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Besieged by the Witch-Kings! A land ravaged by hostile armies!

Can your PC's turn the tides of war and win the day for....

LANDING. Brave the rocky shoals and pirate blockade to reach Calabria's
harbour! Bolster the city's ranks with your force of hardy colonial irregulars!
SCOUTING. Slip out past the barricades to reconnoitre the enemy force.
Irregulars Fleet
Map their weaknesses, but avoid Witch-King patrols!

Art by Adam Chafe. Some assets remixed from icons designed by

DIRECT ACTION. PC's form a covert strike team to attack high value
targets. Slay the Warchief Uruk of the Nails at his war camp, assassinate
the dark wizard Omogander the Dread and halt their necromancy ritual,
or sabotage the sentient war-machines of the Devil's Fleet!
RECRUITING. Rally the people of the land to throw off the shackles

various artists at

of their occupiers! Spur the scattered peasantry into open revolt, Ulm-Ynan
enlist the Fishmen of Ulm-Ynan in the Broken Deeps to wage guerrilla
war against the Horde, or hire the automatons of the Cog Witch!

Adventure by Grant Lambe.

HARDEN THE TARGET. Bolster Calabria’s defences to ride out the
attack! Build defensive emplacements, booby trap the approaches
and shape the terrain to slow the enemy.
FINAL BATTLE. The enemy is at the gates! PC's fight 5 combats
against the Witch-King hordes, and roll 5 contested rolls to
determine the course of the overall battle. Add mission
modifiers to their rolls! Witch-King
Pirate patrols
The PC's have 10 (or 1d6+4) days to complete missions
before the war horns begin to blow. Each successful
mission adds a +1 to rolls in the Final Battle. Failed
missions give +1 to the Enemy. Do not let the players
know the timeline! As players move between
missions, roll a d6. On a 1-3 they encounter an
enemy patrol. On a 4-5, a geographic
complication. On a 6 they meet
potentially friendly allies.

Peasant Villages Omogander’s Ritual

Calabria Citadel AFTERMATH. How many

successful rolls?
0: Calabria shattered,
citizens slaughtered, PC's
alone against the Horde.
1: Same, but PC's Escape.
Uruk’s War Camp 2: Calabria occupied, PCs
lead Calabrian refugees in
3: Victory, at terrible cost!
Calabria stands, half
Devil’s Fleet citizens dead, Witch-Kings
vow to return
4: Calabria stands, small
losses Horde broken and
5: Calabria stands, citizens
thriving, Horde wiped out,
PCs made Lords of the
Cog Witch’s Caravan

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