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Here's a rephrased summary of the key points:

1. The Beyond Budgeting Concept: The article explores the idea of
'beyond budgeting,' an alternative management approach that
emphasizes adaptability, decentralization, and empowering
managers with greater autonomy, in contrast to traditional
rigid budgeting practices.
2. Real-World Implementation: Through a field study, the
researchers observed and analyzed how organizations put the
principles of 'beyond budgeting' into practice, examining how
they manage performance, make decisions, and allocate
resources without relying on formal budgetary controls.
3. Findings on Adopted Practices: The study highlights various
practices employed by organizations embracing 'beyond
budgeting,' such as setting relative performance targets,
fostering continuous improvement, and promoting open cross-
departmental communication and collaboration, revealing how
effective management control can be achieved without
traditional budget constraints.
4. Challenges and Advantages: While transitioning to a 'beyond
budgeting' model enhances flexibility and responsiveness, the
article discusses the challenges and benefits associated with
this shift, including finding alternative solutions for
performance measurement and accountability in the absence
of fixed budgets.
5. Broader Implications: The study concludes by discussing the
broader implications of 'beyond budgeting' for organizational
management, suggesting that this approach represents a
paradigm shift in how organizations structure and govern
themselves, promoting agility and innovation in response to
dynamic market condition

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