pursue a ca’reer: theo đổi sự nghiệp

Keep track of: theo tiến độ, theo sát việc gì
Be on track: đi đúng hướng
Follow one’s step: nối nghiệp, nối tiếp bước chân,sự nghiệp ai
Upset the ecological balance: làm mất cân bằng hệ sinh thái
>< remain work-life balance
Put on weight (tăng cân)>< lose weight
Put sth in = install sth: lắp đặt cái gì đó
Put up argument/a case/ a proposal: đưa ra 1 lập luận, trường
hợp, đề xuất
Start small: bắt đầu từ những điều nhỏ nhặt
Look/feel small: cảm thấy ngu ngốc, nhỏ bé, xấu hổ
Few and far between: hiếm thấy, thỉnh thoảng = now and then
High and low: mọi nơi, mọi ngóc ngách ( search high and low
to find you)
Grab that thought: dừng lại 1 chút, cắt ngang 1 xí, xí
Gather thought
Grin and bear: cắn răng chịu đựng (nhăn mày chịu đựng)
Keep/bear in mind: nhớ rằng
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 1. Tom and Susan are talking about their plan to help disadvantaged
- Tom: "Why don't we send disadvantaged children:trẻ em khiếm khuyết, khuyết tật
in the remote and mountainous areas some textbooks and warm clothes?"
- Susan: "_________”
A. I'm sorry to hear that. B. No, they are not available.
C. Great idea! What meaningful gifts! D. You should agree with us.
Question 2. The teacher is discussing the cyberbullying with Jack.
- Jack: "Cyberbullying(BẠO LỰC MẠNG) has serious effects on not only a person's
mental health(sức khỏe tinh thần) but also his well-being."
Have effect on = have impact on = have influence on = làm ảnh hưởng, tác động lên
Serious = nghiêm trọng, nghiêm túc = severe
- Teacher: “ ______. We have to prevent it as soon as possible.(càng sớm càng tốt)”
A. I don’t think so B. I don’t agree C. That's a good point D.
What nonsense = thật là một điều vô lý
MAKE SURE = chắc chắn rằng, đảm bảo rằng….
Make choice/make change….
I AGREE (đồng tình đồng ý )
Doubt there is no doubt about it
Again you can say that again
More I can’t agree with you more
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 3. Chocolates and flowers are by far _______ presents=món quà= gifts for
mothers on Mother’s Day in the UK.
A. more popular B. the more popular C. less popular D. the
most popular
Famous = well-known: nổi tiếng >< unknown
Question 4. I think that up to now there has not been a real ___(n)____ between men
and women.
A. equality: sự cân bằng, sự bình đẳng B. equal (1 plus 1 equal 2) C.
equalize D. equally
Question 5. A child's application code and the consultant's Zalo phone number are
sent to parents upon registration, ___enabling____ them to access Zalo and register
personal data.
Enable …. to Vinf suggest …O.. to Vinf/ Advise …O… to Vinf
Suggest/advise + Ving
Help ..O…. Vinf Make, Let
A. is enabled B. enabling C. to enable D.
Question 6. _______ fifth-grade pupil died of suspected food poisoning on April 5th,
2024 in Nha Trang.
The poor/ the rich/ the group / the + đại diện nhóm người + chia ở số nhiều +are/…
The + ……../………../……………
A. The B. An C. A D. x
(No article)
Question 7. As Joe's roommate, I find him a fairly nice fellow, even if at times it is
not easy to _______ his noisy behavior.
A. put up with = suffer from: chịu đựng
B. look up to :nhìn lên ngưỡng mộ ai đó >< look down on: nhìn xuống khinh
thường ai đó
B. C. get on with = làm quen thân với đó, có mqh tốt với ai đó
D. catch up with=bắt kịp ai đó (về mặt thứ hạng, điểm số )
Catch on= tới thời, bắt kịp xu hướng, trở nên hothit…
Catch sight of = nhìn thoáng qua, lướt qua ai đó/cái gì đó
Put off = …trì hoãn=postpone=delay…….. /// call off = hủy =
Put on: mặc vào
Look out = coi chừng, hãy cẩn thận
Question 8. The candy _______ by a student from the school at a general grocery
store yesterday.
A. purchased B. was purchasing C. was purchased D. is
Question 9. They remember _______ an unforgettable:kh thể quên, đáng nhớ
party for their grandparents' anniversary.
A. throw B. to throw C. throwing D.
Question 10. People can never feel fulfilled by following someone else's dreams,
A. do they B. don’t they C. can’t they D. can
Question 11. The growth in employment and wages gives consumers some spending
_______ to absorb the higher cost of energy.
Spending power: sức chi tiêu, mức độ chi tiêu
A. energy B. force C. ability D.
Question 12. I _______ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.
A. was walking B. walk C. am walking D.
Question 13. Our group _______ a new method to carry out the survey into
teenagers’ attitudes towards online learning.
Employ a new method = use a new method: sử dụng phương pháp mới
A. recruited B. employed C. occupied D.
Question 14. ________, she will buy her parents a new TV set.
A. When she receives her salary B. Once she received her salary
C. Until she received her salary D. After she had received her
Question 15. I am sure your sister will _______ you a sympathetic ear when you
explain the situation to her.
Lend an ear: lắng nghe và đồng cảm, thấu hiểu
Lend a hand: giúp 1 tay
A. pay B. lend C. borrow D. take
Question 16. People are sometimes sick _______ the Internet users' group arguments
in online forums.
Be sick of: bị ớn, bị ngán, bị kh thích
Aware of: ý thức được
Fond of: thích…
A. of B. to C. into D. off
Question 17. When students take a step out of their _______ zone, they need some
encouragement from their teachers and parents.
Step out of their comfort zone: bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn, vùng thoải mái
A. climate B. parking C. control D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 18. A. come B. cake C. city D. club
Question 19. A. find B. think C. drive D. mind
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 20. A. express B. happen C. employ D.
Question 21. A. ad’vantage B. ‘candidate C. in’tention D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. Fierce (hung tợn ) storms have been hampering rescue ‘efforts and
there is now little chance of finding more survivors:những người sống sót.
Hamper= prevent: ngăn chặn, cản trờ from
A. allowing B. preventing C. encouraging D.
Question 23. With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric
conditions on Earth may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.
Strengthen : làm mạnh lên, thúc đẩy lên = enhance= improve= develop
Dawn: bình minh, sớm = beginning # hoàng hôn:sunset
A. outcome B. beginning C. expansion D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24. Various programs have been designed in order to facilitate the storage
and analysis of research data.
Facilitate: hỗ trợ, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi, làm dễ dàng = enable
A. ease: làm dễ dàng (easy) B. block: kìm hãm, ngăn chặn
C. speed D. build
Question 25. He really seems to have fallen on his feet. He got a new job and found
a flat(căn hộ) within a week of arriving in the city.
Fall on his feet: = lucky = may mắn
Break a leg = chúc may mắn
A. have been successful B. have been satisfied
C. have been unlucky D. have been disappointed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each the numbered blanks.
Every year millions of migrants travel vast distances using borrowed money for
their airfares and taking little or no cash with them. This flow of migrant money has a
huge economic and social (26) ___IMPACT___ on the receiving countries. It
provides cash for food, housing and necessities. It funds education and healthcare and
contributes towards the upkeep of the elderly. Extra money is sent for special events
such as weddings, funerals or urgent medical procedures and (27) _OTHER_____
emergencies. (28) ______, it sometimes becomes the capital(VỐN) (interest:tiền lãi
)for starting up a small enterprise=firm=business: doanh nghiệp. A twofold benefit
would be achieved by a developing country or a large charitable society, (29) ______
sells bonds guaranteeing a return of three or four percent, provided that the invested
money is utilized for building infrastructure within that same country. Migrants would
make a financial gain and see their savings put to work in the development of their
country of (30) ______.
(Adapted from ‘sending money home’ from ielts of British Council.)
Question 26. A. result B. impact C. consequence D.

Question 27. A. other B. another C. much D. little
Question 28. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D.
Question 29. A. which B. who C. whose D.
Question 30. A. derivation B. foundation C. supply D.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer
to each of the question.
There is nothing to suggest that Evelyn Glennie is profoundly(hết sức, sâu sắc)
deaf. She insists that her deafness is irrelevant to her musicianship, but there is no
doubt that her obvious handicap=hamper=prevent: ngăn chặn, cản trở has turned a
remarkable career into a miraculous(huyền diệu, phi thường) one.
Glennie was eight when her hearing began to fail; by twelve she had lost it
completely and feared she would have to give up the music she loved. But a doctor’s
suggestion that she should become an accountant rather than follow a hopeless
musical career strengthened=push her will to succeed.
As it turned out, music was one of the most advantageous careers she could have
chosen and is one reason why her speech remains so extraordinarily correct, despite
her deafness. Occasionally she listens to recordings by holding a cassette player
between her knees, interpreting the vibrations and the shaking movements. Her
deafness is one of the reasons for her unique style, for she cannot listen and be
influenced=impacted=affected: bị ảnh hưởng by other performances and she has often
declared that getting her hearing back would be the worst thing that could happen to
As a result of her devotion(devote:cống hiến=donate) to her music and her
determination to succeed, she has doubled the range of works available for percussion
music in Europe and introduced instruments previously unheard of in the west. She
has also asked composers to write more than fifty new pieces of music for these
instruments, and has set up=thành lập a library of three hundred works for other
musicians to use.
(Adapted from Richmond FCE
Practice Tests)
Question 31. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. How to be a Successful Singer B. The Disadvantages of
C. Developing Musical Skills at School D. Overcoming a Severe
Question 32. The word it in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. hearing B. handicap C. career D.
Question 33. The word unique in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
U’nique / u’nite
Unique= special: đặc biệt, độc lạ, độc đáo
A. special B. boring C. common D.
Question 34. According to paragraph 4, Glennie has ______.
A. refused to introduce new instruments to the west
B. written over fifty new pieces of music by herself
C. established a library to support other musicians
D. given up the hope to succeed in her musical career
Question 35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. People can easily tell that Glennie is completely deaf.
B. Glennie’s deafness turns out to be an advantage to her career.
C. Glennie wishes she could hear clearly like a normal person.
D. Glennie’s doctor encouraged her to become a musician.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer
to each of the question.
The authors noted that while other forms of pollution are decreasing, noise
pollution has been increasing. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that there has
been an increase in the number of people who have been complaining about excessive
noise in the WHO region. Populations that are exposed to high noise levels can be
afflicted by other symptoms such as: stress reactions, sleep-stage changes, and clinical
symptoms like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. All these impacts can
contribute to premature mortality. It is important to note that these adverse health
problems impact all age groups including children and adolescents. In fact, it has been
reported that children who live and or study in an area afflicted with noise pollution
tend to suffer from stress, impairments in memory and attention as well as difficulty
“In Western Europe, the guidelines say, traffic noise results in an annual loss of at
least one million healthy years”. Traffic noise is currently ranked second among
environmental threats to public health.
The danger of noise pollution is more present to us when we are asleep. Because
the human ear is so sensitive, it never rests, it is always working, picking up and
transmitting sounds for our brains to interpret. This always on working process is
where the danger lies, though you may be sleeping, sounds are still being picked up
and processed. The most common side effects of this phenomenon are sleep
disturbance and tiredness, impaired memory judgment, and psychomotor skills. The
other more serious outcomes of this can be the triggering of the body’s acute stress
response, which raises blood pressure and heart rate as the body and brain go into a
state of hyperarousal. According to the European Environment Agency, at least
10,000 cases of premature deaths from noise exposure occur each year, although
incomplete data mean this number is significantly underestimated.
Question 36. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Noise in the WHO Region B. environmental threats
C. Increase in Noise, Increase in Risk D. Side Effects of Tiredness
Question 37. According to paragraph 2, in Western Europe, an annual loss of at least
one million healthy years is resulted from _______.
A. guidelines B. environment threats C. traffic noise D.
public health
Question 38. The word premature in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
Mature: trưởng thành
A. slow B. late C. quick D. early
Question 39. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. human ear B. sound C. the danger D. side
Question 40. The word afflicted in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. assumed B. illustrated C. affected D.
Question 41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the article as a symptom
caused by exposure to high noise levels?
A. staying highly alert B. stress reactions
C. cardiovascular diseases D. hypertension
Question 42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. The danger of noise pollution is less serious when we are asleep.
B. Adverse health problems impact children and adolescents only.
C. Many forms of pollution, except for noise pollution, are decreasing.
D. At least 100,000 cases of premature deaths from noise exposure occur each
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
Question 43. Laura didn’t take part in the marathon. She was badly injured in a car
accident last week.
A. Without her bad injury in a car accident last week, Laura wouldn’t have taken
part in the marathon.
B. If Laura hadn’t been badly injured in a car accident last week, she would have
taken part in the marathon.
If : nếu….
If only = giá như
C. If only Laura weren’t badly injured in a car accident last week, she could have
taken part in the marathon.
D. Laura could take part in the marathon in case she were badly injured in a car
accident last week.
Question 44. Peter failed the interview again. He was fully aware of the importance
of making careful preparation only then: chỉ sau đó
A. No sooner had Peter fully been aware of the importance of making careful
preparation than he failed the interview again.
B. Hardly had Peter fully been aware of the importance of making careful
preparation when he failed the interview again.
C. Not until Peter was fully aware of the importance of making careful preparation
did he fail the interview again.
D. Only after Peter had failed the interview again was he fully aware of the
importance of making careful preparation.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 45. Some children still face discrimination (sự phân biệt)>< equality (sự
bình đẳng) at school because of its sexual orientation
Racism discrimination: sự PHÂN BIỆT CHỦNG TỘC
A. Some B. face C. at school D. its
Question 46. After going through a protection period that may last from several
months to a year, new recruits will be offered a long-term contract.
A. months B. protection ->probation: thử việc
B. Probation period: giai đoạn thử việc C. contract D.
Question 47. Yesterday, for the first time in his life, Mike refuses to follow his
parents' advice.
A. first time B. refuses ->refused C. to
follow D. advice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 48. They are not allowed to use our personal information for their own
A. They don’t have to use our personal information for their own purposes.
B. They can use our personal information for their own purposes.
C. They mustn’t use our personal information for their own purposes.
D. They may use our personal information for their own purposes.
Question 49. Linda last went to the university library three months ago.
A. Linda hasn’t gone to the university library for three months.
B. Linda went to the university library for three months.
C. Linda has gone to the university library for three months.
D. Linda didn’t go to the university library for three months.
Question 50. Jack told me, "I want to see this movie with my girlfriend tomorrow."
A. Jack told me he wanted to see that movie with my girlfriend tomorrow.
B. Jack told me he wanted to see that movie with his girlfriend tomorrow.
C. Jack told me he wanted to see that movie with my girlfriend the following day.
D. Jack told me he wanted to see that movie with his girlfriend the following day.

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