Ph.d.m.phil SW

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Ph.DJM.

Phil SW


Entrance Test, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer all the questions in Part A and Part B.


1. Write a research proposal following all the steps involved in the preparation of
a dissertation for research degree in an area of your interest in 700 words. 30

2. Answer all the following questions in about 300 words each :

(a) Define Sampling. Differentiate between probability and non-probability
sampling. 10

(b) Explain the Qualitative and Quantitative research methods. 10

Ph.D./M.Phil SW 1 P.T.O.

3. Answer all the following questions in about 300 words each :

(a) Explain any five principles of social work. 10

(b) Trace the history of social work. 10

(c) Discuss some of the social legislations on women and children. 10

(d) "Social media as a change agent." Comment. 10

(e) How is `Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' changing the peoples attitude towards
cleanliness ? 10

Ph.D./M.PhiI SW 2

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31$T '44T', 2018

Fixrei : 3 E7u2' sifirw-dsT 100

e: sin aik grnr 3m.d. 3.-dz-

1. aTcrlt * 4 argiw * r1 AtT-AitT (dissertation) 1 -§i-rft4

1:rfarl'ea. Trifr ‘ituil WI" 313kR7 mtl 700 k1fs, 1 4 7hti fe(V7 I 30

2. 141-i ri N1?" 5R-i • ZUK MITTT 300 l's41 (7-- )4 :

() '1 4 0 (Sampling) TrFoTrfird*rf* I *TraT at1K t-TilTri ai-dK
Tcrv .Q-P-A-R 10
NO !puma, AT 11I1lcl argitTr.41-41W cellt.90-41 Ati* I 10

Ph.D./M.Phil SW 3 P.T.O.

3. Fisit NR-1 . TIITTT 300 (ucttb) 4 tf'4R :

(.) W-1141 ch14 'TN #redl 041(.9041 tiftR I 10

cb14 *Krfr traT 0 , 114 10

(7) Tif-4-ffrall vs, tr-A71 10

(Er) "ft-a- 44113eil trft447 v k vcr 4 1" kuvil tN7 I 10

(;) afITErr-4' *-1=49di mro Viur Giqo 71. ? 10

Ph.D./M.PhiI SW 4 500

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