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Course Title: Mandarin for Financial Services Providers

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide financial services professionals with
the necessary Mandarin language skills to effectively communicate with
Mandarin-speaking clients, colleagues, and stakeholders in the financial
industry. Through a combination of language instruction and industry-
specific vocabulary and scenarios, participants will enhance their ability
to conduct business transactions, build relationships, and navigate
various financial contexts in Mandarin.

Course Objectives:

 Develop proficiency in Mandarin language skills, including speaking,

listening, reading, and writing.
 Acquire specialized vocabulary and terminology related to finance,
banking, investment, and insurance in Mandarin.
 Gain cultural insights and understanding to effectively engage with
Mandarin-speaking clients and colleagues.
 Enhance communication skills for conducting financial transactions,
consultations, and presentations in Mandarin.
 Improve cross-cultural communication competence for building
rapport and trust in Mandarin-speaking business environments.
Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Mandarin for Financial Services

 Overview of the Chinese language and its importance in the financial
 Basic Mandarin pronunciation and tones
 Introduction to essential greetings and conversational phrases

Module 2: Financial Vocabulary and Terminology

 Key financial terms and concepts in Mandarin
 Finance vocabulary
 Investment and asset management terminology

Module 3: Business Communication in Mandarin

 Writing professional emails and correspondence in Mandarin
 Conducting phone conversations and conference calls in Mandarin
 Effective communication strategies for meetings and negotiations

Module 4: Cross-Cultural Communication

 Cultural nuances and communication styles in Chinese business
 Understanding Chinese business etiquette and protocol
 Building trust and rapport with Mandarin-speaking clients and
Module 5: Practical Applications in Financial Contexts
 Role-playing exercises for various financial scenarios (e.g., opening
accounts, discussing investment options)
 Case studies and simulations for real-life financial transactions in

Module 6: Review and Assessment

 Review of course material and vocabulary
 Assessment of language proficiency and communication skills
 Feedback and recommendations for further learning and

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