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On Screen 3 Unit 7

1. I try to ........................ the amount of water I use by having showers instead of baths

а) require б) reduce

в) depend г) estimate

2. The new national parks ........................ animals and humans to live in peace.

а) reduce б) allow

в) estimate г) depend

3. Some products, like beef and cheese, ........................ a lot of water to produce.

а) require б) reduce

в) estimate г) allow

4. The children in the small African village ........................ on the charity for their food and clothes.

а) require б) estimate

в) depend г) allow

5. Wildlife organisations ........................ that there are only about 3,200 tigers left in the wild.

а) estimate б) allow

в) reduce г) require

6. We want to .................... awareness of the problem of racism in schools.

а) encourage б) support

в) raise

7. The charity.................on helping the homeless.

а) sets б) focuses

в) aims

8. Chad is a(n) ...................... country in Africa – most people who live there don’t earn much money.

а) endangered б) developing

в) fundraising
9. The group of doctors helps to ................disease in countries all over the world.

а) struggle б) fight

в) abandon

10. The teacher asked us to our homework next Tuesday.

а) hand б) pass

в) take

11. ........................ is still a problem in the UK today and many adults don’t know how to read and write

а) community б) illiteracy

в) poverty г) success

12. We live in a small ........................ – there are only eight other houses in our village.

а) community б) success

в) poverty г) illiteracy

13. The charity event was a great ........................ – we raised £6,000 for the local hospital!

а) community б) illiteracy

в) success г) protection

14. The charity is concerned with the ........................ of the panda’s natural habitat.

а) community б) protection

в) success г) poverty

15. Worldwide, about one billion children live in ........................ and don’t have the things they need.

а) illiteracy б) poverty

в) success г) protection

16. Experts believe that the world will soon run ................... of oil

а) out б) over

в) on

17. The animals are suffering................... a rare disease

а) by б) from

в) of

18. The charity carries ....................important work in the war zone.

а) out б) up
19. We must act now to save the black rhino ................... extinction.

а) from б) of

в) out

20. It’s a good idea to get plenty of sleep the night before an exam.

а) could б) ought to

в) must г) needn’t

21. It’s not necessary for you to join the charity – you can still make a donation.

а) must б) can’t

в) needn’t г) ought to

22. She was able to read when she was four years old.

а) could б) must

в) ought to г) can’t

23. We are obliged to help people in need – it’s our duty.

а) could б) must

в) ought to г) can

24. Our homework..................due on 30th May

а) is б) are

25. The trousers I wear to school ................................... black

а) is б) are

26. The information from war zones ..................... sometimes incorrect.

а) is б) are

27. Physics ........................ my best subject at school

а) is б) are

28. I can’t find my Maths textbook ........................ – have you seen it?

а) somewhere б) anywhere

в) nowhere г) everywhere

29. I was sad because ........................ came to the charity meeting except me and Jack

а) someone б) anyone

в) none г) everyone
30. I don’t know ........................ about endangered animals, but I’d like to learn.

а) something б) everything

в) anything г) nothing

31. I volunteered because I wanted to do ........................ to help the homeless.

а) something б) nothing

в) anything г) everything

32. I’d like to learn to play ............ piano

а) a б) the

в) -

33. ............ Kenya is a country in Africa

а) a б) the

в) -

34. What are we having for ............ dinner tonight?

а) a б) the

в) ---

35. My cousins often visit ............ United States

а) a б) the

в) ----

36. The pink dolphin lives in ............ Amazon River.

а) the б) ----

в) an

37. X: It would help if the police got involved.

Y: ...................

а) I couldn’t б) I don’t know about that

38. X: Action needs to be taken to stop these vandals.

Y: ..................................................................................

а) I think it would be a good idea to fine them б) That might just work.
39. X: What did you think of the city?
Y: ..................................................................................

а) I was shocked by the amount of graffiti. б) One solution could be to clean up the graffiti.

40. X: Why don’t we get an alarm system for the shop?


а) Good thinking! б) That’s great, thanks

41. X: It would help if they installed CCTV cameras.

Y: ..................................................................................

а) Something needs to be done about it б) I’m not sure that would work
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