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Local archeologists have discovered plenty of ancient items that are considered as the

physical evidence of the presence of Mataram Kuno in the past. There are 2 types of evidence;
temples and inscriptions.
A. Temples
- Borobudur Temple which is a Buddha temple.
- Prambanan temple which is a Hindu temple.
B. Inscriptions
- “Ratu Boko Inscription” told us how Balaputeradewa lost to a war between him
and his own brother Pramodawardhani. After his loss, Balaputradewa fled to

- “Klurak Inscription'' describes the construction of Arca Manjusri on the North side
of the Prambanan by King Indra who titled Sri Sanggramadananjaya.

- “Matyasih Inscription” was written by the genealogy of the descendant kings from
the Wangsa Sanjaya who preceded Rakai Watukara Dyah Balitung, namely King
Sanjaya, Rakai Panangkaran, Rakai Panunggalan, Rakai Warak, Raka Garung,
Rakai Pikatan, Rakai Kayuwangi, and Rakai Watuhumalang.
Sanjaya Dynasty
- Old mataram became the center of Hindu teaching.
- The kings conquered neighboring areas and their wise reign led to peace and prosperity.
- Javanese architecture and art flourished.
- Sanjaya’s death led to chaos. “Mataram Kuno” was divided into two kingdoms based on two
different religious patronages, the Buddhist and the Hinduist.

Syailendra Dynasty
- Syailendra dynasty and Sanjaya dynasty blended because of the royal marriage of
Pramudawardhani from Syailendra Dynasty and Rakai Pikatan from Sanjaya Dynasty
- The building of Borobudur temple was completed.
- There was a great cultural renaissance associated with Mahayana Buddhism.

Isyana Dynasty
- Mpu Sindok moved the capital city of “Mataram Kuno” from Central Java to East Java.
- Mpu Sindok changed the name of the kingdom into “Medang Kingdom”
- In 1006, when 16-year-old Airlangga, Srivijaya held in retaliation for Medang. Wurawari (ally
Sriwijaya) burn Watugaluh Palace, Dharmawangsa along nobles were killed in the attack.

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