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Date:- _______________

Sub: Intimation of Grave Danger and Potential False Cases by In-laws

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Mr. Bikash Mandal, aged 39, son of Mr. Subal Mandal, residing at Sushinagar,
Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal – 733130, Aadhaar No: 3687 1542 4904,
wish to bring to your urgent attention the serious threat posed to my spouse and
me by our in-laws, who are attempting to file false cases against us. This letter
serves to formally intimate you about our precarious situation and to seek your
protection and assistance.

I hereby state the following facts as per the Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) executed before the Notary Public at Siliguri:

1. Parties Involved:
o First Party: Mrs. Payel Roy, aged 19, daughter of Mr. Gokul Roy, and wife of
Bikash Mandal, residing at Fatepur, Fatepur Hat, Kaliaganj, Uttar Dinajpur,
West Bengal – 733132, Aadhaar No: 9985 5055 9426.
o Second Party: Mr. Bikash Mandal, aged 39, son of Mr. Subal Mandal, residing at
Sushinagar, Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal – 733130, Aadhaar No: 3687
1542 4904.
2. Marriage Details:
o Our marriage was solemnized on 13th June 2024 at Zion Church (EOC),
Matigara, Guriya Jote, Siliguri, West Bengal, officiated by Minister P.S. Suraj
Tamang under the Evangelical Organisation Church, bearing MRC No. 000146.
3. Legal Framework:
o The marriage was conducted lawfully and is protected under the Constitution of
India. The MoU asserts that both parties entered into this marriage voluntarily
and without any coercion or undue influence.
4. Mutual Agreement:
o Both parties have agreed to support each other and live together. Any attempt to
disrupt our marriage will be countered by approaching the appropriate legal
forums or courts.
5. Imminent Threat:
o We are currently facing threats from our in-laws who are attempting to lodge
false cases against us. This has caused us immense distress and put us in a
state of grave danger.
6. Request for Protection:
o We request the immediate intervention of your esteemed office to safeguard our
interests and prevent any false cases from being filed against us. We are
prepared to provide all necessary documentation, including the marriage
certificate and the MoU, to support our claims.

In light of the above, we earnestly seek your prompt action to ensure our safety
and uphold justice. We trust in your authority to provide us with the necessary
protection and to take appropriate measures against any malicious actions by
our in-laws.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your swift
response and support.


1. Copy of Memorandum of Understanding

2. Copy of Marriage Certificate
3. Aadhaar Card Copies of Both Parties

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely,


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