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A function f:A ’ Bis called a one-one function or an invective function, if distinct elements of A
have distinct images in B.
Thus, f:A ’ B is one-one a#b’ f(a) + f(b), for all a, bE A.
f:A’ B is one-one > f(a) = f(b) ’a= b,for alla, be A.
(OR) Le, for every x, X; EAif x # Xz, then f(x1) * f(*;) and if f(x1) = f(*;), then x = X.
A function f:A B is called a many-one function, iftwo or more elements of set A have the same image in B.
Le., if there exist x1, X, E A, such that xË # X; but f(x) = f(*2), then f is many-one.
In other words, function f:A ’ B is called a many-one function, if it is not one-one.
Sometimes, a function is given to us and we have to check whether this function is one-one or many-one.
For this, we use the following steps.
STEP 1:Take any two arbitrary clements x,y (say) in the domain of f.
STEP 2:Put f(x) = fy) and simplify the equation.
STEP 3: If we get x= y, then f: A ’ B is a onc-one function (or an injection) and if we get x y, then f
IS many-one.

NOTE: Let f: A B and let x,y ¬ A. Then x = y f(r) = f(y) is always true from the definition.
But f(x) = f)»x= y is true only when f is one-one.
A function f: A ’ B is said to be an onto function or a surjection if every element of B is the f-image of
some elements of A under f.
i.e., if f(A) = Bor range of f is the co-domain of f.
Thus, f: A ’B is a surjection iff for each b E B, there exists a E A such that f(a) = b.
Le., f: A ’ B is a surjection (onto) > f(A) = B
L.e., range of f = co-domain of f.
A function g: A ’B is an into function if there exists one element in B which have no pre-image in A. In
other words, if a function is not onto, then it is an into function.
Sometimes, a function is given to us and we have to check whether this function is onto or into. For this, we
use the following steps.
STEP 1: Choose an arbitrary element y in B.
STEP 2: Put f(x) = y
STEP 3: Solve the equation f ) =y for x in terms of y. let x = g).
STEP 4: If for all values of y E B, the values of x obtained from x = go) are in A, then f is onto.
If there are some y E B for which x, given by x = gy), is not in A. then, f is not onto.
NOTE: Sometimes, we simply find the range of function. If range of function = co-domain of function, then
the function is onto, otherwise it is an into function.


A function f:A ’ B is a bijection if it is one-one as well as onto.
Lc., all elements of A have distinct images in B and every element of B is the image of some elements of A.
In other words, a function f: A ’ B is a bijection, ifit is
º One-one i.e., f(x) = fy) ’x= y, for all x, y¬ A.
º Onto i.e., for all y ¬ B, there exists x¬ Asuch that f() = y.
NOTE: The bijective function is also known as a one-to-one function or one-to-one correspondence.
MODEL - 01

1. Consider f: R, -5, co) given by f(x) = 9x² + 6x-5 where R, is the set of all non-negative
real numbers. Prove thatfis one - one and onto function.
Sol One -One: Let x1, x, E R, such that f(x;) = fr2)
9xi + 6x -5 = 9x} + 6x, - 5
9(x -x) + 6(x, -x) =0
» (X- X,){9(x + xz) + 6} = 0
» X-X = 0 or 9x +9x, + 6 = 0 which is not possible

: f is one-onc.
Onto: Let y = 9x' + 6x-5
9x+ 6x- (5 + y) = 0
-6± /36+ 4(9)(5 +y) -6t V36/1 +5+y
2(9) 18

*=-1tyy+6) -1tVy+ 6
6(3) 3

Now, x ER, ’ x 0and so x = y is rejected x = *

Now x2 0*y*>0

. R, =y: y ¬ (-5, o)} = codomain of f.
i. f is onto.
Hence f is one - one and onto function.
2. Prove that a function f: (0, co) ’ -5, o) defined as f(r) = 4x* +4x-5 is both one-one and

Sok Let X,, X, E [0, co) and let f(x,) = f(x).

That is, 4xi+ 4x, -5 = 4xj+ 4xz -5
» (4x- 4x3) + (4x,- 4x4) = 0
(x1-X)(4x, +4x, +4) = 0
As X4, X, E [0, o) so, (4x, + 4x, + 4) +0, (x - X;) =0x X
Therefore, f(x) is one-one. Lety= f(r),y¬ [-5,oo)
y= 4x? 44x-5 = (2x)² + 2(2x)(1) + 12-6
»y= (2x+ 1)² -6
’y+6= (2x +1)2
y*ó-1 e [0, o) Vy ¬ (-5, 0).

That is, Range = Codomain.

Hence, f is onto also.

3. Prove that the function f: N-+N, defined by f(r) = x² +x+ l is one-one but not onto.
Sok We have f(x) =+x+1.
Injectivity: Let x1, y¬N such that f(x,)=fy).
»xi+X +1 =yi+y, +1
»-yi+x-y 0
’ (I1-y1D(X1 + y + 1) = 0
Since (x, +t y, + 1) + 0 for any Nso, (x, - y1)= 0

So f is one-one function.
Surjectivity: Also, it is clear that f(x) = x'+x+1> 3 for x¬ N.
But f(x) does not take values Iand2.
.f is not onto function.
MODEL - 02

4. Let A =R-(3) and B=R-(1) be two sets. Prove that the function f:A ’ B given by f(x)
( is onto. Is the function fone-one? Justify your answer.
Let A = R- (3) and B = R -(1). Consider the function f: A’ B defined by f(x) = I s f one
one and onto? Justify your answer.
Let A = R- (3), B =R - (1). Iff: A - B be defined by f(x) = VxE A. Then, show that f is
Sol Given that, A= R- {3}, B= R -{1}
f:A ’ Bis defined by f(x) = Vx E A.
For injectivity: Let X1, X2 E A
Let f(x) =f(xz)
(I1- 2)(K2- 2)

’ (x1 -2) (*; - 3) = (2 - 2) (*1-3)

’ XX -3x, - 2x, +6 = x* - 3x, - 2x + 6
’-3x,-2x, = -3x - 2x,
-X1 = -X2

So, f(x) is an infective function.

For subjectivity: Let y ¬ B (co-domain). Then, f(x) = y.
Let (2-2)
x-2 = xy - 3y
x(1- y) =2- 3y
x= 1-y eA,Vy ¬B [Co-domain]
2-3y2 2-3y -2 +2y
1-y 1-y
f(*) =
2-3y-3 2-3y -3+3y ==yeB(co - domain)
1-y 1-y
Thus, for every y ¬ B(co-domain) there exists x =1-ye Asuch that f(x) = y.
This means that cach element in co-domain has its pre-image in domain.
So, f: R Ris an onto function.
So, f(x) is surjective function.
Hence, f(x) is a bijective function.
5. Let f: R -R be afunction defined as f(r) =Show that f is aone-one function. Also,
check whether f is an onto function or not.

Sot Let A= R-- so, f: A’ Rgiven by f(*) =

Let f(x;) = f(«)Vx, x, E A
4x1 4x2
3x, + 4 3x, +4
’ 3xx, + 4x, = 3x4x2 + 4x2
’4x, = 4x,

So, f(x) is one-one.

Let y= f(x) =.yER
’3xy +4y = 4x
’ x(4-3y) = 4y

Note that,y*but, it is given that y ¬ R.
That is, Range # codomain so, f is not onto.
6. Let f:A ’ Bbe a function defined as f(x) +3 where A = R-(3} and B = R- (2}. Is the

function f one-one and onto?

7. Let A=R- and B= R-ff:A - Bdefined by f(x)= ,then prove thatfunction f is
one-one and onto.

8. Let a function f: R---Ris defined as f(x) = 3r+4 Show that f is one-one function.
9. Show that the function f: R-(-1) ’R- (1) given by f() =is bijective.
MODEL - 03

10. Check whether afunction f: R-defined as f(x) = is one-one and onto or not
Sot Note that, f(2) =fG) - 5/4 5

That is, f(2) =f) but 2+;

Hence, f is not one-one.

Now let y=f),y ¬

That is, y =

’ yx² +y=x
’ yx - x+y=0
For this quadratic cquation in x, for all x ¬R we must have (-1) 4y x y>0
That is, 1 - 4y² 20 » (1- 2y)(1+ 2y) 2 0
kis, ye(
That means, Range = Codomain.
Hence, f is onto.
11. Show that the function f: R’R defined by f(x) =VxE Ris neither one-one nor onto.
Sol: We have f: R’ Rdefined by f(x) =VxeR
Injectivity: Let xj,x2ER such that f(x;) = f(r).
That implies,

’ (*}) - 1)(* xz) = 0

Either x,-X; =0 or, x,xz -1=0ie., X =X or, x, =-.
So, f(x;) = fuz) does not necessarily imply x, = x for all x,x, ¬ R.
Hence f (x) is not one-one.
Suriectivity: Let y be an arbitrary clement in R(co-domain). Then,
Let y= f(*) = i
’ yx²-x+y=0
Now for x to be real, we must have 1 - 4y' >0
i.e., (1 - 2y)(1+ 2y) >0
That is for all x ¬ R(domain), we do not have y ¬ R (Codomain).
i.c., range # codomain.
Hence f(x) is not onto.

MODEL - 04

12. Show that a function f: R Rdefined as f(x) =is

4 both one-one and onto.
Sok Let x, x, E Rand f(x,) = f(x).
SxË -3_5x; -3
4 4
’ 5x -3 = 5x, - 3
’ 5x, = 5x,

Therefore, the function f(x) is one-one.

Let y = f(x), y E R.
That is, y=
’ 4y = 5x-3
X=ER for all y¬ R.
That means, Range = Codomain. Therefore, f(x) is onto.
13. Show that the functionf:R R given by f(x) = ax+ b, a,b¬R, a 0 is abijection.
Sol: Given function f:R ’ R such that f(x) = ax + b, a,bE R, a 0.
One-one: let x,x, ER such that f(x;) = f(xz)
’ ax, +b= ax, +b
’ ax, = ax2

Thus, f(x1) = f(x) x = X), Vx,X) ER

Therefore, f(*) is onc-onc function.
Onto function: Let y¬ R (codomain) be any arbitrary number.
Then, f(x) = y’ ax +b=y
’ ax =Ey b
x= which is a real number ("ye R)

Thus, for every y¬ R (codomain), there exists x =ER (domain) such that

f) ==a+=y-b+b=y
Therefore, f(x) is an onto function.
Since, f(x) is both one-one and onto, so, it is a bijective.
14. Let thefunctionf:R ’ Rbe defined by f(x) = 4x-1, Vx E R. Then, show that f is one-one.
Sok Given, the function f: R’ Rgiven by f(«) = 4x -1.
Injectivity: let x,x, ER (domain) such that f(x;)= f(x;). Then,
f(x) =f(x) » 4x1 -1 =4x, -1
’ 4x, = 4x,

So, f: R ’R is one-one.
Suriectivity: Let y be an arbitrary clement in R (co-domain). Then,
fx) =y ’ 4x-1=y»1+y= 4x ’ =ER.
Clearly,ER (domain) for ally ¬ R(co-domain).
Thus, for cach y ¬ R (co-domain) there existsR (domain) such that

f) =f() =4()-1=(1+y)-1=y.
Thus, for every y ¬ R(co-domain) there exists x =ER
4 such that f(x) = y.
This means that cach element in co-domain has its pre-image in domain.
Since, f is one-one and onto. Hence, it is bijective.


1. An organization conducted bike race under two different categories - Boys and Girls. There were
28 participants in all. Among all of them, finally three from category I and two from category 2
were selected for the final race. Ravi forms two sets B and G with these participants for his college
project. Let B = (b1, b2, b¡} and G = (g1, 82). where B represents the set of Boys selected and G
the set of Girls selected for the final race.
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
(i) How many relations are possible from B toG?
(i) Among all the possible relations from Bto G, how many functions can be formed from Bto G?
(ii) Let R: B ’ Bbe defined by R= {(x,y):x and y are students of the same sex}. Check if R is
an equivalence relation.
(ii) Afunction f: B’ Gbe defined by f = ((b,, g). (b, g2), (b3, g1)).
Check if f is bijective. Justify your answer.
Sol: (i) Here n(B) = 3, n(G) = 2.
No. of relations from B to G = 23*2 = 26 = 64.
(ii) No. of functions from B to G= 2 = 8.
(ii) Let xE B. That means, x is a boy.
Clearly (x, x)ERVx eB. Therefore, Ris a reflexive relation.
Let x, yEB. That means, x and y are boys.
If (x,y) E R, then (y, x) E R. Therefore, R is symmetric relation.
Let x, y, z E B. That means, x, y andz are boys.
If (x, y)¬ Rand (y.z) e R, then (x,z) e R. Therefore, Ris transitive relation.
Hence, R is an cquivalence relation.
(ii) Note that, f(b,) = g, and f(b,) = 91. That is, f(bi) = f(bz). But b, * b. That means, f is not one
one. So, f is not bijective. (Recall that, a bijective function must be onc-one and onto both).

Math Classroom BY YVR

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