June 2022

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Code No: 151AD R18


B.Tech I Year I Semester Examinations, June - 2022
(Common to ECE, TTE, AI&DS, AI&ML)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any three questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Inscribe an ellipse inside a rectangle of 140 mm × 65 mm.
b) Construct a Diagonal scale of RF = 3:200 showing meters, decimeters and centimeters.
The scale should measure up to 6 meters. Show a distance of 4.56 meters. [12+13]
2. A line RS having length 90 mm is inclined at 300 to HP and 450 to VP. The point R is
10 mm above HP and 15 mm in front of VP, and the end S is in second quadrant. Draw
the projections of the line. [25]
3. Draw the projections of a cone, base 50 mm diameter and 75 mm long, lying on a
generator on the ground with the top view of the axis making an angle of 450 with the
HP. [25]
4. A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 20 mm and height 40 mm rests on one of the corners
of the base in HP, with its axis is inclined at 300 to HP and parallel to VP. A vertical
section plane inclined at 300 to VP cuts the pyramid removing 15 mm length of the axis
from apex. Draw the projections of the pyramid and find the true shape of the section.
5. A cube of 40 mm edge stands on one of its faces on HP with a vertical face making 450
to VP. A hole of 30 mm diameter and whose axis is perpendicular to VP and parallel to
HP is drilled centrally through the cube such that the hole passes through the opposite
vertical edges of the cube. Obtain the development of the lateral surface of the cube with
the hole. [25]

6. A square pyramid with side of base 40 mm and height 60 mm is resting on a cube of

sides 50 mm, the axes of the cube and the pyramid being in the same line. Two sides of
the base of the pyramid are parallel to the edges of the cube. Draw the isometric view of
the combined solid. [25]

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