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1 Computer Setence odio CHAPTER 2 Network Components Topics Covered «Parts of a Network + Network Devices a4 Network Hardware 21 2.2 + Client Server Computation and Network Software 2 Peern ewes 0 set up a network for communi eS ication one needs three basic things. Number one is a device ib Eiroush which the user can communieate, Number two ae the eables or links using which the communicating devices are connected and number thee area et of rae that are required o ‘Therefore a computer network requires MBTWORK — cgble transmitters, receivers, communication M™APWORE apenas cables and links, and special intelligent hardware and ‘software to transmit information across the network. Based on this there are three basic components in a Computer Network. These are: a. Network Devices b. Network Hardware ©. Network Software eon PRR Peres et z ints like servers, workstations, computer Network devices, also ealled nodes include componei peripherals like printers, modems etc. Users communi Jevices. These devices usually remain attached to a network pI generating, transmitting and receiving data across a network Servers: A Server is usually a large powerful computer a her computers in the network. Services may include storing common programs 420 data files that are frequently shar “sin the network. Servers are also used for jicate with the network through these jnysically and actively participate in in the network that provides different services to red by other computers communication where t ‘other computers, manage e-mails ete. It they provide Internet access to Sotvalso give access to resources like printers, modems, etc: in the network. Since a server is used to serve other computers with different services, Weve usually have the ‘high RAM and a high capacity hard disk drive, Servers ray also latest and fastest processor. Intent and fattert Pre and epecial aul tolerant mechanisms to counter any eystem file: fae pe eee ‘These are File servers, Print servers, and Communication servers: «+ File Servers: These usually store files created by application accessed by two or more clients. fe two different subsets of file servers. Database Database servers and Application servers a Database servers ace database management programs (¢5- SOr Oracle etc.) to carry out seeuar scaruhing, zorting, and other data management jobs for the client computers. Whereas @ ret eer appligation server stores common application Profan’ shared by different client Computers. These are capable of running several ‘application programs at a time. programs and allow these to be Servers File Servers ‘a CD ROM server. It has several CD-ROM/DVD drives. It can ent computer at any given time. Another type of file server is ral CD .d serve more than one cli bet aude enn nine run several CDs at a time an: regent sesaReCEEEES pees 2-2-1 & Print Servers & Communication Servers og stwork Interface Card & Functions of a NIC Part 2: Chapter 2 retworked computers to share o; * Print Servers: Print servers are used to allow network neled Common printers. A print server usually has more than one printer port so that sac printers can be attached to a single server. The purpose of a print server is to accept print Sent from different application programs running on different client computers and send thee to the common network printer. Using spooling techniques, a print server can store in a gy the print jobs sent to it by client computers, and then send them to the printer one by one Communication Server: A Communication server is basically used to connect ditterey, network systems using different standards and to connect networks over long distances, These can act as e-mail servers, DNS servers, or faxes in a local area network. Communication servers like Pt common Internet connection by other client computers. © Clients or Workstations: A computer is referred to as a client if it requests for files and other networked resources lit, froin a server. Therefore computers that basically share sometimes also called a workstation. ue as a fax server for incoming and outgoi, roxy servers help to share ® printers, scanners, modems et network's resources are called clients. A client Earlier workstations used to be dumb terminals with no processors to do local data processing, and storage devices to do local data storage. These acted like input/output terminals only. These terminals used to be connected to mainframe computers which did all the processing and from where they accessed all their resources. Present day workstations are usually PCs equipped with Processors, RAM and hard disks. They run their own application programs and request for only data and print jobs from networked resources like database and print servers. '*!| Peripheral Device: Printers, Scanners, Modems, CDROM servers etc form the remaining resources, which are shared by the workstations. These are also called computer peripheral devices. These peripherals can be connected to a server, which accepts the requests for services from other workstations and redirects these requests to the respective peripherals. 12.3 Network Hardware In addition to the computers and other network devices like printers, removable data storage devices and other peripheral devices, the hardware components that are required to physically connect the network devices, include Network Interface Cards, Cables, Repeaters, Hubs etc. ) Network Interface Card/Unit (NIC/NIU) ‘The Network Interface Card/Unit or LAN Adapter functions as an interface between the computer and the network channel. It is through the NIC a computer connects to the network. A NIC is cither present as an expansion card connected to a slot on the motherboard of a computer or can be present onboard as an inbuilt chip. A specialised port in the card (like RJ-45) is used to connect the card to the network cable, Computer-1 Each NIC is provided with a unique 48 bit device address called the MAC address (or Media ‘Access Control address). It is a unique physical address inscribed into the card at the time of manufacturing. This unique address is used for communication in a network. Computer-2 Functions of the NIC: Data flow control: It controls the flow of data in and out of the network system. a. b. Data Packaging: Once the NIC has all the data from the RAM for transmission, it divides the data into smaller packets or frames. Each frame contains the source and the destination address, the actual data part, and error checking information. P2-2-2 Rudiments of Computer Science Network Components ‘The NIC receives data from the computer in parallel form, and ehanges ©. Data flow cor ally along, the networle eable, and viee versa. {tte serial data flow for transmitting the dat. 4. Data Buffering: To overcome the problems of speed mismatch between the computer and the Patt setmeon, the NC stores date temporary In baller memery and transmis f only iter receiving the ful data packet from the computer 5 ‘Signal Generation: The data received from the computer is in the form of electrical 4s in the form of electrical pulses. The Nie is responsible for converting the data to proper form suitable for the type 0 Communication used (eectsical, optical, wireless te), Peer {Speed of Data Transfer: NICs also determine the speed of data transfer and may transmit data at 1OMBps oF 100Mbps depending upon the particular setup used ue ; ody ‘The network interface cards work in conjunction with the network cables, which are used to | Guided Media physically connect the different NICs in a network. Depending upon the number of cores, Zhielding, the material of the communication channel, and the type of signalling, used, there are 4 primary types of network cables, ai) Dnshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) ‘Structure: ‘This is the industry standard for current installations. The cable has usually 4 pairs of insulated copper wires inside the same outer jacket. Each pair of wire is again twisted around each other as shown in the diagram on the right. Operation: ‘The copper wires carry the signal and are twisted in pairs to reduce the effects of external electrical noise or interference. Crosstalk is another problem faced by a communication cable. It is the effect of electromagnetic interference of one pair of wire on the other. To reduce crosstalk, each pair of wire is given a different twist length. ‘Types: This wire comes in several standards like UTP Category 3.“ T7PT MS Texnton (CAT3) wire used for slow Ethernet connections and UTP Category S (CATS) wires used for both Slow & Fast Ethernet, I ‘Twat Length Connector Use’ ‘Special connectors called Registered Jack 45 or RJ-45 connectors are used to connect the CATS cable to the network interface port Us —_ Tn network communication UTP cables are usually used in a star topology LAN with Ethernet protocol, These can also be used as drop cables for Ethernet bus topology. Advantages: + UTP costs less per meter than any other type of LAN cable + These are sleek and flexible cnough to casily pass through cable ducts and hence more cables can be accommodated within a given cable duct to save space UTP can be used with most of the major networking architectures + Itcan support a bandwidth of up to 100 Mbps. Disadvantages The absence of any shield makes these cables prone to external electromagnetic interference. The twisting of the cables minimises the effect to some extent, sxternal noise, these cables eannot be used for more than 100m + To minimise the effects of e» without repeaters. P2-2-3 Unshielded ‘Twisted Pair 13> | seicomnist cate Coaxial Cable | Structure: & Shielded Twisted Pair Cable Part 2: Chapter 2 sion signal wire. It two conductors The cable resembles cable-televis Bets its name from the fact th share the same central axis. There is a central Copper conductor with a thick PVC insulation. A copper net is woven over the plastic insulation to shield the centre conductor from outside electrical 3 noise (see diagram on right). Operation: The central copper core carries the signal while the ou Path of the signal, Thus the copper net serves the purpose of both electrical noise and as a conductor. ‘Outer Jacket PVE Insulation Shiela \\ copper Cota gaia Ct Type: Co-axial cables come in a thiek and thin variety. Connector Used: ‘ The most common type of connector used is the Bayone Neill Concelman (=3h (BNC) connector also called a British Naval Connector (see diagram on right). Use: Abe thick variety of cable is used with Thieknet bus topology of LAN and the thin variety i with the Thinnet form. The maximum distance allowed for a thicknet co-axial cable , ‘500m while that provided by a thinnet cable is 185m. Advantages: * These cables are less prone to electromagnetic interference than UTP cables J The presence of the shielding allows these cables to be used for up to 500m (thick variety) * Bandwidth supported is up to 100Mbps Disadvantages: * These cables are costlier than UTP cables * Since these cables are bulky in nature and less flexible, it is cable ducts. Bending these cables at corners are also difficult ©. Shielded Twisted Pair Cable (STP) Structure: This type of cable has usually two to four pairs of twisted copper wires. Each pair is again shielded by foil wraps. A woven copper net shields the overall outer foil. An outer PVC insulation covers the entire cable, Operation: ‘The copper wires carry the signal. The twisting and double shielding makes this more resistant to crosstalk and y outer electrical noise than UTP or co-axial cable. ifficult to put them through Insulation Shield Twisted Pair Connector Used: Peon iS used with special IBM data connectors, also called (——————- D-Connectors. These are designed specifically for use with the STP cabior Use: ] Itis used mainly for IBM’s Token Ring LAN specifications. Advantages: Sere awles reduce electrical noise both within the cable (ke crosstalk) and from outside the cable (external electromagnetic interference) * Bandwidth supported is up to 100Mbps Disadvantages: * STP cables are expensive compared to UTP cables {__*_The maximum distance over which this type of cable can be used is 100m 2-2-4 Network Components siractars a The cable consists of a central glass fibre 5-100 Optical Fibre microns In diameter and is surrounded by a layer of cakie pure silica called cladding. ‘To protect it, a plastic jucket can be present outside the cladding, ‘The plastic ee jacket in turn can be reinforced with strength fibres Strength Fibres /Cladding tneatn ie Kevlar fibres to protect the Outer Jacket \ Plastic/sheath feat fibre: The. cable finaly es ne eter outer insulating jacket mate TY cendang Tellon oF PVC™ Theat ‘abies’ act ceding (yplcally grouped’ in tonaee protected By an outer sheath (sce figure on the lea operation: ‘The principle of total internal reflection of ght is Tota! intemal efleciono used to propagate light signals through the glass ght thes placestfincand Stiea OS fibres. Either an LED (short distance) or a laser caddy atesoss Gang source (long distance) ts used to generate the sipea A'photodiode is used to receve, the nigral fxnerates electric pulses when light pulses tire fhe angle at which the light enters the optical te cable called the mode of tanesaiesion, fea Reflected rays traveling trough the fre Fibre Optic cables can be of three types ‘Types of Optical Fre + Step Index Multimode: Here the light rays enter Step Index the cable at different angles (first figure). ‘This | Multimode causes different reflected rays take different time intervals to reach the end and reduces the strength of the light. Multimode cables are thus used for short distance applications like LANs. + Graded Index Multimode: Such a fibre (second figure) solves this problem to some extent by gradually changing the refractive index of the fibre from the core to the periphery. Step Index Single mode: The best option to use for long distance networks is a Single Mode fibre. The fibre diameter of about § microns in such a cable forces the light to follow a linear single path. These are expensive and are generally used as backbone cables for WANs. Connector Use ‘Two types of connectors are used with fibre optic cables. These are called Subscriber Channel (SC) and Straight Tip (ST) connectors (see figure) Use: It is especially advantageous for long-distance communications, because light propagates through the fiber with little attenuation and disturbance compared to electrical cables. Used in FDDI networks. Advantages: * Since data travels in the form of light pulses, these cables are totally immune to outside electrical noise and hence can be used for longer distances as compared to other cables + Single mode fibres can transmit data for about 10 km without using repeaters * Bandwidth supported is up to several Gbps + Better security as it cannot be tapped Disadvantages + Fibre optic cables are the most expensive of all cables + The cable needs to be handled with care. + It is difficult to join and terminate such cables. P2-2-5 oe Cable Comparison ‘Chart & Difference: Coaxial and Fibre Optic Infrared Communication Part 2: Chapter 2 100m | 100 100 ant | Enay to install Prone to interteren ure Mbps — | expensive | sieck and flexible Severs Only a mig sble distance = ° More | Reduced crosstalk Dilfcut wo wen fig ne “ios.” | expensive [More sesstan to BMI | Con 8 ony ating than UTP distance ‘ et Difficult to won Gonaial| S00. icknet) [19 0100] Relavely [Less prone a ii io waa 18S em (inne | Mbps inexpensive Vtererence than other | Qoweyctt “ an UTP types of copper media forlong | Difficult voja Bee [20m and farce 100Mps w | Expensive [Can be used forlong [Difco ag Optic | (single-mode| 100Gbps listances (multimode) 100Mbps to: Not prone to EMI 9.92Gbps Has highest data rate (multimode) Difference between Co-axial and Fibre Optic cable Co-Axial Cable Fibre Optic Cable 1. Transmission media in coaxial cable is eopper | 1. The transmission medium is glase 2 The central copper core is surrounded by a| 2, The central glass fibre is surrounded bye plastic insulation silica cladding 3 The ‘signal is transmitted in the form of | 3. The signal is transmitted as pulses of light | electrical pulses 4,_Not fully immune to electrical noise 4, Totally immune to electrical noise 5. Maximum length that these can be used is | 5. Maximum length can be up to 10 Km roughly 500m to 185m, | 6. Connectors used are called BNC connectors 6. Connectors used are called Subscriber Channel (SC) and Straight Tip (ST) 7. Slightly expensive than UTP cables 7. The most expensive cable Communication can also take place through free sp waves. This type of communication is called wireless communication or communication through un-guided or un-bound media, ie 4% Infrared Communication: Infrared (IR) is the req 8,_Used in 10BaseS and 10Base2 Ethernet 8. Used in PDDI networks Communication (Un-guided/Un-bound Media| ace by means of radio, micro, or infrared on in the electromagnetic spectrum between man eye but can be sensed by special devices is invisible to hu: aan eae, AM Computer networks IR signals are ueed for shor In co distance communication as shown below: * Direct. mode communi Be communication. A clear line of sight i en Transmit " Diffused mode cos communication. In and walls to reach a mode is used to connect multi, mod ‘multiple work: 2-2-6 \diments of Computer Belence [Networle Components ». Radio Communication: Radio waves are ideal for communication systems where cable installation ts difficult or contly or where the users are mobile. However bandwidth is limited ‘nd communteation is prone to electromagnetic interference A typical radio system consists of a base station transmitter/receiver that operates within a efreular radio field. ‘The transmitter produces radio waves that are emitted from an antenna and are recelved by antennas at the receiving end, There are iwo basic types of communication. These are: + Ground Waves: Radio waves below MHz tend to follow the ground and round shy waver . rongepere frre se" poured. nvr, CBs od y See, meen 8 basically used for public radio stations. ey ee Sky Waves: Radio waves above MHz tend to be absorbed by the ground and tare used an sky waves that reflect off the ionosphere and bend back to the surface. ©, Microwave Communteation: Microwaves are high frequency (>3GHz) clectromagnetic signals used for long distance communication. The transmission consists of a transmitter and a receiver and requires a line of sight between the two, It is leas vulnerable to electromagnetic Interferences and provides greater bandwidth. There are two types of Microwave Networks. These are + Terrestrial: These provide communication usually aero antennas are used to transmit sig Higher the a short distance. Usually parabolic is up to 10 km away and receive it by similar antennas. ¢ location of the antenna in a tower, longer is the distance possible, * Satellite: In this scheme, a special satellite dish serving as an antenna is used to transmit and receive special devices satellites relay the microwave signals using led transponders. This is more expensive than other wireless media. Geostationary Satellite: While using microwave satellite communication, the position and orbital time period of the satellites: play an important role. Ideally, if an artificial satellite tends to remain stationary with respect to a particular region of the earth's surface, it will be always available for communication, n be calculated 1 an altitude of 35,800 km the orbital rin circle quar ort, wou appear ay naonay to eae ‘someone the surface of the earth. Such a satellite is called a by ise geostationary satellite or Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) ¢. At least three such geostationary satellites, placed at the to cover the three corners of an equilateral triangle, are required entire surface of the earth (see figure on the right) nsmitting station to the satellite is called the uplink and the one from the ick to the ground antenna is called the downlink, For a full duplex communication, two ‘The signal from the tr lite b frequency channels are required - one going, each way. A low cont technology called VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminals) has been developed which uses micro-stations with minal having antenna of 1m diameter as compared to 10m diameter for GEO operation, These are used for direct broadcast satellite television for one way transmission. Advantages + The cost of transmitting a mi + Satellit Disadvantage +B ssage is Independent of the distance traversed, communication is inherently a broadcast sstem serving all within its cover area. cen though signals to and from the satellite travel at the speed of light, however the long distance involved in the process introduces a substantial delay for GEO satellites. ecial encryption of the data is required to implement security, 2-2-7 & Radio Communication| & Microwave Communication Geostationary satellite GEO Uplink and Downlink Hub Punetions of Hub oe Distributed Computing ee Special Features ‘of NOS Part 2: Chapter 2 — ‘A hub provides a common connection point for ainda devices connected in a physical star topology. Usually UTP cables of maximum length 100m connect the different computers to the hub using connectors or through an 1/O wall outlet. If connec fa wall outlet, another UTP cable of 7 feet length vs Wiring Huy UTP cable are used to cither RJ45 ted through: sing RI45, card of LAN card Connectors on both sides is used to connect the interface core, the network device to the wall outlet, Such a cord is called 2 = patch cord and the type of wiring is called structured wiring. rasa Gaiag oeeas al Funetions of a Hub: «a, Tranamiesion: Hubs receive and then transmit any data packet that they receive Over on¢ Pon from one workstation, to all the remaining ports. mm each other. In the event of a faulty b. Node Isolation: A hub isolates the individual cables fr c event ¢ seen aaa only that particilar nede loses service, while other nodes remain act isos error conditions and disconnects the malfunctioning node, .s cleaning the signal Error Handling: A hub recogni Signal Regeneration: A Hub can regenerate and retime the signals thu of noise before broadcasting to the other nodes. ‘ar topology using a central hub are easier to add e. Easy Expansion: Computers in a physical st or replace than in traditional Ring or Bus topology. CXS oka Barly computers were large and expensive and hence most companies could afford (Samer Say’ a single onc. With the advent of network technologies, the companies | (pack-end can ceted remote workstations or dumb terminals to these computers to input | "device Gata and observe the results of the calculations done by the central computer. This helped many people to share the resources of the central computer [2 simultaneously. 3| | When personal computers arrived, they replaced the dumb terminals and due to | 21 [ig their processing abilties could communicate with other computers on the network. This led to Distributed Computing, which refers to any computation that involves two or more computers communicating over a network. In a network eeu a program running on one computer uses protocol software to contact a program | “Semce)" on another computer and exchange information: carried out inputs to any process that request The word distributed computing refe: involving multiple computer: the client or host portion (front-end device) sends a request to a proj ar the deren porti Pee eee ce bane cat Pon othe era prs model an application is thus split into a front-end client component with wi ich the ase os Sen an eeitncts a haccandmemaseent somone ih whch tear or 5 features of Network ms (NOS): network related tasks to give access to the shared devices in the netwen rey eee YareUs ce ee ee, tare deve in We neta aco pre network operating system should include: lus the basic functions of @ P2-2-8 Rudiments of Computer Science Network Components + To maintain connectivity between network devices and coordinate th: + Provide sharing of data and network resources such as printers and oa ties + Enoure data and device se Ensure data and device security on the network through centralised administration Examples of network operating systems include Novell NetWare, Windows 2008 Se Le » Win ver etc. Let us now discuss the different features of the OS software in the client side and the serves ei Features of OS in a Client Computer: “ When an application program in a client makes fa request for some files or sends a print job to a networked printer, a special networking software called Redirection Software operating in the client PC examines the application's request to determine if-it is directed towards a local device (like a local hard disk drive) meant for or networked device (like a hard disk on another computer in the network). If it finds the service available on a local disk then it fetches the data from the local disk and supplies the user with the requested data. In case the requested data is not found in the local disk and is located on a networked device, then instead of sending the request to the local evice, the redirector software uses protocols like TCP, SPX, or Net-BIOS and IP, or IPK to Gad additional information like source and destination address, and sends the request feross the network to the target device via the NIC. The data is fetched from the networked denice like a server machine and transmitted back to the client machine trough the networks. Network Interface Card Network Interface Card Features of OS in the Server Computer: Seners need special sofware to handle the many tasks involved in, sharing resources. Depending upon the type of server different software carry out different work in the NOS Hike: a. Multiple Client OS Support: ‘As clients connected to a server may have different kinds of OS running in them, the NOS in the server should be able to support them all b. Different Network Type Support: ‘A corporate network may grow over tim like Ethernet, Token Ring etc. that use different protor support all such types of configurations. ¢ and can be formed of different types of networks cols. The NOS should be able to c. File Management: see bacle tinction of the file management software is to efficiently read and write data ‘niques used for doing this are: «Elevator Secking: The Elevator Secking software queues several fie reanests oo sigtriy masnner in which the files are stored in the disk, irrespective of the order in which sre eae neets were made. This requires optimal head movement ofthe hard disk drive. ‘The data access time is reduced, thereby increasing the efficiency. + Hashing: A mathematical procedure ¢: hard disk by name, volume, directory and subdi 4. Disk Cachis y levice like @ hard disk It takes relatively longer time to access data from a secondary storege da i i takes relatively longer tine 19 the RAM (000% of a second). Disk caching To the {2000 of secon) tha Aad to hold the most recently and frequently weed beck of from server storage to speed up data access. onto one or more drives. The different tec! alled hashing is used to index files stored in the rectory for faster retrieval. P2-2-9 ‘Server OS Features 1 Hecushy Beste iate between authorised and unauthorised 1 ¢. Multiple Processor Support: To cater to the need of multiple ¢ computers to be efficient. {. Reliability Control: server should be a highly Fel Roe aed ee more of the follow fer should be able (0 run on mutes, lients, Proce, Ny, ant to failures. Reliability jg liable device F ving ways: Jisk is simultaneously sey, the server in one or more . ied to the primary 4 nite nt to g “a eee 7 ay disk fait, the ihirror di k immediately takes over Rin, disk. In case the primary disk fails, * ‘ a Ho hard disk surface are regularly monitored. In case of + Hot Fix: Defects on the Hitt Testored. Simultaneously the area is marked b available data is recovered and dl pprcnangetrra ral o simultaneously access a particular data jj. , ‘users may want { sa : : {he gener muleple erat perform vente operation of the same Fle simulaneayy access control aystem of the NOS selectively determines which user may be jj access and which user is given read access only at @ a re The server software should differenti steer ne NOS gives a network ete fe vices coming from different client st: panne oh i resource like a hard drive, subdirectory, file or pans: password to the shared networ! hateparticular resoura : Clients having the particular password can only share that p: e. i, Scalability: As a particular network grows, the network traffic also increases. Under such conditions. server uses a technique called load balancing to distribute the requests to different server, [+ A computer network requires transmitters, P2-2-10 _visible light is used as the signa receivers, communication cables and links, and specil intelligent hardware and software to transmit information across the network A Server is usually a large powerful computer in comparison to other computers in the network. Sere provide different services to other computers in the network File Servers usually store files created by application programs and allow files to be accessed by two or more clients, Database servers and Application servers are different subsets of file sever Print servers are used to allow networked computers to share one or more common printers A Communication Server is primarily used to connect different network systems using diferet standards and to connect networks over long distances A computer is referred to as a client if it requests for files and other networked resources like pit scanners, modems etc. from a server Printers, Scanners, Modems, CDROM servers and other re shared Workstations are also called computer peripheral devices CS Which are ‘The Network Interface Card/Unit or LAN Adapter functio erat the nettle es r mS as an interface between the compl! n Itis through the NIC a computer connects to the network installations. The cable typically conmgintt gP245 connector is the industry standard for curent me Coaxial Cable used with BNC connec, Pairs of wires inside the same outer jacket wet aioe haniaein tm he a ht enacts sae ee cat leviion signal wie and 4 Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP) cable has two pairs 7 fol wraps. A woven copper net shields the overall gu nce COPPEF wires. Each pair i again sie immune to outside electric: tion nduete vin a In wireless transmission 2 al noises and radiation. SC any ST connecter ave weed with iso weed ake through free space by means of radio, mie adio waves are ideal for communication where the users are mobile Systems where cable In Infrared Communication the communication takes place infrared region i L 7 in the electromagnetic spectrum between radio wa" Network Component Rudiments of Computer Selence |" atationary to someone on the surface of the earth. Such satellite In called geostatlonary Artificial satellite contains several devices: called tr re used to receive signals of a | | ime been developed which uses | ‘compared to a 10m diameter | ccartied out involving multiple computers A Peer-to-Peer network architecture allows the client computers to bypass servers and to directly communicate with other workstations 7 Review Questions QI. Fill in the blank: (1 each) i) The acts as an interface between the computer and the network cabling. ii) NIC is provided with a unique _ bit device address called the MAC address. iii) An UTP cable has usually __ pairs of insulated copper wires inside the same outer jaé iv) UTP cable used with Ethernet is also called cable. v) Special connectors called are used to connect the UTP cable to the network card. vi) The most common type of connector used with coaxial cables is called __ vii) The thick variety of coaxial cable is used with bus topology. viii] ‘The presence of shielding in thick co-axial cable allows these to be used up to, fibre optic cable the light ray's follow different reflected paths, ix) Ina x) oA light source is used for short distance fibre optic cable communication. xi) ‘Two types of connectors used with fibre optic cables are called __and xii) Bandwidth supported by a fibre optic cable is up to several xii) Radio waves below __MHez tend to follow the ground and travel as ground waves xxiv) Radio waves above MHz tend to be absorbed by the ground and are used as sky waves Ifa satellite is placed at an altitude in a circular equatorial orbit such that it appears as, 3) U uenary to someone on the stirface of the earth then itis called a satellite xvi) The signal from the transmitting station to the satelite is called the xvii) The signal from the satellite back to the ground antenna is called the has been developed which uses micro-stations xviii) A low cost technology called with terminals having an antenna of Im diameter. Q2. Multiple Choice Questions. Select 1 correct option from the 4 options. {) A large powerful computer in comparison to other computers in the network that provides different services to other computers in the network is called a: a. Workstation —_b. Adapter ce. Server d. NIC Database servers and Application servers are different subsets of: (1 each) ii) a.CD Server _b. Proxy Server c. Print Server d. File Server iil) These allow networked computers to share one or more common printers: a. Proxy Server _b. Print Server . File Server iv) Server primarily used to connect different network systems using different standards: . Print Server d. Communication Server a. Proxy Server b. File Server P2-2-11 i. | Part 2: Chapter 2 vl vi) vii) viii) ix) xii) xiii) xiv) xxiii) xxiv) Ifa computer requests for networked resources from a main computer, it is called: a. a source b. a server c. aclient d. a receiver This device serves as an interface between the computer and the network cabling: a. NIP b.NIC c. NIT d. NID The MAC address of a network card consists of: a. 16 bits b. 32 bits c. 48 bits d, 64 bits: Full form of MAC address is: a, Money Access Control address b, Media Access Control address ©. Mobile Access Control address d. Motion Access Control address This is the cheapest of all types of network cables: a. Co-axial b. STP UTP d. Fibre optic This is the costliest of all types of network cables: a. STP b, Fibre optic c, Co-axial d. UTP This is the most popular amongst all types of network cables: a. UTP b. Fibre optic c, STP d. Co-axial This type of cable resembles cable-television signal wir a. STP 'b, Co-axial ¢. Fibre optic d, UTP. This type of cable has two pairs of twisted copper wires with each pair shielded by foil wraps: a. UTP b. Fibre optic c. STP d. Co-axial Fibre-Optic cable transmits over glass-fibre: a. current pulses b, magnetic pulses. light pulses d. electric pulses UTP cables use this type of connectors: a. BNC b. RUAS ©. SC d. Special data connector Co-axial cables use this type of connectors: asc b.sT c. BNC 4. RU4S Fibre optic cables use this type of connectors: a. NIC b. BNC ©. SC/ST 4. Ru4s Which one of these is not a guided media: a. Infra Red b.Co-axial cable. UTP cable 4. STP cable What type of source is used for a fibre optic cable? a. Battery b. LED , Current . Magnetic How many pairs of wires are clubbed together in a CATS UTP cable? a6 b.2 o4 as What type of media is used in a Fibre optic cable? a. steel fibre b. copper fibre . plastic fibre 4. glass fibre ‘The metal net provided in a co-axial cable is called a? a. armour b. shield ©. protection 4. cover Which of this is not a type of Fibre Optic cable? a. Step Index Single Mode b. Graded Index Multi Mode c. Step Index Multimode d. Graded Index Single Mode Which phenomenon is used for transferring data in a fibre optic cable? a, Refraction of light b, Dispersion of light c. Total Internal Reflection of light 4d. Diffusion of light ‘What type of signal source is not used in wireless communication? a, radio b. ultra violet ¢. infra red 4. microwave Which type of long distance wireless communication is not sui cable installation is difficult or costly? ae een a. Radio b. Satellite ©. Microwave d. Infra Red P2-2-12, Rudiments of Computer Science Network Components sexvii) soxvii) sexx soxxiv) sow) Q3. Short Answer type questions: i) ii) Satellite communication uses: ee A satellite which ha: ‘a lan & Beostationary satelite a: feonynchronous satel Artificial satellites use these devices to relay signals jane ‘inenee” Settee seca a a forvned tink b. upline Seewniine a bea A dece used to provide a common connection point for network devices: 2. Group computing b. Distributed computiny : .. Additive computing 4. Collective computing» a. —— Open System b. Network Open Source iat ae elk in which there is a central server to which all other computers log on to: ' a. Peer-to-Peer network b. Professional network : [A network architecture that allows the client computers to bypass iret communicate with other workstations: : cesikonuebneid a. Distributed network ¢: Professional network b, Client-Server network 4d. Peer-to-Peer network (Leach) State one use of a file server. What is the use of a communication server? What is the function of a print server? What is the full form of NIC in networking? State one function of a NIC. What do you mean by the MAC address of a NIC? How many bits are there in the MAC address of a NIC? Write the full form of UTP cable. What type of media is used by a fibre optic cable? Why is a co-axial cable so called? What is the use of a shield in a co-axial cal State one advantage of using UTP cable State one disadvantage of using UTP cable. State one advantage of using co-axial cable. State one disadvantage of using co-axial cable. ble? xv) xvi) State one difference between co-axial cable and fibre-optic cable. xvii) State one advantage of using fibre optic cable, xviii) State one disadvantage of using fibre optic cable. xix) Write the names of connectors used with UTP cable and co-axial cable respectively. xx) Write the full form of SC connector used with fibre optic cable. xxi) What is the maximum cable length that is used with UTP cables without using repeaters? sexi) Write the name of any two varieties of fibre optic cable. P2-2-13 Part 2: Chapter 2 for communication. xxii) State one reason for using radio waves 1F xxiv) State one application of IR waves in networ mt possible with microwaves, xxv) Write the name of any one type of communica” 1 xxvi) What is uplink with respect to satellite communicatt xxvii) State one use of a hub. xawili) State one feature of a Network Operating System: xxix) Name any two Network Operating Systems. xxx) What do you mean by Distributive Computing? . ions: i (7 eacyy 7 | ee ate itd a different types of servers used in a computer network. Which q the most popular type of communication cable used? 6s ii) Write a short note on Network Interface Card. State any three advantages of using yp cable in a computer network. : . 483 iii) Write a short note on Fibre Optic Cable with a proper diagram. Briefly describe the thie types of fibre optic cables available. 483 iv) Write a short note on UTP Cable with a proper diagram. State two advantages of using fibre optic cables. What do you mean by uplink? 4241 v) State any four differences between co-axial and fibre optic cables. State any two functions of a NIC. Write the name of any wireless medium used in network communication. 4+2+1 vi) Write a short note on Coaxial Cable with a proper diagram. How are radio waves used in communication? 443 vii) Briefly describe the use of any two types of wireless media in communication. What is a geostationary satellite? 34341 viii) Write a short note on any wireless medium used in communication. Briefly describe the three types of fibre optic cables available. 48 ix) State any six features of a Network Operating System. Name any one NOS. 6H An oil extraction company has its head office near Guwahati city. The head office has three different departments A, B, and C at different locations from the head office. Departments A and C are situated within 80 m of the head office, while department Bis located at 150 m from the head office. The actual oil extraction rig is located within a forest area about 20 Km from the head office. Suggest a communication scheme (cable type or wireless type) with proper reasoning, to connect computers between the heal office and the different departments and between the head office and the oll plant. Nane the type of cable that can be used to cot eee tetas nnect the head office to a branch office leat Important Notes

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