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Linking words for addition

Addition: Words that show the addition of information or ideas.

1. Additionally:
She is fluent in English, and additionally, she speaks French and Spanish.
2. Furthermore:
The report highlights the benefits of renewable energy; furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of
3. Moreover:
The new system not only improves efficiency but moreover, it reduces costs.
4. In addition:
In addition to his regular job, he volunteers at a local charity.
5. Also:
She not only excels in academics but also actively participates in extracurricular activities.
6. As well as:
The team consists of experienced professionals as well as enthusiastic newcomers.
7. Likewise:
The company values teamwork; likewise, it fosters individual growth and development.
8. Besides:
Besides working full-time, he manages to pursue his hobbies and spend time with famil
9. What’s more:
The website offers free shipping; what’s more, customers can enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee.
10. top
On On top of that:
of their regular duties, employees are encouraged to take part in professional development
11. Equally important:
Developing strong interpersonal skills is equally important as acquiring technical knowledge.
12. Not to mention:
The event attracted a large audience, not to mention the media coverage it received.
13. Along with:
Along with the new software update, customers will also receive enhanced customer support.
14. What is more:
The company achieved its sales targets for the year; what is more, it surpassed them by 20%.
15. Besides
The that:
team completed the project ahead of schedule; besides that, they received positive feedback from the
16. Coupled with:
The company’s commitment to quality, coupled with its competitive pricing, sets it apart from its competitors.

Linking words for contrast

1. However:
She studied hard; however, she didn’t pass the exam.
2. On the other hand:
John loves traveling; on the other hand, his sister prefers staying at home.
3. Nevertheless:
The weather was terrible; nevertheless, they decided to go for a walk.
4. Nonetheless:
He had a sprained ankle; nonetheless, he played in the soccer match.
5. Despite:
Despite the rain, they went to the beach.
6. In spite of:
In spite of the traffic, they arrived on time.
7. Although:
Although it was late, they continued with their work.
8. Even though:
Even though she was tired, she went to the gym.
9. While:
I enjoy reading, while my brother prefers watching movies.
10. Whereas:
Sarah loves cooking, whereas her husband prefers eating out.
11. Unlike:
Unlike his friends, Mark is not a fan of horror movies.
12. Conversely:
She hates winter; conversely, I love it.
13. On the contrary:
She expected him to be upset; on the contrary, he was happy.
14. Instead:
They planned to go to the cinema, but instead, they stayed home and watched a movie.
15. In contrast:
The cat is small and playful, in contrast to the dog, which is big and lazy.
16. Conversely:
He enjoys sports; conversely, his sister prefers art.
17. On one hand… on the other hand:
On one hand, the book is interesting; on the other hand, it’s quite lengthy.
18. Alternatively:
They could go by car, or alternatively, they could take the train.
19. Nevertheless:
The movie received mixed reviews; nevertheless, it became a box office hit.
20. In any case:
She didn’t pass the test, but in any case, she learned a lot from studying.

Linking words for similarity

1. Likewise:
Sarah enjoys reading; likewise, her brother is an avid reader.
2. Similarly:
John and Emily both love hiking; similarly, they enjoy spending time in nature.
3. In the same way:
Just as Sarah likes swimming, in the same way, her best friend enjoys diving.
4. Similarly to:
Jack has a passion for photography, similarly to his sister who is also an enthusiast.
5. Just like:
Just like her mother, Jane has a talent for playing the piano.
6. In a similar vein:
The two artists approach their work in a similar vein, both using vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes.
7. By the same token:
Mark loves cooking, and by the same token, he also enjoys experimenting with new recipes.
8. Correspondingly:
As the workload increased, the stress levels of the employees correspondingly rose.
9. Equally:
Both Sarah and Emily are equally skilled in playing the guitar.
10. In
The a similarcreates
designer fashion:
unique clothing pieces, and in a similar fashion, the jewelry maker crafts one-of-a-kind
11. Just as:
Just as the sun rises in the morning, the moon appears in the evening.
12. In
The the same
teacher manner:
explains complex concepts in a simple and understandable way, in the same manner as her
13. Likewise, too:
He enjoys hiking and camping, and his friends, likewise, too, share his enthusiasm for outdoor activities.
14. Inasthe
Just same
a bird wayits
builds that:
nest with care and precision, in the same way, an architect plans and constructs a
15. Along similar lines:
The two books explore themes of love and loss, along similar lines, inviting readers to contemplate the human
16. As with:
As with all great artists, Picasso’s work continues to inspire and influence generations.
17. Just as importantly:
Exercise is essential for physical health, and just as importantly, it is crucial for mental well-being.
18. Much like:
Much like a puzzle, life consists of various pieces that fit together to form a bigger picture.

Linking words for time and sequence

1. Firstly/First:
Firstly, let’s discuss the main causes of climate change.
2. Secondly/Second:
Secondly, we need to consider the potential solutions to the problem.
3. Next:
Next, we will move on to the implementation phase of the project.
4. Then:
We need to complete the research phase first. Then, we can start analyzing the data.
5. After that:
After that, we can proceed with the construction of the building.
6. Subsequently:
The company experienced financial difficulties. Subsequently, they had to lay off several employees.
7. Meanwhile:
The team was working on the project. Meanwhile, the marketing department was preparing the promotional
8. Simultaneously:
The two processes are happening simultaneously, ensuring efficient production.
9. In the meantime:
The report will be ready in a week. In the meantime, please proceed with the other tasks.
10. During:
During the meeting, we will discuss the budget and timeline.
11. While:
While he was studying, his friends were playing video games.
12. Until:
Please wait here until your name is called.
13. Before:
We need to complete the paperwork before the deadline.
14. Afterward:
She attended the conference, and afterward, she shared her insights with the team.
15. Finally:
Finally, we reached an agreement after a long negotiation process.
16. In the end:
In the end, they decided to cancel the project due to budget constraints.
17. At the same time:
The presentation was engaging, and at the same time, informative.
18. Initially:
Initially, he struggled with the new software, but with practice, he became proficient.
19. At first:
At first, the project seemed overwhelming, but with proper planning, it became manageable.

Linking words for order of importance

1. Most importantly:
Most importantly, we need to prioritize the safety of our employees.
2. Above all:
Above all, we must prioritize the needs of our customers.
3. Primarily:
The company’s success primarily depends on effective leadership and strategic planning.
4. First and foremost:
First and foremost, we need to address the urgent issue of inflation.
5. Chiefly:
The new policy chiefly focuses on reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
6. Notably:
Notably, the project resulted in significant cost savings for the organization.
7. Above anything else:
Above anything else, maintaining a high standard of quality is our top priority.
8. Essential to note:
It is essential to note that effective communication is the foundation of strong relationships.
9. Worth mentioning:
It is worth mentioning that the company’s ethical practices have earned it a positive reputation.

Linking words for cause and effect

1. Because:
He failed the exam because he didn’t study.
2. Since:
They arrived early since they left home on time.
3. As a result of:
As a result of heavy rainfall, the streets were flooded.
4. Due to:
The event was canceled due to bad weather conditions.
5. Therefore:
The store was closed, therefore, they had to find another place to shop.
6. Consequently:
He missed the train, consequently, he arrived late to the meeting.
7. Owing to:
Owing to a power outage, the concert was postponed.
8. Thus:
She didn’t have enough sleep, thus, she felt tired throughout the day.
9. For this reason:
He couldn’t attend the party, for this reason, he sent his apologies.
10. Resulting in:
The storm caused damage to the houses, resulting in the need for repairs.
11. So:
The baby was hungry, so she started crying.
12. Leads to:
Lack of exercise and poor diet often leads to weight gain.
13. Because of:
They missed the train because of heavy traffic.
14. This is why:
The roads were icy, this is why there were many accidents.
15. As a consequence:
They spent all their money, as a consequence, they couldn’t afford the trip.
16. Since then:
He quit smoking, and since then, he feels healthier.
17. In turn:
The company introduced a new product, and in turn, its sales increased.
18. So that:
She studied hard so that she could pass the exam.

Linking words for exemplification

1. For example:
There are many fruits you can choose from, for example, apples, oranges, and bananas.
2. For instance:
Many countries have implemented environmental policies; for instance, Sweden has significantly reduced its
carbon emissions.
3. Such as:
I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and swimming.
4. Including:
The party was attended by several guests, including friends, family, and colleagues.
5. Like:
He has many hobbies, like painting, playing the guitar, and photography.
6. As an illustration:
The company provides various employee benefits, as an illustration, health insurance, retirement plans, and
paid time off.
7. To illustrate:
Let me give you an example to illustrate my point.
8. Namely:
There are several endangered species in the area, namely the African elephant, the Bengal tiger, and the giant
9. In particular:
The city offers various attractions, in particular, museums, parks, and historical landmarks.
10. Specifically:
The project requires specific skills, specifically programming and data analysis.
11. By way of example:
By way of example, let’s consider the case of a successful startup that disrupted the market.
12. To give an example:
To give an example, let’s say you want to improve your fitness; you can try activities like jogging, swimming, or
joining a gym.
13. To demonstrate:
The experiment was conducted to demonstrate the effects of temperature on plant growth.
14. As a case in point:
As a case in point, many countries have implemented renewable energy initiatives to combat pollution.
15. To exemplify:
I will use a specific scenario to exemplify how the new policy can be implemented effectively.
16. In essence:
The job requires strong communication skills, in essence, the ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively.
17. One example of this is:
The city has invested in renewable energy projects to reduce its carbon footprint. One example of this is the
installation of solar panels on public buildings.
18. To be specific:
To be specific, the company offers three main product lines: electronics, appliances, and furniture.
19. As proof:
The data collected serves as proof that the new marketing strategy is effective.
20. In a similar manner:
In a similar manner, many companies have embraced remote work as a response to the pandemic.

Linking words for focusing

1. Specifically:
Specifically, we need to address the issue of employee turnover in our department.
2. Particularly:
The marketing team has made significant progress, particularly in digital advertising.
3. In particular:
In particular, we need to improve our customer service to enhance customer satisfaction.
4. Notably:
Notably, the company achieved a record-breaking sales figure in the last quarter.
5. Especially:
This task requires attention to detail, especially when dealing with sensitive data.
6. Specifically speaking:
Specifically speaking, the new software update addresses the security vulnerabilities.
7. Above all:
Above all, we must prioritize the safety of our employees.
8. Mainly:
The company’s success mainly relies on customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
9. Primarily:
The primary goal of our project is to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
10. Essentially:
Essentially, our focus should be on optimizing operational efficiency.
11. Individually:
Individually, each team member plays a crucial role in achieving our objectives.
12. Precisely:
Precisely, we need to adhere to the project timeline to meet the deadline.
13. Specifically, with regards to:
Specifically, with regards to customer feedback, we have received positive reviews.
14. Not to mention:
The new product line has a sleek design, not to mention its advanced features.
15. It is worth noting:
It is worth noting that the market trends are shifting towards online shopping.
16. Above everything else:
Above everything else, we need to prioritize the quality of our products.
17. In essence:
In essence, our primary objective is to provide exceptional customer service.
18. To be more precise:
To be more precise, we should focus on improving our supply chain management.
19. In specific terms:
In specific terms, the sales team needs to focus on building client relationships.
20. More importantly:
More importantly, we need to address the concerns raised by our customers.

Linking words for conclusion

1. In conclusion:
In conclusion, it is evident that deforestation poses a significant threat to our planet.
2. To sum up:
To sum up, the project was a great success, exceeding all expectations.
3. Ultimately:
Ultimately, the decision lies in your hands.
4. All in all:
All in all, it was a memorable vacation filled with adventure and relaxation.
5. Lastly:
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication.
6. In summary:
In summary, the findings of the study suggest a strong correlation between exercise and mental well-being.
7. To conclude:
To conclude, the evidence supports the hypothesis that regular exercise improves cardiovascular health.
8. Therefore:
The data collected consistently points to the same conclusion; therefore, we can confidently assert our
9. In essence:
In essence, the research demonstrates that social media has a profound impact on interpersonal relationships.
10. As a result:
The campaign received widespread support, and as a result, donations increased significantly.
11. In a nutshell:
In a nutshell, the project aims to promote sustainability through renewable energy initiatives.
12. Thus:
The experiments consistently yielded similar results; thus, we can draw a definitive conclusion.
13. Hence:
The evidence strongly suggests a link between smoking and lung cancer; hence, it is crucial to raise awareness
about the risks.
14. In light of these findings:
In light of these findings, it is necessary to reconsider the current educational policies.
15. Consequently:
The company faced financial challenges, and consequently, had to downsize its workforce.
16. In conclusion, it can be stated that:
In conclusion, it can be stated that effective communication is the key to successful teamwork.
17. Taking all factors into account:
Taking all factors into account, it is clear that globalization has both positive and negative consequences.
18. As a consequence:
The lack of investment resulted in decreased productivity, as a consequence, the company experienced a
decline in profits.
19. Thus,
The studyitfindings
can be inferred that:
reveal a correlation between stress levels and sleep quality; thus, it can be inferred that
managing stress positively affects sleep.
20. Given these points:
Given these points, it is evident that the project should be prioritized for its long-term benefits.

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