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Text untuk soal nomor 40 – 47

It seems many people are still out on the question of whether TV advertising
influences children. After … (40) … 20 international studies on children as
consumers, Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College,
London, found there was no evidence to support calls for stricter … (41)… on the
advertising of sweet, toys, and other goods … (42) … children.

The studies … (43)… indicated that children are far more sophisticated
consumers that is imagined popularity and that is no esoteric knowledge which
advertisers can employ …(44)… demands in children. … (45)…, they showed
that authoritative parenting styles laying down rules and expectations, but
explaining …(46)… and valuing the child’s point of view – nurture responsibility in
children. Professor Furnham concluded that it was not advertising that … (47)….
children, but irresponsible parenting.

Soal 40

A. Calculating

B. Estimating

C. Predicting

D. Analyzing

E. Regarding

Soal 41

A. Instruction

B. Controls

C. Commands

D. Indicators

E. Information
Soal 42

A. Aimed at

B. Aiming at

C. Are aimed at

D. Aim at

E. Which aims at

Soal 43

A. Analyzed

B. Were analyzed

C. Were analyzing

D. They were analyzed

E. It analyzed

Soal 44

A. Created

B. Creation

C. To create

D. Creator

E. Creative


A. However

B. Therefore

C. In conclusion

D. Meanwhile

E. Furthermore
Soal 46

A. Decisive

B. Decide

C. Decisions

D. Decidedly

E. Decisiveness

Soal 47

A. Harmed

B. Is harming

C. Had harmed

D. Was harming

E. Has been harming

Soal 48

X: Have you finished writing your final paper?

Y: Not quite

From the dialogue, we may conclude that the paper…

A. Is ready to be submitted

B. Still has to be published

C. Is rejected by the examiners

D. Still needs revising

E. Is to be presented in a seminar
Soal 49.

X: I wish someone answered my call. It’s been ringing for about ten minutes.

The sentence ‘I wish someone answered my call’ means…

A. Someone will answer the phone

B. Someone had answered my call

C. The phone has stopped ringing

D. Nobody answers the phone

E. I would answer the phone

Soal 50.

He could not finish his study in seven years, … , he would have been entitled to
a scholarship for further study

. A. However

B. Consequently

C. Otherwise

D. Moreover

E. Nevertheless

Soal 51.

As the road to Puncak had become very slippery, I told the bus driver….

A. Do not speed

B. Not to speed

C. Let us not speed

D. Not speeding

E. He does not speed

Soal 52.

A: What is going to happen to the children who have become orphans due to the
tsunami disaster?

T: Don’t worry, they…

A. Will take care of

B. Will have been taken care of

C. Will have taken care of

D. Will be taken care of

E. Will be taking care of

Soal 53.

In spite of the many vacancies in a neighboring factory, the unemployed in my

village cannot get work because…

A. They need money

B. They have jobs

C. They are unfamiliar

D. They work part time

E. They are unskilled

Soal 54.

When Rachel, a Sweden student, was asked …. of the museum, she quickly
replied that it had taught her a great deal about the history of Kraton Surakarta.

A. What did she think

B. About thinking

C. What she thought

D. If she was thingking

E. What she did think

Soal 55

A: What is he worrying about this time?

B: …. from her daughter after the plane crash

A. Not to hear

B. Having heard

C. She hasn’t heard

D. Not having heard

E. Having to hear

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